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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
February 2, 1979
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Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/15: CIA-RDP11M01338R000400140050-0 ? STAT _A INT Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Friday - 2 February 1979 Page 2 8. LIAISON Received a call from Peter Lennon, in the office of Senator Carl Levin (D., Mich.), who requested the following publications: "A Dollar Cost Comparison of Soviet Defense Activities, 1968-78," "Estimated Soviet Defense Spending: Trends and Prospects" and "Soviet Civil Defense." He also asked if he could be put on regular distribution to receive the'Weekly Intelligence Digest." Also, he wanted to discuss his clearance status with someone. On the document requests, I told him I would send the three requested reports and would check on theoWeekly Intelligence Digest!' I told him I would have OLC, call him on his clearances. 9. LIAISON of IPS, spoke with Ms. Sarah Collins, Government Division, Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress, on 30 January on how the Agency responds to constituent requests from Members of Congress. After discussing the FOIA and PA channels and procedures, referred her to this office to discuss other questions not related to FOIA and Privacy. After several unsuccessful attempts to contact each other, I finally spoke to Ms. Collins today and responded to her other inquiries. I discussed with her the considerations taken into account in each instance she cited as an example of how we handle requests. Ms. Collins seemed satisfied with our discussion and I suggested she call again if anything further was needed. 10. LIAISON/FOIA Responded to an inquiry from in the district office of Representative Floyd J. Fithian (D., Ind.), on how a constituent should proceed to file a Privacy Act request. 11. LIAISON Representative Ike Skelton (D.. Mo.) spoke to the membersof the Advanced Intelligence Seminar. He commented on how he and other Members of Congress viewed their role in the execution of foreign policy. He also commented in a very frank and open way on many other aspects of a Congressman's life both here in Washington and in his district. Members of the class seemed to appreciate everything that he had to say. For his part, Congressman Skelton commented as we drove him home that he was sure he enjoyed the afternoon more than anyone. 12. LIAISON/BRIEFING Jane McMullen, Senate Appropriations Committee staff, called and said that Chairman John Stennis, Subcommittee on Defense, wants an "intelligence briefing" (worldwide wrap-up) by the Director. She asked if we would check and see if 20 or 22 February at 10:00 a.m. would be available on the Director's calendar. I told her I would pass this request on. Liaison Staff and were advised. I also passed the request on to 0/DCI, to check the calendar. ONLY SI-AT SI-AT STAT STAT STAT STAT Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/15: CIA-RDP11M01338R000400140050-0 STAT