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Fr 7 11116, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010015-2 : 111-01. tiflU Office 114? emorandw ? UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT v?7faigENT/41 ' .1 . TO ORE, Scientific Branch DATE: 12 June 1947 ' .-? ( ,? ..? FROM : Lester C. Houck SUBJECT: Transmission of Report on Engineering Bureau No. 2. 1. There is transmitted herewith for your information and retention a report on the Engineering Bureau No. 2, Berlin-NiederschBnhausen. Particular reference is made to the Bureau's activities in the development of turbines and wind tunnels. End: TI-6577 )N1: D3cu:T=tITo. 00.c Io '- Class. -N: IS 4 Apr 77 U. 77/1763 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010015-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/69/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010015-2 CENTRALIIMELIGENCE ORM` 2430 1 STREET, N.W. Washington, D.C. 10 June 1947 TI -6277 4 3 3 b 6 Country: Germany (Russian Zone) Subject: Engineering Bureau No. 2, Derlin-Biedersohanhausen: Development at Turbines and Wind Tunnels. Information date: March, April, Sky 1947 Evaluations S-2 1. Engineering Eureou WO. 2 at Istokedorfstrasse (Podbielskistrasse) 21, Derlin-ffiedersobSnhausen, is directly responsible to the Hinistry for Heavy Machine Construetion in Moseisw. Completed projects are taken to Somme by ranking Soviet engineers end technical queries are relayed to the bureau directly from the Soviet capital. Engineering Bureau No. 2 is concerned with the testing or turbine installations while Engineering Bureau Ne. 1, at the same.address, deals with the oonstruetion of boilers for stem turbine installations. Although both bureaus are controlled by a central offiee in Pankow, their respective work is net related. 2. Engineering Bureau No. 2,11 research deals with gas turbines, with one or were combustion chambers using liquid, solid or gas, designed for power plants, ships and notor vehicles. The new aspect of this work is the intended use or natural or generated gas, seal duet. or Smut (the masts material produced by fractional distillation of petroleun). 3. The following projests have been eompleted or are still being worked on at the present tine (early April 1947)1 a) 12.000 NW power plant installations using *mut fuel. b) gs,000 NW power plant installations using natural or generated gas. e) 35,000 102 (BP.-hr.) ship engines using either fuel or heavy Diesel oil. 4. In order to provide the project division with enact infornation on produetion teehniques and oonstrustion, the research division is oonsidering the following preblemes a) The size, form and properties of combustion *webers. NTROL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010015-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010015-2 'uunInvb I. CENTNA1411131CIGEMEORMIP 2430 Bynum, Ni?. Bashingtcm, D.C. 33667 10 June 1947 11-6397 0ountryt Germany (Russian Zone) Subjects Engineering Bureau No. 2, Derlin-Niederschrohnusent Development of Turbines and Wind Tunnels. Information dates Uaroh, April, lay 1947 Evaluations 8e2 1. Engineering Bureau No. 2 at Ceokendorfetrasse (Podbielslietrasee) -21, Berlin-Riedereolginhmusen, is direotly responsible to the Hinistry for Heavy Bachine Construction in ttonotte. Completed projects are taken to Bosco, by rtuddng Soviet engineers and technical queries are relayed to the bureau directly from the Soviet capital. Engineering Bureau No. 2 ie concerned with the tasting of turbine installations while Engineering Bureau NO. 1, at the seas address, deals with the construction of boilers for steam turbine installations. Although both bureaus are controlled by a central office in Pankow, their respective work is not related. 2. Engineering Bureau No. 2's research deals with gas turbines, with one or =ore oombustion chambers using liquid, solid or gas, designed for power plants, ships and actor vehicles. The new aspect of this work is the intended use of natural or generated gas, coal dust, or Sett (the taste material Traduced by fractional distillation of petroleun). 3. The following projects have been stompleted or are still being worked on at the present tins (early April 1947)t a) 12,000 IN power plant installations using Neat fuel. b) gg,000 EN power plant installations using natural or generated filu? cs) 63,000 PO (BP.-hr.) ship engines using either fuel or heavy Diesel oil. 4. In order to provide the project division with exact information on production technique* and construction, the research division is considering the following problems: ts) The site, form and properties of coMbustion chambers. NTR01. p. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010015-2 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010015-2 .11. LiJ CONTROL Combustion ohambers using Meant fuel are first driven with Diesel oil SA Resat requires a preliminary treatment. In place of natural or generated gas, city gas is now being used,. since there are not sufficient amounts of the former gases in Berlin. The use of coal dust is only planned; this project will be aotivated within the next few months. The combustion chambers are being tested in the thermodynamics laboratory on a test stand wkdoh is constantly being enlarged. b) Materials for turbo blades: loading temperature, 6400 to 700?C. The type of metal to be used is being considered by the metal research laboratory. Permanent testing devices, built especially for this purpose, have been provided. They permit a loading of the materials in the trajectory at temperatures of 6400 to 700?C. o) The form of turbo blades and condensors. The most suitable forgo of turbo and condenser blades and the pressure drop of individual parts; such as diffusors, are determined in the elootresteohnioal laboratory, which has two wind tunnels. Field Comments Paragraph 4-e, dated April 1947,refers to two wind tunnels. The information following, submitted under a 20 March dateline, describes only one of these and no further information has yet been received indicating whether or not the second tunnel has been built on the same premises. ? 6. Simplified construction was sought in building the wind tunnel in the long, hall of the former Old People's Nome in Building 10, Secken- dorfstrasse 21. Eiffel construction was adopted, since it was thought inexpedient because of spat* limitations and its special purpose to utilise wind tunnels of the type used by Carman industry or aviation. 6. The wind tunnel will be used chiefly to obtain current-technical (strimungs-teohnische) data for rotor and guide blades (Laufschaufel. Leitschaufel) in connection with axial turbines and blowers. Testing will seek to develop the most advantageous profile forms and appropriate grid emplacements (Gitteranordnungen). Multi-stage equipment also will be subjected to tests. 7. The wind tunnel, as planned, called for: OA transverse section to accommodate models of original turbine ? blades of a linear enlargement of 4:1 of a medium-sized turbine blade. This enlargement was chosen for technical measurement reasons. SEM CONTROL nprtassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010015-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010015-2 0,M9loU tagnOL - 3 - b) Injeation velocity not to exceed fifty esters per won& especially witha normally operating jet unit, so that the manometer indleating the flow direction WI be easily reel. c) Velocity profile of the measuring flow (liessestrahl) to be as rectangular as possible; velocity nage to show the lowest possible degree of turbulence. d) Perforate. of the tunnel and its resistance to be calculated in suchaway that, in addition to the requirements listed under a. and b. above regarding the jet cross section and injection velocity, there will be excess pressure of 150mm of waterbeed to overcome additional flow resistance. e) The model should be lastly accessible and it should be possible to determine the aerodynamic frees which are at play. 6. The requirements stated.above have been met, as follows: The blower consists of dual wheels, onowith seventeen and the other with thirty-five blades. rotating about an axle. Both Wheels are wooden. The turbine has an overall dimension of 1100 ma and en internal dimension of 646 mm, corresponding to a blade height of PET ma. Each individual blade has a 41? angle at the base and a 240 angle at the tip. Blades in the forward rotor of the turbine are net set at an angle. The blear rotates at 1960 revolutions per ulnae. lS_sitne*rtbiw/tiadrvean0rfPheeeeurrent motor located In the cellar, powero Oon is a makeshift arrangement, sines it was not possible to secure a Ward set phial:would have intereamed the rata of revolution. It is planned to use the preset motor later on in conjunction with a Leonard set as a power supply unit. The ecnnectinglieee has a eylindrioally-shaped exterior. drasstried to the long =lel there is a metal conus which Ca be opened or closed at an angle of Su plus or Cadmus, thereby Increasing or mating the air stream. The wind tunnel tube at the top (or blower and) is circular in shape. in the tank section, it assumes * hexagon shape, boom:Ling rectangular at the !lapelled test notion. The tube tank contains several guide vaneswhin direct the air flow latgltudinally, thereby reducing the turbulence of the air benutUng on the sides of the tank. Those vanes also lessen the rate of air speed. The tunnel tank is 6.4 meters long, with an internal rectangular dimension of R.62 x 1.96 nu. It contains two air rectifiers, each fronted by a screening sieve. ri , COOTROL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010015-2 Declassified in Pari - Sanitized CopyApproved for Release 2013/09/12 CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010015-2 ?11;1111 CONTROL - 4 ; The tunnel jet is funnel-shaped and its large aperture has the as dimens on as the tuns' tank. The opening at the small jet end measures 0.4 x 1.02 m`. The jet *ad is in length and is constructed longitudinally. An air flow measuring meter (pivot tube) at the jet opening has seen construOted fe hold models. Attachment / shows the turbine blades in a setting which would approxixate actual operating condi- tions in a turbine. The air flow is forced upon the turbine blades over two delicate metal guides which hold the measuring instruments. 9. The wind tunnel has been constructed so that the research staff eon easily reach the holding devioe. 10. Attaeiiient II shows the ratio of performance of the blower transmission and the injection velocity. Attachment //I shows the ratio of excess pressure in the jot injection and the injeption velocity (taking into consideration a jet dimension of Fe 0.411`.) 11. It was hoped to attain 97% efficiency in the power plant installations planned by the project section, but tests revealed only 90% efficiency. Duo to inadequate measuring devices, this 90% is only an approximate figure. Informant believes that, since present combustion chambers have not been fully developed as yet, this efficiency rate will be increased. 12. To facilitate IMO exact determination of embustion chamber efficiency, measuring methods are being improved. This work should be completed in early June 1947, atwhichtime enlargement of the testing stand also will be finished. This latter improvement will provide a - measuring channel (liessstreeks) for city gas fuel next to the bent installation.. 13. 'taut experiments were performed in the presence of previously heated air. In place of the boat changer, a combustion chamber operated with Diesel oil was set in front of the experimental combustion chamber. It was found that the one fedwithAleut operated moat efficiently in air pre-heated to approximately 400 to 450?0. The taut, warmed to mbar 150?C., behaved like Diesel oil, except for a slight corrosion which or not be judged because of the short combustion time. 14. Since combustion chambers on only be driven on the test stands at 1 ate., though the original plea called for 8 or 12 eta., it was considered that test stands might be obtained from* or set up for t' purpose at, the louna-Vorke. Negotiations are now being condtuited (3 )ey). L4 to 11, 15. On 28 April, an inspection was made by Isrlehorat officials the work was rated satisfaCtory..'It was felt that development( combustion chambers was not sufficiently advanced and it is ple double the nuMber of employees to speedup this work. As a re? the production of 12,000 motor vehicle installations during it/ of 1948, a special cash ptyment,css distributed by Moscow ordo weeks ago. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010015-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010015-2 DWki Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010015-2