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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/31 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067300110001-2 INFORMATION REPORT: INFORMATION REPORT CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaninE 50X1-HUM Title 18, U.S.C. Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized SECRET NO FOREIGN DISSEM COUNTRY East Germany/USSR/Poland/ REPORT Czechoslovakia 1 APR SUBJECT Summary Transportation Report for January 1963 DATE DISTR. NO. PAGES 1 REFERENCES RD DATE OF INFO. PLACE 4 DATE ACQ law. H- UM ArLkx1 '50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM) 1 THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION. SOURCE GRADINGS ARE DEFINITIVE. APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TENTATIVE. 5 4 3 2 1 summary report for January 1963 on transportation in East Germany, the USSR, Poland and Czechoslovakia. Distribution of Attachments: Army Air : Retention of Copy #2 : Retention of Copy #3 ? , SECRET NO FOREIGN DISSEM STATE I X I ARMY litx I NAVY I X -I AIR I#X I NSA I X I OCR Ix ImA 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM GROUP 1 EXCLUDED FROM AUTOMATIC DOWNGRADING AND DECLASSIFICATION I X I AID (Note: Washington distribution indicated by "X"; Field distribution by "#".) INFORMATION. REPORT -INFORMATION REPORT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/31 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067300110001-2 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/31 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067300110001-2 R Next 43 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/31 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067300110001-2 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/31 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067300110001-2 50X1 -HUM Tranoportation-Suz:mary for.January 1965 To Intornational-Transort RalatiOns 'Danube Cou;...ittee neetinr: helJ on 30-Januay 1963. . . Establish:lent of a free port in Vienna C...isc-a2Occl. 1!eetinj11. holt: by the ',:;an(! Co=i'Ace for 7-rans730rt .Affairs of .the Council fortitua:L'Econorlic Aid (COliCONY, in DoceLber. 162 ana Jayilry 196,? - ? lioetiaL;s of tLe.r,:aniion for.t110.-00,-o:,;t:2a'Acn of ;ast '31oc) (0b.)CohLi'Aoes in DeCcriber ,stablishnont 02 a,connon freiZat caxpoo:_ acroed upon by Executive Couilittne of C('-:2C0IT. Plan for realization of frei:n.,; car pool prepared by Nuiva-ian linictry of Tranoport, ? Aevised "AL;reement in Joint Utilir,tation of Proijit Cars -in International Tratfic--(RIV)" pit in' effect on 1 January 1963 :As of 1).Tanuar7 1963 employIlent prohildtod.of freiLjAt ears of less than 7.5 tons dead weicht in aiv -a-attiC of the DeUtche Ectchtbahn c.nd o Czechoslovaltato alrJaLs ALreement reaq:le(! by Polish on( 1.;act ran ounorities on localbc,r vneel_ sets teste(1-witli-c.,-Lhuttle train. for _ore ?tranL:po,--t r ivo o oirae trai (-_;trava) -otroten of- ? NO aa:IU...1- DISSadirAr2ION At- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/31: CIA-RDP80T00246A067300110001-2 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/01/31 : CIA:RDP80T00246A067300110001-2 140100R11:.;d? Total .-Jvict n..,w-..;aujr, net. (.1.-C kilootro cnnuai freiht transpbrtation oZ?50C) ?Lion'tons, In 196/1964i :oproxi4:1(?tly ',;jD,CC)0-_iloLc?tcrs of intrial tracks to be?incor-:orate(a i te railroad not of the ilinistry of Tra...)rt.;. trJtal radlHaC_ not ca 146,0; Ulouotovc, Further railroa(i stretches by la-,;e. 1962, traffic oet-l?on vaa.i.ous railroad stretcho.i.- AntorAtic block.anj C.ispatchor interloehin installations installoa.on various ?raiaroad stretches. Now D3put Traffic. Ilinictor About 10 billion.rulos ctc-;)dne.cC,. for load.trans:ortation4.about four.D.-illioncroons ePTloyea in -public v.00rv o1c transriortatiOnv about eijit Dillion -persons c1:1-016yed in total. transortation. lICtor pool of a potoi, vehicle o-2,eratinu station in the 1(3.2211 averaccs 200 III. cLeriany Interzonal trains route& via aan:erilauoen Guesten - GtoterL,luech. Intcrzonal 1,-..acsoner tz%-ins pocs)ly oio .rol'toa to Fri:pc:rich- strai;so.station via ?Derlin Outer Rin', Prosent crosin r.oints and chec:1: points in intor7,oual traffic In 1912, a total Of 7,U pillion persons transporto(1 in ? interzonal traffic and lu Linion tons trcms-2orto1 in CLt traffic. - ALollt frc2i:.11t tries not book:. Lontia, of t=2otor voLialos re(_ucce. (2.71rinj, .C]riLtpas :::hpolzpoint,7 at :.;tuaLn reinfOrcoc:, by- LAI aC-Litional CivilicnLicrt 1.-ncreascC. r 22,0 c-:rcent. irr.2 DIU',3EHIJATION Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/31 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067300110001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/31 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067300110001-2 S-E1-0;-R-1.1?T NO FOREIGN DISSENTNATION ' Intense Christmas holiday traffic at sector crossin Checkinc; intensified durinc: SED _party Concress. Berlin-Wendenheide stfltion pat-in service, Separate doJble,.. track S-Dahn line planned. ?between Borlin-Crunau. and Three renovated 8,--3an?commuter trains put in service., Renovation 'program- -for subway oars.? Increased motor pooh of the BVG (Berlin Transpet Company), New bus station for, new :bus lines at GenshaL-enerodieide (BAR) (Berlin Outer Ring)) railroad station, 1962- frei,ht tranfodortation of :the. Reichsbahn amou,ited to 9,67 million tons,. 0',)erationa1 situation .considerbly tic;hteped due to continuous o1dw.eather; p;assonox. traMe delayed,' ? First line, V,180 diesel locomotive handed over to Rcichs-- hanQ Both \T c: Clihsci locomotives so far tested are to be scrayped, HilittlroY req uirenotc increased Tin January 1965, Personnnl iLcroseC New ty:..20 .10,000t1 , Militat y otation tr,-..ns:,(rots in :Iilitary 1)021.102 traffic in':12, truths Iluaticar produced. Bev 42asson4:-Jer oar developed. trucks convoys on autobahns and hi4vays, 'Hotor :vehicle traffiC-heavily obStrudted through slippery. c911(1)tIon of.roads ca sod by ice and snow. A,u tobahn bridge comi,leted near Cottbus -Ladlow , ,oads closed or rerouted in Cpttbus district because of mining activities in Niederlausitz coal mining area, ? .07=E-C-R-E-T. NO FORLIGN DISSEflallATIOU npriacRifipn in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/31 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067300110001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/31 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067300110001-2 '.aaj Elbe River bridGes closed at Pirna and Bad Schandau; .Koenicsvustarhausen --East Berlin uatoriiay kept free from- ice for coal transports, Increase of -.)asSen-er ship traffic on Elbe River in i96.20 Atetal,of:105- uillion tons traneShiPped at KocaiswUsterhausen Inland -Harbor in 1962.. Berlin-Schoenefeld Warsaw air route served by Deutsche Luft? hansa (DL) (East) twice'per Yeek;, 'Air traffic .undistUrbed despite cold 'weather-, IV0 Czechoslovakia -Ministry of Transport reorganized Railroad transport decreased because of frost and snow. Tannyald tlui-zelsdorf Hountain61 Silesia) line. reopened to traffic - ? Electrification under'way-be ween_Ostrau (Ostrava) Eain 2tation . and OstraVa/Poruba0 total of L;160.0 damaGed cars. in January l96-3 ? Nrect currant l000r_iotivcs to be delivered to the r..1SR0 . Performance of'Cnechoslovak inland sIippiaG in 19620 Performance of.Coechoslovah civilian airlines in 19G2. V-0 -Poland Annual:-transpert plan of Polish State Railroads (PKP) no; fulfilled for the first time oi:Lco l956i _deficit 3 million tone, In 1962y freiGht turnove: of about nine uillion tons in Malaszewicze area (tran::.oadinG area US3R/Po1and) _ Double-tracking in RYbnik area: J.TO IPORJ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/31 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067300110001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Reiease 2013/01/31 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067300110001-2 ? _ - NO FrAILIGN DD3SEHMATIOIT Gloiwitz-Oehrinen switchyard to be imported in 1963. 'Tentative employnent of rooto control installations to increase clearance cc.pacity of sinje-track lines. \ 1963 'Electrification Plan In 1963, the rollinc stock of the PKP is to include 35 electric locomotives and 1,405 froiLht cars. In 1962, about 3,00G kilonotors of state roads.noclornized. ? S-E-C-R NO FOREIGN DISGE1INAr2ION ? Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy App-roved for: Release 2013/01/31: CIA-RDP80T00246A067300110001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/31 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067300110001-2 - -4* NO rrntei-national. Traffic.; Relations ? --s 0 a) On 30 January 1963, the XXIId Ordinary 1:eeting of the . Dam-the Committee was to be 'held in Budal)est? The member countries of the committee include the ITSR, Rumania, Bularia, hunary, Czechoslovakia and Austria?. Furthermore, the ,irectorate of the,- ? -Iron Gate is 'entitled to vote in the ,committee. The Ceman redcrai Republic deleates observers to the meetinol The topics of the meetiw; includbd the Technical Plan of Shipping at the Iron Gate; the - now Panube shiTTing. map; sitsnallin; standardization of reulations,for damages to ships or caro; ? diplomatic statute. of the Aanube Committee; and reLulations of the Budapest office of the comAttoe, b) ShipinL: circles of the member countries of the - Danu:.;e Committee suested the installaion?of a free port-in Vienna? ? c) In late 1962 10. January. 1963, the following meetings were held by the StandinL; Committee for Taort of the Council for Hutual Economic, , Aid (CQflECOIT):__ ? (1) Prou 27 lic7emlier to 4 December 1962r conference of the "Ships" department at Warski Jhipyard in :,tettin (Szczecin), on the standardization of ships and s-)ecialization in ZhAD construction. (2) From 4 - 11 December 1962, conference of Section (nipping) in Bucharest, on the cleveloprwnt of sea-navir-ation and inland shippinc;. (3) From 16 - 20 December 1962, third mooting of the ? Executive Committee in Bucharest, on the 'specialization, reduction of types and work division in the production of vehicles in the? Socialist countries; on the foundation of a bank for the settlement of trade accounts within the ? East :Bloc, and on the estalaishnent of a C01.11-10I1 rollin:-; stock peel. NC--POREIGTT DISSEIIINATION ? . - Li Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved, for Release 2013/01/31 : CiA-R6P-80T60246A067001100-01-2 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/01/31 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067300110001-2 -111-E-T ? ? ITU FOkEIGIT -7- ) From 10 - 12 January:1963, consnitation of exports - at Zahopanc on the -selection of efficient vehicles and loadinc installations for construotion material,s. In DedeMber 1962, the Crcaniation'for the Co-operation of (ast 11o0) RLAlroads (OSS`hD) w Orcanisazija SsotrUdnitschestwa Shelesnych convened the followinc; neetincs; (3) (4) (5) Annual -Conference of the-IIId Commission (tariff and economic problehs) in Sofia, from 3 December 19620 From 12 - 14 December 19620 conference of experts of the VI/th Commission(Simallinc and. Telecommunication Installations) in Moscow, on the protection of sicatiqling and telecommunications installations. ' Froa 13 -16 DeCember 1962, conference of.experts of the IXth CommiSsion (Roadbed and Structures) in Iuchare6t, en the iMprovenent of the subseil of the roadbed Froa 15 - 20 December 1962j,confernce of experts at' the IVth Cdomission (Opoling Service, Borddr Station Affairs) in Sofia, on the synchronization of tr::!msportation. -From 15 - 21 Decol.:ber 1962, conference qf the .11/1;h CoF.missien in 13ucharest, on the employent of containers'. 20 TranalsCommunitiesj. k;reenents a) On the third 'session of the Executive Con...littee of 00,. :001.1 (see --.5.7,ra 15 10 c of this report) acroorlolit 7.,o reached on the estalishment of a corion icijht 0,7.r pool correopen(linj to the HnnL;arian Tiroposal. Oee 7:n2.nol,orta-Aen .;n=ary for Deccbor 1.9G2f ,1),LITa I 3, b),. npclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/0'1/31 : CIA-RDP80T00246A0-67300110001-2 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/31 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067300110001-2 ? - ? ? - 8 _ Por this. purposeT the RusT'ian Ministry of Transnort is .)iparing a plan ?onVisa:lucr thb followinc objectives: ? (', (5-) 'To sein with, oaly GOICON Lel:Aber railroads with starlaard-aU nctworl:s Will be incorooratod?in the freiL:ht car- :,:f3,0a. The 27,D (Sovjetshie Helen 1y0 Boroci. ?:,,qailI-oads of the Union of -3ocialist ;Thviet Ropul&ics)wiil not ',,,rticipate in the interchano)' of railroad oars for tin tine To stool: of froilt ors available to the individual ? 1 countries ic to c inc.ccased by the stoo2: of froiLht caro ?of the ,COL]:,C011 (about. 20 percent of the orij_nal stool:)c 'deli oars in 2,1rLicularzondola-and box car type) _t6p ho incorporated -in the pool of cars are to have uniform tech-Ai-cal characteristics as far possible,. In.addtion to 'the -ownership syubol of the country .of orcin these cars will carry a Cc,CECON aesir:naticn The :railroad adrain32trations retain ownership-of ..tjle ,C01.,CON oars -suDlictd to the-,coLLunitj. (6) Th) CUIJ1,-Xh1. fre-ILLt oars' will be centrally controlia and n5iTctcnwd.,??? Futu're oc-opcaton Of tlie-COLA3OU froif:A,...ear pool . the pool of frt.c)Jt of t11.-. UUROP-Areenent of 'rest Lurooan railroad ailinistrarrns which has -wri..,;JefiC:ontly for i0 years, has boon teLnn jri acccun-:, 11-.h -.eard-to technical and ornisatiol-.1 b) (h:rs in, -70-(77I). (ReL;olallento internaionale X:DaVth :.ectlns aucl at Aseci.e/cio'n*).,- in Llo.rec frov..17 to 7ctol)er 1962,.' Ilcto (.).121. on 1 .1r.1!..11f.-..-iv T'uviCei; for 2.oi a (; as'cor- ?e: T.,17 ; -t] Gr,cc. Jo2..ny, Aflia, 2 d;7-..,-;7. S'acclen ? S':T4';.7--,-1.r,n(7., and Las , ? ? _ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/31 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067300110001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/31 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067300110001-2 ? - - 9 - for the, jojn.t use of containca:s, on the ins:oction ;varied for freillt cars, ? orz,uction of hitler dadr,tT rental. rates CG-c neral frciL:11t, special cars aw re:lectd because of t.Hc ,c)jectienc 1-:_de0(2_ by East Bloc cuuntries. _ c) intruct4?ens. issuad Ly the transort. Zrei....t cars Mac'. woiLlat of loeJ 7,5:tous arc no to be or.1-)loyo,:l dn ar2 1 J;A:nuLrry ?WY., Thenr_?: old.. VY--)0 cars :lave. not beo'n.ue,ed by borC.eq. orossiu7 traffic' tLlo (,-o(rees of iii 11 rcs i;er arC ca e. v.e11-1.tien ten by .t1-12 1,..)1tfanco fn *210:-.cnce, b of ni!) 1-eport). by the. .,-41,st oujoeto licicsan and j:-.1.)r.-",..b1.1:fr 07/1'.1-r0Wit%CrA 1e!,.7'2071,Ta of 60 effecti,Te I Janr..oxy; 1963, be n:a.(.1r:!:avaiL-Dlo t:-.-:;-?v1 to 1,01,a rr o:ulr in 'ahee3 `:;,,,t,; Cr'' On of 35 ce1:10,:;10-rak cars fitteC._ Last U l Sots, paseeL. ';:4201:1Ch tho t:.rea of C.* n,T, Tor te-tinc, Aft(r .on ;S.ovioi.; tbc _ H f.:1-4 Ore trmsno.rta-Uon betwon cad Uae,o'..0otrau Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/31 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067300110001-2 ? Declassified in Pari- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/01/31 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067300110001-2 ? ? NO P0 0,7:T - Traff-!*c -\ -flilroad iotwork r.che ne-w'67 kiioute- Dubolro iobropol:e (1)0ntts -bain) line ITE1-, o-)C L o:'.Zlic in late DeccuLor-1962 The line connects the two uain lin stretehes Loovaya -.Slavyansk and 0inelilikevo - Yasinovataya and, Is preJclAnantly to trans cat- -coal frou the new nines in the.bonets, Y3asin, (2)? After the cou-Dletion of bne 1-1/.2 7-filoucter Kas-oa Tunnel on the:i7Z-; kilor:eter AboLan - KnraGino Kochurnikovo stretch, provisional traffic has been put in operation on the Abakan Tayshot (647 kIstreteh under construction. (3) The t,oLdbcd of the cliesclized onacri Besarabskya Reni ,(ur-danian border). stretch has becn'thorouchly overhauled and fitted with heavy rails, The stretch can now be used by trains of a'total of up to 3,000 tons, (4) The 3oviet narrow-zaue net totals 45,000 hiloucturs includi'nL,about 5,500 track kilouoters controlled by the, jinistry of YrD.nsport. The annual trans-port on the narrow-auLe network auounts to about 300 uillion tons of freihtii . 1963/64, u.ont 20,000 kiloucters of industrial connectinc tracks 'aro to be incororated in the Railroad- network of the Hinistry of Trnsi.:-,ort, ahich at present totals 126;(0C.)- Lilorloters (5) b) ElectrificaAon Ily .Ito 19(2, t-ne followri-A:; rail2oaC lidos Lad ;icon electrified ,7_U2in, t:x:. year: .:. Gorki .- nakhun?ya . . (250 kiloueters) .3-\rordlovok, -_3halya 147 kiloueters) . Rostov - Likhaya 195 kiloueters). .3-E-0-11.- . , If? 1:'OR= -j.iIIHATION Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/31 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067300110001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/31 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067300110001-2 31- ? NO FOREIGN DI:;SEMIUATION Tsnanenka - Mironovka (198 kiloneters) Armavir - Nevinnoriskaya . ( 81 1:ilonot-2s) .(Pern) Levshino - Proletarskaya (appr- 80 kilemoters) (Baku) 7:ani;achali - DuvanAi . -(appr, 80 kilometers) Erevan - Ratudan (Co kileiJeters) (Novosibirsk) - inshaya - Cherepanovo (109 kilometers) Mascow - Paveleck RR 8tation - Doncevo - Airport (15 ilonetors) Contrary to. 7,revious assum:Aions that the 1962 plan ouota of 2,U0 kilenbtors would not be fulfilled a total of 2,561 kilometers hac. been electrified. The present electrified railroad not totals- ayiprolsnat/31y 17?000 k one or,, ncilclina 200 kiloMeters with altorhatil-iL current. c) Dicsblisaion The follouinj, Rh reoncc have bean opened: to Cliesel traffic: KurLan Sverdlovsk_ Konosha -.Danilov Volcocrad Kachalino . Haftlul - Tolavi (1).14eh.line Oast. of Tiflis *) ) All traffic, within Rxiilread-Division Ashkhabad is :)orfer01 by dii000l treotion,'. d) Protector of Train Oer :Lion TeloconLiunications Railrea6_ trote]les og-,--ii... witn automatic block and dioli)ate:Lor inrlo..-!..-installatioris include:. - Tiae_ii7iir CDPI:i - Z-;.L-,khunl (en ilocoow - Kirov lino) :.--:-.oneNk: (on .Th'iopre:etrovsh - P:-..stov line) 1):,rnic _ (eli ', - :::enetep lino) Clic -Lira ( .:it ',-.7,, , I..,s'...ike....t Liao) AJL,yr . Kii lk_i. - ,_-_,L: nit lilv_-)) vol. , 'Vele -LC_ iTo FORLIGJ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/31 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067300110001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/31 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067300110001-2 cor:.oio Cof - tno ? -.ii,......,..' -.1-,,-.)o, ?-tc. y17,11i:--i. i,1.-.-,i,,ort 4 .J.;.-,:i L. ? TI'_;?: ..)..,,,, i. 0 ..a.;,,, of :-.--Ze _?_L.-; 0 ' CI. ] 7 '... .Z., 4,1*.l. :2 a). v,' Li.-..1-,-',.- ..r,....,....'-:,:-..,,-,,,:.,. t-rLllo-,::=t, '67,H.,.--: i',.. ?.....,IDLID. al....?,ui..,..,, .)i'll-.1._c.n?...,-1.1,1cE., ul. SO -2L.)c-..:' , of.--,.1...1.1 c7),anCc.:tf...,..rt..:Li.:1'0:0? Q. ?tyianl-,,pw,-,. III -196..,.?(-?-;.-!:".'. -'7.-,-.1,-',..-,,,.:alion. ...,_ -..?. a fl ti ill-'51,10-Il'; anO. re-1;:ovatio-41 0l-i?.1 fn. no .1.-?jiltolaancr:).: ar-,,)a-....kl- of bidc rcaC.-.:: or .-n6 lc,ii'.?,;a,-. C.0 1") At p7..asc,at.,OVO1 Zour,rdll-ri:on rp,ourc. -1 -r3 1.1otc,2 o cuDio,yoDp.-6f t-i.^r:.r.s.-o(*).-kq so- , totals C' Ifotor Vollicle , .. __ ? 1c-twoou,1950 ,::11,-,1 JJ'--21, 17,-)ro.thaA ff 90a. sLall'otor . vub.i.die.01)oiat1-112: nta'L-nno?wciiinba-'da,..fl j.fl. IL;Ra. r.',,..-TAG1,11.;Co OO tx-..1c7.:o Irorc). 031 by. publzi,c.: ti7'":7,nol;ai7.t, .6.4; ...r,son '.7A;ic Eator v61,j,cle-_-. ? - 0.-.,-,-.24.:...;'.statio1 p-,7. '-c-,.7"f07c..-0.L)v -,.Toli:Lc10 37.,ort :2?)-1.C,oaL;) G aR cb--Atl.ol',.1., c,v,2,1,ace voLicies,' , Declassified in.Part - Sanitized Copy App.rovecl for Release 2013/01/31 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067300110001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/31 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067300110001-2 .Lds -if Germa,i- Inter'zona_ P'.I 4, 1.. u Berlin Trafic i. ui .-. a) i rsonal Traffic' ton. (1) 1962, intern,onal trains D 1/2-ad 712 5/6 ruyLtin;.: 1)et-deen Geruany and Ecrlin,. been-2ontoti. betwlen Er:urt e,u4 YiGson (reilreaa station UT 475) via the :::aik;prhauen - U-uccton-- Gucterluech line (foruel- "I(nonenLa9",, Ver these trains. stops-betWeen _Debra and Oriebnitzsce had alreay boeu?cmcelled E?iA00 1961 -.Lasseel traffic jr .272efsre not ? affecto(I by new Llcasurei., eperatiohal 7. hallo - Dessau ieoco lino, state as the -reason for Bore2outinc of t:Th trains, al7,ear'te 0 creible. Gcruu,y considin- interual t1Lre, the .Bc-.4lin. area,. . to the 'FrieC..richstrasse Railrea (:;aSt criin via the. Berlin. Outor Rinr-insteacl of routin::,. thou via t"Oe Griebnitzseo bairn line?;-Wnese eaSures. uould iulessible? for passen:crs to board or leavu interzonal trains at the Zoo-RR-Station: 01)orationally the fleasures could be put in-to effect on short noL.J.ce However, - the detour arouni. uculL.not only cause. aCitional -oPeratin,7 coots but also increase the operational Jifficulties on the DHriin Outer Rin,:;.w:lickis heavily usec: by frei.cht train, lonc;- distance train and S-Bahn traffic The iapleuentation Of such a eacure would therefore be due to political reasons on1:2-: ( 3 ) For aa...:s:La Layout .sLetces of the present,. Crossinc roints and,?centrelpoints in literzonal traffic betwflen.Vest G.erLiany and -oct Berlin. or, ?East (Thr;.1any, niL i11-traffi,,7. between West and East Berlin, of.), Annexes to this rovort- 114(. annexes includo4 Rotee.-.)citueen St t-M Be21in .erljYrufituatiein Derlin, Uonoral. Oituatdon, '.;ubway-,' ? Oj '--C4c.fnlan Railroad ltetwork, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/31 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067300110001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/31 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067300110001-2 LO rOli:;,;:tr,',17 DIP (5) (6) P.ccor(in. to avallaiiie info=tion, LllliOfl Pasoen,jor ThC. ta7,...,nporteci,ia total - o;l. tr2.22ic porLL-,ny (iun- on the -,ortation, .1;;Ie .!*,-.2:2CL?WCITO :C,:.;in:r.T; abont (3o3, :or carp 64 -12ercc:lt ana Luc= - Ly aLr (1I)D,V.-., 200 aillions 2!") percent By rail apprc, 0-3 millions . about 10 percent 1962 freicht transportation amounted to about 10 million total traffic-between West GerElany and West Berlin.) in thia volume, to different moes of t=nsportation tool: he xolloiin share-: By road 43 percent Inlandsh11-TinE; 30 percent Rail . ' 26 percent Air less than 1 percent. Of the, 15 freiLht trains, which accordin to the Pour Power Acree;leat may run daily in interzonal traffic to . West Berlin via*Relr.stedt, an avera3e of Cc trains Dor month (about 15'eree11t) were cancelled in 2avor of road. and Ir.terway trzmaportation. The re:istration of notor vehiolea introdned in Laid-Setel.lbor 1962 on thc L-,terz;Paion-autobalin .(interzonal autobahn) between Drellinden/Iicubabelsber,': s:nd Keluatedt/Earienbern was rof:.nced_by the Uonate of, 'o:r Br1in :)etueel-: Chr7istLiap loocause_of i:ho heavy X() -no7otlysbfoi.e the t'.-.rh of :the yr. at additional en. piCe of :cer- tr-..pc/S,:aa"!7on ChecL:,.-,oint Pa ii,t(,rp,1 :L!,:h7ay Up 5. . NO FOREIU DISTATINATION ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/31 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067300110001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/31 CIA-RDP80T00246.A067300110001-2 ? - NO TCWICi: 0-1 15 ann (8.) Put to freezin of the Ilirtelland _Canal of the :Labe Eiver interzonal shippin has been discontinued since. mid-Deceuber 1962. (9) 'jith 1,9574(.)4 air passo:h.Lers (1961; 1,6 nillion), 1962 civilian air traffic between'!est GorEany and 'lest Berlin increased Ay 2200 percent -(in 1961: 4 percent ? as.against 1960; in 1960: 216 against 1959). Take-offs and landings on the.twe Yost Berlin airports Teupelhof?and Tagel increased in 1962 by-A.7 percent (as ueupared to 11.6 percent in 1961 and 14.5 percent in J960)-.. Berlin Traffic Situation (1) During the Christuas period, between 4,000 and 6,000- .Test. Geruans per day passed the sector crossing points for visits in -East Berlin. (2) During. the al) Party Congress in 'id-January 1965, controls of identity ca, ba,.:gage and vehicles were tightened on the sector crossing points? (3) RR Line Inprovenent In early October 1962, the new Berlin-Wendenheide (Berlinhd"). station was put in operation on the southeast stretch of he Berlin Outer Rind (between Berlin-Gruenau and' Uuhlheide)..The. station is subordinate. to_Derlin-Sch:enweide RR station. A second double-7track S-Lahn line is planned to be constructed parallel to the- above-Eentionod stretch of the hlin Outer Ring. (4) Rollin,L; Stock .(a) S-Bahn On 11 jonuary 19631 the first throe S-Bahn cor_outer-trains (railear..with trailer or driving trf:Aler), renovated by the Reichsbahh Repair Shop .wore put in oci-vioe on the line, rricdrichstro, and Strflusbord or Koonigswusterhausen, respectivelyThe .renovation of t716 cars included the modcrnition sP?t1-;0 iterier fiti;incs and re-)laceuent of the over yua-2e nld bwivra trucks, Axle_cuspenoion NO FOREIGN DISSiliallATIOIT Dar!. - aniti7ed Com/ Approved for Release 2013/01/31 CIA-RDP80T00246A067300110001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/31 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067300110001-2 NO POREIGki? ? 16 - has been abolished because the bodies of the cars rest on air-inflated rubber cushions, the air - pressure ofyhich is reulated automatically, according to the respective.loado (b) .Subuay, In early January .1963, the, first tWo'subway cars,. converted from Reichsbahn S-Dahn cars, were put in trial service. The conversion Project includes 38 oarsyhich arc 'to be employed on 2ubwaY Line E (AIexanderplat-Friedrichsfelde)- (see Transportation Summoxy for December 1962). By mid-1964, forty so-called small profile cars arp to be transferred- from Line "E", to Line "A" (Pankow - Kaiserhof. .(Thaelmannplatz)). (5) Ifotor Vehicle Traffic , In 1962, VEB Berliner Verkehrscesellnchaft (DVG) .(Ost) (Berlin Trans,)ort-Company East) transpcirtod D79 million 'passaners (00e.Tralsiortation ?for lIever:.ber -1962), In 1962, the stock ahd pol of motor vehicles . of the BVG..(East)..was enlared. by 17 now larce-capacity rail- -cars, 49 -now larce-capacity-trailers,./20 ney street cars, - 52 now buses, and by 39 remodelled railcars and 43 remodelled _trailers,' In early 1963, fifteen new. Ikarus buses are to be put j,11 service; furthermore,. number of larae-capacity- , street carp are to be constructed. and older railcars and trilers to be modernized. (6). In late. 1962, a new buS, station uas put in service at Oenshacener-lleide llcdlread 5tation (UT 8299) on the Southern-Beriin Outer Rin c The -bus station is the terminal for the new bus lines fronTleinmachnow (uu'8006), Tpltow (UU .0107)t Stahnsdorf (UU 7906) ankLudwicsfelde. (UT p195).,,;- Another bus station is under construction 011 Liohtenberct-er,Strasse (Weissensee district) where 250 buses aro 'to be handled per dayo. ? O-E-C-R-E-Y NO FORICN DISjEHINATION nne-Inccifipri in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/31: CIA-RDP80T00246A067300110001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/31 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067300110001-2 NO FOiuic'J - 17 - 2, Railroad Traffic(For Railroad Network, see Annex) a) Oporationa and Traffic 4r (1) In 1962, the Reichsbahn transported 9,,67 nillion tons, which is 4,t percent more than in 19610 . (2) The operational situation of the Reichsbahn continued to besstrained duo to the ecninuously severely cold weathor0(3ee Transportation Summary, for Describer 1962) The fiUmber of trains parked becauao of the shortace of locomotives increased considerably, particularly -in the Berlin area and in Central Gormany The disturbances in froicht traffic, in coal traffic in particular, put the East German power supply in a critical situation., Eejainina 17 January 19659 the ReiChsbahn restricted passel-Icor traffic (exce:)t for co::_nuter traffic) in order to save coal) Into2sonal trains were censidcrably delayed, especially in return traffic at the becianincof 1963 and from uid-January on, b) L211LaLJIt.26.s1- . (1) On 11 January 1965, the first unit of the test aeries Of the main line diesel locomotiVe Y-100 was handed over to the VEB Loh.bau-"Xarl Marx" In the coUrse of 1965, another 14 diesel locomotives of this tylae are to be delivered to the R:sichsbalini which plans to employ them on the Berlin inter Ring and on the "aLibtrales"..from,Dorlin to Rostock and Erfurt. The fulfillbent of this plan appears doubtful because of the chanLinc -.;e-noral production. ? difficulties in East M!rmany, Diesel 16comotive- ..V-1-W_i's equipped with two 9L0 P5 enjnes from VEB notoronwork Derlin-Johannisthal and ds supposed to attain a maxilluu speed of 120 killh in passonLer ftraffic ahd a maxinuL speed of 60 krA/11 in frei_ht truin haulinc of 1;300. tons o2 :2wo Of such diesel locomotives can allo,:xdly be coupled into one unit of double capacity controlled from one driver's cab,. (2) The tro diesel'iocellotives o type V-56 N. for narrow- L:aace lines Cid not pass thu tests-ad are to be NO FOR.-;Icj DI30.2..:1111TATIO1r . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/31 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067800110001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/31 : CIA-RDP80-F00246A067300110001-2 A -a (3) in Ja.ory 1963? ;.ilitary requirer.:Ionts oi; 'the t'irolii the cxtivities of t0 oviet L2.1o, the if,GA in the trainlin4: areas-, (4) in Dem:ber 19629 as iu the Ilrecedinc two nonths, berder q.-1705Bifl,:; traffic consisted of Dersonol rotation trnsports in both direCtions-_, Road. Traffic a) lIctot Vehicle Traffic (1) (2) By order of the mac-cement of VED Bautransporte --(con-,truction Liaterial.transport) in Berlin,- johannisthal liout 400 liodern type trucks were desi:ated disaster vehicleS, ? . . T?1e 10 .000th ";:iulticard pickup t,,7uok.ict the conveyor 1elt of V3B FahreuGwork (vehicle plant) Vaitersansen- Th- vehicle servs :various pur hrii1 bo to hiu..i.ary,.Poland,- EzYpt o.nd Cba (3) A new bassenLer CC:fp Ty:e Liacenrinr: Tfrabant P 60/11, has Theeii C..evelend and ,;,1:-::os.ed to world t ;L.edc o soridb -,,-;roCnction of MLo (Lr is '?o 3oij in lc.64-? (.4) 1963 convoy cenecte(.1 witL: the t..raininc viot ? . and the I;C.,11 lioveC. on. e'crotc:les of the Telustedtl- Bolin I i.:3enach , Herojorfer and Ili,-;Wayo 1,1(2,2 ahd_P-5, On. 0 Janury,,... tomorary traffic jars were aeeVou on TI1-:.:0-L:ay. (5) Motor Vehicle traffic was heavily o'ostr,icted throwjh the sliopery condition of roads coed iJ i cc. and r:,110W: ? In aate January -1963, all. traffic route of t2-;e, central Ge-klan area 1u:re blocLed by snow (14;.ifts,. flt' A Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01231 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067300110001-2 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/31 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067300110001-2 1TO FOir.:;L',.-:.: -.),I7.ET:A'.:1 -, . J. . I Cr r ar' :!Zod.Conctruation (1) (5) A nuw-azItobahn hi-laco. was con71eted near Cott7=-11adlow (VT 4O) The ,.)ridco- sans the 3proe Itiver with a loncth of 45 uotei's, TLc co:astruction of the bride be:Jan Ji 1.961 In addition .to the.reroutinc Of railroad lines in the IiieacrlalAsitz ninins are roads have been rerouted and blocLoO_ off to permit the further exploitation Of coal nines in that area The followinc chances were effected in Co-ttbus District Krois ,(:.;onftenberg and. Krois Hoyerswerda; with T)art of the constructional worh not yet.Conploted: (c) BleChinc of the Spromberc (VT-5714)-- Hoyerswera (V0-47.99) stretoh.on Hichway F-97. Reroutnc of flichway F-97 via Trattetdorf (VT-5611) Spreewitz (VT007), Burcharner (VT'5603). The new Hijhwc.,y F-97 ;:oins the old hichway about four' Liloneterz north of Eoyorswerda, Reroutin of Hichway F-96. between Senftenberc and Klettwitz, The new stretch is allocedly routed via 8chipLau (VT-23W. ' (d) of the Kostobrau (VT-1909) - Klottwitz (W,-2311) .road. Conotruction of a road between floyerewoda and Dinno (vi-t600). .(f) .Const=ot,ien of a road between Mune and Liesi:e (V0-4090). (c) ConstrlIction of a frou Lieske toward Allmooen. (VT-3715),,, (h) Blcchii' of 11O road .n.lberc .7,ajaemueh1 (VT-t611) The Elbe Rivr-bridce eonectinc Pirna (V3--254G) and Copits (V:3:-2547), nay not be qoed teporarily beeuse of re1air6, Afterc the closinc down of the bridce on . Hi:7hvay I 172 at 7.3ad.0ehamlau (V0-4041) in Novouber 1962, the loidce at Tr-Ip'pen_(VT-4240) is now the only 1.-111)e oroJoin.c point available between Dresden and the GeT'azedhosloVca border, ? NO ?FOI=G;; DISSMINATIOIT - nprlacRifien in Part - Sanitized COPY Approved for Release 2013/01/31 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067300110001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/31 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067300110001-2 1:0 -1.3:.,o.:1?Af [)I1,3:d[;[iTL101 , 5 [3 ?2?,:zd7J2-1u a) -.11.11L 0:41:z,pinz; vae citicu1ly bevo%bly hit by the continous col(1. weather. -14y ni nur i63, aPproxinately OC DorcJi1-4, :of the navicable inlc,fed waterways were frozey1 ever (1) otrone is bein,ilLai[d on ;:le crIployent of ice- :kers to.lzeor 1I13 Ilr;)or l'.00ni,jawustcrhaub n the. )1aLle ?amd for coal 4[3/.743 lletween?.heenixyllr,t,-1-7.alloodi and 2dot Ler1in. - Coal fretl.the fiodolauoj cz. oai riieo 23 shied rc[11 to L -from- there to Bast Berlin by 11terways. - By takinL; [advante,80 of the law water and the freeziTIL of the 1.1be Riior, .repars were carried out to the erybankilent of the river between Al:en (TT-9640) and Lehnert (PD-903)., In 1962, tho.waite.Fleet" of the Elbe SLID1)in[:.:.Cor-il)anY tranapoed 120,06,7) passencers L.ore. than in 1961. In late 1962: the VEB Pahrt.;ascLiffahrt-(PassenL;er ShiplAnu: .ConpanicJs) i? Borlin and PitSaLl each -put a now pasoenfor chi-it in servf.ce? c) In 1562; a total of 1.5 nillien tons of froiht were- transoliiITed at 1,7].B i1 nd Harbor KocniL;suusterbause4 (VT-0.595)0 Civilian Air Traffic a) The Deutsche Lufthanala ([v.z.t) has '4-aen over air traffic ,ribetwoon a;orlin-Ociloenefeld nd ;.?a', per 'ooI: heDoIlo:a airline -eonpany LOT 8ei'7ec.1 thi?, route ? five ti_:os :or week in tho winte-2 of 160/6-1 and otarteel oervin it four L:les in t:',C winter of 1!)62/65. of Lufi,:lanca (Eafl'?) in tL13 trafficic - Yibt a real,iurcvouout but re-.12 part of t;-le planned T:(,asures for the ration.ali7ration and co-or,,,Lii,:tion of the -ir11no aa-1:-)anies of the'l;aat Bloc countries? b)' Id LJ)ite of the oontinuouo co16.-weather$ no noteuerthy difmr.ptions 1:ere observe(' in air traffic of the Lufthansa (L;,, taken the airporta 2,:ept the- re,:.,tly 1'02 cLIdoTent, NO VORIG:1 RIS5111. DATIOlf. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/31 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067300110001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/31 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067300110001-2 NO FOREIGN- DISSEIIIITATION - 21 - IVQ Czechoslovakka 1? Total Traffic .Organization Ithin the?framework of the reorganization of.the- .. Czech covernment9 the 14nistry of Transport and Communications Was divided into"the'llinistry. of TraRs:dort and the Central Administration f-Utr. Communications. 'Hinistor of.Transport-.Dro, Frantisek Vlabakwas : replaced bY-Frantisek Vokacr, Vokac began his career as eni_ne fitter with the Czech State -Railroads (CSD) 1936(in In 1950 he was head of Railroad Division Ostu_((Ostrava)$? andj.n.1950 head of theRailroad DiVio'praruo .'EillnO0a7.11iroslav Laipert has' become head of the Central Administration?for Counications, 21 RQA1rowa Traffic 4) 01eations Sevd)ro col:: and heavy snow drifts haVe led to ext:paordinary 'operational difficulties at the Czecch State Railroads in late:December 1962 and January 1963 (breakages ,of rails frozen switches? , fv-i?lures at contact lines).. Only the most urgent tral7fic can be maintained4 Thereforefa number of exPr'ess ?and passener trains have been cancelled since r?41-January.tanc. car deliveries -and LCL freicht have 3-0...0-edt especially- in the Kaschau and Ostrau ?.(os trawl) RR Div "areas The situation at the Ostrau (CsLerava) RR Division is particularlY_ortical, Xlith the .,Issistance of technicians, an extraordinary ,,.,;ov:ornzent committee headed -by the Minis-,;er of ra. to impreve fieight traffic at the foundriesf especially to provide for an uninterrupted ?unio ef cars, even on Sundays l and for imMediate reTWir- of damaged cars; For this purpose f a workshop. trai-n "with 30 skilled workers has been made available. by .010 Ninistry? Dvadditiorf 650 railroad workers'. wore put to work in the Ostrau (Ostrava) junction area,, _ )1.0 FOREIGN DISSEUINATION Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/31 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067300110001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/31 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067300110001-2 NO FOREIGN DISSEITIITATICYZ 22 - As an emercency measure, truchs have been Made available ,for the transportation of 7,000 tons of coal per day, DUO to poor weather. conditions it has not been possible. ,to transport core than 3,500tons daily up to 20 January, Line Construction After the installation of coL;-wheel tails on the Tannwald (Tanvald) Vurzelsdorf (Korenov) stretch, Riesenebirce Hountains area, of the Reichenberc (Liberec) - Harrachov- line, operation with diesel locomotives was resumed on 1 December 1962,_ c) Electrification (1) After completion-in early January 1963v the final GroSspriesen (Velhe Drezno) - Tetschen (Decin)? stretch of the electrified PraL:ue -.Kenn - Tetschan line -was 1)11; into operation in midJanuary 19630' - Czochoslovahia has now a ?direct electrified line from the Soviet border (Cierna n.T?).to the East , German bor(:or.. (see lionthly Transportation Sucrlary for January 1962 (2). Electrification-of the liranice n.?E0 - Petrovice - Polish border line is at present under way on the . stretch -Jetween Gstrau (Ostrava)/Poruba and Optrau .Ostrava)Alain Station? See Transportation Summary forJuno 1962). ?Rollin tock Twenty-five Percent of the Czech State, Railroad ,electric locomotives are under repair? In January, the number of freiL;ht care neoLinc repair increased to :;,600 per Lay. ?In Hay .1962, the daily quota of danajed cars amounted to 8,200? ? ? (See Honthly Transportation Summaries for A4Lust 1962 Seit-ober 1962,-and Octpber 1962)Q 110.-P0=GIT DISSENTJATION . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/31 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067300110001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/31 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067300110001-2 NO FOREIGn DIS3EMINATI0N: .(2) Eiuhtp,,.four-c.out of 100 Type 34 11 P-C, locomotives ((4%200 L-.1.1, 130 ha/h) sold by Czechoslovakia. to the-US3R7) had boon' delivered by late 19620 Under the delivery' contractot a new prototype of a six-axle A9C. 7,000 TI P electric locomotive is to be built in 1,9630 (See liar:Li:Illy. rii'arir, rt a 1.; 021 :311.111 :oxy for reb 1962)., .;)-0 ? InlaJd 5111 24" In' late Deblb:er 1962, inland shipping was Ciscontinued on the Labe aiu 1.17o14aU Rivers,in 1962, the volume of Czechoslovak inf;,and shipping amounted to approximately 4 million tons c If. .goods, more than 50 percenof which were export goods. Over one .million tons wel('e Shippec1. on the 'Danube b) In the course .of the -modernization of the Czech Danube shipping, pa?-ess70.1Lrg (Bratislava). harber-installatiens arc being improve, di The tugboats Dukla and Tabor are ' to be equipped w?th.-radare. ' Civilian Air. Traffic_ , On 12 December 19621 the t.,. -,chosloiak.Airlines (GSA) allege'dly .fulfilled its annual t-r:e 'Lof 70. million t/kmo Compared . with 1957, its porferLances has thus increasecl. aproxivately threefold,- - Poland Ro.ilroad Traffic ) 01;erations .(1) Fulfillment of ? the 1962. 11 L. For the i.'firot tLle since 1956 ,R41:L?oo.a.(PAP) has -.21.1on beh of the 1962 frcJiht tranoportat at -n? million. tons. The freijh), about 295 million tons only. The Sc,,E-C,47A-14zT NO FOREIGN DISSEMINATION the 1,01J11 ;.tate na in t1-;': p?An schcCuleC- v07.10 amounted ts- rczeatedly Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/31 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067300110001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/3.1 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067300110001-2 ,Y0 FOREIGN DIS5E11INATION 24 - r,eported difficUlties,, such as lack of trans-2ort and sucrk (1isCipline of the shiDpers'and RR personnel, ,inadecrtte (co-ordination of the growing transpoitation .requirement)s and.tho supply of the necessary technical facilities? and insufficientywort at the repair plants, etc, have Ted to a continuous shortage. of carsand' locomotives (2) Transloadjyv Area The froiGht t'mrnover in the 1,alaszewicze Orest - Warsaw :Linn.) area was to reach over 9'ni11ion tens in 1962-$ correL-Ipondino to a daily turnover of approxiately 25p000 to 260000 tens. Line Construction (1) 1)oub10-tracl:in has aLlegeOly -7,eon unCor way .ler a ? long tilae 'ba the :_akeszowy line in -Cie CilrectiOn to R.ybnik -'5 6), In June 1962, :ouble-track -traffic was .opened on Cieraltowico stretch. Several other_shocet s4.?rotchcs in the Rybnik area are to bo double-trac;k0P., (2) In 19(3, further -Oehringon (Gliwice Ls. tobegin on tne 11-akoszowy) Tfovellent Of the largo Gleiwitz Oocnica CA ? 3972)- switchyard site )of the drainedlako west of Renote.Oontrol for -61 'IQ fnor:ease of the Lihe'Cloarance 'Canaciti ? - ecluird7..eL.-,t 1,as 73een installed 0)uprinontally on thy) ci ectrified Otwock Filawa (No 614).f_itrotch Install ..lations Of the talie kind are- beiL installed and/or in PrParation in the,Danzic,-. area and on tbc Bieislzo Zywiec line, By Deans of rerote control the cleance capacity of heavily utloC. sjnjle. tract lines J.Er t'o_ in'-'rcal-36C1 2? to ,25 percent 30 as .to t aV024 the costly constructioa of s3cone tracks NO FORLICJ5 DISSEHINATION Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/31 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067300110001-2 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/01/31 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067300110001-2 NO FOREIGN DISSEHINATION c) Electrification The 1963 Electrification Plan total]ind 166 track, hilometers.provides for the followinG.: Tarnow West - Rzeszor 04 kilometers Czechowice ? Kattowitz (Katowice) :Bielsko Biala - -akierniewice - Lowicz: Warsaw Pracpe, Warsaw DanziG Main Station - Warsaw Odolany Rollin Stock ? 46 kilometers, 22 kilometers (oomlqtion is plannec, 'e) May 1963, when the summer timetable becomes effective) 14 hiloaeters .-(coMpletion is planned for 25 Nay 1963 when .the 'summer timetable beeo:ae,e effective) In 1963, tho Polish.Sate Railroad (PK1).) -is to be couip.:;edt abono others, uith, 55 .electrie locomotives. 7,46.5 frei[ht cars' (inclUdinu'apDroximately 6,000 coal cars) 2, Road Traffic ? Read Construction In 1962, about 3,900 kilometers of state roads have a1ie,3edly been modernized and ,lven .an improved surface, 110 iIIC. IL.;01,11TATIOT1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/31 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067300110001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/31 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067300110001-2 IT FORE:M.I ?DI,SSthiTITATION Early in 196,3 the polish road net is expected to ie as follows: ? 11-q-?ds total" about 290r000 kilometers rc'20-13 rith olid surface about 105710-0 kilometers (ap-oroxiMately 34 1.4100 scitare k - .--47oad2 with selid improved mir.fac)e (asphalt bitumen) . about 40 100 kilometers -State r oads with solid surface about 62t700 kilometers r'?aas Witheelid ip mroVed surface about' 38200 kilometers. - ITO FORiaGir Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/31 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067300110001-2 . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/31 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067300110001-2 - -lid 1,10REICIT Annex 1 to Yransportation ,Summary: for January 1963 I Bebra - -Chanues Which Idere lToted After thc', Trap 2tationSunuary for januarv 196.1.AIL.19.2.12._onraleted. Since 12 Deoeuber 1962, interonal trains D1/D2 and -D5/D6 runnin3' between West .Germany arcl iest Berlin are no routed via Halle/Saale - Dessau 2:Tiosslau between Erfurt 4nd Wiesenbur but via the Sanuerhausen Clucst-Pn - Guetere1ueck line Erf-ca,t ,c'ton ' pk. .11.-21zirj 7- 0 3 011-01111; , _AL .17 4 Descou ic Bitterfeld. Probs el/a. .c Fp 1) S El IIITA'2 OIT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/31 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067300110001-2 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/01/31 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067300110001-2 NO F0RI(,17 DISSE11111ATIOIT Annex 2 to Transportation Summary for January 1963 Status of 15 December 1963. Border Crossin(; Points and CheckDoints in Interzonal Traffic between West Germany and .West Berlin and/or -East Germany b) Traffic between West Berlin and :Fast Berlin. .* , For layout, see attached maps on: a) Traffic routes 'West Germany - West Berlin b Berlin TNaffic Situation, General,. c Berlin Traffic Situation, 3-Bahn - d .Berlin Traffic Situation, Subway'. A..Interzonal Traffic I. Border CrossinG Points in Interzonal Traff_Is_la_Eaill Note: 1, Traffic between West Germany and West Berlin ) CrossinP Points at the 'West and East German Demarcation Line , a) PasseueTraffic ,Buechen - Schwanheide' Helmstedt - Varienborn. Debra Wartha Ludwicstadt Probstzelia T. To stops in East Germany-, East German and West Berlin Derder ( Control Station .Griebnitzsee**) . Includinc; transit traffic tlirouch West and East Goruany to neih7)orinc countries,. In additicn. Railroad Station Sta.a1;en has .been made available as colitrol station fo2-)3sselicer'trains. Date of pnttinc into se.7nrice still unimewn,,, NO FOREIGN D:65S.E.MINATI0N Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/31 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067300110001-2 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/01/31 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067300110001-2' .Freirht Traffic Annex 2 to Trans:?ortation Summary- for January 1963 Yorsfelde Oebisfelde**9 ) Control S ,tion Helms:teat - larianborn c) Western Allies Military Traffic ? See Vara?17. 2 Traffic Between West and East Germanz a) -PasscalTer Traffic Luebech -.Herrnburg ' _-Welfsburg,- Oebisfelde Bebra Wartha Hof - Gutonfuerst b) FrhtTraffic- , _ Luebeck Herrnburg Bucchen Schwanheide, Vorsfolde -'0ebisfelde Wancnried - Elirioh Bebra - Gerstungen: Ludwigstadt !-:Prebotzella Hof Gutenfuerst Drewitz Traffic Between East Gurnany'and West Berlin Traffic only (Berlin-Staaken Berlin.,SDandau Freight Station Note: ? -?Almost excluoive1r empty freight trains running fi-oci cast to .West. Including transit traffic through ',!est and East :Germany to neighboring countries,: 7 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/31 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067300110001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/31 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067300110001-2 NO Annex 2 to TransportatiOn Snunary for January 19 63 110 Border Crossin. Points in ?Interzonal Traffic (By Road) 10 General 110 ,or Vehicle Trafric Crossinc Points at the West and.East Gorman East German and 'Jest Demarcation Line Berlin Border a) Hichway No 5 Kp. (control point) LauenburG - Horst Staaken-Heerstrasse b) Autobahn Nuarnber,, - Berlin Teepen - Juchhoeh ) c) Autobahn Hersfeld-Eisenach-Berlin. . ) Hp. Ueubabelsberc- Herleshansen - Yartha ) Droilinden ) ) Autobahn rainover-HelL:stedt-Berlin*) ) 'HoLlstedt -.-;:arienborn_ .) 2, BuS Lines Crossin Points at the \lout and Eas.6 German Dencation Line C.:Jr::an and West Btr2lin :;order a) -"Iell.stodt uionorn Ep, Heubabelsberj, eroscinc point lreilinCen Uote: 'Per lines: Lrf?l'en (olar .-IiLer2kqdrf lialibur_; Y:_l:isteCt-1,ordLr Bellin-narlo-Aenbur,:.; (S'tuttGrtar Platz) *) For ..c-,stern Allies Traffic, ace Para V. s-u-c-n--T :OIL'Wni:TATION Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/31 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067300110001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/31 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067300110001-2 ) I ;jr; affiT...,:; I CIT Annex 2 to Tranonortation Sualary for January 1963. ? Toopon - Juchhooh Kp lieubabels.berg.- crossing point Ifreilinden For line: Nuenchen - Bei:lin,:-Charlottenburg (Stuttcarter Platz) Mg Border CressinG points in Interzonal Traffic (Inlanq 1? Traffic Between West Germany and llost Berlin - Cro inc Points at the :Jest and ;;as'L Germn - Demarcatien Line On Nittelland Canal (waterway continuing via Shtplift Rothen-- see near 1:agdeburg, Canals Havel River Ruehen -Buchhorot crosoing'point. ast German and West Berlin Border Kp, Nedlitz-Kladow b) On Hamburg , Berlin Waterway, via_Elbe River, L:wer Havel River, Havel RiVer- Schnackenburg KUmlosen crossin:4 point Kp. Hedlitz-Kladow ? 2. TnIand'Shipping Around Greater Berlin a) Control Points for Traffic Between Iatt Germany and ' .Vest Berlin HenAigsdorf NodIitz (also for interzonal .shipping Jest Germany ?lost Berlin) Glienicker Brueeho HO FORnli-))IIEri:ATTOIT I. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/31 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067300110001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/31 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067300110001-2 ? ? S,-E-C-R-E-T. 1%..i.R..1IGIf ? Annex 2 to ..Tans)urtation 'Summary for 3:-inn. ry 1963 1)). Oontrol-Points for Traffic Betycen :;act Gcr.ln; -and Eazt Dcrlin (uestionable ii still existinc; after 13 Au_Tst 1961) SChmoeckwitz Wernsdorf Erkner IEEEILATALIIISmaliala a8 0.2aiml_Raiall2112m1132Ea for traffic between West and East Berlin,. See part B (sector crossinc rioints)-0 IV Civilian Air Traffic to West Berlin .1Q Air traffic between West Germany an West Berlin Moves on the followinG eij.dt air routes: From Hambure , - Hannover Duesseldorf KoeIn-Bonn Frankfurt/Main Stuttcart Nuernbcra Muench,en In Air Corridors Hauburc-Berlin BuecheburG-Berlin Frankfurt Hain -lcrlin Air service is carriedout by .the followinf; airline PAA-(Pan J1r,ercan tiorld'Airwaysi (58 fli;hts daily in either direction) From ? . . . Nuernberc? ilamburG. Ko-eln-Donn. Duesseldorf- companies: To. Derlin-Tempolhof Berlin,Tomperhof Berlin-Tempelhof Berli&.TeMpelhof NO 17011:6ICUT DI-S=MITITATION. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/31 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067300110001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/31 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067300110001-2 S-B-C-R-E-T NO FOREIG, DISSEITTHATION From Muenchen - .Stuttuart - Frankfurt Hannover ? Annex 2 to :,Crons--)ortazI.on Su:,nary for ',Tantury-19(.::, To Berlin -Tempolhof Berlin Tenpelhof Berlinpolhof- BerlikA'ompelhef BEA (BriiilLjlat-,En11.1.22M1/ (42 flints daily in itlier direction) lianburc Koeln-Donn DI...esscldorf Ilueneht,n Frankfurt Hannover c) (12 daily in either Duesseldorf Nuenchen Frankfurt Bo:din-Tempelhe Bethnoupelhof Bc,xlin-Tenelhof. Bellin-Temnelhof Be7;1in-Tupolhof ..Thy2lin-Tempelhof ? direction) De::?1Ln-TeL;e1 ,Derliu-Yeel BerlinTecel 2, For Western AllieS ?raffios Para_V. V, -Western Allies jalital:L2r.14:1112Between West Gerl_:any Lz?nd West Berlin Passolv-er and frei.:,ht ns via Helmstedt - Marion rk- Inconin,:, and outL4n3 Nest Berlin via Potsdam atatlt--Wsnnsco.ul schedniod stop in Potsdam Stac.t 2' -132.ji2Sid a) TrLific Between !est Cezmanya4 Hanover - Berlin Autobahn Border Crossin. Helmstedt - arienborn NO FOREIGN DISSL;IEHATION vith coxbrel authorities of their own in Houbaboisberc- Breilinden narlaccifiPri in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/31 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067300110001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/31 : CIA-RDP80T00246A06730- 0110001-2 S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGii DISSEMINATION ? .A.? * ) Annex 2 to YransDortation Sullmnry for January 1963 Traffic-Between Llast Geruany and Jost ;Berlin .Border CroosinG: fer.Uestern Allies M.litarY Missions and Diplomates only. ? Glienicker Bruec4e (East German: "Bruccke der Einheit" ? .(Bridee of.Unity) ) Air Traffic )' United States Airforce From Frankfurt) Idiesbaden) In Air Corridor*) central b) .Royal-Airforce Bueckeburr. control ,hambur:.; fort kern c) Force A6rienne franoaic;e. ? Baden-Oos southern North rn'Corridor; Central Corridor : -Southern Corridor:, To. Borlin-Tempelhof ? Berlin-Catow 'Bcrlin-Teel Hamburg - Berlin- Buockeburc. Berlin Frankfurt/Main - Berlin NO FOREIGN DISSEMINATION npclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/31 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067300110001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for,RTeacse_120,13/01/31 CIA-RDP80T00246A067300110001-2 ITO PORBIGH_ DISSEitIKATIOIT 'Annex 2 to Transportation Summary for January 1963 - 8 - B, Vest and East Berlin Sector Crossing Points I. The fol1o,i sector crossinG Doints are open to traffic t however* a change'in the statu6 may occur at any tine: West Berlin (Bezirksant- -Schutz-Sektor) .??????????????????????,... East Berlin' (Beithsant Crossing Points Per: 1. Bernholmer StraBe (WeddinG, French Sector) 2. MuelierStraBe (WoddinG, French Sector) InvalidenstraBe (Tiercarten, - British Sector) Bornholmer ?StraBe (Pankow , 40 FriedrichstraBe "Checkpoint Charley" (KreuzberG, American Sector) 54 Prinzanstrasse (Kreuzberc, ? American Sector .6. OberbaumbruccLe (Kreuzbercv American Sector) , ChausseestraBe (Berlin-Mitte) InvalidenstraBe West Gernan citizens, motor vehicles, pedestrians West German citizons,,, Motor vehicles,- pedestrians West German citizens "Sandkruebruecke",border crossersth (Berlin-Mitte) -motor vehicles and pedestrians; (see notes 1 and 2) FriedrichstraBe ZinnerstraBe crossinG (Berlin7Hitte) Reinrich-Heine- -straBe ? (Berlin-:_itte) Oberbaumbrueche (riedrichshain PoreiGners, members of the Diplomatic ? ?Corps, Western Allies Officials; border crossers (for State.07;era), motor vehicles and- ,pedestrians 'Jest German citizens motor vehicles, pedestrians, goods in conformity with. interzonal .trade aLree,lent; nail (see note 2) . Border C20800TS pedestrians only; bride closed for vehicles Border crossers arc persons residing in 1:est Berlin ' and uonl:inj in East Berlin by s:deciaI authority pithe East German f.povernpent. West Berliners not in possession of a special permit by the 1;ast German authorities are not pormitted to outer East Derlin. NO FOREIGN DISSEBINATION in Part - Sanitized CODV Approved for Release 2013/01/31 CIA-RDP80T00246A067300110001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/31 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067300110001-2 J I.,IiTI0T 717 -9 - ^ Le ':/../.11:4o::L:?lo;1 Junui_r,y 19(?9 7. Sonnenallee Baumschulen- West GerLini citizens (fleukUlnk straCe border crosscres American Sector) (Trptow) motor irr)hicles wid pedestrians irotcs: ? ? Friedrich- For S-Bahn passenc;ers RR only from the direction Station of tehrter Bf (RR Station) a.,(1 Subway Station; passencers frou the direction of Reinicken- dorfor Jtrane and Cosh- stroDe RR- Stations; othc:rwise UnoMcial crossin point for -persons with speciol p.Jruitei? 1. Resettlers fro B:rlin with permits for .est rlin usualli 'Da= throuLh the 1(e1meic11- Heine .Sic% a.,J.L1 disabled :lerz,ons are taen by aubUlance to thejairclidenstraBe/SaruL:bruecLe crot;cinu.? 2oint, GunrOs for 1,he Swiet 1:ar .ehorial cross ct Saud- rujbruecke into West licrlin UAel back. 11, 3hipin' ie.s er1in - East B.1i7,1. _ Transfer point (fuactions as control point) at the Sizes Rivor i0 npdassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/31 : CIA-RDP80T00246A067300110001-2