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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A605700010065-3 yousll .1tKPUBLIC PHYSICS AND ELFCTRONICS PLANNING ORGANIZATIONS (Organizations pertinent to Electronics; Communications, Physics and Geophysics ? , Science planning. ) , WARNING Thii document fontains information affecting the national defense of the United States, within the meaning of Title 18, Sections 793 and 794, of the U.S. Code, as amended. Its trant-. -mission or revelation of its contents in any manner to or receipt by an an- authorized person is prohibited try Document No. E0 CHANGE in Class. 0 [I D2CLASSIFIMD CHANGED TO: TS S DDA Memo, 4 Apr 77 1: DDA REG. 77''..731 00) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A0g700010005-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 SECRET Alla. 0? CONVENTS Sills32CT INTROVICTION PAGE A-1 A-71z. Ger! rJ. Outline .1:t J.A.sSt,v A-3 . 13-1 ? PAM! B - ECONOMIC COMMITTEE OF THE' COUNCIL OF MINISTERS ? ?Yicare iii Eo3nolnic C mmiAtee of the C.wlmi1 of ? Wo'iistervi B-2 PART C - SUIT COMiv.ISSI(N YCR TXONOM10 PLAN'ANG C-1 'P State-!. EfLonomic Plann 0-2 f PX.PG Bri,rau.s-and Le4irtment 0-4 ngdre Col)nf:Al ,:)f-the StRte :it 4..onomic Planng C-i InvirAons,whic;:h jct comment-s bf EkPG ? ]iro titute of Sci(,mt? Documon.1.41tioiA 0-12. ftc nfla TeohnitnI PART D- POI,ISH'ACADEMY Ov SCIENCES ANL UTTERS, }rirePo). h...Academy of Sc1eco and LFAtPrs Figar-e 1resident1,12a Bord., Adernv of'ScA.ences arid. 1,,tters FIgare Scienc4-5?Sct1on, 1o1 .h .Ademy of Scieneo! pnd _Ftgu 1)-44. BioL:Ticni SOnc.e$74 S c Acs:Oem;y? or :-..kr:,ip-nce6 /Ind Mn.themntics, PhyEdevi* Cheinitry, Geo1ogy-, GOography AcR6emy? -Sci,enceuffl Lotters - Tchni Sci Secl,ion., Academy and Letter. - 1:1 ' D-3.0 PART E - PARTIAL ORGANIATION OF MINISTRY OF HEAVY INDUSTRY- lre E-20 PRrtial Orgrallzation of Ministre of Rmvy iniffty E-2 SECRET 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 hi Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A00570001.0005-3 V. TABLE UP COVT'FN'i suRT17(1) PAGE PART F 1'01,1Sn FPI', IT ITS ? S 0C1 1. PT I Y.;.i .D REF') 1:72?. C1-1 1 11S T Inn' I 011S Pof! lfl.1Hr PART (.; - TFIT,:.(101.11PN C Tit cNi`,3 1,1S T 1:71. ef.;Oc,tn T-16 9,.-? 7.f;.0.1 Y- 2 Fit iTiy,1.4Ci TpIpc oramusi.-5. on 1)I.ntj tut G-2 ? iEC.RFJ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 50X1 ?Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 44 S.EURET 50X1 PART A INTRODTATT CM- . .. The m6fAt vitAl- iriform 1Qh neessnry to- rtinate itur_ fcrgiitecttuoic And 't;',4(1.:JeAtific thy'relopments thni, rrtAining t3 'pno policies, ,TW. pAne..4. d at intel Igencez... prcme 5..r1 devpi-n;.- inr informatipn. PlAnzi,, ? it cont4-01A-s inforillati,n on. th rg o1 ,4tructar?,?t of tlicfie! pb-rtionsOf t11 Repttbli whl h am p iuent Li ? eAeotl-on.. r cmmunicn.tIonz, Phy,f5i i, the ecie of ompletolezt:;, clertAln aAits not. direcAly. prtnrt are sc.meti -A-1- SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 7if SECRET , Gti.,-JNERAle COMgENTS The gtw3y- dividiz:d int,..) 10 .PArt, (See Figure A-1 for Er1i rran(ement,) WI t.hir eh Part, Flguro numbers - And pn0 TIAmbers rwa?on, ely within eAt.:h t viguTe B-2 Thh,! etadv t6 iuIdt Aimot.7,111 p tip nI ,.11s Agency as of.1 Januhry - SECRET 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 rDeclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 50X1 lEconomi Conic ? f: of the Cow-1(A of M1 ni zters IPART Stte,(;ommi.slon? for Ewnomic P A PT ( Po 5. .01 ica3emy of S cq-ice and Le,ttef 'Pi Pm of Mtjt,r of -4,v;9r Inthis 8b. ? Jo.vo r t f, ?.4 fxrici Rser4ail Inst tut ,A NT P./ . TPTI.commlInkr:.11 IPART iOnn flttte.? ? Fi.',7:1r0Lj r . Outli.ne o thfi REP Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 rn-vols PPT :g ECO.N9J0 00hUTTFE CF TUE COUNCIL OF milpsTriis (COM1TXT ERONOMICZNY RAM MINISTR(14) inflaence of trd ccml-;110...e4,;,on cientific tr,chninal p1anniae iF unknown ra of cticng are u) 1, Pagt?. B-2? ,Notf,: This Committec does not appear in a jb_ly 19.52 110, of gnveramTot orgnaizati-)ns. Iloc,itc58. in War w., Th.p.L1-5t wai?. publAsh. in a Po2j.0 neupaper,?,1 -B-5- SECPET 50X1 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 .5.ECRItIT ? KOMITET EKOKOMICZNY RALY MINISTROW- (Economic Committee of the Council of Ministers) Functions of Economic Committee .To. lay down the basis for the economy. policy, To lay down the basis for economic . planning and 'statistics and for the organization of the 'national economy, TO decide upon directives for projects 'of national economic plans.; to approve reports dealing with projects of economic plats, their budgets. and accounts of their accomplishment before ? they are preSented to the Council of MinisterSlor final sprroval? To tr-Irrove detailed schedules of plans : and reports on their execution -(progress: reports). To decide on drafts of decrees, enact- : ments., and statutes in matters of economy before they reach the Council of Ministers, ? To consider all other economic Matters passed to the Committee in accOrdance. with the. new decree by the Council of. Ministers Or the Chairman of. the Committee. The following take part in the work of the Committee in an. advisory capacity: : Board cons _ng of; Chairman: Hilary MIN /Also Chairman bf PIP([ . Deputy Chairmen Minister of Finance; Minister of Agriculture and AgriculturalReforms; two Deputy Chairmen of PUG, .Representatives of; Supreme Chamber of State Control Charicellery of ,State Council Presidium of the Council of Ministers National Bank of Poland Central Commission of Trade Unions Peasants 9 Self-Help Union 50X1 - Chairman of F3RM is also Chairman of PKPG (See PART C). ? Members of Committee Minister of National Defense Minister of Heavy Industry Minister of Foreign Trade Minister of Public Administration ). Minister of Light Industry : Minister of?Internal, Trade Figure B - 1 - B-2- SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 SECRET. The Chairman can.also-invite representatives and. experts from the Central Administraf. tion Departments and professional and social institutions and organi- zations to participate in the:work of the committee. in an adviscry 'capacity, Minister of Minister of Industries Minister of Miniater of Welfare, miaieter of Minister of Minister of Minister of Mining and Power Food and Agrieultural Shipring Labor and Social Forestry Communioations Poet and Telegraph j Bulldthg Other Ministers not mentioned in the list participate in the work of the Committee with voting powers only in cases concerning their own spheres of activity The Minister of Foreign Affaire (or the tinder Secretary of State ,or the General Secretary) Can attend Meetings of the Committe* and-of the Board with voting power when matters of foreign economic policy are being dieguste, / Figure B - SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 $- SrnPF1) PART 0 ,0141L$ i(i OTtEGON3MAC l'UNNING JICKSTOWA EOVSWA ITANCNANIE GUSPOPA,CaGO) r.,,chfdc;n1inc 3,7:1*$r0..fc. p1anDingivearrlpa eAtber by ar by the ro:liph Ac:ndi5my Scie;Aces pqd. Lpttrs;, Tilt& Inp,t5t of 5(7,intin.c and. Techrlicni UocumentAtiou (See FE%tahlished by ordor :yr t4le arlirmaa of the ComnIsti-ion7 m?tly al8o bQ / SECRET 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 SECRET. 50X1 ; ?t PANSTWOWA KOMISJA PLANOWAVIA GOSPODARCZEGO (State Commission for Economic Planning) (Formerly "Central Planning Board") Warsaw, Plan Trsech Krzyzy 5 Functions of,State Commission: .Direction of the overall policy Of state economicA)lanning?,. Coordination of the economic activities of all governmental administrative: departments', Coordination of financial planning Direction of teohnical planning.within the national economy, Study of ways and means of increasing economic cooperation with the USSR and other People's Democracies. ' Study of and views on suggestions submitted. to the Economic Committee of the Council of Ministers .(Komitet EkonomiCsty Rady:Ministrow). Direction of the activities of the ?- lioievodship Offices fpr Economic Planang? ' Study of questions concerning national. .economy either on their own inittati've, or on instruotions,from the CounciInf Ministers or from the Economic Committee of the Council of Ministers., . Handling of ali business with which the Central. Planning Off ioe 'and the:Miastry of Industry and Trade were concerned up to 30, April 1949, if - such business' had not already been, or-was not, to be, transferred to another ministry. or depart- , ment, . 2 Board consisting of: ? ? a? Chairman Hilary MING, (Also Chairman of XERM,;: (The Chairman has the right to form, from ; among the departments responsible to him, Interdepartmental Groupe of which the heads may be appointed members of the Boarch) b, Two Deputy Chairmen c, Heads of Interdepartmental d.rdups d. Beads of the ChairmaWs and Deputy Chairmen's Private Offices . .., e. Chief of-personnel Section f, Chief of Economic Information Section g. Chief Of Special Section. o Figure C-1 . :State Commission for Economic Planning SECRET ' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 SECRET Stnte Commiloa Lcoliom:Lo Elrolp T116 .folivtivirtg externpA orgAnat..ott.s nr?. bulbordin-rAe to t,hr.J 1-31H of PEM Polts.h Econom'm.PublicRtionii Bareafl'Al or .OrganizRtiou of AccolAttA (Wrirsnv); Centi-Offied-for MealanicAl Prof'lwatipn. (Irinplinw). ? Rnd Dlwl.?1-Alf,nt, of PYPG (Se Fir,urct 0-2; COUAC:il .Q1 tb PEP; 0.7;011tittaCd) which? nct ,,jmpnents of Pl(PG, wlth -.that c.4f. 1.1iTa uray bieJ.;.a.c1.9,.e of the,u.nlqui. TY.)54itio3 .Chnirman- (?See ?.11-,WiAate fr7.44.' rechncal DocamP t 'COO. (Sf.,e. Figure C-5: - c-I ?S ate Comm'i,st,,lcin for .Ec4')namio Plan .b4.?: , C-5 SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 SECRET MEMO AM DISPAPMEE18 PR* 14 tiom Salmon - lat All tte ae5rotarites of tbest bureaus mall departmemta Nme llentlqal strmturep mwA their mmteryarta aro situated la tam prtvate offloco of the sok,irman Zeputy Wean= In tbo PXPG- lame Seavtarists have tte fallowing funct$Ionm: 1) %ay &SIT Up plans of mai far a Ivem topartuent f.:0,,preyara ge ral reports' ?ropults achlowed. ) ?%ay deml 14* ttlo personnel probleaa la %i &tMt, 3 - 1?a pukliemtion pf tnet.rde- t?Aloft mal pallectio f fficial yuklim- tions : 5) @s Parrs ue, general Office dutio ....teneral 'Section 2myeFta Section -,.. Military Nuream leatioa Offfltim bureau la mat tama of %asp kUremu is tp opol.:ciinate mll matterm of,muyylye prtAuetl reemateb-la m12. phases of natiamel cconnay oppaect- vith?-the activities of tbe coo, Barton of Eco etoperation 2 COCO CO= 00 Secretariat ' Neammiclectlen fterts otiom tion?AdMinimtratl Dapartipent 00 aeoFetariat. 04,0 Economic Organisation Eeot 'Flamm C.2 :B.mireame and Departmonto of IFInt - 0-4 SECRET. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 50X1 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700610005-3 -4- SECRET 2117e5W41 ant DaTartments of PM 0 0 general Sectio 1con'Anuad) Ecomumicg Oectio -. Budget SectiOn --.adepewme t Section for the Administration of' Pm/WV 2 -- Auditi ustry Department Socretnriat Ung-tern Planniqi, Section Capital Production ti?n -- Stall :Industries Products Section 0 . COMATOT goods Production SectiOn CMG, Collation and Planning Secti Ate0L1tio (2. Ustry) .Agriculture Forestry reparttent 1 Secretariat. LaJng-2trt P1 Sectin Ow 01 0 tbda Ilve Stitch Section Agricultural Crganigation A1t1rJProduce Section Forestry Section Collittio,. ant Planning Section &porta SeCtion 2 2uilding ftparttent 1 Secretariat 00 2 general Wang Section 1 Specialluilling Section and Prefabricatio ecOilan Collation and Planning SeCtien Tigim 0.2 (Cont!4) Bum mig and Departmentb of PUG - C-5 -? ? SieRE? Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 50X1 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 `Sr .S7.011.11 &weans Illertnen. Pan (continual); MM Tgaaap@gt ? g _ 0 0 3 m C lc tia Deparkmant Secretariat liways Section W terwaye Section Roadst Iftc nation and Awl tion Section 0 5 adepe Zadepe 14-atima (neneral) Section Planning Section ent Section VDT CooleinatiOn of:Itanaport at Section fer Local CoFronlcationa ' CUlturo and Wel Department g Seereteriat Edmeation Section Caltmre At Beetle', 2 Um ant Welfare'Sectlan : 66 Welfare Technigoe Section g Collatio anA Plano Section try Craft Departm Secretariat imatio and 1-ergonitml.Swttion Cooperative om4 SandiorafWeection' Private MadustryTtection - Financial SuperTialw, Section : Trad Department -- Secretariat' -- Internal Tradle Static Tore 62. GDM 'Trade Secti*a-- icaltural' Stoeks Section Collation and Planning Section FiglAre 0-2 (ConVd) Brama and Deparimento of PM ? U.6 SECRET 50X1 -0 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 p 5 'SECRET Bureaus and Lepartmente of PXPG (continued) t-- Regional Planning And 1,0c lization Department Secretariat t-- Since this department is still in the process of being formed, the Chairman of the PIT( a free hand as to the organization of its internal: sections, investments Department t-- Secretariat t-- Co/lation Rtd? Planning Section t-- Iavestmen 0 Section E (indqstri 1) Investments Section El (Transport, Communications And : Trade) investments Section EUE (Sundry Xnvestments) ? t-- Accounting dnd Statistics Section ? Technical MaChi nvind Equipm nt Sectiop Employment, Wages and Nor Department Secretariat , Wag e0 Policy Section Wages Planning Section t---Employment nnd Labor Reserves , Norms Sectio t-- Organization of Competitio Section Pt ng Section Technical Department. t-- Secretariat - t t. Rationalization and Wok eW Inventions Section t-- Technical Planning Section Technidal Control Section t-- Scientific Research SPOU,011 Technical Progress Section Sectien for AsSessment of Results Section for Foreign CooperatiOn % 27- independent Section for Technical Publication . rtglAye (C0a9d) B4POtlat and Departments of PKPG c_7 - ,1SECRET 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 ST.!GrldF-.." Beaus and Departments of PKPG (Continued) 8 a Department for Stocks of Industrial Goods a . . Secretariat t- Supply Planning SeCtion Metals Section Fools and Che i4als Section L-- Buildi Materials and Timber Section Light Industry Productions Section 4-- Stock Movements Section ;-- Independent SeQtion for Rejects 2 Pricee Costs and Accounts Department Secretariat t-- prices and. Cost Section t-- industrial Goods -Section ?r and and CoSts Study Section ;:--.Costs and Savings Planning Section . Prices and Costs of Agricultural. Section s Tarifft and Servicing Costs Section - Foreign Turnover ACcotnting Section Accounting and CO pensatiop Section a gndependent Section for Goods Insmranc6 t-- Egperts Section 1-- Financial Department, Secretariat. Collation and Planning Section' Financial Planning Section for Industry L-- Agricultural ahd Forestry Financial Planang Se4tion Transport and COmmunAgtions Section a Financial Planning Section for Trade and Servicing Costs Local Indmetries'and Communal Enterprises Financial Planning Section Figure. C-2 (Cont d) Bureaus and Department t of }EPG - - ? SECREf Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 SECRET Bureimis and LepartmOnts of PKPG Inontinued) 4 investments Planning Administrative and Indletrial Budget Planning Section t ? t-- StoCks and Accounts Section Prodmaloa al%d. T4ornover Financtv.Sectio102. t-- Taxation Section Experts Section Economic Planning Coardination Departmen% 1 Secretariat ' - Ecionomic Planning Section t-- National EconoMy Accounts Section. Naiional,Econa y Analysii Section Organication of.Planning and Instruction Section Section for Statistics.on Realii0 Planned ProdUCtion Fiamre c4,2 (Cont Bureaus Rad Departments of PUG .2-CIYAR.171 ? .50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3_. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 .?SECRET ? .couc?.., OF. yn. PKPQ Council is composed of Under-Secretaries in the Ministry and of members, appointed and dismissed by the President of. the Council of Ministers on proposal of the Minister Concerned, Members of the CounclIare appointed from among employees, holding managing posts in the MinAstry, The Deputy Chairman of the Council is an Undersecretary of State, appointed by the President of the Council-ofrMinisters, on the Minister's proposal, The scope of the Councills activity includes; (1) examination and approval of drafts of plans for the Ministry's activities and Prparation of reports Concerning fulfillment of those plans, (2) examination and approval of drafts of joint economic plans for the Ministry, and preparation of reports concerning fulfillment of those plans, (3) systematic examination of of sections (bureaus) and in Ministry concerned and institutions, .subordinate (u) (5) ? reports concerning the Work of committees, functioning of central bureaus and. to the Minister examination and approvalof drafts of plans and Methods for checking on work Of organizational units, mentioned' in point 3, examination and approval of work plans- and periodical results of internal supervision in the Ministry. (6) examination and Approval of drafts of'laws, decree 4 and of Important regulations, proposed by the.Miuistry, (7) examination and approval of drafts of instructions, circulars and orders issued by the.Ministry in matters considered essential by the Minister, IP) other important matters concerning activities of the _institution and sUbmitted bY the Minister of the Council for consideration, Figure C-3 Council of the State ,Commission for Economic Planning SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 SECRET piv/ giant which are mt; @omponents of: MPG. Their work 1 CI 604 rdinated with that of :the PKPC only became of the -uniclu_8 Position of the Chairman, -.Head Statistiqs Office (clowly -Urzad Statystyctny) Polish Patents Office Oarsad Patentowy LP) - Pallsh Standardization Committee (Polska Komitet Mormalizacyjny) ! Head Inetitmte of Labor .(clowty Inetytyt Pay) ? KenipOtentiary for InvestMent and Export Agreements betveen ,ealand, USSR, and other People* De scracies ?Foinomocnik, da spraw Mmow inwestycyjnYch i dostaw miedEy Rnadom R,P, a- Readamt is- Krajow Demokracji imd,) Head Commission for Nationalisatio of Private Enterprises -7: Secretariat of EconomiC COMmittet of the Council of Ministers Pigmre C-4 . Divisions which are poi componenta of PUG SECRES: neclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 SECRET INSTITUTE OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION Warsaw (Established by order of the Chairman of the State Commission for Economic Planning, dated 17 March 50) The task of the institute. is. to conduct scientific experimental studies on methodology in scientific, and technical documentation for the purpose of industrial development. The institute will introduce uniform and systematic procedures at scientific recorecenters, and will be responsible for the collection, registration, cataiogning, and dissemination of scientific documents and research projects in the field of technology. The institute will coordinate, the activities of all centers such as libraries, scientific research institutes, planning bureaae, and offices engaged in the collection-and processing of scientific and technical literature e drawings, photographt, films, and aound record. Inge. The institute will carry on research to discover improved methods of processing records and will introduce uniform and improved methods in the document centers. The institute will be responsible for disseminating scientific and technical documents among the intereeted offices institutes, cooperative enterprises, polytechnieuma and scientific -and research institutes. They will be either in the original form, or in the form of bulletins or bibliographies, translations, abstracts, drawings, photostats, microfilm, movie films, recordings, and sound films. It will undertake the publica- tion of technical literature, either alone, or in cooperation with other offices, state institutions, or cooperative enterprises, The institute will forward infnrmation and technical documents to rationaIisers and innovators clnbs it will develop and improve equip- ment and material used in documentation and will prepare personnel for processing documents,. The institute will cooperate with foreign institutes in similar fields, especially with the USSR and the Peoples' Democranies. The institute is authorized to organize and direct libraries, arnhives? and information hureaua conduct laboratories' for the produc- tion of photostats, microfilms, copies,. slides, etc.; operate graphic arta establishments; organize and conduct workshops and model,workShops - for tools And equipment needed in the reproduction making and dissemina- tion of documents; organize professional meeting' for the dissemination of scientific and technical information with the aid of lectures or filme organize national conferences on thedissemination of'scientific and itechnical documents, and participate in similar international conferences. Reoeareh and experimental organizations may be set up Under the institute. The detailed organization and sphere of activity of the estAblishments will be regulated according to rules laid down by the chief director of the institute, approved by the chairman of the State Economic Planning Commission. Figure Institute of Scientific and Technical Documentation SECRET 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 *, a SraRFT PART P Pold;an. ACADEMY OF SCIPNCES AND LETTERS '(PCISXA. AXAbEMIA. U11EjETNOSCI) , ? . iNot0. 1q52,?the P:.7.11sh Aciademy?of.Sciences 74,4,:ters,wat. com'Pletely reorganized?, It is. snId thelt the. ? ,Acedf!my will 8ontrc:1 nil .ilcientific activitie14. in Poland. Eilib- nn!,i.ngochactivities to'-thi,3 :iieed f the r'egimeo especially- in the .econbmi and social f, All a4t-!,,vtty will be iced by 1-wdltical faCtor's, ju.A es-in the 30,4iet Union, and theTe will he no indiduai inAFmendent research antivIty,? According to a-?Polish Asvspaper )rAarilie conetoct research w.,:irk iL all 1-1,Tan01; of 1,,CAr4.4 with a particular emphai the prOaeTsof .oarticulnr i=ortance 1%)r the develpyilr3at of ,6.61ence.- economy. and.calture, 71.11 Academy will colinho at with the State:authorities iu paanniAg,. organi.zin . coordinating the research. wo-r3c. conducted.- by ail Poligh cientifi.c bodies. .Foi7 the fulfillment of this task.the Aden y- -will draw oxl annunl and in term plans --0-f rerch?- wt)rk fur it own. f..'.ientific- bodies, appraise the reseriTch Dian Of scientific bodi.4:helonging t-cvariotls anits sabmit prc-noeal to the col..prme State_authorit-',1ef:. corc7=r- in thp admiwl.6tration.of scientific cadres and the co. mat of stlientiflc establishments? IT* Polish Academy:olf Science will aiSo :;thFr very 'im'Ortant functions such as the,organizntin of, and participation- in nati.onal and intrnati'onal. SdientifiC , conventions:, The Academy will train ?sc4entifit workem, D-1 - acRET 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 SlfCRIgT It '4:11tve a gPnprni direain tb thk dissemiltntior, c1fk;'37owig, f4.110 **411. c.Jbduc.:t activities in tido collabcrpA with other insti.t0iNr:01, Au Impont jr of the Acndimys pctivity w1.11 ? . connf-cted With tht.:f of the rcsaltTs thc, Tb Polish iv.11..dmy. of 3cji,..,ne7F2 vi:!..1 make of...1P 15-i ti o sv,-..-irk of Its sciq.r.t1 fic i..rip.tito.tes of tbto c,xpe.tince of thf. Sovi?t sciepcet,!:, 71.s oxgp,n1 zatixl/al J rs iAafk;:, proven lild.e15, pn.rticular ,,..(preF,F0_.:11.1 of 1:,he bowl i,'ci-uce !iv tht? fact. .01nt?. thf. h.9p0q,,-.1a.rtPrfi@f eAcn.,:!xrN/ will hou.l.d? in tho .rIngn if.:1.-;r1t Polnc CdatuPe rtud, Gc.tence, ft of ' ? SECRET .50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 ji Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 , SECIRET .emenes*.sweeensaevengewesereeaessa.etw-lo, POLSKA AXADEMIA UNIEJETNOSCI (Polish Academy of Sciences and Letters) Staszic Palace, Warsaw, Ctemporary seat) President Prof. Jan DEMBROWW ? ? University of 14404 Director ? of the "M.'Nenciel? Institute of Experimental Biology - Deputy Chairman: Prof. X zimierz NITSCH University of Cracow ? 1.A1s reported as at Jagielicnian University/ Prof. aclaw SIERPINSO University of Warsaw Prof% Witold WIERZBICKI Prof. of the Technical Collee:e in Warsaw (Politechnika) ? 50X1 Pr-WI/401-kt '14/4 : ((see Flegusci Scientific Seeretary Prof. Stanislaw. MAZUR physicist (atomic energy)G Math., University Institute of ExperiMental Physicsp Warsaw LAlso listed as Prof .9 -Warsaw Univereityj Deputiee of Sal. Seq.: Prof. Josef CHALASINSKI, Rector of University in Lodz Prof. Stanislaw tESZOOKI University in Warsaw Prof. Pawel S2ULIcIN, former Rector of the Technical College (Politechnika) in Gdansk . A list of names given in a Polith newsper does not include these two men as Deputy. men. , They are shown at; members". The Academy is expectea to co-4,,l scientific : activities in Poland, subordinatinc such activities: to the needs of the regime especially in ,the yl:onomic and social fieIas,. All activity will be guided by political factors, just an in the Soviet ?Union and there will be no individual independent research activity, Research Centers taken over by the Polish Academy of Sciences ' Hencki's Institute of Experimental Biolopy (Penz-twowy Instytut Biologii Doswiadczalnej in Nenckiego) :Section I, .Sociological Sciences Philosophy,- History, Philolo,4y, Literature', Artso Economics and law. OSte rtgmv. Section IX, Biological Sciences - Biology, Forestry and Agriculture, Medicine and Veterinary-. Stat- B.1gmre B-4) Pagmrt ? FoUsh Avadtay of ,Solenf4es and Let4enti SECIIER ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 $ECTET Institute for Mathematics (Panstwowy Inetytut MatematyCzny) 'Institute for Dendrology and Pomolopy in Kornik (Panstwowy Instytut Dendrolop:ii I Pomologii, w Korniku) Institute for Research of Literature (Panstwowy Instytut Badania Literatury) Section III Mathematics, Physics, Chanis.try, GeologY, Googranhk q'ke nwroD-3) Sectien IV, Technic - Sciences (See rigiln LI-6) vigtare (pont'd) Pollen Aoademv of.Scieaces and Letter ? D-4 - EtINIREY 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 mmumm, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 pnPET Preilidei_at41. Board Members:: Prof? Jan DAHROWSKI,, /President] University of Cracow Pranciszek FIEDL1R' Dr.,, Honoris Cause., University in Warsaw Prof. Natalia GASIOROWSKA? University in Lodz Prof. Ludwik HIRSCHFELD, Medical Academy. in Wroclaw Prof., Leopold MELT) University in Warsaw ? Prof., Janusz JAKUBOWSKI, Technical College in Warsaw Prof, Stanislaw r-711,ZYCKI? (Dr. Prof., Biologist, Agricultural Science) University in Wroclaw Prof, Kasimiers Y,URATORSKI, (Math.), University in Warsaw ? Prof. Tadenz MANTEUPPEL.,, former President (rector) of the :University in Wareaw 41so reported as Asst. Dean of 'Warsaw University Prof %odor MARCHLEWSKI? Rector of the University in Cracow /Also ralirted as Dean? Jagiellonian University .j Prof. Kaeimierg M/CHALOIX, University in WarBaW Prof. Zygmunt MODULEWSKI, Rector LDean7.1 of the Institute of Training Scientific Cadres (Instytuf Ksztalcenia Kadr Haukowych) - Prof. Stefan PIEHKOWSKI ? Physics (Atomic. energy ), University in Warsaw Prof. Wladyslaw SZAFER, Bctanistalecbotany Jaielloninn University, Cracow Figum Presidential Board,, Acadkly of Sciences and Letters SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 50X1 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 50X1 Section I. Sociological Sciences - Philosoishy, History, Philology, Literature, Arts, Economics and Law. Secretary: Prof. Stefan ZOLKIEWSKI, University in Warsaw Members - Professors -. Kasimierz ADJUKIEWICZ Josef CHAUSINSKI Jan DABROWSKI Franciisek FIEDLER Natalia GAS IOROWSKA Juluisz KLEINER Jarzy:KUROOWICZ Tadeuss KOTARBINSKI Oskar LANGL professor of statistics and political economy ? at Jagiellonian University, Krakow Tadeusz LEHR-SP4AWINSa 'Kazimiers MICHOOWSKI ZygmUnt MODZELEWSKI Kazimiers NISCH ? 7ygmunt WOJCIECHOWSKI Members - CorrespOndents - Professors .Stanisfaw ARNOLD Witold DOROSZEWSKI Henryk JAB1LONSKI Julian KRZYZANOWSKI :Stanislaw LORENZ Henryk i0WMIANSKI Kazimiers MAJEWSKI Tadeuez.MANTEUFFEL Stefan ROZVARYN ? Adam SCHAFF ? StanieiaW SLIWINSKI Juliusz STARZYNSKI 'Figure 1)=7 ?St9aio1glea1 Sciences Secttom, Palish Academy f Saensefi . aid Letters SEMEt ____ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12: CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 Bogdan SUCHODOLSKI Jan WASILKOWSKI (WISAILKOWSKI?) Kastimiers WYKA Ananiass ZAJACZKOWWI Stefan ZOKIEWSKI rigmrp .151-3 .(Cont gd) Seclot gical Sciences 3ection6 Pollsh Adw, f ScienCes and Letters 7 LI. SEURET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 ? Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 SECRET Section XL BiolOgical Sciences Biology, Forestry and Agriculture, Medicine and Veterinary Secretary, Pref, teasimiers PETRUBEWICZ Members - Professors - Jan DEMBOWSKI HIRSZFELD Staniejaw KULMYNSKI, Biologist; Agricultural Science Te odor MARCHLEWSK Ludwik PASZKIEWICZ Oedys7law SZAFER, Botaniet-palsobotany, Jagiellonian University, Cracow Members - Correspondents - Professors - Stefan BARBACKI Jozef HELUR l'adeuss JACZEWSKI Lucjan KAZNOWSKI Jadwiga LEKCZYNSKA Anatol LISTOWSKI Edmund MIKULASZEK Jan MIODONSKI, professor at the Krakow Medical Academy Jan MYDLARSKI Adam OPALSKI . Bogumil PAWIAWSKI KazimierzTETRUSEkeZ Szczepan PIEN1AZEK Eugeniusz PIJANOWSKI Bolesiaw SKARZYNSKI Staniejaw sKowgoN Witold STEFANSKI Janusz SUPNIEWSKI: Pligure D-4 Blologleal ScienoekSection, AcademY - SECRET f sclencegg end Letters 50X1 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12: CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 SEVRET ? Bolostaw SWIETOCHOWSKI ?Tadeues TEMPKA, professor at the Krakow Medical Academy Trdeuss WOLSKI Witold ZAWADOWSKI Jadwiga ZIEMIECKA Julltass ZWY1IBAUM FIgure (Cont'd) Ilolagical Scismce Se64on, Academy of Stier/cos and Letterti MC111,75? _ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 $. . SECRET .Section,III, 'Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Geology. Geography Secretary; Prof. MiChal SMAILOWSKI, Rector of the Technical College In Gliwice 'Members - Professors - ,Leopold IMFELD (MELD?) - ROman 0240WSKI, Prof, of Ilaleontology, Warsaw Universi Kazimiers KUATOWSKI, Prof,, of Math.,'Warsaw University Staniztaw MAZUR, Prof. Of nuclear physics', math, University Institute of -Experimental Physics. Warsaw Stefan PIENKOWSKI, Physics.(Atomic energy?) Wojciech RUBINOWICZ, Prof. Theoretical Mechanics, University of , Warsaw, Theoretical mechanics; optics Possibly nucleur energy *Waciaw SIERPINSKI Hilev STEINHAUS, Prof, of Math., Wroclaw University. Wojciech SWIET0S4cWSKI, Prof. Dr. Head, Chemistry-Physics Division, University of Warsaw,. Warsaw 22, Wawelskol 17. Members - Correspondents Prof?essors Osman ACHMATOWICZ, Organic chemist. Andrzej BOLEWSKI ? Karol BORSUK, Prof, Dr., Mathematics, University of Warsaw, Walery GOETEL B4hdan KAMINSKI, Dean Faculty of Math. and Natural Sciences Jap;ielloniar University, Cracow. Marian KSIAZKEWICZ (CSIAZKIEWICZ?) Stani4aw LESZCZYCKI Henryk NIEWO ,NICZANSKI, Prof. of ExPerimental Physics, Jagiellonlan University, Krakow a/o 1948 Director Physics Institute at the University of Krakow afo L949. Stefan Zt)1. gni ew-ROZYCKI 7umrt J.?3m5 athematics, Physias,,ChemiStry, Ge Lgy GOography Section, Polish Acadenv ?f5 and Letters =BET 50X1 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 SEMI' Section III. (continued) ? Members - Correspondents - ?Professors Jan SAMSONOWICZ, Faculty of Science, Geology, University of Warsaw. Andrzej WiTAN0 Prof. of Physics, todz Polytechnics Institut ; Assoc. Dir.., Inst. of Physics? and Assoc. Prof. of Experimental Physics, University of Warsaw. Atomic .Research. Michai SMIAtOWSKI Jerzy SUSZKO, Prof. Dr., Organic CheMist, University of Poznan Wiodzimiers TRZEBIATOWSKI Tadeusz URBANSKI, Prof. of tochnoloar at Warsaw Politechnic Tadeusz WAZEWSKI (WAZOWSKI?) ? ?nalre (Contld) Mathematic Physics, ChemRstryv Geo1agY0 GeoGwaPhY SOtion Polish Atademy of Sciences and Lettere '5E0E7 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 ' RWOITIVT Sect,ion:IY. Technic - Sciences,. Secretary Prof. Witold NOWACKI, former As in Gdansk Members - Professors - ,Witold BUDRYK Janusz GROSZKOWSKI . Aleksander KRUPKOWSKI Bohdan STFANOWSKI Witold WIERZBICKI Members - CorresbendeAts - Professors - Witold BIERNAWSKI Roman CEBERTOWICZ ' ? Edward CZETWERTYNSKI Stant dam REETEL Jan lisz 1;ech JAKU1OWSKI Cteskelw KANAPOJSKI ? Waclaw MOS7INSKI Witold NOWACKI Bohdan PNIEWSKI Jerzy .SKOWRONSKV Pranciszeic-SZELAGOWSKI Robert SMWALSKI Witold SZYMANOWSKI Paw4 SZULKIN Jan ZACHWATOWICZ Waciaw ZENCZYKOWSKI of the, Technical C011oge PIgmvt 11-6 Teohnio 7:Scieno00 Seotion, Aoadtmy cSoismoet and LettPrt - D-12 _SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 SEcRIPT Seco,ion IV. Technic - Sciences. Secretaryg Prof. Meld NOWACKI, former itect r of the Technical College in Gdansk Membere PrOfeetors, Witold BUDRYK Jamas GROSZKOWSKI Aleksander KRUPKOWSKI Rohdan STEFANOWSKI Witold WIERZBICKI Membere COrrespondentS - Professors - Witold BIERNAWSKI Roman CEBERTOWICZ CRomualdil Edward CZETWERTYNSKI Stanie4aw HEMPEL' Januet Lech JAKUBOWSKI Ctse/aW KARAM-I-SKI Waclaw MOSZYNSKI Witold NOWACKI ? Bohdan PNIEWSKI JerzY SKOWRONSKIi Francismck SZELAGOWSKI Robert SalWALSKI Witold SZTMANOWSKI 'Pax g SZULKIN Jan ZACRWATOWIC2 Waciaw 7ENCZYKOWSKI Viguuri D-6 Technic Sciences Section, Acadt y of Sciences and Letters D-12 - SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 ;.4 Section IV (continued) Titular - Members - Professore 7 (centinued) Wiodeimiers ANTONIEWIQZ Stefan BALEY Tadeuse-BANACHWICZ Katimiers BASSALIK Caestaw BLA4WORZESKI Michaj BROSZKO Francium* BUjAK Jan BYSTROM Adolf CRYBINSKI Jan CZEKANOWSKI Francissek CZUBALSKI Fro Secessay DETLOFF .Antoni.BolsOlaw DOBROWOLSKI Wiadyslaw DZIEWULSKI, Stanislaw FRYZE Romuald GUTT AlcieslAw (JRYNIEMCKI 'BRYNI7WI7CEI) BOtanirmi Soity Josef KOSTRZEWSKI Jan KOSZEZMWITKIEWICZ Wikter Llif!IPE, Faculty of Science? Organic Chemistry, University of Warsaw Anastasy LANDAU Edward LIPINSKI 1 50X1 ? Edmund MALINOWSKI0 Geneticiet; Plant Pathologist, plant breeding, Mieczyclaw MOHAWK= Tadeuss MILOBEDZKI Witold MINKIEWICZ FigutreX (Conb'd) 5Vandc SgenzesSection0 Academy of Sclencet and-letters - - SEM'? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 ? Q'Tlitilvavffi Ssotion IV (continued) 'Titular ?Members - Profeesore Zygrant MOCHARSKI: Kagimiers MOSZINSKI Wito/d ORLOWSKI Stanislaw PIGON Roman PRAWOCHONSKI Eurmniuss ROMER Mociwoj SEMERAU-SITIANOWSKI Tadeusig SINKO Zigmunt SZYMANOWSK/ Rafal TAUBENSGHLAG Stanislaw %MUTT ? Julian TOKARSKI Kagimierg TYMIENIECKI Stanislaw WEDVIEWICZ Kasimiers ZORAWSKI Figuyv 73-6 (Contnd) Technic Sciences Section? Acadow of Sae ceo and Lettere SECREr 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 qVN4Prii PART X ? PARTIAL ORGANIZATION OF HINXSTRYOF HEAVY INDUSTRY .(MINISTERSTWO PRZEMYSLU OXEZKIEGO) L.Certain,ineti:tutions falling under the MinIety of. Hetory Induty are ,concerted with e1petro- -tohnolo8y and phylic0_, E 1 - sgout 50X1, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 SECR3T 50X1 MINISTERSTWO PRZEMYSLU CIEZKIEGO J'Yhe Ministry of Heavy Industry does not (Ministry of Heavy Induatry) ppear in a J10.5 1952 list of government : organizations located in Warsaw, The Litt was _ _ ? ;pubiishedin a Polish newspaper_si ' . . _ _ Math Instituteof Industrial Chemistry t- Main Institute of Eleotrotachnology t- Main'Institute of Aviation :- Main Institute of ,Mechanids" ;-. Main Institute:of Metallurgy and Founding - ? Main Institute of Industrial:Physics Each Institute contains. a, Board of Directors2 cOnbletingofl ; Chief Director0-who'contro1Si' .(1) 2 Scientific and techniCal directors. (2)_ Financial and administrative direotor b, Scientific Council ,::composed of -at least 8 members chosen from among representatives of industry and science, organiza- tions Of Workers An related inttitutions, and outstanding dxpert! in various .fields. The purpose Of the main institutes Is to, conduct research to promote the development of industrial production in their Specific fields, The special tasks of the main institutes are as follows no To organize and conduct scientific research to create A theoretical and practical basiejor hew branches of. production or new' methods of production and work organiza- tion., To follow technological and scientific progress and give opinions thereon, c? To. improve present industrial Methods and increase heir-, . efficiency, . leigUre 4-1 Partial asganizaiof Ministry of Heavy Industry SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 ? 'SECRET Ministerstwo Przemys14 Ciegkiego:,(continued) d. To initiate new branches of production and assist in their Organization, To eak-e hialytiCal reparts-and:CondUot te'PhnologiCal ?.anci,scientfficuresearch,reques,tpd .117,the,indust,ry or :by the Ministry Of'Heavy'.'IndUit.r., f..,,,To.train cadres of workersin fields? no covered by educational'inStitUtions. ? . To ePoperate,with,advanced?schools, other institatioPSD 4 , . _ IndividUals,and aisign,to?them,problems410h0:T:' ?paricUlar fields. , h. To participate,in,group,aptivitiesorgankzed by pther. institutes advanced schoo/ workshop? or other research centers to solve more compAicated ,prol4ems. To establish and, maintain contacts with similar institutes and organizations abioad. To prepare technical specifications and information of a scientific and technicalnature, k. To cooperate in the work of standardization, To prepare and publish hooks, pe_iodicals, bulletins, reports, instructions,. Rte. m. To organis and conduct conferenceS, scientific meetings, courses, lectures, etC. The budgets of the main institutes are contained in the state budget ander group A (Administration). Income of the mAin Institutes is derived from the following sources: !.7 a,;; Payment for work not foreseen in the plan, eycept when such work is incorporated-Into the plan by a special decision of. the Minister of Heavy Industry. b. Donations and bequests. c, :Income from propety owned. d. Income from the, sale of publications e. Other sources. Figure 11,-). Partin/ Organization of Ministry of Heavy Ind.istry 1,3-3 SECRET ? ,50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-61617A005700010005-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 SEORiT PART Ppian UNIVERSITIES, SOCIETIES? AND, R.T.?,SEATIOii INSTITITFIONS /The organi2ations under which these ty. its fall are unknown. Note In December 1951k, the Polish racit6 stated!. "A section of SCIMIFIC WORRENS has been set up attached to the Polish Teachers Union emmtive. It will direct the trade union activity of scientific wkirkers at aniVersities and colleges, at scientific and research institutes, and at student centers. . The section will also cooperate with the World Federation of Scientific Workers and the Polish Ueda* of Sciences, which is being establish- ed. Prof? INFELTE has been elected chairman of this section, and prole S r 8 OLSUWSXI from Warsaw and CHALASINSKI from Lvds are vice chairMen.? sEatEr 50X1 ___ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 7L Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 SEVRET. ? i Poltell IhoiworW0g0 2ggtagaR? end P6021?1704 IRUMA&APPAI t-7 Ak dOmie Gornlosa . s (Krakow Mining'AcaliPmy) z Igl'OgIT . 'It was.reported In 4114ne 1950 thatg 'Two_new,labOratories tog' txPerl- kental physics re ander conotmetion on Hicklewicaa Streeto grakOw. 3 The bziUdizgo are bei1:4 erecitea On the,Agroondt of the !Iniag Acagiew, ? These latlor tortes will be tnoeti for nmo/ear resenrchri 3 . PlytechAika Nanska g.(Ilangig I Gdanek,/ Polytedlnloal Unlveralty)' :110004 ? 2-- Polgteohnika_Slat*a? ?(Siletian Polyteahnicet University) WJdki 8 50;0 yk iv1 tokg s (Bialystok Coll,ege of Engineerip0 s . B4alvttok 3 ?1ingyneresa w Caeotochowa esectochowle College ,of Engineerine s CAR4ovhowl* s-- 5tkola Ingynierska w Pognanim s: ? (Pognan ?4o1lage of Eneneerine Posn4ys ? SezOla Ro*mt@Yska S*5w4,144.2., &? Iftottin College of Engiaaering) 4te%tilp ? 4 . . ? .7'.-- SkokurEnvnierska Wawel .rg I Rothwanda w VandWa* 1 . iWawmlberg and Rothwand College of Engineorine MAEL.4117 :? t - Uniwertr,ott Jagi11on@k1 ? n Universit7) ? KrakoWs F malty of Matheuatical and:Natural Solenot s-- Untwereytet Lodikt s (uziverSiV of Lod al I. 1:n:c1ao:v. Polytechnical Cotlegej. FacAlty of Anthem tics andScience Figure Fi ? Polish Universities, Societies and Research Knotitui.tions? ? 5E0E2 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 ? ?2EGRET PoUeUnlversitiee (contimedY a-- Universytet flOarle Sklodowskiej .(Marle etarie Sklodowskk Unliersityl State University of rumb1ig4 1044_4 ,Facillty of Mathematics and Natural Scienc Universytet Folnechatka we WpavanW114 .LSOgstitl%e for former University !IT kmw which was.taken by USSR, t TwOdepartmente University propOr and Polytechnical Dep rtmehq,:, a Wroclaw , . r valk,:of Mathematiat,-Phytics, and Chtmletry. Departent of TechniOal ChPmietFy, PaCtIlty of Electro-Mechanics 8-- ftiWersytet Warozawski (unlVersity of Wars if). WhEtaw,. Erakoyek4,4 Przeddmig/ 26-28 -FkcaltY of Mathematics and Science A*.polytechnika Wkrteaw.eck (Warsaw Polytechnic 1 Urdversity) hOp be reOrted, at la not olear whether or not the Polytes iea Uirtty. *kOrMs T.?art of the_University of WartaW, The Zahled Fisy@spy (Physics Betearch Center) le, rePortod ander the University Of Wars Wp Al . University )tnetitulte of:Ekperimentat Physics (Wkrzaw,ALLaiglea_ji-) vat reporU'd to be carrying blzt reeearch on atomic *energy, A Folleh neWspaper etated that an.a stitate of ExpeTimental Physics (Opened in 1949 was Cempoeed Of foOr University facmltles tuo est.peritrointal* .p4Sic-,faCmlticso the f pAlty of electronics And radiplogy6 awl 1he faemlty of ktomism The anstitate wke-ekid to condact wesearch 8 "atoMic and.Moledmlar optics, x-.rays, atomism, electroniceg and 4fra-- *t Iraqi rayft nteseareh le to be ftwther expandedby ketivtitiag, in 19,;;I: a 10T4.Asep.ar%merat of electron witrotem which Will embrace also ele?otroni diffraCtion, kad? to l932, a department of the pi*sica of issolOp- 9.10.WOOr ka Instiftte*for AtoMic Physics WEe IrPorte4 6 tvt-fald tolet,Y the nartaw POlytochnik WI:p0ZaoW0i. Sol a adzypiers41 w Gdaa-alk (-Danzig 1,Pdantk4 Nit SchoOl of EogIneeriae 11044g 8-- Wieeporowk.Szkolk anivniertka w Maretawic -(Warsaw Night Sdhool of Engineering) WaIrtaW. 14:16.0torova Bekaa ansynierska w Katowicach OKatowUo Hight School of Engineering 8 Utowleco Figuore Fl (contint,se4) polish Universities*, Socletles.and 'Research SECBET 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 SEMI' SOCIETYES- Polekle Towaravetwo Chemicane (Polish Chemical Society) Wars AV Polkle Towaraystwo Fiesne (Poliah PhisicatSadiety) bratty Rosa 69 Polekie Towarsystw Geograficiane. (Polish Geographical Society) Warsaw, Wilcsa 22 m 6 Polakte Towaraystwo Geologicana INlish Geological Society) CLEIVIt ow..2.A1Rx?? Polekle Tow rsystwo Mate atycete (Polieh MatheMatical SoCiety) -1C14C'gid--ctm--L-LSPIA-g Nonwersatoritm NalakosnaWcze (eircie fOr the eteldy of Selence). 923.04 ____________ P64sk1to Towaraystwo Tatr gkie (P011eh Tatra Society) PIA&M-fgAgokl Stra14-/ Founded l!?73 for the promotion of Moi and Scientific Research.j ?prhic,? ToWarayetwo Preyjactol Wauk. akBotety of Friende of Science)?. Sewer". M1e4synekleao?26/g7 Figmte.F 1 .(continued) Polish Universities? Societies, and ResearCh . Institutions F-h,- smvprer 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 SECRET (AGI.E.T.I.E.S... (Continued) Towar?zystwo w Toruniv (Scientific Society of Tome) .1.9z?ntg.'1. Wysoka 10 polnded 1F375,; concerned with historiAii, legal and social studies, philolog7 and philoeophy, mathematics and natural eciences,3 primarily interested in the Poeranian provincee:._41 Towarzystwo Faukowe WilrtZia (Wareats Society of Science and Lettere) Awn/ t 72 DepartmPntm. (1) Linguistics and Eistory of Literature; (2) Philosophy, Stetory. and Sociologyi (1) Mathematics anei Physical. Sciences3 (4) Biological Science;. (5) Technical Science.j Figure F (continied) Uraivereities, Societies, and. Research lust' t?nt i ono 13c-5 - sErAtTet 50X1 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 SECRET RESEARCH INSTITUTIONS Astro omioal Observatory Of Warsaw University Temporarily at RalavalLikThomaEJSIIkk.)96 Panotwowy Instytut Kelaski, Sakt-ad Naukowo Bad went' (Ftlith Book Research Institute) 4 Founded 1946; National centre for docuMentation, theoretical studies; planning, advising, and alI', activities zonnected with .oks, including librarleinF= ship, book production, 'and. bibliography,j ? Chomicsny instytut BadaWczY (Institute of Chemical Research) willataltkolagmAml? Lamm xeli 8 Departments of Inorganic Technology,Commotible Solids. lJnalysis and Metallurgy,_I' Panstwowy Instytut Geol@gicsny illote8 A 44-2932 relish newspaper listed Central Geologic 2 Office (CentallnY (State Geologioal Institute) Ur2ad koL'igt1) at YitrteL, JaPaa 6.d Martin!, Rak0A246 4 Obserwatorium Geofisyczne -(Geophysical obe@rw tory) Concerned with atmospheric electricity, terrestiaA magnetiam,.meteorology, etc:=J Figure F I (continued) Polish Universities, Societies. and Research Institons F6 SER 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 VP. -? SECRET. MARINE FISHERIES INSTITUTE ',Oceanography/ .MLLIJa BALTIC INSTITUTE OF MARINE STUDIES jpceanograplly/ Gdynia CENTRAL OFFICE OF GEODESY AND CARTOGRAPHY (Centrally Urzad Goodesj1 t artografif0 Warsaw, Ala.ig Stalina CENTRAL OFFICE OF CINEMATOGRAPHY , (Centrally Urzad.Konetaatografti) ? Warsaw, Piilawska 61 PATENT OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF POLAND (Urzad Patentowy LP) wfirWlq,AIRA4A10J111.1A1s1.9.1_188 MAIN OFFICE OF MEASURES' (Glowny Vrzad Mar) Warsaw, Elektmlua 2 ? Figure. F 1 ,(continued) Polish Univerattiee, Societies, and Research ? ?Institutious - F-7 - SECRET 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 _ej Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 Cirai,11, PART G TELEGOMTAJ N 0 ij ONS 1.3.1 ST TuTEs 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3 ? AP SECRET ? PanstWowy instytut Telekcmankacyjcy ? (State Telenommunications Institute ?Wareaw, Ratv.szowa St. 11 (Prof. (fna) GROSZKOWSKI Prof,; tfnu) BROZOZOWSKI (Includes probably among others): 2- Section of Kwartses Isis/ 2- Section of Television Industrial .Telecommuni Cat i 0 TIS InStitutt, Warsaw z 2 The sections,loaned to industrial TelecOmmunication pIas ''Parte of remain- ing sections, to the scope - of actiltity to which belong the working oat of Construc- tion and modele for the industry-as well as scientific research works in the domain of telecommunicatien." 0 01 Document No. . NO CHANGE in Class. 0 DECLASSIFI:D Class. TO: TS DDA Memo, 4 Apr 77 Auth: DDA REG. 77/1763 BY; _0101 Date: Flgare Ielecommanications institutes 50X1 \.7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/12 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005700010005-3