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25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP11M01338R000400470094-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP11M01338R000400470094-6 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP11M01338R000400470094-6 Florida - 8th District 8 C.W. Bill Young (R) Of St. Petersburg ? Elected 1970 Born: Dec. 16. 1930. Harmarville, Pa. Education: Attended Pennsylvania public schools. Military Career: National Guard, 1948-57. Occupation: Insurance executive. Family: ?Vife. Beverly F. Angelo; three children. Religion: Methodist. Political Career: Fla. Senate, 1961-71, minority leader, 1967.71. Capitol Office: 2407 Rayburn Bldg. 20515; 225-5961. In Washington: Young's blow-dried pom- padour hair style sometimes makes him look like a refugee from a country & western band, but he is in reality one of the more serious and effective conservatives in the House. While Young plays his most substantive role as a GOP stalwart on the Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense, he gained an honor- ary title of symbolic significance early in the 101st Congress: dean of the majority party in Florida's 19-member House delegation. When Young was first elected to the state Senate in 1960, he was its only Republican. A decade later. when he won a seat in the U.S. House, he was one of just three Republicans in the 12-member delegation. In the years since, Florida's House contingent and its Republican component have grown. but the GOP did not have a majority of House members .until 2nd .District Rep. Bill Grant switched parties in February 19.59. making the split 10-9 GOP. "I have to admit." Young said. "this is the first time ever in my political career I'm in any kind of majority status." Whether Young's new status will bring him any additional influence remains to be seen, but he is already known for expanding the purview of the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee where he serves. Young has become the leading congressional advocate of the National Bone Marrow Donor Registry, and he has worked to fund it through the defense budget. The money initially found its way. into a defense funding bill in 1986. when then-Sen. Paul ',malt of Nevada slipped it in. That same ?ear, Laxalt announced his retirement, and Young came into contact with a 10-year-old girl I rom his district who was dying of cancer and could not tind a bone-marrow donor. Since then. Young has guarded funding for the regis- try. mid in the lOOth Congress. he worked to shift it front the Navy (which contracted the registry out to the Red Crosst to the National Institolvs of Health. While he says the registry is his proudest ,tchievement. Young is probably best known for his advocacy of the 19sus defense buildup. 314 ?????????111111111 Though Young supported nearly all of Presi- dent Reagan's individual defense initiatives, his seriousness and his willingness to work with Democrats on a number of issues ? such as tactical air power and competition in anti-tank weapons ? have earned him respect on both sides of the aisle. Young has even suggested that his unyielding stance on some issues is just a strategy to offset the zeal of liberals bent on cutting defense. "I have become one of those who is the counterbalance on the right that makes it possible to compromise in the middle," he once said. A member of the Intelligence Committee earlier in his House career, Young has contin- ued to pursue national security issues. He is a leading House proponent of expanding random polygraph testing for Defense Department and federal-contractor employees. Two years after approving a polygraph test program in the defense authorization bill. the 100th Congress approved language to permit annual random polygraph tests of up to 20.000 employees of the Defense Department and its contractors. Young initially faced accusations that his plan was part of -a hysterical reaction to spy scandals. But he and other advocates main- tained that the plan was simply aimed at im- proving the government's capacity to discover national security breaches, and he brushed off questions about the reliability of the so-called lie detector. "Give our country the tools to battle the spies and the potential spies. the traitors and the potential traitors." Young said. While the national security applications of polygraph testing have gained widespread sup- port, Young's enthusiasm ftir testing in the private secttlr has never caught on. In 1986 and 1987, the House passed legislation prohibiting most private employer, from requiring 01111)1 I' ees and job applicants to take lie-detector tests. I iring both debates. Young, amendments to permit testing under certain guideline, were defeated. During his tenure ,.0 hitelligenet-, charted an independerti 11111r-t? Ili) 'little It1;11 ters. He supported 14, ;lid ;11111.,,,immi nprlassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP11M01338R000400470094-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP11M01338R000400470094-6 C. W. Bill Young, R-Flo. Florida 8 The modern era of Florida politics be- in this district a little over three de- cades ago, and the 8th is still a good sign- post of political change statewide. In 1954. this district made William C. Cramer the state's first Republican House member of the 20th century. Cramer owed election to the influence of conservative retirees. In subsequent years, other Repub- lican candidates prospered as the retirees' influence expanded elsewhere in Florida. Today, the retirees are still crucial in the politics of the 8th, but no candidate can aftOrd to ignore the growing numbers of young people drawn by its steadily diversi- fying economy. The young newcomers, like their peers flooding into other parts of Florida, are in some ways more conserve- ive. which is good news for the GOP here. Not too long ago, St. Petersburg was as almost exclusively a retirement ;iaven. The retirees who settled there ? many of them storekeepers, office workers mid civil servants from the small-town Mid- - brought their Republican prefer- ences to Florida with them. The economy was mostly service oriented, geared to the needs of elderly residents and tourists. The morning rush hour saw many younger work- ers from St. Petersburg driving to jobs in Tampa, which provided employment in a greater variety of fields and a faster pace of West ? St. Petersburg life than in St. Pete. where the Shuffle- board Hall of Fame is a big attraction. Hut during the last decade, St. Peters- burg sought to broaden its economic base by stressing that it offers a good climate for business investment. Now. St. Petersburg and Pinellas County firms such as Honey- well, Paradyne, E-Systems and General Electric are busy with research, develop- ment, production and marketing of comput- ers, communications equipment and other high-technology items. A number of the major employers and subcontractors are en- gaged in defense-related work. ? The median age of the Pinellas County population has dropped because so many young people attracted to good-paying jobs have moved into the area. Democrats are still competitive in some elections in the 8th, partly because many retirees identify the party as the founder and protector of Social Security. But Republicans and Dem- ocrats are at near-parity in the number of registered voters in Pinellas County. and in practice, many of the registered Democrats vote Republican, especially at the national level. Population: 512.909. White 463,124(90%). Black 44,983 (9%), Other 3,161 (1%). Spanish origin 7,616 (2%). 18 and over 413.853(81%), 65 and over 141,405 (28%). Median age: 45. insurgents, including the Nicaraguan ? .!itraN. and defended the CIA's successful at- .::pt to exempt certain operational files from Freedom of Information Act requests. But he critical of the agency following disclosures ? he CIA role in helping elect Salvadoran i'r,.sident Jos?apoleon Duarte. "The CIA is . the place to run political campaigns," ).ung declared. He said he was bothered by the .1.A's arrogance in refusing to keep Congress ormed. Young also plays a role in a number of closer to home. Together with Florida ie:nocrat William Lehman, Young led the ? i.,arize in the Appropriations Committee ;1,ainst lifting an existing moratorium on off- -Mire oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico. When amendment challenging the drilling ban was !tered. the committee turned it back. Young. who notes that his St. Petersburg- r,-ed district .contains more Social Security ..cipients than any other, goes to considerable lis to help them. Just before the House ted a rule that would have permitted eon- -::.!.?ration of the long-term home health-care bill, Young implored his colleagues to vote for the measure. "We talk about the costs. and who will pay for it," he said. "Do not forget these folks who .are older Americans today are the very ones who... created things in .our society, in our economy: they have an outstanding record of service to America." Young was one of just 24 Republicans to vote for the rule on the long-term home health-care bill, which went down to a lopsided defeat. In 1985, he proposed a bill to prohibit employers from setting any mandatory retire- ment age; a similar measure became law in 1986. A member of the Appropriations subcom- mittee that sets spending levels for the Depart- ment of Health and Human Services, he has called for more expeditious health-care pay- ments to Medicare recipients, and has proposed legislation guaranteeing that the cost-of-living adjustments for Social Security beneficiaries could mit be cut back or eliminated. At Home: A high-school dropout from a Pennsylvania mining town. Young worked his way to success in the insurance business before going into politics in 1960. Ten years later, he 315 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP11M01338R000400470094-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/13 : CIA-RDP11M01338R000400470094-6 ' C. W. Bill Young; R-Flo. inh,rited Hiirida's most dependable Republi- can seat trio Rep. William C. Cramer. who left it xlonht- ran for the U.S. Senate in 197u. Young had known Cramer a long time. He had met the congressman at a Rotary Club barbecue in 1955. worked in his 1956 campaign and was hired as Cramer's district aide in 1957. In 1960 the Pinellas County GOP organization urged Young to challenge a veteran Democratic state senator. He won, and became the only Republican in the state Senate. By 1967. there were 20 others, and Young was minority leader. When Cramer announced for the Senate in .1970. there was little question who would re- place him. Young won 76 percent of the pri- mary vote and 67 percent in the general elec- tion. Since then it has been even easier. During the 1980s, Young has drawn Demo- cratic opposition only twice. In 1984, he won 80 I ercent against Democrat Robert Kent. a for. mei; Sunshine Skyway toll collector. Kent. a Yugoslavian jmigre and frequent congressional candidate from Indiana in the 1960s. changed his name from Ivan liorunek before running against Young. but the strategy failed to broaden his appeal. In 1988, Young got more than 70 percent of the vote against Democrat C. Bette Wimbish. a former St. Petersburg City Council president. When prominent Republicans were looking for established politicians to challenge Demo- cratic Gov. Bob Graham and Sen. Lawton Chiles in 1982. both Young and Rep. L. A. "Skip" Bafalis were intensively courted. Young pondered a statewide race, then ruled it out, a decision that seemed wise in retrospect. Bafalis took a chance and received a dismal 35 percent against Graham. Committee Appropriations (6th of 22 Republicans) Defense: Labor. Health and Human Services. Education and Related Agencies Elections 1988 General C. W. Bill Young (R) C. Bette Wimbish (Di 1986 General C. W. Bill Young (R) Previous Winning Percentages: 1984 (80%) 1980 (100%) 1978 (79%) 1976 (65%) 1972 (76%1 1970 (67%) 169,165 62,539 (73%) (27%) Unopposed 1982 (100%) 1974 (76%) District Vote For President 1984 1980 1988 1976 D 97.452 ,45%) 91,393 (37%) 97.234 (41%) 98.426 (49%) R 120.065 155%) 153.584 (63%) 124.802 (53%) 100.586 (50%) 12.280 (5%) 1988 Young (R) Wimbish (Di 1986 Young iR) 316 Campaign Finance Receipts Expend- Receipts from PACs itures S212.972 S109.600 (51%) 5208,320 537.501 S14.001 (37%) 523.655 5214.687 $91.945 (43%) S96,142 Key Votes 1987 ? Raise speed limit to 65 mph Approve Gephardt "fair trade" amendment Ban testing of larger nuclear weapons Delay "re-flagging" of Kuwaiti tankers Approve tax-raising deficit-reduction bill 1988 Approve aid to Nicaraguan contras Enact civil rights restoration bill over Reagan veto Kill 60-day plant-closing notification measure Pass omnibus trade bill over Reagan veto Approve death penalty for drug-related murders Bar federal funds for abortions in cases of rape and incest Oppose seven-day waiting period for purchase of handguns Voting Studies Presidential Party Conservative Support Unity Coalition Year S 0 S 0 S 0 1988 59 36 86 8 97 3 1987 59 36 76 17 84 9 1966 72 26 75 18 84 14 1985 74 25 80 14 87 9 1984 54 38 68 24 85 8 1983 74 23 77 18 87 11 1982 74 16 74t 17t 84 5 1981 72 24 83 12 88 7 t Not eligible for all recorded votes. Interest Group Ratings Year ADA ACU AFL-CIO CCUS 1988 10 88 36 79 1987 12 87 6 93 1986 5 95 8 67 1985 5 71 24 76 1984 25 58 15 60 1983 5 96 6 75 1982 10 86 5 80 1981 5 100 7 94 nprlacRifipci in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP11M01338R000400470094-6