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Approved For Release 2002/08/14: CIA-RDP82-00457RO15300310008-4 COUNTRY USSR (Ukrainian SSR) SUBJECT City of Rovno 25X1A DATE OF INFO. PLACE ACQUIRE Auto Transport Repair Shop CD NO., 25X1A DATE DISTR. 11 Dec. 1952 NO r PA S O 2 GE NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) 25X1A SUPPLEMENT 25X1X REPORT NO. 1. The Rovno Auto Transport Repair Shop (ATK Rovno a Rovenskaya Avto Transportnaya Kontora)-is located on Stalin Street.. (See l0a on sketch of-Rovno)l. The ATK of Rovno, Dubno, and Lutsk all belong to one trust;.however source does not know t h aname df thet to The Rovno ATK employed approximately 100 people, including laborers and administrative personnel. Its transportation facilities totaled 65 vehicles of the following types- ZIS 150, ZIS 5, GAZ MM, GAZ AA, and GAZ 51. A branch of the ATK, strictly a-repair shop for ATK vehicles and other government vehicles, was. located on Zamkova Street.(See 28 on sketch of Rovno,?., The branch employed approximately 115 mechanics. All interurban and intramurban busses refueled at the ATK-' busses arrived daily from Lvov and Kiev. Alcholic Bottling Works 2. The Shpanovskyy Alcoholic Bottling Works (Shpanovskyy Spirtovodochnii Kombinat) is the major bottling works for the alcoholic distillery firm in Shpanovo (504)ON, 26.15E). (See 33 on Sketch, I In Rovno the firm employed between 250 and 300 people and operated on a 24-hour basis with three shifts. Allegedly, the Rovno firm received alcoholic products from Lvov and Kiev, as well as from Shpanovo, for bottling and processing. The main firm in Shp Novo was in full operation only from September through April, or sometimes early May. The majority of its employees were seasonal help, hired only for the winter months and chiefly used to load and unload, sort, and store potatoes. The firm in Shpanovo operated on a 2-hour basis only during the winter months. Brick Fa ctory 3. A large brick factory is located along the railroad line from Rovno to Zdolbunovo, approximately one-half km outside of Rovno, about 50O meters away from the railroad. The factory is composed of at lease six structures such as are SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION INFORMATION R ORT REPORT NO Approved For Release 2002/08/14: CIA-RDP82-00457RO15300310008-4 VINI 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/08/14: CIA-RDP82-00457R015300310008-4 SECRET commonly seen at brick prodtgcing factories., large9 tall pillars covered with paper roofing. Most of the workers are people from Rovno9 and the majority of these are Polish resettlers in Rovno. Approximately 250 meters away from this brick factory is an old barrack building which is occupied by six families, This is a one-storied brick, four-room building whose roof is covered with material of various types,, including tar paper,,. tin plate,, and metal shingles.- The barracks is located on the road leading from the ATK at Rovno,toward Dvorets; farther on,this same road cuts across the railroad and continues toward Basuv Kut (50-37N9 26-15E) Trans .nation 5. The city busses in Rovno travel between two control points; one control point is located on Dubenskaya Ulitsa near the cemetery,, and the other control point is in the suburb Hrabnik9which is on Stalin Street in the direction of 2hitomir. The busses leaving the control point at Hrabnik are marked "tP Dubenskayal; they travel along Stalin Street to the military compound and turn left on Dubenskaya Street and continue to the control point which is just at the gateway to the cemetery. All bus driver documents are checked at these two points. Passenger documents are rarely checked. The bus fare from one control point to the other is one ruble. ATK employees do not pay fares when traveling within the city-, they are required to pay fares on interurban busses. The city bus markings are either "KP Hrabnik111 or 41KP Dubenskaya'k On bazaar days (Sundays and Thursdays),, the bus route is extended to the place of the bazaar (see sketch of Rovno)o Busses left the control points every 15 minutes. 6o. Following is the schedule for busses to and from Rovno: a. Rovno Lidohovkaa This bus9 called.Marshrutnii Taksi9 is an old truck with benches built on either side and is large enough to hold 16 people, It makes a daily ran from Rovno to Lidohovka and back. This bus leaves Rovno every day at 8000 a.m. from the ATK; its route is in the direction of Dubnc.,through Mlinov (5O-31N9 25=35E) to Lid,hovka9 a distance of 80 km. It returns to the ATK at Rovno at 5:00 p.m. b. Kovno Dubnoa Busses to"Dubno leave Rovno twice a day,, a few minutes after 8:00 a.m.. and 12:00 noon. These busses. are of the same type as those used in Lvov and Kiev9 yellow bodies with narrow windows. c, Rovno - Lvov: Busses from Lvov arrived in Rovno before 8;00 a.m. and departed Rovno (ATK) between 10 and 1060 am. d. Rovno - Kiev. The bus from Kiev arrived in Rovno at the ATK at approximately llrOO a.m. Source does not know the departure time. 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/08/14: CIA-RDP82-00457R015300310008-4