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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP90M00005R001400010038-0 MEMORANDUM FOR: FROM: SUBJECT: L&PLD/OGC , OSD/OGC 11 August 1988 OCA 2689-88 Legislation Division Office of Congressional Affairs Section 6050M of Tax Code and Technical Corrections Package (H.R. 4333 and S. 2238) 1. On 26 July 1988, the Senate Finance Committee approved the technical corrections package concerning the Tax Reform Act of 1986. The full House approved its version on 4 August 1988, but the Senate will not vote on the bill until after the August recess. Attached is a copy of the provision as passed by the House as well as the language found in both the House and Senate reports. 2. Should1 ou have any questions, please telephone me on 7 Attachments OCA, (11 August 1988) Distribution: Original - Addressees 1 - D/OCA _1 - DDL/OCA - OCA Records:7 1 - OCA/Leg/Subject File: Procurement/Small Business 1 - RMH Signer 1 - OCA Read Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP90M00005R001400010038-0 STAT STAT STAT STAT STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP90M00005R001400010038-0 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE ACT OF 1988 REPORT OF THE COMMITT'EE ON WAYS AND MEANS HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES [Including cost estimate ,of the Congressional Budget Office] JULY 26, 1988.?C,ommitted to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union and ordered to be printed . U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON: 1988 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP90M00005R001400010038-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/05 : CIA-RDP90M00005R001400010038-0 360 5. Information reporting by brokers (sec. 115(e) of the bill, 1521 of the Reform Act, and sec. 6045 of the Code) Present Law Persons doing business as a broker must report on specified types of transctions they effect for customers. Generally, reporting is re. quired on sales of securities, commodities, regulated futures eon. tracts, precious metals, and real estate. Explanation of Provision The bill provides that a person shall not be treated as a broker with respect to activities consisting of managing a farm on behalf of another person. This exempts farm managers from the require- ment of filing a Form 1099-B with respect to their farm manage. ment activities. This information must be filed by these farm man- agers on a Schedule F, where it is provided in a more useful format. Consequently, filing this information on a Form 1099-B is duplicative. This provision is effective as if included in the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982 (which generally im- posed these information reporting requirements). The bill provides that the person required to provide information returns on real estate transactions (who is generally defined as the person responsible for closing the real estate transaction) is to be called a "real estate reporting person" instead of a "real estate broker." The bill also makes it unlawful for any real estate reporting person to charge separately any customer for complying with the information reporting requirements with respect to real estate transactions. This provision is effective on the date of enactment of the bill. 6. Information reporting on persons receiving contracts from cer- tain Federal agencies (sec. 115(f) of the bill, sec. 1522 of the Reform Act, and sec. 6050M of the Code) Present Law Present law requires that the head of each Federal executive agency file an information return with the IRS indicating the name, address, and taxpayer identification number of each person with which the agency enters into a contract. The agency must also report any additional information required under Treasury regula- tions. There is no exception from this information reporting in present law for contracts involving national security, confidential law enforcement, or foreign counterintelligence activities. Explanation of Provision The bill excepts specified types of contracts from the general in- formation reporting requirements applicable to Federal executive agencies, and subjects those types of contracts to a different form of information reporting. There are two types of contracts between a Federal executive agency and another person that are subject to these special rules. neclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP90M00005R001400010038-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP90M00005R001400010038-0 0 kers (sec. 115(e) of the bill, sec. 6045 of the Code) zt Law ker must report on specified types omers. Generally, reporting is re_ nmodities, regulated futures Con. state. of Provision shall not be treated as a broker ig of managing a farm on behalf farm managers from the require- h respect to their farm manage- must be filed by these farm man- it is provided in a more useful Information on a Form 1099-B is ective as if included in the Tax Act of 1982 (which generally fro- requirements). required to provide information (who is generally defined as the real estate transaction) is to be erson" instead of a "real estate al for any real estate reporting customer for complying with the nts with respect to real estate ctive on the date of enactment of ri ns receiving contracts from cer- [5(f) of the bill, sec. 1522 of the f the Code) (Law head of each Federal executive -n with the IRS indicating the Lification number of each person a contract. The agency must also required under Treasury regula- n this information reporting in national security, confidential rin tell igence activities. d. Provision Df contracts from the general in- applicable to Federal executive if contracts to a different form of ts between a Federal executive re subject to these special rules. 361 The first is a contract where either the fact of the existence of the contract or the subject matter of the contract has been classified. This is accomplished by designating and clearly marking or clearly representing, pursuant to the provisions of Federal law or an Exec- utive order," that the Contract or the subject matter of the con- tract requires a specific degree of protection against unauthorized disclosure for reasons of national security. The second type of con- tract subject to the special rules is a contract involving a confiden- tial law enforcement or foreign counterintelligence activity. In order to be eligible for these special rules, the head of the Federal executive agency (or his designee) must determine in writing that filing the information return generally required of Federal execu- tive agencies would interfere with the effective conduct of a confi- dential law enforcement or foreign counterintelligence activity. This determination must be made pursuant to regulations issued by the Federal executive agency making the determination. This second type of contract involves primarily undercover operations (including sites for undercover operations) and informants. These two types of contracts are subject to special information reporting requirements, and are exempted from the general infor- mation reporting requirements of section 6050M. The special infor- mation reporting requirements are that the IRS must first request that the Federal executive agency acknowledge whether that agency has entered into a contract with a particular person, who must be identified in the IRS request. The Federal executive agency must in response acknowledge whether it has entered into a contract with the specified person. If it has, it must provide to the IRS with respect to that person the information required to be reported under section 6050M. In addition, the agency must pro- vide whatever additional information the agency and the Treasury agree is appropriate. The term "person" has the meaning given in section 7701(a)(1). It is contemplated that the information provided by Federal exec- utive agencies to the IRS under these special rules might need to be provided only to certain IRS employees, such as those with secu- rity clearances. If this is necessary, it is also contemplated that the Federal executive agencies will cooperate with the IRS in expedi- tiously obtaining clearance for the IRS employees. This provision is effective as if included in the 1986 Act (i.e., on January 1, 1987). 7. Information reporting on royalties (sec. 115(g) of the bill, sec. 1523 of the Reform Act, and sec. 6676 of the Code) Present Lau Persons who make payments of royalties aggregating $10 or more to any person in a calendar year must provide an information report on the royalty payments to the IRS (as well as provide a copy to the payee) (Code sec. 6050N). 9 Executive Order. 12356 is the currently effective Executive order prescribing a uniform system for classifying, declassifying, and safeguarding national security information (47 Federal Register 14874; April 6, 1982). Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP90M00005R001400010038-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/05 CIA-RDP90M00005R001400010038-0 firrmillac Mai& ? Am. AMMO -r -. Seetioe 2513let." ee?-?,- Paragraph glf Ike 111611 Code Is insunidad IN Striking OUT "(Other than a nontatable fiftsn KV The amendments made by this pam- laraPh abet, aPPla to transfers niter March Si. lett (19) Cause (V of section Iff1(itlf21(13) cif Vie 1986 Code is amended to read as follows: 'YU Vie value of the property *evolved in such transfer induced be the mut of-- "(I) any Federal estate tax or state death tax actually recovered from the trust attrib- utable to such pruperty. and any onaniabie deductios allowed under section 2055 or 2522 seith respect to such property, and". (20) Parsigroph 121 of section WM) of the 1986 Code is emended by strikieg out "a spouse of the tranzfcror" and inserting in lieu thereof "a spouse (or former spouse) of the transferor". Oil Aurrannarrs Raul= iv SErncur 1433 or me REFORM ACT.? II Subsection tel of section 1433 of the Reform Act is amended by striking out "this part" and inserting in heir thereof 'Vas sub- 1 12) Paragraph (2) of section I433(b) of the Reform Act is amended? IA) by striking out 'this part" in the mate- rice preceding subparagraph (AI and insert- ing in lieu Memo f "this subtitle; (13) by inserting before the comma at the Mt sabliansgraph (A) Vie ;aloe:ring: "(or out of income attributable to corpus so added); and (C) by inserting "or revocable trust" rafter wili"in subparagraph IBS 131(4) Subsection lb) of section 1433 of the Reform Act is amended by striking out para- graph 1.11 and inserting in lieu thereof the following new paragraphs.- 'Y3) Terararerer or CERTAIN TRANSFERS ro 'VA) IN GENERAL.?For purposes of chapter 13 of Vie Internal Revenue Code of 1986, the term 'direct skip' shall not include any transfer before January 1, 1990, from a transferor to a grandchild cif the transferor to Vie extent the aggregate transfers from such transferor to such grandchild do not exceed $2,000,000. "(11) l'RERTMEWr or =ARMFULS IN TRUST.? Foe purposes of subparagraph a transfer in trust for the benefit of a grandchild shrill be treated as a transfer to such grandchild if (and only if)? 'Vi) -during the We of Vie grandchild, DO portion-of the corpus or income of Vie trust _mar be distributed to for for the benefit of) any person other than such grandchild, "(ii) the assets of the trust will be includ- ible in the grass estate of the grandchild if the grandchild dies before Vie trust is termi- nated, and 'Vit/ all of the income of the trust for Peri- ods after the grarulehild has attained age 21 will be distributed to tor for the benefit of) such grandchild not less frequently than an- nually. '(C) COORDINA770N 367771 SECTION 2153)111 OP Ter sass coos.?in the ease of any transfer which would be a generation-skipping trans- fer but for subparagraph (d) the rules of sec- tion 2653(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1086 shall apply as if such transfer were a generation-skipping transfer. "ID) COORDINATION WITH TAXABLE TERMINA- TIONS AND TAXABLE DISTRIBUTIONS.?For pur- poses of chapter 12 of the Internal Revenue Code re 1986; the terms Vat-able _termina- te:me and 'taxable distribution' shall not in- elude any transfer which would be a direct skip but for subparagraph IA). Ma" lbaaellint keen ?respetitraiserm- WAN SHOO and oitliberear tio the hider. nal iieslonstiawk of Sg ~aim eye- diesi 21111.0110 auch.Cade Oat apply daterinining whether int ilmidual lee grnisilleldit SPIN tretrialb'ror.* '1 QOM Stif of asoftan 14?34111,41.1 of Vie Atom Act am aniesidad sahParli- graph (All shall apply only to transfers after June 111, 1987. 141 Subsection (d) at section 1413 Of the Reform Act is amended? (A) .by striking out "Ann be treated as a direct skip" and usual:Inv In *es thereof 'Shan be treated as a -rilisect skip to such grandchikl" (B) by striking out 'Would be a direct skip" in subparagraph (B) and inserting in Lieu thereof "would be a direct aktp to a grandchild': and (C) by adding at the end thereqf the foUrne- ing new Sentence' "Useless the grandchild otherwise directs by will, the estate of such grandchild shall be entitled to reorrver from the person recent:re the property ern the death of the grandchild any increase in Fed- eral estate lax on the estate of the grand- child by reason of the preceding sentence" SEC Iii. AltrAIIIISSTS IMAM iv 7177A Zr oF THE ALEPORM la) BELATED so lEscrsow 1501 or riff Reroiem Ace?Subparagraph (R) of section 4724(41(2) of Vie 1986 Code is amended by striking out "6031(b)" and in- serting in lieu thereof 16031(b) or (cr. (b) AMENDMEIVTS RELATED TO SECTION 1503 or rue BeronmAct.? (1) Subparagraph (A) of section 6013(b)(51 of the 1986 Code is amended to seed as 1W- 'VA) COORDINATION IIII177 ascrraw srss?For purposes of section 5653, where the sum of The amouhts shown as tax on the se-Partite returns of each spouse is less than the amount shown as tax on the joint return made under this subsection? 'Vi) such sum shall be treated as the amount shown on the joint return, "(ii) any negligence tor disregard of rules or regulations) on either separate return shall be treated as negligence tor such disre- gard) on the joint return, and "Iiii) any fraud on either separate return shall be treated as fraud on the joint return." - 121(A) Paragraph 11) of -section 6653(a) of the 1986 Code is amended to read as follows: "ID Z GENERM...?If any part of any under- payment las defined in subsection fe.)1 of tar required to be shown on a return is due to negligence (or disregard of rules or regula- tions), there shall be added to the lar an amount equal to 5 percent of the -underpay- neat (B) Paragraph (1) Of section 6653(b) of the 1986 Code is amended to read as follows: "(I) IN GE7VEP-4L.?If any part of any under- payment las defined in subsection (0) of tax required to be shown on a return is due to fraud, there shall be added to the tax an amount equal to 75 percent of the portion of the underpayment which is attributable to fraud." IC) Paragraph f21 of section 6601(e) of the 1986 Code is amended by striking out '6659" each place it appears and inserting in lieu thereof "6653, 6659". (3) Subsection Kg) of section 6653 of the 1986 Code is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new sentence: "If any penalty is imposed under subsection (a) by reason of the preceding sentence, only Vie portion of the underpayment which is at- tributable to the failure described in Vie pre- ceding sentence shall be taken Into account in determining the amount of the penalty under subsection (a)." -1101/4) idled elevate/aril,' Illeartelleter Reno= ro ?WS femme ACT.-17re Tanta? made /no- tion 11102(e) of the Omaha Blettpat Ream- ciliation Act at 1975 shell tate eke) at if The The RIVITTIR Act Of 1116 Sad been en- acted on the day before the date of the enact- ment of the Omnibus Budget RecOnaliation Act af 1925. Id) Amertostssers RELATED to Samos/ .1521 OF Tar Rows ACT.?Section 6621 Of the 1986 Code is amended? ) by striking out 'short-term Peden:LI rate' each place it appears in subsectioiss (a) and tb)(11 and inserting in lieu thereof "Federal short-tenn rate", and (2) by striking out 'Wsroar-Tsam Frosess Lire in the heading of subsection (6) and inserting in lieu thereof "Ferienst Smarm- TERM RATE". tel lereramsrers RELATED TO Sscrroir 1521 OF THE REFORM Ace? rte) paragraph (1) of section 4045(e) of the 1986 Code is amended by adding at the end theme the following new sentence: "A person shall not be treated as a broker with respect to activities consisting of man- aging a farm on behalf of another pervon.- (13) The amendment 'wade by subpara- graph (A) shall take effect as if included in Vie amendments wade by section 311(a)11) of the Tax Equity and PiSCCLI Responsibility Act of 1992- (2)(A1 Subsection le) of section 6145 of the 1986 Code is emended by adding al the end thereof the following new paralrraPh: 'V31 PROHIBITION or SEPARATE cesnere TOR TILING BETURN.?It shall be unlawful for any real estate "'mortise person to separately charge any customer/or complying with any requirement Of paragraph (Li." (B) The amerutment made by subpara- graph (A) shall take effect on the date of the enactment of this Act. (Y) Subsection lel of section 19945 of the 1986 Code is amended- 1A1 by striking out "real estate broker" each place it appears in the text and insert- ing in bee thereof "real estate reporting person", and 1B) by striking out 'Weis esrsas BROKER" in the heading of paragraph (21 and insert- ing in lieu thereof "REAL ESTATE REPORTING PERSON". .tf) terionrier Seurat, To SsersOrr4U22,giC firriterannACe.--Section S050M of the 1986 Code is amended by adding at the end there- of the following new subsection: EXCEPTION FOR CERTAIN CLASSIFIED OR CONFIDENTIAL Coerascrs.? "fl IN GENERAL.?Except as provided in paragraph (2), this section shall not apply in the case of a contract described in para- graph (3). "(2) REPORTING REQUIREMENT. ?Each Feder- al executive agency which has entered into a contract described in paragraph 131 shall, upon a request of-the Secretary which iden- t(fies a particular person, acknowledge whether such person has entered into such a contract with such agency and, if so, pro- vide to the Secretary? "(41 the information required under this section with respect to such Person. and 'YB) such other information with respect to such person which the Secretary and the head of such Federal executive agency agree is appropriate. NJ) DESCRIPTION OF CONTRACT?For pur- poses of this subsection, a contract between a Federal executive agency and another person is described in this paragraph if? --A Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/05 : CIA-RDP90M00005R001400010038-0 ?mwmis Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/05 : CIA-RDP90M00005R001400010038-0 ' as requiring a specific degree Of pretection against unauthorised disclosure/or reasons of national security, or "(B) the head of such Pedestal executive agency for his designee) pursuant to regula- tions issued by each agency detenninei? in writing, that filing Re required return under this section would interfere with the effective conduct Of a confidential law en- forcement or foreign Counterintelligence GC- Unity." (g) Ametromerers lieu= TO SECTION 1513 or riff REFORM Aon?Section 6676 of the 1986 Code is amended? (1) by striking out "6049, or 4050N" in subsection (all') and inserting in lieu there- of "or 6049'; (2) by striking out "6049, or 6050N" in subsection (b)(11(A) and inserting in lieu thereof "or 6049'; and (3) by striking out ",DIVIDENDS, AND Ror- 41.774S" in the heading for subsection (b) and inserting in lieu thereof "AND Drenieno". (hI AMENDMENTS RELATED 70 SECTION 1542 OF 7711: REFORM Acr.--Subsection (h) of sec- tion 6154 of the 1986 Code (as in effect before Us repeal by the Revenue Act of 1987) is amended? (1) by striking out "subject to the tax im- posed by section 4940" in paragraph (1), (2) by amending paragraph (2) to read at follows: "(1) an tax imposed by section 511, and any tax imposed by section 1 or 4940 on a private foundation, shall be treated as a tax imposed by section 11, and", and (3) by adding at the end thereof the follow- ing new sentence: "In the case of an organization described in paragraph (1), subsection (c) of section 6655 shall be applied by substituting '5th month' for 'third month' and subsection (ell(3)(A) of section 6655 shall be applied by substituting '2 months' for '2 months' in clause al, be substituting '4 months' for months, in clause ail, by substituting '7 months' for '8 months' in clause (iii), and by substituting '10 months' for '11 months ' in clause (iv)." (ii AMENDMENT RELATED 70 SECTION 1551 OF THE REFORM ACT.?Clause (iii) of section 7430(c)(2)(A) of the 1986 Code is amended to read as follows: "(iii) meets Vie requirements of the ist sentence of section 24112(d)(1)113) of title 28, iUnited States Code las in effect on October 12, 1986) and meets the requirements of sec- tion 2412(d)(2)(B) of such title 28 (as so in effect)." (j1 PROVISION RELATED TO SECTION 1556 OF 7711: REronsr ACT.?To the extent the salary recommendations submitted by the Presi- dent on January 5, 1987, are inconsistent with the provisions of section 7443A(d)(1) of the 1986 Code, such recommendations shall not be effective for any period. (ILI AMENDMENT RELATED 7'0 SECTION 15570, THE REFORM A cr. ? (1 ) Subsection (d) of section 7447 of the 1986 Code is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new sentence: "In com- puting the rate of the retired pay under paragraph (1) of -this subsection for any in- dividual who is entitled thereto, any period during which such individual performs serv- ices under subsection (c) on a substantially full-time basis shall be treated as a period du ring which he has served as a judge." (21 The amendment made by paragraph (l) shall apply for purposes of determining the amount of retired pay for months begin- ning after the date of the enactment of this Act regardless of when the services under aide litere "Cr- ,41.01 go ilitalsron8611 of ASCU** 16811 Of the liat. is -- - (A) iniinaerting "err the summoned.partyt respanif to 0 iitIMIOOW described in subset- lionalp flet 'the summons described in ted? and (11)by'striking out "the summons is issued other" and inserting in lieu thereat "the summons is issued". (2) Subsection (II of section 76(M of Vie 1986 Code is amended? (A) by striking out "the third-party record- keeper" in paragraph (4) and Inserting in Lie's thereof "the summoned party", and at) by inserting "aexi SUMMONED Paltry" after - 11=m:warren" in Vie subsection heading. (3) The amendments made by this subsec- tion ehilt1 take effect on the date of the en- actment of this Act. /MI AMENDMENT RELATED lt) SECITON 1562 or 7711: Remus Acr.?Subsection (d) of sec- tion 6212 of the 1986 Code is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new sentence "Nothing in this subsection shall affect any suspension of the running of any period of limitations during any Period during which the rescinded notice was out- standing." (n) AMENDMENT RELATED TO SECTION 1563 or isre REFORM Acr?Subparagraph (13) of section 5404(e)(1) of the 1986 Code is amend- ed? (1) by inserting "error or" before "delay", and 12) by inserting "erroneous or" before "dil- atory"- (o) AMENDMENT RELATED IV SECTION 1565 OF 77IE REFORM Acr.?Effective with respect to levies made after December 31, 1988, para- graph (10) of section 6334(a) of the 1986 Code is amended? (1) in subparagraph (A)? (A) by striking out "IV" and -inserting in lieu thereof "III, IV, V,", and (B) by adding "or" at the end thereof, (2) in subparagraph (CI by striking out "21," and inserting in lieu thereof "13, 71, 23," and (3) by striking out subparagraph (.8) and redesignating subparagraph (C) as subpara- graph 031. fp) AMENDMENT RELATED TO SECTION 1581 OF 7711: REFORM A07'.?Subsection (c) of sec- tion 1581 of the Reform Act is amended by adding at Vie end thereof the following new sentence: '"The preceding sentence shall not apply jf its application would result in an increase in the number of withholding allowances for the employee." (Q) 'GENERAL REQUIREMENT OF RETURN, STATEMENT, OR LIST.? (1 ) Subsection (a) of section 6011 of the 1986 Code is amended by striking out 'for the collection thereof" and inserting in lieu thereof "with respect to the collection there- Qr. - (2) The amendment made by paragraph (1) shall take effect on the date of the enact- ment of this Act. (r) CERTAIN REFUNDABLE CREDITS TO BE AS- SESSED UNDER DEFICIENCY PROCEDURES.? (1) Subsection (a) of section 6203 of Vie 1986 Code is amended by striking out para- graph (4). (2) Paragraph (4) of section 6211(b) is amended to read as follows: "(4) For purposes of subsection (a) "IA) any excess of the sum of the credits al- lowable under sections 32 and 34 over the tax imposed by subtitle A (determined with- out regard to such credits), and ? ttr. tlie Os* Of **Si iyilltits he Mei* by the taxpayer on hi, tatter* Mier raintrani shown as the tax be She or at ouch taxPar? tattoo ideteronined orithout sward ,toouch credits), Slau he taken into account as negative eniounts of tat." al Subsection (h) of section 6213 of the 1981 Code it amended by striking out para- graph (1) and by redesignating paragraph (4) as paragraph (3). (4) The amendments made by this rubser- tion shall apply to notices of deficiencies mailed after the date of the enactment of this Act. SSC us. AMENDMENTS RELATED TO TTTLE or ME REFORM ALT. (4) AMENDMENTS RELATED TO SECTION 1603 or THE REFORM Acr.? (1)(A) Subparagraph (A) of section 501(c)(25I of the 1986 Code is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new sentence: "For purposes of clause WO, the term 'real property' shall not include any interest as a tenant in common tor similar interest) and shall not include any indirect interesL " (B) The amendment made by subpara- graph (A) shall apply with respect to proper- ty acquired by the organization after June 10, 1987, except that such amendment shall not apply to any property acquired alter June 10, 1987, pursuant to a binding written contract in effect on June 10, 1987, and at all times thereafter before such acquisition. 12) Subparagraph (D) of section 501(c)(25) Of the 1986 Code is amended by striking out so much of such subparagraph as precedes clause al and inserting in lieu thereof the following: "(D) A corporation or trust shall in no event be treated as described in subpara- graph (A) unless such corporation or trust permits its shareholders or beneficiaries?" (3)(A) Paragraph (25) of section 501(c) of the 1986 Code is amended by adding at the end thereof Vie following new subparagraph: "(E)(iI For purposes of this title? "(I) a corporation which is a qualified subsidiary shall not be treated as a separate corporation, and "(III all assets, liabilities, and items of income, deduction, and credit of a qualified subsidiary shall be treated as assets, liabil- ities, and such items (as the case may be) of the corporation or trust described in sub- paragraph (A). "(ii) For purposes of this subparagraph, the term 'qualified subsidiary' means any corporation if, at all times during the period such corporation was in existence, 100 per- cent of the stock of such corporation is held by the corporation or trust described in sub- paragraph (A). "(iii) For purposes of this subtitle, if any corporation which was a qualified subsidi- ary ceases to meet the requirements of clause nil, such corporation shall be treated as a new corporation acquiring all of its assets (and assuming all of its liabilities) immedi- ately before such cessation from the corpora- tion or trust described in subparagraph (A) in exchange for its stock." (B) Subparagraph (C) of section 501(c)(25) of the 1986 Code is amended by inserting "or" at the end of clause (iii), by striking out ", or" at the end of clause (iv) and in- serting in lieu thereof a period, and by strik- ing out clause (v). (4) Paragraph (25) of section 501(c) of the 1986 Code is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new subparagraph: _ "(F) For purposes of subparagraph (A), the term 'real property' includes any personal property which is leased under, or in con- nection with, a lease of real property, but Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP90M00005R001400010038-0 Approved for Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP90M00005R001400010038-0 100TH Congress I 2d Session J SENATE Calendar No. 861 REPORT 100-445 TECHNICAL CORRECTIONS ACT OF 1988 REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON FINANCE UNITED STATES SENATE TO ACCOMPANY S. 2238 [Including cost estimate of the Congressional Budget Office] AUGUST 3 (legislative day, AUGUST 1), 1988.?Ordered to be printed U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 87-618 WASHINGTON : 1988 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP90M00005R001400010038-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP90M00005R001400010038-0 880 lty relates. The bill also improves ies with the provision per nitting a 'ter filing a separate return (Ca4. apply to returns the due date for-- rd to extensions) is after ;.ligence penalty for failure to include ,vri on an information return by iding that the penalty is restricted to ent of tax attributable to the failure 1 understatement of tax liability ,ec. 1504 of the Reform Act) Present Law itially understates income tax for malty (Code sec. 6661). The Tax Ref this penalty is to be 20 percent of nt of tax attributable to the understa r returns the due date of which (deter. - tensions) is after December 31, 1986. t Reform Act of. 1986, Congress consid- leconciliation Act of 1986 (P.L. 99-5091 penalty to 25 percent of the underpay. assessed after the date of enactment of ss considered the Tax Reform Act of te Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act, illation Act was enacted one day before Tax Reform Act of 1986.95 rztion of Provision increase in the substantial understate- lade by the Omnibus Budget Reconcili- ffect as if the Tax Reform Act of 1986 tre the date of enactment of the Omni- t of 1986. sec. 115(d) of the bill, sec. 1511 of the 1 of the Code) resent Law tayers pay to the Treasury on under- ritage point higher than the interest :o taxpayers on overpayments of tax. 'ion of Provision -oss-references to the provisions uti- E=nciliation Act of 1986. et of 1986 was enacted on October 21, 1986; the Tax 22, 1986. 381 aforination reporting by brokers (sec. 115(e) of the bill, sec. 1521 of the Reform Act, and sec. 6045 of the Code) Present Law persons doing business as a broker must report on specified types transactions they effect for customers. Generally, reporting is re- iired on sales of securities, commodities, regulated futures con- olds, precious metals, and real estate. Explanation of Provision The bill provides that a person shall not be treated as a broker with respect to activities consisting of managing a farm on behalf of another person. This exempts farm managers from the require- pent of filing a Form 1099-B with respect to their farm manage- /Dent activities. This information must be filed by these farm man- agers on a Schedule F, where it is provided in a more useful format. Consequently, filing this information on a Form 1099-B is duplicative. This provision is effective as if included in the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982 (which generally im- posed these information reporting requirements). The bill provides that the person required to provide information returns on real estate transactions (who is generally defined as the person responsible for closing the real estate transaction) is to be called a "real estate reporting person" instead of a "real estate The bill also makes it unlawful for any real estate reporting broker." person to charge separately any customer for complying with the information reporting requirements with respect to real estate transactions. This provision is effective on the date of enactment of the bill. 6. Information reporting on persons receiving contracts from cer- tain Federal agencies (sec. 115(f) of the bill, sec. 1522 of the Reform Act, and sec. 6050M of the Code) - Present Law Present law requires that the head of each Federal executive agency file an information return with the IRS indicating the name, address, and taxpayer identification number of each person with which the agency enters into a contract. The agency must also report any additional information required under Treasury regula- tions. There is no exception from this information reporting in present law for contracts involving national security, confidential law enforcement, or foreign counterintelligence activities. Explanation of Provision The bill excepts specified types of contracts from the general in- formation reporting requirements applicable to Federal executive agencies, and subjects those types of contracts to a different form of information reporting. There are two types of contracts between a Federal executive agency and another person that are subject to these special rules. _Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/05 : CIA-RDP90M00005R001400010038-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/05: CIA-RDP90M00005R001400010038-0 882 The first is a contract where either the fact of the existence of the contract or the subject matter of the contract has been classified_ This is accomplished by designating and clearly marking or clearly representing, pursuant to the provisions of Federal law or an Exec. utive order,96 that the contract or the subject matter of the con- tract requires a specific degree of protection against unauthorized disclosure for reasons of national security. The second type of con- tract subject to the special rules is a contract involving a confiden- tial law enforcement or foreign counterintelligence activity. In order to be eligible for these special rules, the head of the Federal executive agency (or his designee) must determine in writing that filing the information return generally required of Federal execu- tive agencies would interfere with the effective conduct of a confi- dential law enforcement or foreign counterintelligence activity. This determination must be made pursuant to regulations issued by the Federal executive agency making the determination. This second type of contract involves primarily undercover operations (including sites for undercover operations) and informants. These two types of contracts are subject to special information reporting requirements, and are exempted from the general infor- mation reporting requirements of section 6050M. The special infor- mation reporting requirements are that the IRS must first request that the Federal executive agency acknowledge whether that agency has entered into a contract with a particular person, who must be identified in the IRS request. The Federal executive agency must in response acknowledge whether it has entered into a contract with the specified person. If it has, it must provide to the IRS with respect to that person the information required to be reported under section 6050M. In addition, the agency must pro- vide whatever additional information the agency and the Treasury agree is appropriate. The term "person" has the meaning given in section 7701(aX1). It is contemplated that the information provided by Federal exec- utive agencies to the IRS under these special rules might need to be provided only to certain IRS employees, such as those with secu- rity clearances. If this is necessary, it is also contemplated that the Federal executive agencies will cooperate with the IRS in expedi- tiously obtaining clearance for the IRS employees. This provision is effective as if included in the 1986 Act (i.e., on January 1, 1987). 7. Information reporting on royalties (sec. 115(g) of the bill, sec. 1523 of the Reform Act, and sec. 6676 of the Code) Present Law Persons who make payments of royalties aggregating $10 or more to any person in a calendar year must provide an information report on the royalty payments to the IRS (as well as provide a copy to the payee) (Code sec. 6050N). 9 6 Executive Order 12356 is the currently effective Executive order prescribing a uniform system for classifying, declassifying, and safeguarding national security information (47 Federal Register 14874; April 6, 1982). f Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/05 :-CIA-RDP90M00005R001400010038-0