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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/30: CIA-RDP86T00268R000600010012-4 UNFIDENIAL EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT cee WASH I NGTON NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL August 22, 1955 MEMORANDUM FOR THE NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Security Requirements for Government Employ- ment RT:FERENCES: A. Executive Order 10450, dated April 27, 1953, as amended October 14, 1953 and August 5, 1954 B. NSC Actions Nos. 791 and 1168 The enclosed report by the Civil Service Commission, prepared pursuant to Section 14 of the reference Executive Order, on the results of its study for the period November 23, 195+-June 30, 1955 of the manner in which the Executive Order is being implemented by the departments and agencies of the Government, is transmitted herewith for the information of the National Security Council. Considera- tion of the Recommendations co tai P d ? h-XI of this report will ?e scheduled on the agenda of an early Council meeting. uwq S. EVERETT GLEASON Acting Executive Secretary cc; The Secretary of the Treasury The Attorney General The Special Assistant to the? President on Disarmament The Director, Bureau of the Budget The Chairman, Civil Service Commission The Chairman, Join-t Chiefs of Staff The Director of Central Intelligence The Chaioman, Interdepartmental Intelligence Conference The Chairman, Inderdepartnental Committee on Internal Security -3-- 22 Aug to NSC Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/30: CIA-RDP86T00268R000600010012-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/30: CIA-RDP86T00268R000600010012-4 ? \-1 CONFIDENTIAL FOURTH U.S. CIVIL SL,RVIC1, COMMISSION SUMMARY REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 14 OF JOULUTIVL ORDER NO. 104 0 (SrJOURITY REQUIREMENTS FOR GOVERNMIAT 1,MPLOYMp..NT FOR THE PI,RIOD NOViABER 21, 1954, THROUGH JUN IJ 10, 1955 TABLE OF CONMNTS Page TRANSMITTAL L7TTER FROM CHAIRMAN CIVIL SaVICE COMMISSION 1 I. INTRODUCTION 2 II. MFICISNCIES 2 A. Deficiencies in the overall operation of the personnel security program 2 B. Suspensions and restorations ....... 3 C. Delay in review and'readjudication where necessary of full field investigations made under 7.0. 9835 (Sections 4 and 11 of 700. 10450). -- Completion of th2 incumbent employee phase of the program . 4 OOOO 00000000000* O D. Delay in evaluation and adjudication of other full field investigations . OOOOOO 040t00004.00,00 5 Remedying deficiencies in reporting agency actions on full field investigations -- 10550 ....... 5 III. TENDENCIES TO DENY EMPLOYEE RIGHTS 6 A. Delay in reaching final decision in cases of suspended employees OOOOOOO ....:..... OOOOOOO 6 B. Hearings for applicants and probational appointees. v... OOOOOOOOOOO OG,J.4000010 OOOOOOOO 7 C. Advisory cpinions in individual cases. .....0 IV. APPLICATIONS Tu TH72 COMMISSIOY FOR D.H.TeaMINATIONS OF REEK:,LOYI.,NI ALIGIBILITY UNDER SCTIOY 7 OF EXECDTDE ORD ,0 NO. 10450...... 8 CD0100.J000C0000000* V. SECURITY I.JJPRAISALS OOOOOOOOO 0000000000000?00?08 VI. RECOMMENDATIONS O9 OOOOOOOOOOOOO 0000??00?0?000 0000? Exhibit 1 10 iiixhibit 2 17 ii - CCNFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/30: CIA-RDP86T00268R000600010012-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/30: CIA-RDP86T00268R000600010012-4 7Th, COPI CONFIDENTIAL UNITED STATES CIVIL S4RVICE COMMISSION WASHINGTON 25, D.C. August 19, 1955 Mr. James S. Lay, Jr. Executive Secretary National Security Council Dear Mr. Lay: Attached is the Fourth U.S. Civil Service Commission Summary Report to the National Security Council, pursuant to Section 14 of Executive Order No. 10450, as amended, (Security Requirements for Government Employment). This report is for the period November 23, 1954, through June 30, 1955. Sincerely yours, /s/ PHILIP YOUNG Philip Young Chairman CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/30: CIA-RDP86T00268R000600010012-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/30: CIA-RDP86T00268R000600010012-4 CONFIDENTIAL UNITED STATES CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION WASHINGTON 25, D. C. NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Fourth U. S. Civil Service Commission summary report pursuant to Section 14 of E.O. 10450 for the period November 23, 1954, through June 30, 1955. I. INTRODUCTION This report is submitted under authority of the provisions of Section 14 of Executive Order No. 10450, as amended. This fourth report covers a period slightly more than six months through June 30, 1955, and thus makes possible the use of even reporting dates for subsequent reports. II. DEFICIENCIES /?\ ( A. Deficiencies in the overall operation of the personnel security program The following points indicate the principal deficiencies in the overall operations of the security program and are expressed in terms of the needs of that program: 1. A policy coordination function to insure the maximum amount of consistency in the application and interpretation of the security program among the agencies of the Executive Branch. 2. An operating coordination function to insure the maximum amount of consistency in the day to day operation of security officers with respect to methods, procedures, internal machinery, reports, etc. 3. An advisory function to deal with cases which may cross departmental or agency lines or which might command an unusual amount of public attention. 2 CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/30: CIA-RDP86T00268R000600010012-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/30: CIA-RDP86T00268R000600010012-4 L_ fl CT CONFIDENTIAL 4. ,A public relations function to provide a single focusing point for all pUblic re- lations contacts having to do with the program, including Congressional inquiries. 5. A thinking function which will view the program as a whole from the forest rather than the trees point of view. In order to meet these needs, a security co- ordinating office was set up on an informal and unofficial basis, in January 1955 in the Executive Office of the President. This office has been functioning as the Personnel Security Advisory Committee, under the Chairmanship of Mr. Thomas J. Donegan. Despite its informal and unofficial basis, this office has had a large measure of success in meeting the overall needs of the program. It has been most helpful not only in terms of developing uniform policies, but also in dealing with Congressional inquiries, investigations, and advising on individual cases. The needs outlined above can only be met from an organizational position above departmental lines. The official establishment of this office in the Executive Office of the President would do much to clarify internal relations between departments and agencies. It would have .great public relations value. It would, moreover, give an official home for continuing certain of these functions which have already demonstrated their usefulness and would provide a single focusing point for the personnel security program which will become more and more necessary in the near future. Such a central focusing point, with coordinating functions, would in no way violate or interfere with the basic concept of the security enforcement delegated to individual department and agency heads. B. Suspensions and restorations For the period October1, 1953, through June 30, 1955, there were 973 suspensions reported by the departments and agencies. For the same period 449 employees were restored to duty after suspension. This means that approximately 46 per cent of all those suspended were restored. - 3 - CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/30: CIA-RDP86T00268R000600010012-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/30: CIA-RDP86T00268R000600010012-4 L.) CONFIDENTIAL ? 0 As contrasted to these figures, the quarterly report for the period ending December 31, 1954, shows 119 suspensions with 94 restorations after suspension. Thus, for that period 79 per cent of the employees suspended were restored to duty. Of course, a number of those restored may have been suspended in a preceding period. Nevertheless, the proportion of restorations to suspensions is sufficiently high to indicate that a number of the suspensions may have been unnecessary. The Attorney General's letter of March 4, 1955, which was approved by the President and which was forwarded to the heads of all departments and agencies, should do much to eliminate unnecessary suspensions. The second suggestion of that letter reads: "Meticulous care should be exercised in the matter of suspension of employees against whom derogatory information has been received. It is suggested that a personal interview with the employee prior to suspension is helpful in most instances. The General Counsel of the department or agency should be consulted and his opinion should be secured as to the suf- ficiency of the information justifying suspen- sion. The final decision as to suspension should not be delegated below the Assistant Secretary level." C. Delay in review and readjudication where necessary of full field investigations made under E.O. 9335 (SectioiTT4 and 11 of E.O. 10450). -- Completion of the incumbent employee phase of the program. On 3uly 1, 1955, there were 423 cases in- vestigated under E.O. 9835 which had not been reported to the Commission as closed after review 4 - CONFIDENTIAL or Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/30: CIA-RDP86T00268R000600010012-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/30: CIA-RDP86T00268R000600010012-4 CONFIDENTIAL readjudication, as required by Sections 4 and 11 of E.O. 10450. (By August 1, 1955; this number had been further reduced to a total of 211 such cases.) At the beginning of the program, there were a total of 12,657 such cases for review or readjudication. Although there has been delay in completing this work, the small remaining workload makes clear that for all practical purposes the incumbent employee. phase of the security program has been completed. The Security program henceforth will be concerned primarily with applicants and new appointees entering the Federal service. D. Delay in: evaluation and adjudication of other full field investigations. As of July 1, 1955 there were 5,764 full field investigations (other than Sections 4 and 11 cases) on hand in departments and agencies pending ad- judication. Of this number, 2,505 had been pending adjudication for more than 90 days. This compares with 5,469 such cases pending adjudication on June 1, 1955, of which 2,127 were more than 90 days old. E. Remedying deficiencies in reporting agency actions on. full field investigations E.O. 10550. Executive Order 10550 of August 5, 1954, . amending E.O. 10450, provides in part: "...the head of each department and agency shall, as soon as possible and in no event ? later than nine.t:y daya after receipt of the final investigaive report on a civilian officer or employee subject t6 a full field inVestigation under the provisions of this order, advise the Commission as to the action taken with respect to such officer or employee. The information furnished by the heads of dePartments and agencies pursuant to this section shall be included in the reports which the Civil Service Commission is required to submit to the National Security Council in accordance with subsection (a) of this section. Such reports shall set forth any deficiencies on the part of the heads of de- partments and agencies in taking timely action under this order, and shall mention specifically any instances of non-compliance with this subsection." . 5 CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/30: CIA-RDP86T00268R000600010012-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/30 : CIA-RDP86T00268R000600010012-4 CONFIDENTIAL This Order has resulted in the establishment within the Civil Service Commission of a reasonably effective control file on all full field. investi- gations. Owing to the time required by departments and agencies for issuinj,; instructions, the file only recently has attained sufficient completeness and accuracy as to reflect the Etats of f'J.1.l field investigations in the various departments and agencies. The follc,w-u";) with agencies requia:ed to keep this file accurate is resulting in agencies giving much closer attention to the necessity for timely action in evaluating full field investigations. Experience indicates, however, that when hearings are necessary, decision can seldom be reached within 90 days from the date of receipt of the investigative report. This is because of the time required for study and evaluation of the report, the preparation of letters and memoranda, interview with the employee, the 30-day .period allowed the employee for reply, the time necessary for review of the reply, and arranging for the convening of a security hearing board. Thereafter, additional time is required for notice and hearing; study of the record, preparation by the board of its memo- randum, and study of the file by the head of the agency. Departments and agencies having pending Sections 4 and 11 cases and full field investigations, including those more than 90 days old as of June 30, 1955, are shown in Exhibit 1. TENDENCIES TO DENY EMPLOYEE RIGHTS A. Delay in reaching final decision i. cases of suspended employees. Column 7 of Exhibit 1 shows that as of July 1., 1955, agencies reported to the Commission 12 cases pending adjudication in which the employee had been suspended for more than 90 days. Delay in reaching final decision in cases of suspension obviously works a hardship upon the employee. - 6 - CONVIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/30: CIA-RDP86T00268R000600010012-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/30: CIA-RDP86T00268R000600010012-4 CONFIDENTIAL The control file established in the CoMmission under the provisions of E.O. 10550 has now developed to the point where it contains significant information regarding elapsed time between sus- pension and final decision. The file identifies the employee and the agency in which the case is pending. The Commission and the Personnel Security Advisory Committee, through use of this file, have been able to follow up with agencies regarding delayed action in suspension cases, and has thus en- couraged faster completion of these cases, even though responsibility for their prompt completion rests with the head of each department and agency. B. Hearings for applicants and probational appointees, Neither Public Law 733 nor Executive Order 10450 provides for hearings on request for applicants or probational appointees before security hearing boards. Certain agencies, however, have been granting such hearings. Experience has shown that agencies at times inform an applicant that he will not be appointed for security reasons, but do not advise him as to the nature of the reasons. This leaves the applicant in the position of being charged with security ineligibility and without knowledge of the substance of the charges and with no means of answering them. It would seem that when an agency invokes security allegations as the reason for non-selection of an applicant, it should be prepared to carry the case through to a fair conclusion; otherwise, it should refrain from invoking security charges as a reason for non- selection. The problems arising in this connection,as wellas the variations in the practice of differerr agencies, in giving hearings to applicants and new a pointees in security cases, suggest the need for a study of this area and the development of uniform practices in such cases. - 7 CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/30: CIA-RDP86T00268R000600010012-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/30: CIA-RDP86T00268R000600010012-4 (?) TFIDENTIAL C. Advisory opinions in individual cases A criticism of the security program has been that an employee dissatisfied with the processing of his case under the program has no place beyond control of the agency to take his grievance. There appears, moreover, to have been some mis- understanding or the application of security standards in certain cases which crossed depart- mental or agency lines. Some of these cases received a great deal of public attention. This suggests the need for a study to determine whether or not there should be established an advisory board within a central security coordinating office. This board could function on somewhat the same basis as the President's Committee on Government Employment Policy, which is available to give advisory re- commendations and opinions to both employees and agency heads in individual cases. It would not take the place of hearing panels already provided for, nor would it serve as a final court of appeal as the decision would still rest With the agency head. 'IV. APPLICATIONS TO THE COMMISSION FOR DETERMINATIONS OF REEMPLOYMENT ELIGIBILITY UNDER SECTION 7 OF EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 10450 Since the beginning of the program to July 1, 1955, 75 persons who had been removed under the provisions of Executive Order No. 10450, or other Security authority, applied toTthe Commission under,the pro- visions of Section 7 for determination of their eligi- bility for reemployment in agencies other than the one from which separated. The results of those applications were as follows: Favorable decisions 11 Unfavorable decisions 35 Closed without action...17 Pending 12 Total 75 V. SECURITY APPRAISALS As of July 1, 1955, the Commission had completed security appraisals of security programs in 42 departments and agencies. This includes the major departments and agencies. A list of the security appraisals completed, in process, and remaining to be completed as of July 1, 1955, is attached as Exhibit 2. , 8 - CONVIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/30: CIA-RDP86T00268R000600010012-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/30: CIA-RDP86T00268R000600010012-4 CONFID7NTIAL VI.. 116COMMENDATIONS A. That the Personnel Security Advisory Committee, now conducting its coordinating function on an informal and unofficial basis in the 7xecutive Office of the President, be formally established and thereby given public recognition. B. That studies be conducted, under the leadership of the Internal Security Division of the Dr4partm3nt of Justice in cooperation with the Civil Srvice Commission and the Personnel Advisory Committee, after which findings and recommendations be made to the National Security Council concerning: 1. The advisability of setting up a board to give advisory opinions or recommendations in indi- vidual cases to agency heads and employees. 2. The practices of the various departments and agencies with respect to granting, upon request hearings before security hearing boards to applicants and probational appointees, and to make recommendations with reference to standard ization of such practices. C. In view of the completion of the incumbent employee phase of the security program, that the Department of Justice conduct a study to determine the possibl need for restricting thn coverage or making other modifications of 7.0. 10450. D. In view of the completion of the incumbent employee phase of the security program, major public atten- tion may be focused hereafter on industrial and military personnel security programs. It is, there- fore, recommended that the Department of Defense be represented in the overall personnel security coordinating activities. Recs -7- j /s/ PHILIP YOUNG Philip Young Chairman CONFID7,NTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/30: CIA-RDP86T00268R000600010012-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/30 CIA-RDP86T00268R000600010012-4 C0NFID7NTIAL Exhibit 1 ATTACHMENT TO REPORT UNDER .6.0. 10550 AS TO STATUS OF CASII;S ON EMPLOYEES SUBJECT TO FULL FIELD INVESTIGATION A. Section 4 and 11 Cases 2 . No. Closed. B. All Other 22au 4. No. Closed C. Yo. Pending Action More Than 90 Days 7. No. Pending_lciion More Than 22_Lays Under Suspension planation of Item Headin s Cases of employees on the rolls as of May 28, 1953, who were subject to a full field investigation by FBI under 7.0. 9835. Section 4 and 11 of 7.0. 10450 requires that these cases be reviewed and (1) a determination made that the previous adjudication was made under standards commensurate with those under 7.0. 10450 or (2) read judicated under 7.0. 10450. All of these cases have been pending with agencies more than 90 days (since 5-28-53). Cases in which agencies reported during the period that the action above has been taken or the person is no longer on the rolls for other reasons, e.g. R.I.F., resignation, death, retirement, etc. Cases of employees (other than Section 4 and 11 cases) who were subject 0 to a full field investigation and referred for adjudication under 7.0. r4 10450. This includes cases investigated under 7.0. 10450 and several statutory authorities. Cases which agencies reported during the period as having been adjudi- cated or otherwise disposed of, e.g. R.L.F., resignation, death, retirement etc. Cases under Item 5 in which more than 90 days have elapsed since referral of the final investigative report for adjudication, and no report of action has been received by the Commission. Cases under Item 6 in which final action has not been reported but the suspension of the employee has been reported. CONFID7NTIAL im,,,ineeifiori in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/30 CIA-RDP86T00268R000600010012-4 1?\ \ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/30: CIA-RDP86T00268R000600010012-4 -N Note: See attachment for ex- lanation of it(t Report under E.O. 10550 as to Status of Cases on Employees Subject to a Full Field Investigation Report dated as of 6/30/55 CONFIDENTIAL. Sheet No. 1 _ N A. Section 4 and 11 Cases B. All Other 3 No. Pending ction Cases 4. No. closed bet. 6/1/ 5. No. pend- ing report of action as of 6/30/55 6. No. pend- lug action more than 90 days as of 6/30/55 7. No.pending action more than 90 days under suspensitn as of 6/30/55 Agency 1. No. requir ing review as of 5/28/53 2. No. closed as of 6/30/55 3 o. pending eport of ction as of 6/30/55 1. No. pending action as of 5/31/556/1/ 2' No. of refbr .iotal ral received for action and ? 0 and 0 agriculture 236 236 1 119 186 305 151 154 0 Air Force 870 A, 840 1 1 (6) 3.0 0 84o 1 .3 0 1103 1 15. 0 11 7 1 1 4 0 American Battle Mon- ts Commission rmy 2244 2196 (10) 48 1133 998 2131 232 1394 432 2 Vmic Energy Comm. 0 0 0 4 0 4 1 3 3 o d. of Governors, ed'l Reserve System 11 11 0 5 1 6 2 4 4 0 Bureau of the Budget 37 37 o 1 3 4 4 o o o Jamal Zone Golitt. 137 1 7 0 3 14 17 11 2 o 50X1 ----- 1411 Aero. Board 11 11 6 1 7 5 2 0 ivil Service Comm. 12 12 0 22 21 35 73 82 55 33 18 49 3 21 0 Q cmmerce 35.7 357 0 47 omission On Inter- overnmental elations , 2 2 0 4 o 4 o 4 0 NOTE: Figures in parenthesis reflect number of suspensions included in pending cases. CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/30: CIA-RDP86T00268R000600010012-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/30: CIA-RDP86T00268R000600010012-4 (3 (_, Report under E.O. 10550 as to Status of Cases on Employees Subject to a Full Field Investigation -Note: See attachment for ex- planation of items Report dated as of 6/30/55 (7) CRIFeliEnlAjd. ( ) A. Section 4 and 11 Cases B. All Other Cases Agency 1ing , 1. o. requir- review as of 5/28/53 2. No. closed as of 6/30/55 3. No. pending report of action as of 6/30/55 1. No. pending action as of 5/31/55 2. No. of refer- ral received for action bet. 6/1/55 3. Total No. pending action I 4. No. closed bet. 6/1/55 5 go. pend- ing report zf action as of 6/30/55 and T 0 and 0 Comm. on Orgn. of the Exec. Br. of Gov't. 2 ,Council of Economic Advisers 2 Defense Transport Adm. Export-Import Bank Farm Credit Adm. 2 2 0 0 ,... 0 0 0 0 Fed. Civ. Def. Adm. 18 18 0 89 26 115 29 86 Fed. Coal Mine Safety B of Review Fetj Communications Commission 15 15 12 Fed. Deposit Insurance Corporation 3 3 0 1 0 1 0 1 Federal Facilities Corporation Fed. Mediation & Conciliation Service 9 9 0 04 4 Fed. Power Commission Fed, Trade Commission 10- ' 10 0 5 1 6 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/30: CIA-RDP86T00268R000600010012-4 No. pend- ing action more than 90 days as of 6/30/55 No. pend- ing action more than 90 days under suspension as of 6/30/55 2 0 0 0 49 0 5 0 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/08/30 : CIA-RDP86T00268R000600010012-4 Li U - Report under E0. 10550 as to Status Of-Caset on Empioyee6 'Report dated- CONFIDENTIAL Sheet No. 3 Ntte: See attachment for explanation of iteTs Subject to a Full Field Investigation as of 6/30/55 I Agency ? . Section 4 and 11 Cases B, All Other Cases 1. 0. requiring eview as of 5/28/53 2. No. closed as of 6/30/55 3. No. pending. report of action as o 6/30/55 1. No. pending action as of 5/31/55 2. No. of referral received for action bet .6/1/55 3. Total No. pending action 4. No. closed bet. 6/1/55 and. 736755 5. No. pending report of action as of 6/30/55 6. No. pending action more than 90 days as of 6/30/55 7. No, pending action more than 90 days under susper sion as of 6/30/55 1 1and 77755 Foreign Claims Sett. Comm. of the US. 2 2 0 Foreign Operations Administration 86 86 192 132 324 127 197 58 Gen. Acctg. Office 26 Q. 45 12 57 - 32 25 8 Gen. Services Adm. 192 192 0 76 24 100 i6 84 39 Gov't. Printing Off. 37 37 0 9 1 10 2 8 5 Health) Edu.& Welfare 1+47 44 3 2) 4 108 45 153 62 91 30 Housing & Holm Finance .. 143 136 _.( 7 45 13 58 0 58 26 Fed. Housing Adm. Hone Loan Bank Bd. Pub. Housing Adm. Indian Claims Comm. - Interior 338 338 0 52 28 80 32 48 19 0 CO IDENTIAL U Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/30: CIA-RDP86T00268R000600010012-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/30: CIA-RDP86T00268R000600010012-4 4 ( c \ \ 2 Note: See attachrent for explanation of items Report under E,O, 10550 as to Status of Oases on Eqployees Report dated MNFIDENTIAL S'ubjoct to a Full. Field Investigation as of 6/'30/55 Sheet No, A. Section 4 and 11 Cases B. All Other Agency , ' 1. -,- No. requiring review as of 5/28/53 2-.----P. No. closed as of i 6/30/55 _ , No. pending report of action as off 1 1, ! No. pending i action as of I 2, 4 No. of referral received for action bet.6/1/55 3. Total No. pending action 4. No. closed bet, 6/1/55 and 6/30/55 5 No, pending report of action as of /30455 6.-1 No, pendAng actior more than 90 days as of L30/5 -- ,,...,., Eo, pending actior more than 90 days '1.-ncler suspen- Sion as of 6/Cp5 / - .. 6/3C/55 _2L22.21 i and 3055-- .- - .. Internat'l. Boundary & Water Comm 1 1 -0 3 0 3 0 3 3 r"... o Interstate Commerce Commission 12 12 I _... Justice 186 i8 2 166 260 426 336 90 3 Labor ' 197 197 0 38 24 62 54 8 o Library of Congress 84 83 1 38 2 4o 18 22 15 Nat'l Advisory Comm, on Aeronautics 60 60 0 , 39 40 79 52 27 7 Nat'l Capital housing AlsIthority 9 9 o o o o o t'l Capital Planning k,tmmission 1 1 o o ,o o 0 0 o Nat'l Gallery of Art 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Nat'l Labor Relations Board 77 73 13 0 13 Nat'l Mediation Bd. Nat'l Science Founda. 39 39 0 1 5 5 National Security Agency 21 21 0 36 142 178 147 31 20 - , _ .-410 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/30: CIA-RDP86T00268R000600010012-4 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/08/30 : CIA-RDP86T00268R000600010012-4 (7) (1 Nate: See attachment for explanation of item' ....m????????????????????....4.6 Roport-landr 10550 "as'td- Status-of Case o on Erployees ,Suj,:nA to a Full Field invesion - Report d.Ited as o17 CONFIDENTIAL Se t No A spncy i I A, Section 4 ard 11 Ca3z:-.3 11 B. All Other Cses 1 11 1, 10. recitlfrir eview as of 5 28/53 , 1- No, clos, No, peri:.10,- 4:-: pc,,ndin 1 - as of report of jlactio ?t,s of 6/7,0/5 ' actdon a5 Ofil 5/31/55 No. of rcfezzal received for net-1..)n To."6a1 Noti Nut cloc-.1. I No, peildsilis , N.),. f- xiaddusi T..,:ic 12, . pen,I.Ing i bet, 6/1, I r,,ro.-rt of 1 ;J,.(:.,%1 ;1,,-. ,1.-:1:4= T...-yr action : and 67'zv7,,-;.:5 i act:'..nn. as c):'; i-,:e,,:, ,-;R") :,*k J.t 9:) (1-./.3 . ' 6/30/55 , i het,6/1/5, and Til7Z757---- 1 6/K/55 4 c?,w ,),.. f). I !----'-- ------t c/ /5' , . , !.:', of - Iil I ? Nat'l Sec. Coundil ,._ ? .i-. . ._, _...$ . - l i ?j: Navy 2297 2175 (31) 322--qc , , . -i , 89 I 4o4 .12 L280 12.2 L. Off. of Def.Mobiliz. 16 16 0 2 -4,? ?, , . .4 6 8' 1 7 , ____ 2 0 Off. of Secretary of Defense, 52 52 035 _,_-_ ? 105 .,)Ln ? - 96 44 12 o Post Office 2229 2099 (16) 130 -1-- -4. -4 1 1 569 94 6()-) -J 82 581 427 0 Railroad Retirement Board 15 15 0 , 2 0 21 ..-1 1 0 -4-- iReconstruction Fin. Corporation 5 , 5 o-',1 ......._..44- .....-- 0 . , n o . 2 3 - 2 e _J 1 o negotiation Board , 4 2 6 3 Rubber Producing kFacil. Disposal Comm. Securities and Exchange Commission 14 14 0 2 0 2 o 2 I 0 . 0 beieetiv6 service eVitem . . 25 25 Mat t 1 Security Training Coirlia. .ONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/30: CIA-RDP86T00268R000600010012-4 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/08/30 : CIA-RDP86T00268R000600010012-4 ) Note: See attachnent for explanation of items Report under E.O. 10550 as to Status of Cases on Employees Subject to a Full Field Investigation Report dated as of 6/30/5 CONFIDENTIAL Shee A. Section 4 and 11 Cases I B. All Other Cases 1. I 2. 10b. requiring! No. close Agency i review as of i as of 3. No. pending report of 1. 1 No. pending action as of 2. 3. No. of referrall Total No. received for pending 4. No. closed bet. 6/1/55 5. No pending report of 6, No. pending action more 7. No. pending action more 5/28/53 1 6/30/55 action as of 5/31/55 action action and6/30/55 action as of than 90 days than 90 days 6/30/55 bet. 6/1/55 6/30/55 as of under suspen- and. LJ0/55 6/30/55 sion as of 6/30/55 Small Business Adm. 'T 7 46 . 11 57 17 40 25 ?Smithsonian Inst. 10 10 o 0 1 1 1 o State Department - . 370 334 (1) 42 451 84 535 171 364 253 bubversive Activities Control Board Tariff Commission 6 6 2 0 0 Pax Court of the U.S. Lenn. Valley Auth. 39 8 lo 4 6 6 F="tasury Department _.39 376 349 (1) 27 I 292 52 344 24 320 202 t J U.S. Info. Agency 221 221 0 315 84 399 63 336 14o Veterans Admin. 243 938 5 248 61 309 152 157 101 0 \Mite House Office I 1 _ 50X1 1 iis 1 CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/30: CIA-RDP86T00268R000600010012-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/30 : CIA-RDP86T00268R000600010012-4 (,) L Exhlbit 2 SCHIOULE JULY 10 1955 APPRAISAL aisa1s Completed Department of the Air Force Department of the Army Bureau of the Budget Civil Aeronautics Board Civil Service Commission (Com. on Retire. Policy for Fed'l Pers.) Commerce Council of 7conomic Advisers Defense Transport Administration 7xport-Import Bank Farm Credit Administration Federal Communications Commission Federal Deposit Insurance Corp- oration Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service Federal Power Commission Federal Trade Commission floreign Operations Administration neral Services Administration Government Printing Office Health, l!ducation and Welfare Housing and Home Finance Agency (Federal Housing Administration .(Home Loan Bank Board (Public Housing Administration Interior Interstate Department Department Library of Commerce Commission of Justion of Labor Congress kIt'l Advisory Committee on Aeronautics lational Labor Relations Board Iational Mediation Board lational Science Foundation Jepartment of the Navy )ffice of Defense Mobilization .)ost Office Securities & xchange Commission Selective Service System ''-'%ate Department 17 Appraisals Completed (Cont'd) Tariff Commission Treasury Department U.S. Information Agency Veterans' Administration Appraisals Remaining American Battle Monuments Comm. Atomic 7nargy Commission Bd. of Governors, Fedil Res. System Canal Zone Government Central Intelligence Agency Comm. on Orgn. of the 7,xec. Br. of Govt. Federal Coal Mine Safety Bd. of Review Federal Civil Defense Administra- tion Foreign Claims Settlement Comm. of U.S. General Accounting Office International Boundary & Water Comm. Indian Claims Commission National Capital Housing Authorit3 National Capital Planning Comm. National Gallery of Art National Security Council Railroad Retirement Board Renegotiation Board Rubber Producing Facilities Disp. Com. Smithsonian Institution Subversive Activities Control Board Tax Court of the United States Tennessee Valley Authority White House Office Appraisals Currently in Process Department of Agriculture Office of S(,?er.etary of Defense Small Business Administration CONF TIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/30: CIA-RDP86T00268R000600010012-4