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JA ? /1:2. ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP08001297R000300250008-6 ? No. 876. SECRET .Subject: Situation on the Haitian-Dominican Frontier.. EMBASSY OF THE lir,i;T1,) STATES OF AMERICA Port-au-Prince, Haiti, July -1945. The Honorable The Secretary of State, Washington, D. C. Sir: PLANNING, EDITINCTc AND REFERENCE S EP 2 5 1945 DIVISION OF GEOGRAPHY & 'CARTOGRAPHY DEPARTMENT OF STATE.* I have the honor to transmit herewith as of in- - terest to the Department, the text of a memorandum dated July 5, 1945?, addressed to me by Lieutenant Commander Taylor, the Naval Attache of this Embassy. In this memorandum Commander Taylor describes his visit to Cuanaminthe, the chief Haitian frontier town in the northeastern part of the Republic, where a strong garrison is stationed. The entire document is de- serving of the Department's' consideration. I wish, however, to invite attention to the statement that conditions are quiet along that part of the border and that the underbrush and other vegetation along the boundary line where it is not formed by the Massacre River has been cleaned by the international commission which was appointed by both governments last year (see my despatch no. 368 of November 17, 1944). It is also interesting to note that the boundary appears to be respected by both Haitians and Dominicans and that private property holdings are carefully delimited and do not overlap the 4'frontier. Respectfully yours, Enclosure: 1/ Copy of memorandum dated July 5, 1945. File: 800 .D OW/ham To the Department ii. ozalid. cc: Amembassy, Ciudad Trujillo. Central Intelligence File. Orme trilson Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP08001297R000300250008-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP08001297R000300250008-6 Enclosure no. 1 to despatch no. 876 dated July 79 AIR WM_ 1945, from the Embassy, Port-au-Prince, Haiti, COPY AMERICAN EMBASSY Office of the Raval Attach? CONFIDENTIAL 5 July 1945. MEMORANDUM TO THE AMBASSADOR: I.have just returned with Mr. Baker from Ouanaminthe, where we visited ,with Captain Georges Bayard, Commanding Officer of the Garde ?d'Haiti post there. He advised me ? that there have open no incidents of any kind in his area and that the entire section is, and has been, quiet4 Captain Bayard said he was just completing the last of his five outpost guard houses along the frontier. The first is located at the mouth of the Massacre dlver, form- ing the boUndary line between Aaiti and the Dominican Republic, and the other four at intervals along the border, particularly where the ilassacre itiver ceases to act as the boundary line, he thought they were approximately 40 kilo- meters between stations; but that. is probably incorrect, as the map indicates it is only approximately 100 kilometers . from the mouth of the Massacre River to the end of the Department of the Rorth. Consequently, they would appear to be only 20 kilometers, or 10-12 miles, apart. he ex- pects to have the last of these completed by the end of July. He states. that the boundary line, where it is not formed by the massacrediver, has been cleaned out for a distance of six meters, which forms a no-man's-land be- tween the two countries, and a line of trees has been planted in the center so as to mark the boundary line very definitely. Boundary lines of the private properties of both Dominicans and Haitians abut this boundary line only to the edge of the so-called no-man's-land. He states there is no disposition on the part of .either Haitians or Doftinicans in the area to cross the boundary line, except for the few instances where there have been the usual crossings by thieves from one country or the other. . According to him, there?is very littlesmuggling going on. . He states that each guard house is manned by five soldiers who patrol the border constantly on muleback, he said that he did not know of any new airfield under construction at Dajabon, opposite Cuanaminthe, but that there had been an airfied there and it may have been improved. The airfield at Ouanaminthe will be improved as soon as the prisoners finish the construction of the last guard house-, in a menth or so, and it will take ap- proximately three months to get the field at Ouanaminthe in shape' to be used by the smallest of the Haitian planes. We did not visit the airfield, as it is some distance from the town, and part of the way you have to go by foot now. Captain Bayard Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP08001297R000300250008-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP08001297R000300250008-6 , AIR MAIL 2 Captain Bayard has constructed, since my last visit, a guard. house and a Customs House at the gateway leading to the international bridge between the two countries, connecting Ouanaminthe with. Dajabon. It is about 200 yards from this gate.t0 the "aitian entrance to the bridge, which is a fine cement structure. The Domini- can guard house is .directly in front of the Dominican end of the international bridge. It comprises a fair- sized cement structure about 150 feet long, ,with an arch- way in the center through which all vehicles must pass. It appears to house a Dominican guard coffiplement and the usual Customs and Immigration offices. In Ouanaminthe there is a resident Dominican Consul, whose wife, incidentally, is a relative of a Mr. Gonzales, who is employed by the Plantation?Dauphin The Captain stated that the policy ofrun-fraterniza- tion between the haitian guard and the Dominican .guard which began about a year ago still continues; but other- wise there appears to. be .no particular lack of cordiality between officials of the two countries. The Captain is living in Ouanaminthe with his wife and four children, and the Dominican Consul also lives ? there with his family. There is every appearance of the quiet that the Captain states exists. RaCICE,'2AYLOR. Corudr,, USN R copy/ham Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/12/12 : CIA-RDP08001297R000300250008-6