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50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A063500080001-8 )'I , t CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGEN .... 7 As material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within tlIrlEeLliing of the Espionage Laws, Title A, U.S.C. Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. SECRET COUNTRY SUBJECT DATE OF INFO. PLACE & DATE ACO. East Germany/Czechoslovakia/ Poland Transportation Report for April 1962 REPORT DATE DISTR. 3 JUL: 1962' NO. PAGES 1 REFERENCES RD 50X1 -HUM THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION. SOUI/CE GRADINGS ARE DEFINITIVE. APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TENTATIVE. 50X1 -HUM STATE summary report for April 1962 on transportation in East Germany, the USSR, Czechoslovakia and Poland. 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM 'r Distribution of Attathment: 50X1 -HUM' ORR: deimpto e el Co (41 411 50X1 -HUM Air: Retention of Copy #2 Army: Retention of Copy #3 Ix I ARMY I #X I NAVY SECRET X I AIR I #XI NSA GROUP 1 Attliad from automatic demtloollog and I XI OCR I DIA IX 50X1 -HUM (Note: Washington distribution indicated by "X"; Field distribution by "#".) INFORMATION REPORT INFORMATION REPORT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A063500080001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A063500080001-8 R 50X1 -HUM Next 31 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A063500080001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A063500080001-8 t., 50X1 -HUM Tranuprtation SwAnary for A-ril 1962 I* Intornational Traffic Relations Military trr.,noportation in satellite countries norual, COVICOY (Council for Hutual Econonio hi:2) traffic conferences hold in Warsaw and Pracue in A-fxil 1962c Conforonoo of traffic ninistors of SIIJS (AL;reerlent on International Railroad FroiL,ht Traffic) countries to be hold in Ulan-Bator in June 1962, Gerzian rr,l)rosentatives at Finnish railroad anniversary, Prr-nch v:417L-oo.d tr;:',(10 unionist in Last Gory. nroujn-invoioinc of less tlian car load lot Ereijlit fro.: 1:;at d=an: to C:eol.oslo7a1zia7 anC the h.s.;reeEont on frcit cars in ''traffic betircen noi,:hborinc countries", i,oc,Poland eidC'zechoslovahia, Ro2,d and railroad iml?rovouent in llorth Caralia, (Soo .An., 3), IL-. USOR Tinota;i1c for Mukaohevo - Lavochne line ut11ied to ca.oacity. Suantlar wott of freiht trains on Transsi7Jerian Ma.-7istra1e to 1).e. 1,00C to ')'0(')0 tons, Broot Litovsk - Orsha otretch eii:ied. with rails of tyi)e R-50 Oil bnllast anC .:ith nou switches. Tyros of rails and ties 7 and ballastin:? nuterial used on ini.cricual stretches of Transsiberiiln Ya_dstrale In 196/, OVOT ajO iAllion tons convoyed enS. 14 billion t/kn. -;)erforoe,. by actor vehico operation 7.)-3eo oZ ,:inistry for i,auor cilcl,Traffic ad ods o2 tLo In 19617 tot.1 of /0,9.00 trucLo allotte(1 to to thit' or H.otr Vehicle T.-2affic 11111--Roajs of t..o larL:e hort of octal actor v:hicies, 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A063500080001-8 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/03/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A063500080001-8 50X1-HUM A number of test models of various special motor vehicles to be Droe.uer,(1 and tostocl in 19G2/1965, Typos of motor vehicle traileiT us(21.1 in 1;re3ent trafficc, East Germa-4z Gerstuac;en - Foertha RR line -put in service.. Hut camp. established pear Berlin-Koopenick RR station Karlshorst RR station to be exandod Rails romovod of track oast of Gesundbruudon RR station -Transfer of RR material of S-Bahn station Bellevue to at impeded Previous semaphore oic;nals repiococi by light signalri visible also at Laytine. Porsonnel situation of the Reiehnbahn in :cot :,erlin4 L;orvice subvay stations clofJed for public traffic. CounoctiAcc tunnel of subway sta-Aoll Uta(ltnine closecl; operatioaal situLction oZ traffic betweer snbway stations Thaolmannplotz ant' Potsanol- Plats. Orryoational sitIlation naklJ.itry recl,.iror.lunts of -71e in '1 1962? persoi!ncl sit ::ion of tho in ;:-.-1st "Gu,-jo wbeel sot of pI-c)2,---cot" ("SpurwechscircAsatz To:. P-c:oktive") y'eauestal,? Details on the desicn of t'le s000lt Eat r-orDan oea-gainc; ferry 1,;at German overianC_bus Doveloppent of East Gc7cLlax3 autc.obile int::ustry, D t-,1 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A063500080001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A063500080001-8 50X1-HUM 17. zo chor,lovalzia Continuous ollortaLe of 2R caro early 1962 with c. r,.1.asortation baol:lou of t;tc., Coohoslovahia'V; 11c.i1ros of four railliou tonso PraGlio - Bolin - 3tochholm - air routo sorvoa by IL- CI aircrLft twico 1:>ov wee!:0 Durin first cl=ter of 1962, another two IL-les anfa one TU-10. , A supp1ioc. to tlio CSA (01-LochoslovaLitn :itato Airlines), AVIA-i4 airplane convorted frozi 26 to 40 scats, Poland A total of 666,00n Dorsonnol e2ployed in the oconoraio sector of "Transportation anti Traffic" In 1962c, furt1lor rationalizatjon of RR -Frei;];lit traffic in favor of itate liotor Vehicle ":ra2fic. Electrification of Laband - Hoydobtech stretch to be eloctrified . by early nay 1962_ ? Nou four-axle coal flat carp cals,acity 60 tons, suitable for trans-Dortrtiefl or tan2:.s introC.nced by no PKP (Polioh tato Railroacls), 7Tow 16-ax1e opecial 0_01)resced center flat car anCer eon3truction0 1)0v(00-cuoat of tranco:Aation in coiltainero at no PKP, -,yrosent about 57.200 road 1;iloneters with as-,thalt or bituL2on s-c.rface,, Roti antibric7.L;o conotru,otion iA :V;61/ porforloc of Ito air Lino 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A063500080001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A063500080001-8 4 50X1 -HUM International Traffio Relation 1. uilitAg1.2.1..2thi2aportation reLween the the ?estern Satellites Unitary tranco,00rtation in the sa4,:e1lite area vas nornalo 2, COMCOLI TraCAc Conferences 3.0 Dr.rin its eiCnth noetin fror2 17 to 19 April in ',7..rsaw, tho '...;tandinr7 comlittee for '2:2affie.,. of COIOCGIT dealt with th,-) pl-clilerls of the co-ooratiorL of rUiroad, recJI shipf r.vla air traffic -perticularly vith :7es7;ect to the inproveuent of intel,national perlsenLer trcific. In acidition to the ileliers of the comcor, the meotiaL; uas attoAded. by observers fro;: t,.ac Pec-Aels Republics oC uhina and-L:enolia erit froa the so-cal:Ica Derlocratic Republic Vietnam The dicribution of froir:ht in ship traffic was alsou-isea on a COiCCT conforauce in Fue frog 16 to 20 1962 In addition to all 1:urol)oan c,ea-Jors of the CO;IEC0N1 olJsurvers fror.1 the Peoplels ReDublic3 of China an,:. Korea attenaefl the confernce .2raffic -omisters Conferc,:nee of_th,. .us; Moo Countries Th., next conferenzo of the traffic ministers of the S1lW3 (...a,!Teenent on Intoa-ntional. Railroad Freic,ht r.raffic) countries is to take place in Ulan-DatoT (People Republic of iion:elia) in Juno 1962,, The second nosion of the ''Transport Co2:d.littee o2 thc Board for leenonic Technical an Golentific Co-operation" took plar_le in Erfurt fron 29 to Yi Ilarch 1962 and uas also attended by j'afit Gc3r= 1)eplIty ilinister for Traf2ic Helnut Schol,z and Polish Beaty ill tor for Trc.ffic Donath ?Crin flcDrosolitcttivoct at Finnishu Anniversary t?clooraion,, The fellowinc; 1.?ast ro-lre;-,en,,;Ltives tooL -c.1.-zt in ne ociations o2 the centenary of the fir 2t winnish RR lino between ncIL;*.1 1.E.meenlina: 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A063500080001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A063500080001-8 50X1-HUM Loizorr Deputy idnistor for ri7raffic; Dr, Jun. Dopart2ont Chief in the ilinistry for '2raffio; and Counsellor ofrlbassy Riesner acting :lanager of tho East Gornan trade representation in Relsinid0 Visit of a Fronch Rajlroad Trade Unionist in East Gerny In lato Narob 1962, Raymond Ohanve Secretary of the National Trade Union of Railroadero in the COT (Genf8d6ration 06n6rale des Travaillours) visited. the "IC; (Y7a4.e Union of Industry) Railroads" of Bast Gernany0 In October 1960 both unions concluded a 10-year agreement of friendship, 70 Throth-invoicim: of Less Than Car Load Lot Proi-ht Beon East Germany and C7schoslovakia Yuf-oslavia and the USSR Rof:oectiv_el,y Less than car load lot exports in RR traffic betueon Easl Gornany and Cr;ochoslovallin via Dad_ fichandau have incroase(1 15 tines from 1953 to 1960,,The2o -.:7oca5 are therefore no longer transforrecl indiviAually to the neihboring railroads at the border freight stations, LUnce last year; VED "Tientranz" has dioN.tchod to Czechosloval:ie groupage cars lea(Te:: with less than car load lot fref.c;It aireafly exanined revenue-officers in'.iast (Jorriany in fully assembled export trains, Tho cmue proccalre has been allied to loss than car load lot exports froz East Gernany to ItT.::oslavia since I Hovouber 1961 and to the USS'R since 1 liarch 30 L;rcoont on Vroi:-.:It ear !-.5 in T2r2 Countries" Ozochoslov 12.etueen ani' Poland Boc:inainLj 1 iray 196:2t Polich freifilt cars nay run witl)out the desicnntion ?I-r" (- "Me" is tho desic;nation carl'ioe! by RR cars aduitted for international traffic uithin the :iast It corresponds to the uostc?'n desig;)ation. "RTV't Hogolal::ente Intornaziouale Vciooli ie .i the agreoLIPnt on the autuoa utilization of froi(lit oars in international traffic,,) on lines of the Csochosioval:iar State Railroaas (USD) provided that theix technical condition does not anOango-r t%P security of operations and ?allews for a speed of 70 knin- The Polish State Railroads (M) reou:35t that such cars art to be returned imlei'.iatoly af'tex they have bc,on unioailed, (Sec also para IV, 1), 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A063500080001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A063500080001-8 - 6 , 50X1-HUM 9f, For Rer-0. and R..:.:ilroaa Const2notion in Vorth Carelia (Finiand/MJIR sec Annex 3)0 Il DIR311 1* ;laiiroaa Traffic ao 757)eraoaDrtu The Hulmehevo Lavochne stretch of the tw&s4 . Chop line is so heavily used. by ..assencer and froic;ht trains that the reserves of the timetable for the line have been exhausted colapletelyo The standard wei;ht of a froiht train has been set for oope stretches of the Transsiberian .11,1.istra1e as fol om .ht in Tons 15900? 2000 2?300 3000 1*600 - 2,000 1:.000 RR Stretch SverdlovOr-Ozsh aosh-17?ntelz. Khabarovsk-Uolnaya Ucjoinaya-KaLhodko, in coneral, oar4 of over '50 tone are to 'oo. used in trains of 30- 50 oars., 1Zoab-,d _ d_ 1) .TtliTh of ,2ype fl.50 (5() uere lai on. the bz-4,11astoi; ror.vibed of the Litovsk - Orha ntrctch ancl hew switches w::,ro im7tallod, Tho 1)orminible, uaxiuc soecj of paseon.:;er trez.ns i5 100 ktToneters on the OpeA line ana 00 k1loceter Fivx:Jinc; thouch stationsc: (2). Rails of the felloinr: types 'oro la? on the Tr3nssiberiark ,.0 of nails fSr, 4,45 1,7./n) (65 hjn) if-so hoIl) ? k43 he/n) (38 lz,71 RR Otretch 1:iverdloir17.-Tyumen Tyliaeyi-Orlsk nmsk-Ta-shet T%rshet,Irkutel.: Rhabarovsk-Uc.oinaya Ucolnaya-ilahhor",ka 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A063500080001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A063500080001-8 50X1 -HUM Each li.lonleter of the above stretches has been fitted with 1,840 vocejon ties, The follevinf.; ballast has been usedg Broken steno and. crave' between Sverdlovsk and Tynnen and Omsk and Irkutsk broen stone (about 0 7 UM) Tyumen. and Omsk Sand and (-revel Oand 2, Road Traffic At? It Khabarovsk and Ifi;olnaya Ucolnaya and Haknodka. - in 1961 the motor vehicle bases of the Linisry for l_eter 0 Vehielc! .-effie and ..zoas of the rif:FU: convey-0d over 000 uillion tone of coeds, :ith the froic;:'It turnover. amountina to 12,4 billion t/L..m. In 1961, tho Uiniotry for itor Vehicle Traffic and RoaeLs of the 13V3I1 received 459C0 truch6 ineluC.incs 3500 social motor vehioles (19(0 quota - 57,700 trucks inc1U_in,E 2 300 sPocial neter vehiclee)0 'no deficiencies in spocial iot.or vehiclos still tx:Icunt to 77 percent of truchs for the transportation of Grain and bread, 79 -Percent of delivery vans for Goods of daily use'and to 95 :iereent of snail delivery vans for uiscellaneous L:oods In additions there in a considerable shorta,;e of trilers, tractor trucks and semitrailers (without front axle). WQ Accordinc; to a resolution passe '12?- the Council of Hinisters, the followin: toot models of special meter vehicles are to be f.loned, lorcuoodaed tested in 1962/63: Tractor vehicles 1") types Hotor vehicles l!ith sT)ocial platform superstructure 13 " 3e1f-discharLinc Jump ears 12 " Delivery van. e1udinrefric,erator care 17 rotOI vehicles -rer ac:ricultural pur-ooses Hotor vehicles to be employed in the northern areas an:"_iathe het -..7..esert areas 4 " Trailers van inclu.Lins; refri_e::;2ter vehicles 15 ft 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A063500080001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A063500080001-8 rt. _ Trailers vith tank suporstructre 12 ty-ons Trailers uith cciai superstructure of platforu duop cam ifiseellalleous ot:lor trilers 24 A ') Of toce vv:rious toot ty-.oel o117 a smll mrtion is exi)ectod to be solocted for .lories prouction. 50X1 -HUM d, At present the folloinu tyT)es of trailers aro in use for the transportation of Lully and heavy i:oods: Ch MT2AP- TA 11.1f.B - 5204 5203 5203 -15I ??????*. C,:',Dacity (in tons) Eupty 19-,5 6135 20,.0 ? (12 4c3,0 12,7 .....***1???????. PG ,0 7,5 4000 Loricth fin met.-rs) 11,30 12,94 1005 10.9 Wiath (in Iletei:s 2,64 3,0 3.2 2.7 3.0 Ifeilt (in neters) 1p47 lc-93 1?7c 1,96 1,94 Loadinu area (in seuare cetera) 1965. 10,75 17;,50 11,30 Loadin,-J heijit (in ? milliuetors) 1265 1140 onrt is-+v riurabor of axles . 3 3 2 PL.,..ns provide for the -1'o11o,JinG notor volli.clos to be Losi:nod an constructed: Yraiie1 or-rt2.ctor truc ILW204 vith 14 tens Ioxi coxacity Trailers j:or tri:ctor KriT-219 ;:ith 12 tons load caolty for tractor KrA:TJ-214 for the tr::?1101)ortation of coods and of cars S-E-C-R-E-T 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A063500080001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A063500080001-8 TIT , 50X1 -HUM 1a3 t, C Ornanx_ 1, Interzonal Yraffic3 L..nd 2t3e-.1:- in Tra_fio :iituation a, Interzonal Traffic After a construction 7)orioa of 6 1/2 uonts, the 15,25 hileueter-lon; sinlo-track Go,'stunn-Poortha lino was put in oporation. For the time ";)ein, the line is to serve the transportation of potas,frolit the Gcrstun:.en area to Eisenach, Constrzlobien r:leasUres under uay on (jertunGen ,..assen;,:;er station aTz,I)ear to cc r' tho intentions of the Roichsl:ahn to rete at loc,st part of the iKtoronal traffic on the new line* LeDorteC_iy, the actual interenal trains -107/in io?ni,(,0 in - a..2o co;nn'rnc. iC.Ifl (I) 1/2 5/6) in traffic betueen :jest C,;2::.,ny and 3-;.-21in arc to eontinlle via _arthao *ituatien CO Reichsbahn *1 in t, lin (a) In February 1962 the buildin; of a /5-unit hut erszlp wes started cast of Cfle of RH Station Ilethr-KeeTlenick betueen the ti.aek and the 2te1linc:dana. The camp is possibly accOmodatin,:: workers employed I n the il.-vellent of the Derlin-Frant/ Odor line. **) Do'f.r, - littach(1 as Annex I is a L:ap Cf the electrinally and steam-e-2cratd llneo in the to replaoe the -,,iiective nap contained in Tran5Dorto.tion for L.1_111t I961 rot,- **) Oee T-ansr)e.ztation 31:imary for JJAnuary In the soconC. half 02 1962 Y.a::1sIlorct J33 station is to receive (*c: p1::?.tfo21.i for lonnce 1,1:CJ :oter-lonL; platform as well as L, now a,L.inistratien 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A063500080001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A063500080001-8 2 ( - 10 - 50X1-HUM station fox lonL-istanc) trains will then have two throa::h traehna.. t.,re othor tracks auC will. be c.blo to LCC 15090.T:0 passen.:ero 7,aily in zecliiin astanoe traf:ne t:2affic on t:.c Aft ez the opill,letion of tLe ;:rojectt Karlskorst IU.t taidon is o tr:2:0 over the p2OVi0110 len,:ctu:nce traffic function of al1C ':ci.lin-!;choonewcido stations. Roichnbahu in .1ootiin (a) In late liarch 1962t the Rciohobahn started to romovo 1,200 trach netors of the 13-13ahn stretch from Fp;-,hn station Gosundbrunnen Berlin) in tho direction of the sector borer. (b) In late :iarch 19621 the Yost .2or1in police blochecl the transfer of safety- caissons for contact rails from S,.Dabn station Dollevue to the Soviet soctor of Borlin since the removal haC. not been authorized by the vestern polders in Berlin After the completion of a new toyer on S-;iuhn station :estend, the previous semaphore Sic:nals are to be repl:coa by liL;ht sinals visible also in the f2.aytime. (0) (a) Because of the incrcasinc; allortace of -.)ersonnel on RR lines in Uest erl.n the i..oiolobatin has an extensive placard adve:AisinG oampaim promisin considerable socialz-,dves for er_r)loyees en Befit 13crlin RR stations. Female railcar ?njinecro are increasincly (laployod on the liecJt1 11Lfl 0-11o,hn linos. (fiee riorsonnol s5.t;lation 1)ara in: 2, b.) Subwa.- ijioo Annex 2, i] in Traffic Situation - 2ubvay" on rw,p replaoinc the.res7)ective Annex 2 of TrarsDortation SlInry for J'ai.L;ust 19G1) One "chechr:r" each is euployed on the ;:ast stations locatea on si.-..bway Tines C an. D, closed to piUlie 2fic hc O]locizer has to watch the traius -1)asd_uc; by and cheoh their lilitinc; (of the front and roor aals) ho has to ttize action in case of In ition.0 two or t, OO 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A063500080001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A063500080001-8 (b) 11 - 50X1-HUM transport policemen eaoh are stationed at these snbvay stationst, From the stationot eiroot telc.:hone connection has boon eliscontinued to the nearestsubvy stations of Lines C and D on n)st 3ier1in territory. (Only the adrinistrations c)f the DVC (Berlin Traffic Company) in port Berlin and of ViiB BITG in East Berlin are still connected with each other by a line of the Leer telephone netvork of the subway), The connect:Lk: tunnel between the :ost Berlin Corridor Line C and Line A has been walleC up on Subway t3tation Otadtuitts, `JuLvay tralns of the East h,Jrlin stretch of Line A run empty betveen Uubway Station Thaelnannolatz and the turntable of Potsda;aor Platz subuay station. (4) The feeder road fron Adlerestell to -Jorlchoollefeld airport vas opened to traffic on 20 April 1962, (;cc zn portion SunEary for October 1961). Thio road is 71art of the planned rapid tx?affic connection between the. center of East f;erlin at Alexandorplatz and Berlin-:dc:loenefold airt,ort and the southern hi,:hway rints arounil Lerlin. In line with this Droram, the froicilt-hancUinc; installations of 1;erlin.-Ad1ers1iof RR statioL have already been transferred, Nee Transportation fhuinary for re:)ruary 1962), 2, ilailroad r2ra2ie ao 0-)era,ion and Traffic (i) Thouch no extraordinary requirenonts of the Reichsbahn uere reported in AT;ril 1962i. the uain disatcher laanaenent (liautdispatcherleitung - ndi) at the Hiniatry for Traffic coaplained at the bejnninc; of the uonth about the follevinG shortoomince in the opertional cituatio?); (a) In contrast to the transportation plan too much equivnent (presuuably loaf.T.ed and cnspty) in Cottbus.. Groifowald and Rail? districts, (b) Ourl)lus empty cars in :3chuorin Berlin and Hallo districts, 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A063500080001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A063500080001-8 - 12 - 50X1 -HUM Arrears in unloading and subsequent delay in mal:inc :wailable Gars to be loarled in 1tiie Cottbus and Berlin distictso (d) Tradns without locomotives, and trains accumulated (partly in the direction of the OdorPeisoc .ino) in Berlin Cottu:s and Halle castricts1 involving difficult sitlatiom; at FrLnfurt/Oder ara Guben transit stations Oh Occasion of May 1st. tho Hal called for the following measures to lie ta!!:en to oliminate the shortoomins: (a) To rake trains run on schedule; to operate the individual parts and installations on RR stations according to plan, and to form trains and lot cars pass in transit according to Diann (4 To increase the loading and unloadin performances throujl Sunday holiday culd ni:;ht 107ck anfl to accelerate the return of empty forcdcn To improve the operational porfortiaes: :Loops the switchinc of RR stook the dispatch of loaded cars, the utilisation of freiL;ht trains to caacity the coononio utilisation of the pool of locomotives and the adhereAce to the locomotive service *olans. Th overcome the ,T;roup e:,oisn of the diotrictss briadeo and del)artmonts, aa-Ld to civo 7:rocedoce to tlio solution of problems of above. district level over intra-istrict -ercleus. In mia-Apxil l962;, plan arrear-Z-Of tUe -1Ziolts1ahn amca:Ite=a to 0.,07 days o7.t. 44500 tons, (2(a) i1ilitarz roquircronts of the Reichnbahn by the GSFG lore at the level cilsteLary for thi3 season and incluCed the shJ.paonts for the cmecial training cf the (lifforout arLis -oart4oularly of artillery :1:1d taniz troonss and in part of anti-aircraft troops to tr?-Aninc sites 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A063500080001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A063500080001-8 50X1-HUM (b) Iii lat e.;:d early ADwil 19G2 the liVA (E(A-liast C:-eruan Aruy) carried out nuilerons transports in the south cf Ilast Gerny in line with lar:je exercises or Hilitory District III. (c) No special ftatures were observed in pilitary border- oreL;sin traffion b, Personnel .f3ituc.tion The Reichsbahn shortace of labor has allecedly increased to such an extent that only 65 percent of the perlianont establiE:hed posts are ecounie(:;, Efforts have t.orefore boon 2acle recently, to recruit oersounot, proor.aliontly from still 'Privately-owned enterprisesy rcquirin t;iem to worL for the floichsbRhn, In the 'fear of r:iabotae the :q-Achsba-zan is to employ personnel c considorce. to be politically' relic,ble. The difficult -oorsonnel situation of the RcioLsbahn is reportedly ehlo to the fellowinc reasons: (a) Hich quota of retirinc -personnel because of the ootaarctively unfaverabl hich percenta[zo of old aoa personnel who remained at their posts 'while youncer personnel fled to ',:est Germany 11 -)oroelatace of sick pr,:rnennel becatIse of the incroanin strain of werhy and subsequent incroase of invalid casee. licration of 1)ersonns'q to eterprises with EW2C favorable volt' conitions, recluirinr: persortnel inoreasincly after coulsory military service wail introduced. (see personnel situ-..tion in 'Zeot Be21in, para Inc 1, b, (2) (a) of this reT)ort)z, C . Ganre-Chancinc;:thoel 3cA t.socorclini-j to Dil?.1. Inc, TacLert: a representative of the East German "Ka. order (Departent of Technoioy)-, who had scrutinized the 6eveIopent of the 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A063500080001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A063500080001-8 1.1 (2) (70 50X1-HUM wheel set2 tho successful nain tot n, LicXto with ,;et sJoR III in 19(0, were achieved in i)art throuf'jh the utili.iation of construction cleLents "wich a-r:Icar 1ticsuiable for coonouical einloent"uiron the econoLical -.)loillt of viol], it :as most iimortz:Lnt to attain a low weint worLiw.; order and ley prouction co'.3ts In sZiaition to tho prolonf,e,a cuploylrtent. of tho wheel sez1 within 1:ast Go3.'r.1Lny, carriofi out in operative service, i.e, in scheduled runs, three' runs with a freiht train of 25 four-axle tank cars wore carried out between East Gernany and the oilr.producinr area of Kuibychov. (The train was ladcd with 1,000 tons of oru_ae oil on the return trip)0 FurtItermore a social trip was made with a pa.:;sall;cr train between. Berlin and lioscov,, It can be reckoned that the repeatedly reported series products on of c;o4:;e-chanin:.: wheel sets at RAVs Delitzsch and "7th October" in Zwickau, will at least cut down since Herr Tackort has asi;e0.: in his nublioation for a lijiter and loss exi:ensive "liuruechsel;.-nasatz 607f Pero:poi:tiro" (imufx:-chancinn. wheel sot of 1.:respost) to he closiched by a "f;ccialist worlzini; teare consistin of roDrosontatives of the inCeastry and tlLo Ecichsblinp hc follow:in? data has been 1,:ar1ot-1 on tho second East Cm-af,r. Rh feJ2y(see T.Irans-Doytation Supnary -ror Januar' 1962): (a) Len., 1:36 Leters wiath a'..)out 17 nctors:: (I.)) Lon?,:th of traclzu on board 300 netorso (c) C.,city: 11 last trdn car s.i or 1;0 cars; and unloadinc po5.1sibility over 1)ow and stern flapc Pour nine-cylinaor diesel en?::inoS with 2,406 (c) jpooa 16 knots,: In early 1962:, C;ormilny hod a network of 2250 cvorland bus lines with a total lencth of 62,.463 1:i1omPtors. in late January 1962, VIZ 0ashn.n riean ir.oduced the 100,nOth pasbenor car of the type "TrrIbmt" The Gor2mn 1)ublications reforrin to the event also r;:ontioned tho 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A063500080001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A063500080001-8 50X1-HUM modernization of the Zwickau plant carried out in 19G1 and its further. expansion. It is therefore estiated that the ;easures taken in the East 6crLan autonobile industry, as published recently, i.e., the discomtinuation of ?Lle production of "Trabaat P 50"; handin-over of the production of "!Zrabant P 100" to Czechoslovakia; simultaneous discontinuation of exportinc "artbur" of VE3 Autonobile Plant Bisonach; and the planned production of a four-stroke enuine of this type had to be taken unexi)octedly by East CerIllany on account of a COMECON resolution. IV. 7 Czechoslovakia 10 0-,)orational Situation at the Railroads Since the becinn-Inri of 1962; the continuous shortac:o of RR cars has caynod fred??ht transportation arrears of cbout 4 iljort tons at the Cechoslova!zian ljtcte Railroad- (C31)) r;"ile &hare of dallared cars in the total stock of froit cars (about 1)0201,0) ellod1y ar2ounts to about Yho follovin,L; Loficiuncios are subject to critioisp: The poox 02 the :CODCAT The lz,,eL of i;:::c.:nsportf:-.tion Lisciplino of the shixers (loadinL and unloadin.; (lelays). The frocuent breakinG of rails. The llolayed return of RR cars dispatched to noichborinc countries includin_ the USSR, On the other hand, Trancloainc,Station Cierna hoT. was -Praised for its daily transleaCinc porferLance of about 40.$000 tons in April. (300 para I, 8. of this report) 2, Civilian Air '2ra1fic BeL;innin,1; with April 1962, the CzecheslovaLian Airline Conpany MI has been servinL; the PraLue , Ber1in- 6tookhoim - Relsinki line twice per week with turboprop aiiiamos VDe bo Durin,': the first Taartor of 1962/ the CJA employed another three :)Iriet aircraft (two 11-13s, one TU-104 A), The AVIA-14 .olano (construction under license of the TL-14) was convc1te(1 to seats as a.,fjEt the forer 26 seats, 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A063500080001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A063500080001-8 V. Poland 50X1-HUM l.???????14.1* 10 Total Traffic The nuiabor of personnel onaoyed in the econonic branch of "TransI)ortation and :eaffic ias 652000 in 1960s 66620G0 in 19617 and is to be 66e.to00 i 1962 acoordin plan. 2n Railroad Traffic a, n wnerations (Rationalization) On another 122 stanaard and narrow Gauce stretches (205 so far) short-distLnce frei,;ht transportation is to be taLen over by the PKS (Str:.te iletor Vehicle Traffic) in 1962.- b. Electrification The elocfiction of tho Silesian 32 hiloter Laband Fley6.ebrech ._;treteh vas to be oopleted 1)1V early "lay 17;62. In late 1961, the PHI) (Polish Stc.te iZnforea0.$) receivoC. soil? prototypes ail' a now Zour-axle coal flatecxs type 401-7, PKP LTOUD desicnation from the alowetho oill %;orks. The car has the followinu specifications: (a)Lenc;th of load (b) Loncth of load (c) Width of load (d) Width of load (e) Empty weicht (f) Cal)acity 10.64 neters as coal car 11.00 meters an i7iatcar; 2.96 actors as coal car meters as flat car; 20 tons ; to .60 tons. Pront and side walls are removable and can be replend by stanchions for the transportation of long roods aila heavy vehicles s Leavy tmas. After a six TAInths testini-,; periods the series proiAction of the car is ex,eotoC_ to bejn in the fr.2.1 of 1962. . 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A063500080001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A063500080001-8 50X1 -HUM (2) J1 16-axie tvo-unit Jeresoet.:1 center flat oar: Go6-2]1 is under construction in Posen (Poznan:, The car has 'he followina specifications: Lon6th v:zon emty 20,5 nOtol.s Loucth lonod 37,2 metre C:-.?acity up to 27)r) tone S.:lancet caam,tter of c-Lrve 90 IL-11;0:0.130 The car is chark,cabic. to broad .L;a1K;c. a, Contrlinor Trc:lis:ci?tation Alhile in ,::,eneral the transportation in small containers is 2c:1:ilia satisfactory proxosop the transportation in larcse containers is proceeding only slmrly. Stock of Containers In 1961 In 1965 (Planned') Conitscted t-ions in 1961 Small containers (an to I ton and 4..)5 cubic 1::etere) approxildately 14/00 18-191000 Larffe containers appro:zicately (up to 2 tonev 890 over /1?5 cubic meters) CI Qr., 6i300 11 float 11,A In carly 1962 -?Ict 1.7as acsur.:ed to be as follous: Total rots )-ncludinG roaas with so15.d si.lrfacc inc1noC.s with mprove solid surface (asphalt: bitumen etc.) ')out 293 OC b:Llote abot 1:57000 :i:10 tofu (about 4 1-11/10C, OCIltre z.,bout 37,000 LiloiActuro 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A063500080001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A063500080001-8 - 50X1-HUM State roads with o11d surface about 62600 kilometers includiriz;. roads with improved solid surface about 55s200 " b. Road and Bride Construction in 11)61 Acoordinc to recent statenents: the followinr; road and bridc,,e construction was carried out in 1961t New Projects 1060 read kiloneters: incluainc 144 kilometers of state roads and 916 kilometers of comuunal roads6 5050 meters of brides6 Part or Conclete lloacrnization 2:570 road kilometers? including 112 kilometers of state and 2458 kiloueters of comr2unal roads, 2?560 meters of bridc;es, o. Road Construction in 1962 In l962s a total of 2,5 billion zloty are to be spent for the modernization of state roads 9 and 800 million zloty for new projects In addition funds from the budtet of the wojeOidztvie (provinces) are to be made available for the communal roads? Plans provide for the construction of about 250 road. kilometers incluaine; 135 kilometers of state roads and for tile modernization of about 3,900 kilometers, inoludinc about 3,000 kilometers with asphalt onrfaco on state reads 111-5( n Const notion in 3962 In ?962 buildiaL will be carried out on 66 bridcos and viaducts on state roads aneL. on 39 brides controlled by the wojew6dztwie. 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A063500080001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A063500080001-8 The followiac; important bri043ou are included in the proram and are to Le conraeted in 1962/63; Briai-e over River Weiehol (*Asia) Warthe (farta) San .ozura Oder Vislok bar or in L'Jcation near Kulm (nolmno (CE 21) near Pyzdry (XI' 83/ and SviorLooin (WU 03) in Brandwica (ED 70) in Lowicz cDC 27) in 07Tein (PiastoNski Bride) (YS 01) in Rze;Jzow (EA 74) 50X1-HUM 4c Civilian Air Trefic porfor;anco oc the State through 1962: Pollowinc are the transportation Airline Company LOT in 1960 1960. 1961 1Q62 1P1,),-11 ' Air pasooners 175,70o 201 .68O *) 224640 Air frei,3ht (in tons) 3,54o 4,040 510 Note*); Including 66500 passencero on for.-1.--t air routes,- Q _17 -P - 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A063500080001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A063500080001-8 Legend to Anne;: 1 of Trensrortation Summary for April l962.: Key to f21Lips (red) (red) (red) (red) (red) (red) (red) A a... a I...11?1?11. a J./OW. ???????ri, .2.01.1?111 ??????.* ??????????? 40.WO-a (Steum? (Electric) ? . if...._..?..At ----- -4--- (blue) --"????............+,*3, (red) (blue) (blue) (blue) (blue) (blue) (b11,1,,,) (SteZET 14.4.1414.1.L2- 1?261ectric; 50X1 -HUM Border between 'Berlin and East Gernany Sector border S-, line3 in East Berlin and T;ast Germany Station open to pubitn traffic Station cioneCd to public traffic Entry and exit froa and to Last Berlin closed Throuh line scheduled for ',:est passinr through Eac't Berlin 3-Bahn line's in West Berlin Station open to public traffic 0 Station closed to public traffic Transfer station (also to long-distance lines not shown on this map) TrJ,nsfer to subway . SE-C-R-E-T 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A063500080001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A063500080001-8 Legend to Annex 1 of Transportation Summary for April 1962 Steaated S-Bahn Lines to supplement the electric Filahn system in Berlin area. Werder (on thf: Havol River)., Potsdam Main Station - Southern Berlin Outer Ring (suedlicher BAR) - ScLoonefold neat Berlin - Berlin-Karishorst Berlin-Ostbahnhof Berlin,,Schoeneweide 4, Werder (on the Have River) - Potsdam Stadt (city Potsdam Main Station Potsdam Stadt (city) - BabelsborG 3Q a, Potsdam Hain Station - Griebnitzsee Wannsoo (service personnel traffc with combustion railcar) 4 a Pcelitz Ilcilstdetten Drewitz b, Beelitz deilstactten Michendorf - Saarmund Souhern Berlin Outer Ring (suedlicher BLit) Schoonefold near Berlin - Berlin-Karlshoret - Berlin-Ostbohnhof 13erlin,,Sohoeneweide 5, a. Ludwigsfelde Teltow 50X1-HUM 5. b. Ludwigsfolde (-Birkengrund) - Southern Berlin Outer Ring (suedlicher BAR) - (Schoenefeld near Berlin) , Derlin-Schoeneweide (-Berlin-Liohbnberg) 6. Teltew (-Genshagener Heide) - Southern Berlin Outer Bing (snedlicher BAR) -(Schoenere?.d near Berlin) - Berlin-Karishorst - BeTlin-5ohoonew:Aae 70 Wuensdorf (-Genshagener Heide) , Berlin Outer Rin3 (BAR) (via Saarmund - Potsdam Main Station - 1.4ustermark Switch-Yard , lichen Neuendorc west) - Oranienbur-, NE-Berlin Outer Ring (BAR) - Berlin-Lichtenberg ror a. Wuensderf - Blankenfelde Zossen) Southern Berlin Outer Rints. (suedlicher BAR) - (Schoenefold near Berlin) , Berlim,Schoonweide 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A063500080001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A063500080001-8 50X1-HUM Lciscad to Annex 1. of Trc.,.-asportatiort. Sunnary foal Apri 1 1.5161; Vuensdorf 90 RuedorocLorf Fredorsdorf iderneuchn - Berlin-LichtcnberL: 11, Busdorf BerlimsBlailkenfelde (Heidekrautbahn) 12, Basdorf (Berlin-(aT ow) Berlin,.,Blanhenburg 130 Oranilmbur Birhonwerder Derld n OuteT lerlin-Lichtenber Ring (BAR) (-Palhenhagen) ? Falkensee haunn 140 Falkenson Albrechtshof 15, Nauen Paikensee 16. Wustermark - Brq:lin-taaken (Soviet sector) 170 Berlin-StaakPn (Soviet sector) - Wusternark Switch-Yard - Berlin Outer Ring (BAR) - (Berlin-Lichtenberg) Berlin- Ostbahnhof0 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A063500080001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A063500080001-8 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A063500080001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A063500080001-8 Loc;ona to Annex 2 of TranspertaUon Sumaxy for April 3.962 lley woeac.??? 0 50X1-HUM (red) Sector border --- (rod) Subway line in East Berlin (red) Station open to public traffic (red) Statieli closed to public traffic (red) Friedrichstrasse station can be entered or left only by as sing tbrouGh a control ?44 ? (blue) (red) (blue) (red) (rpe0 mow (blue) Throuah-line for Westberliners passinG tilveuGh -East Berlin Subway line in West Berlin Lines OA .which mblic traffic has been fliscontnued- (blue) Station open to publin traffic (blue) Gtation closed to public traMc blue) Transfer station (b:lue) Trarofel- to S Balm (blue) Pre: subwa aine9 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A063500080001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A063500080001-8 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A063500080001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A063500080001-8 50X1-HUM Annex "..5 to Transportation Summary for April 1962 Road and Railroad Construction in North Carelia (Vinlend/USBR)., (For layout, see attached map), (See Transportation Sumnaries for Junes :ieptenbers and November 1961), 1? General As reported provi:luslyl, the nron:ressinG expansion of roads and RR linesi particularly in the Finnish part of North Care1ia7 is nainly effected on account of Soviet military requirements, On 25 Noverfocr 19611 Khrushohov and Kokkonen cane to a further secret - aL:reement which includes the followilv: neasurest ac 'Prom 1962-1965, the USSR is to supply 502000 tons of heavy rails per year for the exixinsioa of the Finnish. RR systela? b, The road not of ilorth Finland is to be improved for the use of heavy tan1:02 and the road brides are to be reinforced to increase their ca2acity, c The Soviet fin., of "Trust Free Gasoline" is to establish. Gasoline and oil depots on the Finnish island of Aaland. To a0: The total Finnish RR net, being broad :-.i:auGe as in the USSR, is about 5300 kilometers lonj includin:s approximately 320 double-trach kilometers. At present z about '1900 track kiloneters are equipped with heavy rails (54 kg/m); about 17270 track kilometers are ballasted? The intended Soviet supplies will contribute to a considerable inprovement of the 'Finnish RR net by. making it possible to construet new tracks, or to exchanGe rails 011 about 450 sinclo-track kilometers, To b0: (1) Since the 1):coscnt noasares are concontrated mainly on i1e expansion of more important transit and ,onnecting roads it is assumed that these wili be available for the use of tanks in any', S-E-C-R-E-T 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A063500080001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A063500080001-8 - 2 .., 50X1-HUM (2) The 1962 suoner construction proram Provides for the renewal of 3300 kilometers of road surface including 440 kilometers of asphalt concrete. To con Thow;h the installation of POL depots by the Soviet firm of "Trust Free Gasoline" on Finnish territory is carried out on a civilian basis the steraGe is expected to serve nilitary fuel reserves. 2, Road Net TA addition to the previously reported completion of the 170 kilometer,long hiplway7 available for the use of tanks from Rat. a Jooc,.eppi to the planned main opwer plant on Otero Not (Lake Not) the fo11oinr irlortant hi:rhway connections in the area about 75 kiler.otors south,est og Murmansk/USSR (see map route 1) are worth mentionin a0 The hi;;hway expanded to siz meters from Ivalo to Murmanolt: via Akujaervi Virtaniemi; alonc:: the Soviet/ Norwegian border and Pechen:ga (see map route 2) with a branch line from Mayatalo/USSR to Kirkenes/Norweala (see map; route 2a). b. The followini; roads leadincs to the Finnish/Norwegian border and being connected with the Uorwegian roan net; (1) Kaamanon - Utsjoki dircetion of UerweGian border (3ee map; route 5) Xaqmaen - - dirc!ctior of Norwcian border (see Li2p5 route 4) NUonio Palojoensuu Enentehoe Kautoheino/ Norweciao of which the EnonteLtoe Icautoheino snctirtn has alM,Ijodly boon available for the uso , pasen,1-:er cars oinco July 1961 (see map route 5)Q f7\ o Inside North Finland. the followinc road conlr,eot3ons? (1) (2) Prom Muonio in northerly direction, with a belt road around Mt, Outtha and htL Pallacttunturi (see nap, route 6) From Enortekioe - Sirkka located on the Muenie,, Rittilae road (see map p route 7). S-E-C-R-E-T 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A063500080001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A063500080001-8 . , (3) . (4) (5) Yo hrinox 3 50X1-HUM From Kittilc.e to Kelloselkae: or Pnvr,no,ja, 3odanig1ac - PelLosonniemi Savulzsski (see .Ltap route 0) From Pethula to Tanhuac, The extension of this road is planned as far an-Lattonavaara (direction of Pinnish/ Soviet bordor) via Revanoja (so nap, route 9) Pelkosenniemi - Kerlijarvi - Kuusemo (see map, route 10) (6) A belt road ,),round the 539 Deter ht, ilthaetunturi with a double connotion to the Kamijaer.0, - Pel.kosenn:iemi road (see map, route 11) 0) (Rovaniemi) - Temijaervi - Salla; the highway has been expanded to a width of six Delors and continues at the same width east of the Finnish/Soviet border (see map route 12) 00 In Central Finland, preparations are to be Dade to expand the west east road connee-:;ion from Jakobstad (Bothnian Gulf) to Nu-mes (north of Lake Pielinen). A road connection exists from Nurmes to London/USSR via Lieksa with a connection to the Petrozavodsk - Leningrad, or Belomorsk, highway (see map, route 13). )0 Railroad a. Construction on the ',Teot Carelian na,:istrale (see .2rallsportation Summary for June 1961) proceeds only slowly. The stretch under oonstruction north of Tikshotsoro is to be complotod ao far as Yuehkotscro, by 1963. (See man, lino 14). The.Kontionti Halla iin has been extended as far as close north of Taivalvaara (see map line 15). C . On :the Finnish/04edish berdor, the hauliranta line is nrocently beioc ;o7ctencled to the imoortant iron ore district of KolarA. The construction of the Yauliranta Pelle stretch was completed in late 196i already, The total now line of a length of 125 kilometers is to be completed by late 1962, To begin with, rails of kc/m are to be laid and later on heavy rails of 54 kg/m (see map, line 16). S-E-C-R-E-T 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A063500080001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A063500080001-8 ? 11 -t-c? go Annex 50X1 -HUM d, Another approximately 350 track hiaometors are px:osently ander construction irk the southern part of Pinland;. Concerned aro the following stretchost (1) Taape:ce Parkano Senaejoki (approximately 150 kilometers) (2) Jaemsaonkoski - Jyvaeskula (aynroximatoly 50 kilometers) (3) Parikkala - Onhamo 08 kilometers) along the Finnish! Soviet border Lrumaoki - Lappeenranta (28 kilometers). ( ) Those 1.-a stotches are either to servo as croos..00nnections: or as new connecting lines being extended accordincay. The completion of the stretches is scheduled for late 1962, Road Border CrosGint, Finland/USF Border crossinc; point Vaal ima on the Helsinki - Haoina - Viborg/ USSR hiGhway was closed durinr7 the winter months and was reopened on i April 1962. It will reein open to motor vellicle traffic between 0900 and 2100 hro daily until 15 November 1962. The official note traner2ittecL by the USSR to finiand on 23 Narch 1962, did not refer to any traffic resi.riotion at the above horor-orossing peint. Accordinc to previous information supplied by the Soviet travel agency Into:Li-1st, border-crossincs at this point was forbiden to tourists traveling in pausenL:er cars because of difficulties -in accommodstinc; them in hotels:: 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A063500080001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A063500080001-8 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/01 : CIA-RDP80T00246A063500080001-8