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r I A ? - Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12 : CIA141bp08c01297R0007-6.6666-61-LaCE PRIORITY (Security Classification) FOREIGN SERVICE DESPA Jff 73/A2-/ysle eGe FROM TO ?REF oFr Dept. Use Only Amembasw QUTTO r70925 THE. DEPARTMENT OF STATE. WASHINGTON. fk.obnsK? Tel No. 4639 Feb. 11, 1958. ACTION A REC.? DEPT. 61 4 74f-9 F OTHER '2 0 7 / /e' 7;?-.3 4/4//-- ? 1/sf.W-/e SUBJECT, Eatladorarr. lk)FitiOn Or. -Lau' of the Az .previoUsl reported by elc'mm? the Embassy today received an Aide Memo:1,re fromthe Ecuadonm- Foreign Office?summartotng the Ecuadoran p0OitiOn. OP.. the Law of t'he -.Sea. This position has been. 7ee8ched in a seriee of comersptions beld. in Quito be renresenta:tives of Ecuador., Peru. and iJhile in p.reparation for the Geneira Oonferenoe. The 8paatsh text of -the Aide heoire is enclosed. Followtng is an informal English translatilyng. :."The aotio 6f tj,e .2co.adorau. delegation to tA:e Conie:,ence on. tbe Cvn :('CI I) The ,_Z.1 L,to:i:est the coastal btate lie. the main- tena.loe? 'thej c: any part oeas ue t; .(7!;)71dto3ial &,10a in krticle :j4. of the. International Law ?omission, and the consequent' ri.O'It to adopt unilateral Tnse.T.:-)tion measures founded an sointific criteria atmd auject to scientific arbitration as establiShed in Article 55 of tne Oomissionl are cohsidered insufficient in oertain eases such as that of the Southern Pacific countries. Thereforep Ecuador will. seek at Geneva not only Loternational reco:nition of the preferental and un' conditional riat of the coastal State to dictate unilaterally c;cnservation measnres in a .zone of the sea adjacent to its territorial waterer but also a special right to the resources of such zone, under which right exploitation by nationals of aw state caidd. be carried out aq7 on the conditions established tiy the coastaltate. - 2) There is a relationship between the questions of liberty agd rUht- to fish and the conservation of the living resources and the cslestion of the determination of the width of the territorial sea. Ifp in the first of these questions, due recognfLtion is- obtained at Geneva of the special right of the coastal State to the resources of the zone adjacert. to its territorial sea and the consequent right to exploit and regulate fishing in the said zones the sUbject of the width of the JIPialwnegelh ?11=01411011E-1,,. INFORMATION COPY Retain in divisional files or destroy in accordance with security regulations. Declassified and Approved F'C;r71.4-ele?as.-e'2012-/:12/12 : CIA.--R-131?="0-860126Th(v)00700080014-4 . _ , el, Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP08001297R000700080-014-4 IUtilln DIA\ ITIALI 1 cnct. Pio (Classification) Desp. No 557 From alP Arnhast - QUIT OA. territorial sea would be of minor importance for the States that seek the establishment of the rights of the coastal State in the zone adjacent to its territorial waters. 29 The memoranda submitted by the Embassy of the United States have been studied carefully by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ecuador and the reaction to them of the Etpadoran delegation to Geneva will be defined in. the light of the principles expressed above. The delegation has instructions to maintain the closest contact with the delegation of the United States of America at Geneva. 3. As for the theory of abstention as a conservation procedure in certain circumstances the Foreign Ministry of Ecuador considers it interesting for situations outside of the adjacent zone in which the special right of the coastal state is to be - established and in any case believes it would be useful to go deeper into the study of this procedure in order to determine its scope with precision." It would qppear from the above that Ecuador might be prepared to support the United States' position on the 3-mile limit if the United States would agree to the position of Ecuador v Peru and Chile on the rights of the coastal State over the resources of the waters adjaoent to the territorial sea. Enclosure I ate 7ti Aide Memoire in Spanish9 dtd. Feb. 109 1958. Co 8 Ecuadoran Desk AmcongenGuayaquil US04 Quito Amembassy LIMA SANTIAGO -fr( John I. Fi,d1burne ounselOr of lambassy for Economic Affairs 00 IDENTLII .?4& Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP08001297R000700080014-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP08001297R000700080014-4 kivm.11'.u.,11,11.x.LAJJ Encl. No_ii?,r_ (Classification) Desp. From Amembassy QUITO AIDE MEMOIRE La acci6n de la Delegacidn del Ecuador en la Oonferenoia sobre el Derecho del Mar girard alrededor de los siguientes criterios fundameptales; 1) El inters especial del Estado ribereHo en el mantenimiento de la produetividad do los recursos vivos en cualquiera parte del alta mar adyacente a su mar territorial definido en el artYoulo 54 de la Comisi6n de Derecho Internacional y el consiguiente derecho de adoptar medidas uriiaterales de conservaci6n fundadas en oriterios oientlfioes y sujetas a arbitraje ciertYfico que establece el artfculo 55 de la Comisi'or., se consideran insuficientes en ciertos caeos como el de los parses del Paelfico Sure 1P1 tal virtud el Ecuador bneelaT4 en atiAbra no s6lo el 12econocimiento internacional del derecho preferente y no condicionado del Estado xlbereao de dictar umilateralmente medidas de consereaciein en una zona de mar adyacente a su mar territorial, sino tambin un derecho especial a los recursos de dicha zona, derecho en virtud del cual is explotaci6n por nacionales de oualquder Estado podrta realizarse s6lo en las condiciones que establezca el Estado riberefto 2) UNAste relani6a entre las ouestiones de liber-tad y derecho de pesca y conservaci6n de los recursos vivos y la cuesti6n de la determillact6e de la anchura del mar territorial. Si en les primeras se obtavlere en Ginebra el debido reconocimiento del derecho especial del Estado rdbereao a los recursos de la zona ad rent a su mar territorial y del eonsiguiente derecho de explotar, reglamentar y fiscalizar la pesca en dicha zona? el asunto de la anchura del mar territerial revestierfa dmportancia menor para los Estados que buscan el estableeileiento de los derechos del Estado ribereAo en la zona adya? cente a su mar territorial* 20 Los memorandums sometddos por la Embajada de los Estados Unidos han sido estudiados cuidadosamente por el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores del Ecuador y la reaccidn a ells de su Delegaci6m a Ginebra se definirA a la luz de los principios arriba expuestos0 La Delegaci6n tiene instruccionee de mantener en Ginebra el mAs estrecho contacto con la Delecaci6n de los Estados Unidos de Amgrica0 3, En lo que respecta a la teorla de la abstencidn come procedimiento de conservacidn en determinadas circumstancias, la Oancillerfa del Ecuador lo considera interesante para situaciones fuera de la zona adyacente en la que se pretende establecer el derecho privativo del Estado ribereao y, en todo caso, cree Atil quo se profundice en el estudio de este precedimiento a fin de precisar su alcance0 Quito? a 10 de Febrero de 1958 CONFIDENTIAL Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP08001297R000700080014-4