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Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25 :CIA-RDP61 S00750A000300060067-8 S~UC+?L~i,A~ A:;r1 ~::~~~.~TC GcHANGES ZIP AUSSIAYI SZ~+~~ Tf~ ~:'~:YOLUTIOYJ Z a~'i'R C}Il[J!'T 102 'the project is coTaa~ived at three levels: Sehodule A encompasses' the whale field of Conceived as a single ,project it iaril,cates the general scope snti purport of tho reaer~~ch, imtendi~ to st~-.te rather than solve the probldou in all its mtagnitude. 3a fact, !t goould br~alC $Otort into a Ser"~eS Of Cl?DI?CiTgDnt studies and each chapter, soaetitt~ea eves pss?ts of th.c~ chapter, may form a research pro- ~ect is its rnern riCht. EcF+ntuc~.tly, Schedule A might be a book ~g the resa~rch. schedule R nax?roxs dean the field to Communist ~-ssian Semantics (See enclosure.) >3ch~edule C is statiatiaal study of Communist Russian hgpothe$QS acid establish some linguistic and historic data unequivocally before sabmittin,; them to a semaatic study (~ Schedule) + aad (b) provide a properly organised set of data which studernt~ of CultYtxal anthropology, caociology, Psychology, political science. p~ChologiCal W~rfar?? etc. also might profitably tl~Af (their cooperation can be reriaired for defining the particular characteristics of the, Gnru*auraist speech they may vi eh to separate.) A tentative outli3~ of Schedule C is eaclosed to melee more clear Sts scope sad proced4~xa (mare technical parts are omitted for the sake of convenienco) and I h that the general lE~tassian morel cce;at, may provide us Frith useful couipara, ve a se STAT Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25 :CIA-RDP61 S00750A000300060067-8 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25 :CIA-RDP61 S00750A000300060067-8 ~~ @;cnt~ti~ outline) ~~a l F~~'~'^ r?F n Cs t. ?9~ ~?P.1l~o~.'E~~.~?Q~.~,__~.. V t ?f the le?- In;:,x~ice of the ~evoZ~tio rocnb~al~~r c~sf'ixaitions in oBOn~.~ac~.- TI:o oc~z~oo~~~ o.~ p~opos?~-y.~ T~ ~r~orgd of juttticso.-~ Cr, it~o F~~ p?,~~? ::~::~~eg:W,? ~rT'~ enr~r~? off' th?~ ;,eo~'~,.eo`'.. T~anguago of th? x?~praaaocja~- Ftxbi~.ct op~nioa?- bt~itud~ -3da~:+~~d the arty.- ~tti'cur3~s t~~~?d 4;ho ~ss~e~ns.? g'ctitu~^~e ;:e~~ ~.iterat~u?+e.- '.[.'ho +ecnoopt o~ ok~.i-~'~ a? People ~ s fool ?:a?~~?~rci tha dutharitic~g? ~~;~ a ~~~~~.~~g~ 7si Foy R?a~- Tha xd?a of ~~ And than idve~ off' ps~aa~ 4- The eaa~aspt of ) changes in tho basic eoneepts off' Ma~isnrmLeninismi (c) the aot~u., raes-ning of terms and prra.cology used ~.t the present tiffie; (d) limits crithin which the 1ar~Kga of the Com~ntnist Party etGads isolated from the common spe?ch; (8) r?act~.ons of the common sp?ech, indicative of the psople~e attitude toward Cc,a~unist ideology and authority, Othor r~velatian{ ~f int?rost for students of sociology end of ~rehology may wa91 cone out o'? this studs, since lata,~.aage is the mixror of man, FnvZosad is a tonta',ive tRb~.e of oontflnts for the prospective book a.s this r~ritc~i Y~.s oenes?~{ad it, on the bs31s of hia provious rvg?e~reh and the data ha has avcurralatod. It }.s aub~eat to modifications i~hich f1~rt~asr thoug}at may make dasi:~.b'e~, encl. open to suggestions. wit it indicaues the Biro?tion of tho rssa~.r~:, and its scope. e Ma' o die first tyro S7haptors are concerned with the, hiatorie.~.l and ?ix..g+.zistio bsckgro'c~md, of Communist terminology (I) and ito actual origins (FI). ~To aoirproizensitre history of the Ru.$sian vocab?~ ulaz'y' exists, and t}ie U. x .3,~. Aca,deu~r of Seienveg ie reported to bo work. on it now. ~'?t, for as Qatlier period of the revolution, lir~? uistic data have been colleet?d and organised in a satisfactory ma~e~r, and historical data are evailgble Prom other Sources. Beginniz~; with the period of the Five '.~eaa? Plus, they ar+~ a ~ab~ect for grass-roots xrosearch in which some heap wi11 ba Aound in Soviet dictionaries, specialised Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25 :CIA-RDP61 S00750A000300060067-8 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25 :CIA-RDP61 S00750A000300060067-8 ~. ~:. -,.-~ S' _ t ~, y -, Ft .` ...? a. M1~ "Y'~!',~R ,.~Gi ..)2~ 4:7 y~. ?~.r ~.i` .d ifs '~ - . ,. , _~~ i Fv,~'' ".is' 4i:3t~., e'~'.,.5"~~is:~r'.~ +~.L:?.~ ~?f.}#.; a r,.i~ .~L!'s' ~ +~ {F.'r~. ~:z~."......~. u':,.~;5 ~1CL i~a.iQ~E~ .:~ c.: 1 ~.',.u:..G ~ ~ ~ ;r ,',Yr ~i~~."i:3 xr~W6I' WO..'~.;'2 wfia ~+''-_t ~-- '.- 4 x~ ._ .~.~~wr ?. >.~ s w~'C: ~? b c ; _C~ -,.~ 33 .t d 1 "' _ r ~., ' ^'~Z7?3.~.~.k: W~ .l~' k,..~'e?~', _;.e:.veri~. fl.A~ ::~1? a,~.,7~ssA`3 ~~2 ~~~.3s~L;. G:??t }.,~ 44^x::, c. A's" ? u ~~' v~ ~:~+ . c~2' s.~ < aSb ~ ,~rl ~r"~q_ (i"s f'i L3a :.,. -y ~ _.~ ~i~'![t vs,~.4:.iT~ Cr.?~r .,:. ~ i..s a _. vu. cae..a -13 ~se~-?~esr~~:~~t~.4 ~?,~ ~3t~ a~' t~:o t~. w ~~~ ~?PIaI~'E; Cax x ~~t t?~c~ ~~~~C a~v~ ~~L~~~~ ~ ~~ ~c? ~~:1ra~~ r?~., ~,1e~. ~ .. A. s* ~,. ~,?Q...a.?~: f tJ~e^ .~..::, t~:~, ~?"':. ^ ::3:>'t 4"..:''_Qxk,~, t~'~0 a '. ~~` ::?"~*wA, v "`?6C ~`xTQ~~F?.e ~3i4:1 ~r`,~'a ::%'1~1 Caa.Yf. ~rf"rl.yj.-' C."'~.":~~ c:?^,~ _'.~ w.r"t. ~'~i~,P :+i~'r:~ s~.i3 ~7x %~G"L~:.`t ~:,,T,:,C.R~.~.,~ r?w 4i"C:~:3 +E.."`i~ Cc3:ila'g.$'~:3Y;'ft"+?~T ,ti,L,~'r`:'vt9t~? y1i, 't'~+;?~.C~. t;+&~?8 i~~rT...l' a~~53Q t~ 1'~C>y~~~ ~~.?~ :~ Caa~~c~ ?~OgCrt}0 to 2~f~,G~~O E:~x:~~~`..;. ;,~` t~;~~ ;eAS, ';t.:~:~..~ ~c~,.~.,?;Aa~~;~r, h~.~:;?~~ r:,Y' a G':~' F~rs;~~'y~+ c:c.~?~.~s3~ ~:~ ts.~~ ~ &'. :;:r=:Y~ ect~.~.~';. Cc~L`:ry ~~~ta te~~: jcs~ ;fig ~I:~ mgrxt~:.~o ir!'.~.;..:saai~ i;'~7~ t,?~k) l~;is::~63~3~?:~~iTafL"1i4~.... $'4? .':~'s e::~ '`~ra,.x~:at~'tR~ t~~:i:.~~. Q:,~v kF~y ';~'~.~~y"1~~~$~a'n'yC?q.~;,~~ r1Y.~:9~rg7t~e'i'~~ru`'~ 'J:~:' ~~1~~ `4~e`~e~o~e J1j'~,~.~~Coy.^~?t~C?' ~;3's~ ~~vd Q1CYQf3 ~.6{.~ 1 ~1di. Q~ Z.'.. s, 'l.. ~ ii ii ~a~" +G?.i'+ r~~.3 a ~ ~~ax+i ~a ~.n~.~'-~~. ~''~'~:~:: tr~:u, ~.~`?~8'e p.~v~"~.c~ ~ a Lt~C3AC?1. ~,:~~ u~~'~e It };tea ~G~tY12. ;;~~'"s.`~) n~1o~ ce'.o.^,tioxRa ofWdit.o~i~:".W{ in t~~e ~ax?o'~i~am ~.e~~l i:~x?~~~. ~~x? ~. (~.) .~?~1-c ~tffi~~~~~t~ of a?~~~r-r~ c:?' ~;~~~ ~~71i?>b~~Q ~i~~;~ ~T~~~:~d of-~ . I~~'. ~'"'1` ~ego~t~ of Party ~oc~~tag~.~~~ '~o ~:~,g3.o~~:~. ~x?t~ Cc~nt'x=~~ce~ ~~'~~~~~ F~obld k~ax? II. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25 :CIA-RDP61 S00750A000300060067-8 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/25 :CIA-RDP61 S00750A000300060067-8 ~~'A'C'uSTll Vsi ~~.~ ~{CI\t C 7 _.,? ,~.r {~ u .ti {~ ~~C-o ~w `'~'~