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Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450004-9 For Official Use Only pirwr9, PT din Is( Nr?sw COVERAGE OF THE CHINA POLITICAL/MILITARY SECTION 12 October 1988 DAYS OF CIA INDEX COVERAGE CMP COV MODE INPUT CHINA Beijing BAN YUE TAN in Chinese fortnly 2W/CP (open) (no PUB 0.50 LAG IN RECEIPT notice) 21 days NOTES newspaper of the CPC Propaganda Depart- ment; Semimonthly Talks; index number 2-510 Beijing BAOGAO WENXUE in Chinese (open) (no notice) monthly IR/CP C PUB 0.23 30-50 days Reportage; index num- ber 2-515 Rgilipg BEIJING RIBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) daily IR/CP C PUB 7.00 21 days 4W/wt. dv gra, eilpet^ a- v11?1".11 6 Beljipg BEIJING SHIFAN DAXUE XUEB 0 in Chinese (open) alt mon w, P 4 UB 0.12 45-60 days Beijipg BEIJING WANBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) daily IR/CP C PUB 7.00 21 days Beijing BEIJING WENXUE in Chinese (open) (no notice) monthly IR/CP C PUB 0.23 30-50 days Beijing BINGQI ZHISHI in Chinese (open) (no notice) alt mon IR/CP B PUB 0.12 40-65 days Report PRC1S -1- For Official Use Only newspaper of the Beijing CPC Propa- ganda Department; Beijing Daily; index number 1-13 (no notice) political and social journal win 01-f? Beijing Evening Newts/ X.* Beijing Literature; index number 2-85 Ordnance Knowledge; index number 2-278 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450004-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450004-9 For Official Use Only Coverage of the China Political/Military Section -- continued DAYS OF CLA INDEX LAG IN COVERAGE CMP COV MODE INPUT RECEIPT NOTES Beijing DANG JIM in Chinese (open) (no notice) monthly CP D PUB 0.23 45-60 days magazine covering ,/ internal and external political issues of interest to the Chi- nese Communist Party; serves as a source of data about domestic political discus- sions; Party Building Beijing DUSHU in Chinese (open) (no notice) monthly IR/CP C PUB 0.23 30-50 days Reading; index number 2-275 Beijing FAXUE YANJIU in Chinese (open) (no notice) alt mon IR/CP C PUB 0.12 40-60 days journal published by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (C.A.S.S.) Law Insti- tute; Legal Research; index number 2-528 Beijing FAXUE ZAZHI in Chinese (open) (no notice) alt mon IR/CP C PUB 0.12 60-75 days published by the Beijing Municipal Law Association; Lawfigg- azine; index number 2-205 Beijing FAZHI JIANSHE in Chinese (open) (no notice) alt mon IR/CP C PUB 0.12 60-90 days journal of the Minis- try of Justice; Law and Order: Ippoqf ge-..]Lz Beijing FAZHI RIBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) daily IR/CP C PUB 7.00 45-70 days newspaper covering China's legal news; Legal News Daily index number 1-41 -2- For Official Use Only Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450004-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450004-9 For Official Use Only Coverage of the China Political/Military Section -- continued DAYS OF CIA INDEX LAG IN COVERAGE CMP COV MODE INPUT RECEIPT NOTES Beijing GONGREN RIBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) daily IR/CP C PUB 7.00 30 days Workers' Daily; index number 1-5 Beijing GUANGMING RIBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) daily PB/CP C PUB 7.00 10-30 days Guangming Daily; index number 1-16 Aglikkg GUOJI WENTI YANJIU iif Chinese (open) (no notice) quart tR/CP A PUB 0.08 60-90 days journal of the Insti- * tute of International Studies; Interna- tional Studies; index number 82-1 Beijing HANGKONG ZHISHI in Chinese (open) (no notice) monthly IR/CP B PUB 0.23 35-50 days Aerospace Knowledge Magazine; index num- ber 2-410 Beijing JIANCHUAN ZHISHI in Chinese (open) (no notice) monthly IR/CP C PUB 0.23 60-80 days Naval and Merchant Ships; index number 2-133 Beijing JIAOXUE YU YANJIU in Chinese (open) (no notice) alt mon IR/CP C PUB 0.12 30-50 days journal sponsored by China People's Uni- versity; Teaching and Research; index num- ber 2-256 Beijing JIAOYU YANJIU in Chinese (open) (no notice) monthly IR/CP C PUB 0.23 80 days journal published by the Central Institute of Educational Sci- ences; Educational Research; index num- ber 2-277 -3- For Official Use Only Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450004-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450004-9 For Official Use Only Coverage of the China Political/Military Section -- continued DAYS OF CIA INDEX LAG IN COVERAGE CMP COV MODE INPUT RECEIPT NOTES Beijing JIEFANGJUN BAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) daily IR/CP C PUB 7.00 10-45 days newspaper of the Peo- ple's Liberation Army; contains infor- mation on military affairs; Liberation Army Daily; index number 1-26 Beijing JIEFANGJUN HUABAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) monthly IR/CP B PUB 0.23 50-75 days PLA Pictorial; index number 2-246 Beijing JIEFANGJUN SHENGHUO in Chi ese (open) (no notice) monthly ir B 0.23 35-70 days journal providing occasionally valuable coverage of the Peo- ple's Liberation Army; PLA Life Beijing JIEFANGJUN WENYI in Chinese (open) (no notice) monthly IR/CP C PUB 0.23 40-70 days PLA Literature and Art; index number 2-247 Beijing JINDAISHI YANJIU in Chines (open) (no notice) alt mon ??P B 0.12 30-45 days serial book; Studies C_ in Modern History =1W)i->t 4-s-qo Beijing KUNLUN in Chinese (open) (no notice) alt mon IR/CP C PUB 0.12 30 days magazine published by the Liberation Army Liberation Press; Lofty Peaks; index number 2-509 Beijing LIAOWANG in Chinese (open) (no notice) HK/CP B PUB 1.00 21 days leading reformist journal; Outlook; index number 2-512 -4- For Official Use Only Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450004-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450004-9 For Official Use Only Coverage of the China Political/Military Section -- continued DAYS OF CLA INDEX LAG IN COVERAGE CMP COV MODE INPUT RECEIPT NOTES Beijing LILUN XINXIBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) IR/CP C PUB 1.00 45-60 days newspaper published by the Beijing Ribao Press containing reprints of articles that often are not available to FBIS when originally pub- lished; Theoretical Information; index number 1-109 Beijing LILUN YUEKAN in Chinese (open) (no notice) monthly IR/CP B PUB 0.23 48 days CPC party-line maga- zine published by the CPC Party School and representing the rul- ing party's domestic and foreign policy; Theory Monthly IP VV. It 4 - 2177 Beijing LISHI YANJIU in Chinese (open) (no notice) alt mon IR/CP C PUB 0.12 30-50 days Studies in History; index number 2-77 Beijing MEIGUO YANJIU in Chinese (open) (no notice) quart IR/CP A PUB 0.08 45-60 days scholarly journal; official organ of the C.A.S.S. Institute of American Studies; many important com- mentators contribute to this journal; American Studies Beijing MINZU YANJIU in Ch ese (open) (no notice) alt mon B PUB 0.12 90-120 days journal published by CASS that provides coverage of minority issues at a high- level; Nationality Studies; index number CN 11-1217 -5- For Official Use Only Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450004-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450004-9 For Official Use Only Coverage of the China Political/Military Section -- continued DAYS OF CLA INDEX LAG IN COVERAGE CMP COV MODE INPUT RECEIPT NOTES Beijing QIUSHI in Chinese (open) (no notice) 2x mon V14 PUB 0.46 21 days theoretical party journal published by CPC Party School pro- vides party line on national political and economic affairs; Seeking Truth.itthtx Beijing QUANGUO XINSHUMU in Chinese (open) (no notice) irreg IR/CP Z PUB 0.00 15-30 days published monthly; Ni Books Catalogue of PRC; index number 2-409 Beijing QUNYAN in Chines (open) (no notice) monthly B PUB 0.23 10-30 days political and social magazine; Public Tribune; index number 2-856 Beijing RENMIN JIAOYU in Chinese (open) (no notice) monthly IR/CP B 0.23 55 days journal of the State Education Commission; People's Education; index number 2-5 Beijing RENMIN RIBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) daily PB/CP B PUB 7.00 5-10 days People's Daily; index number 1-1 -6- For Official Use Only Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450004-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450004-9 For Official Use Only Coverage of the China Political/Military Section -- continued DAYS OF CIA INDEX LAG IN COVERAGE CMP COV MODE INPUT RECEIPT NOTES Beijing RENMIN RIBAO HAIWA I BAN in Chinese (open) (no notice) /daily F15 CPB PUB 7.00 5-10 days party line newspaper; LI// official CPC mouth- piece geared to over- sea readership and providing general political, economic, and other coverage; People's Daily Over- seas Edition; index numbers 1-96 (domes- tic) and D797 (over- seas) Rgiitlg RENMIN WENXUEin hinese (open) (no notice) monthly ,gjcp ..,B,' PUB 0.23 30-50 days journal of the Chi- - fld_ nese Writers' Associ- ation; People's Lit- erature; index number 2-4 Beijing RENMIN ZHENGXIE BAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) note IR/CP (1. PUB, 1.40 30-45 days issues appear alter- nately three days apart and two days apart; Newspaper of the Chinese People's Political Consulta- tive Committee; index number GN-44-0044 Beijing SHENJIAN in Chinese (open) (no notice) monthly IR/CP B PUB 0.23 55-90 days literary journal of the National Defense Science, Technology, and Industry Commis- sion providing infor- mation on military affairs; Divine Sword; index number 2-468 -7- For Official Use Only Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450004-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450004-9 For Official Use Only Coverage of the China Political/Military Section -- continued DAYS OF CIA INDEX LAG IN COVERAGE CMP COV MODE INPUT RECEIPT NOTES Beijing SHIJIE ZHISHI in Chinese (open) (no notice) fortnly HK/CP B PUB 0.50 20-40 days World Knowledge; index number 2-80 Beijing SHIYUE in Chinese (open) (no notice) alt mon IR/CP C PUB 0.12 30-50 days October; index number 2-163 Beijing SIXIANG ZHENGZHI GONGZUO YANJIU in Chinese (open) (no notice) monthly IR/CP C PUB 0.23 20-40 days orthodox, CPC party line magazine spon- sored by the China Workers and Staff Ideological and Political Work Research Society; provides guidelines for cadres engaged in political work; Research in Ideologi- cal-Political Work NPE )-37t Beijing TUANJIE BAO in Chinese pen) (no notice) T S IR/CPre/ WB 2.00 27 days newspaper of parties in opposition to the CPC; Unity Newspaper; index number 11-0051 Beijing WEN SHI ZHISHI in Chinese (open) (no notice) monthly IR/CP C PUB 0.23 30-50 days History of Litera- ture; index number 2-271 Beijing WENXUE PINGLUN in Chinese (open) (no notice) alt mon IR/CP C PUB 0.12 30-50 days journal of the C.A.S.S. Literature Institute; Literary Review; index number 2-26 -8- For Official Use Only Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450004-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450004-9 For Official Use Only Coverage of the China Political/Military Section -- continued DAYS OF CIA INDEX LAG IN COVERAGE CMP COV MODE INPUT RECEIPT NOTES Beijing WENYI BAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) S IR/CP C PUB 1.00 21-50 days newspaper of the Chi- nese Writers' Associ- ation; Literature and Art; index number 2-24 Beijing WENZHAI BAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) F IR/CP C PUB 1.00 90-120 days magazine of the All- China Association of Journalists; Press Digest Beijing XIANDAI GUOJI GUANXI in Chinese (open) (no notice) quart HK/CP A PUB 0.08 60-90 days journal of the Insti- tute of Contemporary International Rela- tions; Contemporary International Rela- tions Beijing XIN GUANCHA in Chinese (open) (no notice) 2x mon IR/CP B PUB 0.46 45-90 days New Observations; index number 2-240 Beijing XINHUA WENZHAI in Chinese (open) (no notice) monthly IR/CP B PUB 0.23 60-90 days political, social, and academic magazine of the People's Pub- lishing House (Renmin Chuban She)' Xinhua Digest; index number CN 11-1187 Beijing XINHUA YUEBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) alt mon IR/CP B PUB 0.12 30-60 days magazine about poli- tics, social ques- tions, economics, and science; Xinhua Monthly; index number 2-242 -9- For Official Use Only Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450004-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450004-9 For Official Use Only Coverage of the China Political/Military Section -- continued DAYS OF CLA INDEX COVERAGE CMP COV MODE INPUT Beijing XINWEN ZHANXIAN in Chinese monthly IR/CP C PUB Beijing XUEXI YU YANJIU in Chinese monthly IR/CP C PUB Beijing ZHENGFA LUNTAN in Chinese alt mon IR/CP C PUB LAG IN RECEIPT NOTES (open) (no notice) 0.23 30-50 days News Front; index number 2-674 (open) (no notice) 0.23 30-50 days (open) (no notice) 0.12 45-60 days Beijing ZHENGZHI XUE YANJIU in Chi se alt mon IR/CP B RAiiim ZHEXUE YANJIU in Chinese monthly IR/CP C journal of the Beij- ing Municipal CPC Committee; Study and Research; index num- ber 2-100 party-line magazine published by the China University of Political Science and Law; Politics and Law Tribune; index number 82-121 (open) (no notice) 0.12 30-60 days highly useful schol- arly journal on political science of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences providing good PRC analyses of the internal political system; Studies on Political Science; index number CN 11-1396 (open) (no notice) PUB 0.23 30-50 days journal of the C.A.S.S. Philosophy Institute; Philosoph- ical Research; index number 2-201 -10- For Official Use Only Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450004-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450004-9 For Official Use Only Coverage of the China Political/Military Section -- continued DAYS OF CM INDEX LAG IN COVERAGE CMP COV MODE INPUT RECEIPT NOTES Beijing ZHIBU SHENGHUO in Chinese (open) (no notice) monthly IR/CP C PUB 0.23 30-50 days magazine sponsored by the Beijing CPC Municipal Party Com- mittee; Party Branch Life; index number 2-101 Beijing ZHONGGUO FAXUE in Chinese (open) (no notice) alt mon IR/CP C PUB 0.12 60-75 days party-line journal that publishes infor- mative analysis and discussion of crimes in China; Jurispru- dence of China; index number 2-544 Beijing ZHONGGUO GAODENG JIAOYU in Chinese (open) (no notice) monthly IR/CP C PUB 0.23 57 days journal of the State Education Commission; Higher Education in China; index number 2-268 Beijing ZHONGGUO JIAOYU BAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) T T IR/CP C PUB 2.00 20-30 days China's Education News ?i,opix Beijing ZHONGGUO JINGJI TIZHI GAIGE in Chinese (open) (no notice) monthly HK/CP B PUB 0.23 21-30 days political and eco- nomic magazine of the Economic Management Publishing House; China Economic System Reform; index number 2-863 -11- For Official Use Only Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450004-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450004-9 For Official Use Only Coverage of the China Political/Military Section -- continued DAYS OF CLA INDEX LAG IN COVERAGE CMP COV MODE INPUT RECEIPT NOTES Beijing ZHONGGUO MINBING in Chinese (open) (no notice) monthly IR/CP C PUB 0.23 60 days magazine published by the Central Military Commission's People's Armed Forces Commit- tee; Chinese Militia; index number 2-265 Beijing ZHONGGUO QINGNIAN in Chinese (open) (no notice) monthly IR/CP C PUB 0.23 74 days magazine of the CYL Central Committee; Chinese Youth; index number 2-39 Beijing ZHONGGUO QINGNIAN BAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) T T S IR/CP C PUB 3.00 21 days newspaper of the CYL Central Committee; China Youth News; note also Shanghai Zhongguo Qingnian Bao Beijing ZHONGGUO SHEHUI KEXUE in Chinese (open) (no notice) alt mon IR/CP C PUB 0.12 30-50 days journal published by the C.A.A.S.; Chinese Social Sciences; index number 2-531 Beijing ZHONGGUO ZUOJIA in Chinese open) (no notice) alt mon IR/CP PU 0.12 15-30 days China's Authors; index number ON- -14-45?9 .12 s- vs Beijing ZHONGHUA RENNIN GONGHEGUO GUOWUYUAN GONGBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) 3x mon IR/CP C PUB 0.69 120 days PRC State Council Bulletin; index num- ber 2-2 Beijing ZUOPIN YU ZHENGMING in Chinese (open) (no notice) monthly IR/CP C PUB 0.23 30-50 days Literary Works and Contention; index number 2-314 -12- For Official Use Only Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450004-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450004-9 For Official Use Only Coverage of the China Political/Military Section continued DAYS OF CIA INDEX LAG IN COVERAGE CMP COV MODE INPUT RECEIPT NOTES /tI Changchun JILIN RIBAO iA inese (open) (no notice) daily \ CP At UB 7.00 21-30 days Jilin Daily C. Changchun SHEHUI KEXUE ZHANXIAN in Chinese (open) (no notice) quart IR/CP C PUB 0.08 74 days journal of the Jilin Academy of Social Sciences; Social Sci- ences Front; index number 12-28 Changsha HUNAN RIBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) daily IR/CP C PUB 7.00 21-40 days party-line newspaper of the Hunan Provin- cial CPC Committee covering Hunan prov- ince's political, economic, and social issues, Hunan Daily; index number 41-1 Changsha XUEXI DAOBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) monthly IR/CP C PUB 0.23 30-60 days party-line magazine of the Hunan Provin- cial CPC Committee covering party poli- tics and local party work; Study Journal; index number 42-1 Chengdu CHENGDU WANBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) unknown IR/CP 0.00 60 days newspaper; Chengdu Evening News; index number R44--5-?--oeisa, - 0 Chengdu MAO ZEDONG SIXIANG YANJIU in Chinese (open) (no notice) quart IR/CP C PUB 0.08 60-90 days magazine published by the Sichuan Academy of Social Sciences; Studies in Mao Zedong Thought; 62-128 -13- For Official Use Only Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450004-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450004-9 For Official Use Only Coverage of the China Political/Military Section -- continued DAYS OF CLA INDEX LAG IN COVERAGE CMP COV MODE INPUT RECEIPT NOTES Chengdu SICHUAN DAXUE XUEBAO: ZHEXUE SHEHUI KEXUE BAN in Chinese (open) (no notice) quart IR/CP C PUB 0.08 45-60 days Sichuan University Journal: Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition; index number 62-6 Chengdu SICHUAN HUABAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) unknown IR/CP 1F 0.00 99 days pictorial magazine; Sichuan Pictorial; index number CN 51-1093 Chengdu SICHUAN RIBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) daily IR/CP P 7.00 32 days newspaper of the Sichuan Provincial CPC Committee; Sichuan Daily; index number 61-1 Chengdu XINAN MINBING in Chinese (open) (no notice) monthly IR/CP C PUB 0.23 55-65 days magazine about the militia published by the Chengdu Military Region Political Department; Southwest Militia; index number 62-8 Chongqing CHONGQING RIBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) daily IR/CP C PUB 7.00 30-50 days Chongqing Daily; index number 77-1 Chongqing FAXUE JIKAN in Chinese (open) (no notice) quart IR/CP C PUB 0.08 90-120 days journal of the South- west Institute of Political Science and Law; ; Law Science Quarterly; index num- ber 78-15 -14- For Official Use Only Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450004-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450004-9 For Official Use Only Coverage of the China Political/Military Section -- continued DAYS OF CIA INDEX LAG IN COVERAGE CMP COV MODE INPUT RECEIPT NOTES Dalian LIAONING SHIFAN DAXUE XUEB SHEHUI KEXUE BAN in Chinese (open) (no notice)./.. cit l(( alt mon IR/CP PUB 0.12 60 days LfAd1.1.1A MAC/4MS (4?,430/01: 56c. e; Ej.--h?fa; "Ng,/ Fuzhou FUJIAN LUNTAN in Chinese (open) (no notice) alt mon IR/CP C PUB 0.12 60-80 days journal of the FujiaV Academy of Social Sciences; Fujian Forum; index number 34-33 Fuzhou FUJIAN RIBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) daily IR/CP C PUB 7.00 30-45 days newspaper of the Fujian Provincial CPC Committee; Fujian Daily; index number 33-1 Guangzhou GUANGDONG SHEHUI KEXUE in Chinese (open) (no notice) quart IR/CP C PUB 0.08 60-90 days scholarly journal of the Guangdong Academy of Social Sciences, a relatively important provincial think tank; Social Sciences in Guangdong Guangzhou GUANGZHOU RIBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) daily IR/CP C PUB 7.00 20-30 days Guangzhou Daily; index number 45-2 Guangzhou HUACHENG in Chinese (open) (no notice) alt mon IR/CP C PUB 0.12 60-90 days literary magazine of the Huacheng Publish- ing House; Flower City; index number 46-92 Guangzhou KAIFANG in Chinese (open) (no notice) monthly IR/CP C PUB 0.23 21-30 days magazine of the Guangdong Provincial CPC Committee; Open Policy -15- For Official Use Only Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450004-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450004-9 For Official Use Only Coverage of the China Political/Military Section -- continued DAYS OF CIA INDEX LAG IN COVERAGE CMP COV MODE INPUT RECEIPT NOTES Guangzhou KAITUOZHE in Chinese (open) (no notice) monthly IR/CP C PUB 0.23 30-50 days magazine of the Guangdong Provincial CPC Committee; Pio- neer; index number 46-60 Guangzhou MINBING SHENGHUO in Chinese (open) (no notice) monthly IR/CP C PUB 0.23 30 160 days magazine of the Guangzhou MR Politi- cal Department pro- viding information about the militia in the Guangzhou Mili- tary Region and about its leaders; Militia Life; index number 46-31 Guangzhou NANFANG RIBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) daily IR/CP C PUB 7.00 21 days Southern Daily; index number 45-1 Guangzhou XUESHU YANJIU in Chinese (open) (no notice) alt mon IR/CP C PUB 0.12 30-50 days Academic Research; index number 46-64 Guangzhou ZHONGSHAN DAXUE XUEBAO: ZHEXUE SHEHUI KEXUE BAN in Chinese (open) (no notice) monthly IR/CP C PUB 0.23 30-50 days Journal of Zhongzhan University: Philoso- phy and Social Sci- ence Edition; index number 46-14 Guiyang GUIYANG WANBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) daily IR/CP AF P1 7.00 60 days newspaper; Guiyang G..., J Evening News; index number CN 25-0005 -16- For Official Use Only Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450004-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450004-9 For Official Use Only Coverage of the China Political/Military Section -- continued DAYS OF CIA INDEX LAG IN COVERAGE CMP COV MODE INPUT RECEIPT Guiyang GUIZHOU RIBAO in Chinese daily P it NOTES (open) (no notice) 7.00 21-31 days party-line political and economic newspa- per; Guizhou Daily; index number 65-1 gillyam GUIZHOU SHEHUI KEXUE in Chinese (open) (no notice) alt mon IR/CP C PUB 0.12 30-50 days Social Sciences in Guizhou; index number 66-13 Haikou HAINAN RIBAO in Chinese daily IR/CP C Hangzhou HANGZHOU DAXUE XUEBAO: quart IR/CP IF 4, (open) (no notice) PUB 7.00 21-30 days ZHEXUE SHEHUI KEXUE BAN 0.23 90-120 days Hangzhou XUEXI YU SIKAO in Chinese alt mon IR/CP C PUB i Hangzhou ZHEJIANG RIBAO in Chines daily IR/CP At UB 4,li Harbin FENDOU in Chinese (open) (no monthly IR/CP C PUB Hainan Daily in Chinese (open) (no notice) Journal of Hangzhou University: Philoso- phy and Social Sci- ences Edition; index number 32-35 (open) (no notice) 0.12 60-75 days journal of the Zhe- jiang Academy of Social Sciences; Study and Reflect; index number gM372 (open) (no notice) 7.00 30-45 days newspaper of the Zhe- jiang Provincial CPC Committee; Zheiiang Daily; index number 31-1 notice) 0.23 30-50 days ti magazine of the Heir- Iongjiang Provincial CPC Committee; Strug- gle; index number 14-6 -17- For Official Use Only Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450004-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450004-9 For Official Use Only Coverage of the China Political/Military Section -- continued DAYS OF CIA INDEX LAG IN COVERAGE CMP COV MODE INPUT RECEIPT NOTES Harbin HARBIN RIBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) daily IR/CP C PUB 7.00 21 days Harbin Daily; index number 13-6 Harbin HEILONGJIANG RIBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) daily IR/CP StytJB 7.00 21 days newspaper of the Heilongjiang Provin- cial CPC Committee; Heilongjiang Daily; index number 13-1 Harbin XUE LILUN in Chinese (open) (no notice) monthly IR/CP C PUB 0.23 30-50 days journal of the Harbi Municipal CPC Comm - tee; Theoretic Study; index n er 14-52 Harbin XUEXI YU TANSUO in Chinese (open) (no notice) alt mon IR/CP C PUB 0.12 30-50 days journal of the Heir- longjiang Academy of Social Sciences; Study and Explora- tion; index number 14-64 Hefei ANHUI JIAOYU in Chinese ( pen) (no notice) irreg IR/CP JB 0.00 60-75 days published monthly; e: magazine about educa- tion in Anhui prov- ince; Anhui Education Hefei ANHUI RIBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) daily IR/CP C PUB 7.00 30-45 days newspaper of the Anhui Provincial CPC Committee; Anhui Daily Hefei ANHUI WENXUE in Chinese (open) (no notice) monthly IR/CP C PUB 0.23 30-50 days Anhui Literature; index number 26-2 -18- For Official Use Only Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450004-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450004-9 For Official Use Only Coverage of the China Political/Military Section -- continued DAYS OF CIA INDEX LAG IN COVERAGE CMP COV MODE INPUT RECEIPT NOTES Hefei LILUN XUEXI in Chinese (op n) (no notice) .4.2www IR/CP ,2*" P343 0.00 90-120 days peb-l+stnsd-mtintirlyr Ktedkrrf4LL1 I magazine about socio- political theories; Study of Theory; index number 26-35 Hohhot NEIMENGGU DAXUE XUEBAO: ZHEXUE SHEHUI KEXUE DAN in Chinese (open) (no notice) alt mon IR/CP PUB/ 0.12 15-30 days journal providing c- social coverage oth- erwise not readily available; Journal of Inner Mongolian Uni- versity: Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition; index number 16-66 Hohhot NEIMENGGU RIBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) daily IR/CP C PUB 7.00 21-30 days Inner Mongolia Dai a.tuD t )4. IT-1 Hohhot SHIJIAN in Chinese (open) (no notice) fortnly IR/CP C PUB 0.46 30-50 days Practice; index num- ber 16-27 Jilin JILIN DAXUE XUEBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) alt mon IR/CP PUB 0.12 30-60 days published on the 10th day of every other month; magazine about social studies; Jilin University Journal: Social Sciences di- tion; index nupber CN 22-t27 -go 43 Jinan DAZHONG RIBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) daily IR/CP )0". PUB 7.00 30-45 days newspaper of the Shandong Provincial CPC Committee; Masses Daily; index number 23-1 .??? -19- For Official Use Only Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450004-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450004-9 For Official Use Only Coverage of the China Political/Military Section -- continued DAYS OF CLA INDEX LAG IN COVERAGE CMP COV MODE INPUT RECEIPT NOTES Kunming DAXINAN WENXUE in Chinese (open) (no notice) monthly IR/CP y PUB/ 0.23 20-30 days journal publishing e, the general literary output of authors from Southwest China and serving as an intellectual vehicle for a remote area where coverage is light; Southwest Lit- erature; index number 64-2 Kunming YUNNAN RIBAO in Chinese (ope (no notice) daily IR/CP IY P B 7.00 41-days Yunnan Daily; index 40 ^, 0 number 63-1 Kunming YUNNAN SHEHUI KEXUE in Chinese (open) (no notice) alt mon IR/CP C PUB 0.12 30-50 days journal of the Yunnan Academy of Social Sciences; Yunnan Social Sciences; index number 64-27 Lanzhou GANSU RIBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) daily IR/CP C PUB 7.00 21-31 days newspaper of the Gansu Provincial CPC Committee; Gansu Daily; index number 53-1 Lanzhou LANZHOU DAXUE XUEBAO: SHEHUI KEXUE BAN in Chinese (open) (no notice) alt mon IR/CP U 0.12 90-120 days Lanzhou University Journal: Social Sci- ences Edition; index number 54-32 -20- For Official Use Only Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450004-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450004-9 For Official Use Only Coverage of the China Political/Military Section -- continued DAYS OF CIA INDEX LAG IN COVERAGE CMP COV MODE INPUT RECEIPT NOTES Lanzhou SHEHUI KEXUE in Chinese (open) (no notice) alt mon IR/CP C PUB 0.12 30-50 days journal of the Gansu Academy of Social Sciences; Social Sci- ences; Gansu, index number 54-2 Lanzhou XIBEI SHIFAN XUEYUAN XUEBAO: quart IR/CP it SHEHUI KEXUE BAN in Chinese (open) (no notice) 0.08 60-90 days Northwest Teachers' College Journal: Social Sciences Edi- tion; index number 54-15 Lhasa XIZANG RIBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) daily IR/CP C PUB 7.00 30-40 days party-line newspaper with political and economic orientation providing information on Xizhang's economic development; Tibet Daily; index number 67-1 Lhasa XIZANG WENYI in Chinese (open) (no notice) alt mon IR/CP C PUB 0.12 30-50 days Tibetan Literature and Art; index number 68-3 Lhasa XIZANG YANJIU in Chinese (open) (no notice) quart IR/CP C PUB 0.08 30-50 days Tibetan Studies; index number 68-7 Nanchang JIANGXI RIBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) daily IR/CP C PUB 7.00 30-45 days general provincial newspaper, the only newspaper available from Jiangxi province -21- For Official Use Only Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450004-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450004-9 For Official Use Only Coverage of the China Political/Military Section -- continued DAYS OF CIA INDEX LAG IN COVERAGE CMP COV MODE INPUT RECEIPT NOTES Nanchang JIANGXI SHEHUI KEXUE in Chinese (open) (no notice) alt mon IR/CP C PUB 0.12 60-90 days journal of the Jiangxi Academy of Social Sciences; Jiangxi Social Sci- ences; index number 44-25 Nanchang NANCHANG WANBAO in Chinese open) (no notice) daily IR/CP Jir PUB 7.00 30-45 days newspaper providing coverage of socio-ec- onomic development of Nanchang City in Jiangxi province; Nanchang Evening News; index number 43-14 Nanjing DONGHAI MINBING in Chinese (open) (no notice) monthly IR/CP C PUB 0.23 70-100 days journal of the Chi- nese militia pub- lished by the Nanjing Military Region Political Department; East Sea Militia; index number 28-31 Nan-ling JIANGHAI XUEKAN in Chinese (open) (no notice) alt mon IR/CP C PUB 0.12 60-90 days journal of the Jiangsu Academy of Social Sciences; Jianghai Academic Journal; index number 28-27 Nanjing NANJING DAXUE XUEBAO: ZHEXUE SHEHUI KEXUE BAN in Chinese (open) (no notice) quart IR/CP C PUB 0.08 90-120 days Journal of Naqiing University: Philoso- phy and Social Sci- ences Edition; index number 28-24 -22- For Official Use Only Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450004-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450004-9 For Official Use Only Coverage of the China Political/Military Section -- continued DAYS OF CLA INDEX LAG IN COVERAGE CMP COV MODE INPUT RECEIPT NOTES Naniing NANJING SHIDA XUEBAO: SHEHUI XUE BAN in Chinese (open) (no notice) quart IR/CP I PU 0.08 90-120 days magazine publishing in-depth articles on socio-economic issues; Journal of Nanjing Teachers; University: Social Sciences Edition; index number 28-26 Nanjing QUNZHONG in Chinese (open).' (no notice) monthly IR/CP lr PUP' 0.23 60-90 days magazine of the Jiangsu Provincial CPC Committee; The Masses; index number 28-18 Nanjing XINHUA RIBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) daily IR/CP C PUB 7.00 30-45 days newspaper of the Jiangsu Provincial CPC Committee; New China Daily; index number 27-1 Nanning GUANGXI RIBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) daily IR/CP C PUB 7.00 30-60 days party-line newspaper covering provincial political and eco- nomic affairs, as well as local issues; the masthead transli- terates the title as : Gvangxisih Yizbau Guangxi Daily; .),) Pt). 4t Y7-I Shanghai BAOKAN WENZHAI in Chinese (open) (no notice) IR/CP C PUB 1.00 45-60 days Press Digest; index number 3-15 -23- For Official Use Only Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450004-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450004-9 For Official Use Only Coverage of the China Political/Military Section -- continued DAYS OF CIA INDEX LAG IN COVERAGE CMP COV MODE INPUT RECEIPT NOTES Shanghai FAXUE in Chinese (open) (no notice) monthly IR/CP C PUB 0.23 30-50 days journal of the East China Institute of Political Science and Law; Law Science Monthly; index number 4-342 Shanghai FAYUAN in Chinese (open no notice) monthly IR/CP P5mB 0.23 30-45 days magazine about legal and social issues; The Law World; index number 4-432 Shanghai FUDAN XUEBAO: SHEHUI KEXUE BAN in Chinese (open) (no notice) alt mon IR/CP C PUB 0.12 60-90 days Fudan University Journal: Social Sci- ences Edition; index number 4-246 Shanghai JIEFANG RIBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) daily IR/CP C PUB 7.00 30-45 days newspaper of the Shanghai Municipal CPC Committee; Liber- ation Daily; index number 3-1 Shanghai MINZHU YU FAZHI in Chinese (open) (no notice) monthly IR/CP C PUB 0.23 30-50 days Democracy and the Legal System; index number 4-279 Shanghai QINGNIAN BAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) F IR/CP it. PUB 1.00 30-60 days newspaper; .Y.232th_EQ,Et Shanghai; Ippix 3- Shanghai SHANGHAI JIAOTONG DAXUE XUEBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) alt mon IR/CP C PUB 0.12 30-50 days Shanghai Jiaotung University Journal; index number 4-256 -24- For Official Use Only Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450004-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450004-9 For Official Use Only Coverage of the China Political/Military Section -- continued f. -) Shanghai SHANGHAI ZHIBU i HUO in c 'nese (open) (no notice) DAYS OF CLA INDEX LAG IN COVERAGE CMP COV MODE INPUT RECEIPT NOTES Shanghai SHANGHAI SHIFAN DAXUE XUEBAO: SHEHUI KEXUE BAN in Chinese (open) (no notice) quart IR/CP 41 PUB 0.08 99 days journal on social, C./ political, and eco- nomic issues; Journal 1//// of Shanghai Teachers' College: Social Sci- ences Edition; index number 4-281 Shanghai SHANGHAI WENXUE in Chinese (open) (no notice) monthly IR/CP C PUB 0.23 60-90 days magazine about liter- ature and literary criticism in Shang- hai, which is at the forefront of literary developments in the PRC; Shanghai Litera- ture; index number 4-219 + 6 CP' C 14- --(15Pelt)-610-n _Lif-e monthly 0.23 30-50 days Shanghai Egx.ty Branch Life; 3:001.11, 8-1-7? Shanghai SHEHUI in Chinese (open) (no notice) alt mon IR/CP C PUB 0.12 60-90 days journal of the Shang- hai University, Col- lege of the Arts; ; Society; index number 4-364 Shanghai SHEHUI KEXUE in Chinese (open) (no notice) monthly IR/CP C PUB 0.23 30-60 days journal of the Shang- hai Academy of Social Sciences; Social Sci- ences; index number 4-273 -25- For Official Use Only Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450004-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450004-9 For Official Use Only Coverage of the China Political/Military Section -- continued DAYS OF CIA INDEX LAG IN COVERAGE CMP COV MODE INPUT RECEIPT NOTES Shanghai SHIJIE JINGJI DAOBAO/in Chinese (open) (no notice) 1B/CP B PUB 1.00 15 days World Economic Her- ald; index number 3-19 Shanghai SHOUHUO in Chinese (open) (no notice) alt mon IR/CP C PUB 0.12 30-50 days leading literary mag- azine in the city where literary cir- cles are most active in China; Harvest MMDENCt* Shanghai WEN HUI BAO in Chinese (op n) (no notice) daily IR/CP ,k?-- PUB 7.00 30-45 days major, occasionally C-- radical newspaper providing general coverage; index num- ber 3-3 Shanghai WENHUI YUEKAN in Chinese (open) (no notice) monthly IR/CP 11 PUB/ 0.23 30-45 days significant literary journal; Encounter Monthly; index number L-? Shanghai WENXUE BAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) T IR/CP C PUB 1.00 20-40 days newspaper devoted to literature that pub- lishes articles and reports on literary trends that, tradi- tionally in China, reflect political developments; Litera- ture Press.11,PC,4 Shanghai XINLI KEXUE TONGXUN in Ch ese (open) (no notice) alt mon IR/CP B 0.12 60-90 days Information on Psy- chological Science; index number 4-317 -26- For Official Use Only Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450004-9 3-2c). Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450004-9 For Official Use Only Coverage of the China Political/Military Section -- DAYS OF CLA INDEX COVERAGE CMP COV MODE INPUT Shanghai XINMIN WANBAO in Chinese daily IR/CP A PUB Shanghai XUESHU YUEKAN in Chinese monthly IR/CP C PUB Shanghai ZHENGZHI YU FALU in Chinese alt mon IR/CP C PUB continued LAG IN RECEIPT (no notice) .00 30-45 days (open) (no notice) 0.23 30-60 days journal of the Union of Shanghai Societies of Philosophy and Social Science; Aca- demic Monthly; index number 4-72 NOTES newspaper that is less ideological; Xinmin Evening News;. LV MODLX44 (open) (no notice) 0.12 60-90 days journal of the Shang- hai Academy of Social Sciences, Law Insti- tute; Political Sci- ence and Law; index number 4-375 Shanghai ZHONGGUO QINGNIAN BAO in Chinese F IR/CP C PUB 1.00 (open) (no notice) 21 days China Youth News; Il" Shantou SHANTOU RIBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) daily IR/CP C PUB 7.00 21-45 days Shantou Daily ; 2.00EX. it .V5-- ?)3 (no notice) 30-45 days magazine providing information about the militia of the She- nyang Military Region Political Department and about its person- nel; Northeast Mili- tia; index number 8-11 Shenyang DONGBEI MINBING in Chinese monthly IR/CP C PUB (open) 0.23 -27- For Official Use Only Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450004-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450004-9 For Official Use Only Coverage of the China Political/Military Section -- continued DAYS OF CLA INDEX LAG IN COVERAGE CMP COV MODE INPUT RECEIPT NOTES Shenyang LIAONING DAXUE XUEBAO: ZHEXUE SHEHUI KEXUE BAN in Chinese (open) (no notice) alt mon IR/CP A PUB 0.12 30-60 days published on the 5th day of every other month; magazine pub- lishing theoretical articles on politics, economics, and human- ities; Liaoning Uni- versity Journal: Social Sciences Edi- tion; index number -74f ?21.4076 Shenyang LIAONING RIBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) daily IR/CP PU 7.00 25 days newspaper of the Liaoning Provincial CPC Committee; Liaon- ing Daily; index num- ber 7-1 Shenyang LIAONING SHIFAN DAXUE XUEBAO: SHEHUI KEXUE BAN in Chinese (open) (no notice) alt mon IR/CP C PUB 0.12 30-50 days Journal of Liaoning Normal University: Social Sciences Edi- tion; index number 8-118 Shenyang LILUN YU SHIJIAN in Chinese (open) (no notice) 2x mon IR/CP C PUB 0.46 51 days magazine of the Liaoning Provincial CPC Committee; Theory and Practice; index number 8-20 -28- For Official Use Only Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450004-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450004-9 For Official Use Only Coverage of the China Political/Military Section -- DAYS OF CIA INDEX COVERAGE CMP COV MODE INPUT continued LAG IN RECEIPT NOTES Shenyang SHENYANG SHIFAN XUEYUAN XUEBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) quart IR/CP 3.. PUB 0.08 60 days magazine publishing C, academic articles on politics, the humani- ties, and education; Journal of the She- nyang Teachers' Col- lege; item number-M.-a-IV Shiiiazhuang HEBEI RIBAO in Chinese daily IR/CP C PUB (open) (no notice) 7.00 21 days Hebei Daily; index number 17-1 Shiiiazhuang HEBEI SHIFAN DAXUE XUEBAO: SHEHUI KEXUE BAN in Chinese (open) (no notice) quart IR/CP 41 PUB A(08 30-60 days magazine that spe- G cializes in politics and social issues; The Journal of Hebei Normal University: Philosophy and Social Science Edition; index number er Shiiiazhuang WENLUN BAO in Chinese (open) 3x mon IR/CP JG PUB 0.69 Taiyuan SHANXI DAXUE XUEBAO: (no notice) 30-45 days newspaptWtiterary Gazette; index number ?N-41310412,Eic 11-17 ZHEXUE SHEHUI KEXUE BAN in quart IR/CP J1 Chinese (open) (no notice) 0.08 30-60 days Journal of Shanxi University: Philoso- phy and Social Sci- ences Edition; index number 22-41 Taiyuan SHANXI RIBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) daily IR/CP C PUB 7.00 21 days Shanxi Daily; index number 21-1 -29- For Official Use Only Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450004-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450004-9 For Official Use Only Coverage of the China Political/Military Section -- continued DAYS OF CLA INDEX LAG IN COVERAGE CMP COV MODE INPUT RECEIPT NOTES Tianiin LISHI JIAOXUE in Chinese (open) (no notice) monthly IR/CP lk PUB 0.23 46 days published on the 5th day of every month; magazine publishing Lr/ scholarly articles on Chinese and world history and pedagogy; History Teaching Tian-lin NANKAI DAXUE XUEBAO: ZHEXUE SHEHUI KEXUE BAN in Chinese (open) (no notice) alt mon IR/CP C PUB 0.12 30-50 days Nankai University Journal: Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition; index number 6-10 Tianjin TIANJIN DAXUE XUEBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) quart IR/CP C PUB 0.08 60-90 days Journal of Tianjin University; index number 6-27 Tianjin TIANJIN RIBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) daily IR/CP C PUB 7.00 21 days Tian'in Daily; index number 5-1 Tianjin TIANJIN SHEHUI KEXUE in Chinese (open) (no notice) alt mon IR/CP C PUB 0.12 20-50 days journal of the Tian- jin Academy of Social Sciences; Tianjin Social Science; index number 6-12 Urumqi XINJIANG RIBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) daily IR/CP C PUB 7.00 15-30 days party-line newspaper; Xinjiang Dailyt '1.)c)ty -30- For Official Use Only Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450004-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450004-9 For Official Use Only Coverage of the China Political/Military Section -- continued DAYS OF CIA INDEX LAG IN COVERAGE CMP COV MODE INPUT RECEIPT NOTES Urumqi XINJIANG SHEHUI KEXUE in Chinese (open) (no notice) alt mon IR/CP PUB .12 99 days magazine about polit- ical and social issues of minorities; Social Sciences in Xiniiang; item number -644-65 1037;0' 58-iro Wuhan CHANGJIANARIBAO in Chin (open) (no notice) daily IR/CP PUB 7.00 30-60 days newspaper; Changiiang Daily; item number 37-10 Wuhan HUBEI RIBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) daily IR/CP C PUB 7.00 21 days newspaper of the Hubei Provincial CPC Committee; Hubei Daily; index number 37-1 Wuhan JIANGHAN LUNTAN in Chinese (open) (no notice) monthly IR/CP C PUB 0.23 30-50 days journal of the Hubei Academy of Social Sciences; Jianghan Forum; index number 38-15 Xiamen XIAMEN DAXUE XUEBAO: ZHEXUE SHEHUI KEXUE BAN in Chinese (open) (no notice) quart IR/CP C PUB 0.08 90-120 days Journal of Xiamen University: Philoso- phy and Social Sci- ences Edition; index number 34-7 Xiamen XIAMEN RIBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) daily IR/CP AI' PUB 7.00 30-45 days newspaper reporting on the socio-economic development of Xiamen City and of Fujian province; Xiamen Daily; index number 33-6 -31- For Official Use Only Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450004-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450004-9 For Official Use Only Coverage of the China Political/Military Section -- continued DAYS OF CIA INDEX LAG IN COVERAGE CMP COV MODE INPUT RECEIPT NOTES Xian RENWEN ZAZHI in Chinese (open (no notice) alt mon IR/CP PU 0.12 99 days political and social magazine; The Journal of Minorities; index number ON-64-4004446 5-(1 Xian SHAANXI RIBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) daily IR/CP C PUB 7.00 21 days newspaper of the Sha- anxi Provincial CPC Committee; Shaanxi News; index number 51-1 Xian SHAANXI SHIDA XUEBAO: ZHEXUI SHEHUI KEXUE BAN in Chinese (open) (no notice) quart IR/CP 11 PUBJ 0.08 25-45 days Shaanxi Teachers' University Journal: Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition; index number 52-58 Xian XIBEI DAXUE XUEBAO: ZHEXUE SHEHUI KEXUE BAN in Chinese (open) (no notice) alt mon IR/CP I PU 0.12 60-90 days Journal of Northwest University: Social Sciences Edition; index number 52-9 Xining QINGHAI RIBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) daily IR/CP C PUB 7.00 50-70 days general newspaper providing provincia coverage; Qinghai Daily' 11.31)tK S Yinchuan NINGXIA RIBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) daily IR/CP C PUB 7.00 21 days newspaper of the Ningxia Hui Autono- mous Region CPC Com- mittee; Ningxia Daily; index number 73-1 -32- For Official Use Only Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450004-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450004-9 For Official Use Only Coverage of the China Political/Military Section -- continued DAYS OF CLA INDEX LAG IN COVERAGE CMP COV MODE INPUT RECEIPT NOTES Yunnan SIXIANG ZHANXIAN in Chinese (open) (no notice) alt mon IR/CP C PUB 0.12 50-70 days philosophy and social sciences journal of the Yunnan Univer- sity; Ideological Front; index number 64-3 Zhengzhou HENAN RIBAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) daily IR/CP C PUB 7.00 21-31 days provincial newspaper focused on Henan province's political, economic, and social issues; published by the Henan Provincial CPC Committee; Henan Daily; index number 35-1 Zhengzhou LINGDAO KEXUE in Chinese (open) (no notice) monthly IR/CP elr" P B 0.23 40-90 days scholarly journal sponsored by the Henan Social Sciences Association and deal- ing with the science of management and leadership; coverage emphasizes personnel management, which is one of the key issues of the ongoing polit- ical structural reform in China; Leadership Science; index number 36-104 -33- For Official Use Only Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450004-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450004-9 For Official Use Only Coverage of the China Political/Military Section -- HONG KONG continued DAYS OF CIA INDEX LAG IN COVERAGE CMP COV MODE INPUT RECEIPT &Lig ISmg CHAO LIU in Chinese (open) (no notice) monthly IR/CP C PUB 0.23 20-30 days Hong Kong &AZ Kong &Lig 1S2Ag CHIUSHIH NIENTAI in Chinese monthly IR/CP B PUB Lim &Lig HSIENTAI CHUNSHIH in Chinese monthly IR/CP B PUB CHENG MING in Chinese (open) (no notice) monthly IR/CP C PUB 0.23 14-25 days CHING PAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) monthly IR/CP C PUB 0.23 14-21 days NOTES magazine providing good coverage of Chi- nese political, eco- nomical, and cultural affairs; Tide Contending The Mirror (open) (no notice) 0.23 14-25 days The Nineties (official use 0.23 0-30 days only) (copyright) citation: 'All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part without per- mission is prohib- ited. COPYRIGHT Con- milit Press Ltd.'; Conmilit .1_12.4g Kong JINGJI YU FALU in Chinese (open) (incomplete copyright notice) alt mon IR/CP C PUB 0.12 30-45 days politically neutral journal that contains in-depth discussion of China's economic legislation; the claim: "COPYRIGHTED -- CANNOT BE REPRINTED" fails to meet standard of con- tent and format for- mat that are manda- tory under U.S. law; Economy and Law -34- For Official Use Only Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450004-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450004-9 For Official Use Only Coverage of the China Political/Military Section continued DAYS OF CIA INDEX LAG IN COVERAGE CMP COV MODE INPUT RECEIPT NOTES Mi2gg ISsagg KUANG CHIAO CHING in Chinese monthly IR/CP C PUB Mp_pg Kong LIAOWANG (OVERSEAS EDITION) IR/CP B PUB Lbmg Kg.r1R /gag IS2Ag. Lim Kong &Lig &PR (open) (no notice) 0.23 15-25 days middle-of-the-road journal providing objective and compre- hensive analyses of the PRC; Wide Angle in Chinese (open) (no notice) 1.00 15-20 days political and eco- nomic party line mag- azine of the New China News Ltd. cov- ering PRC domestic and international affairs; Outlook Weekly notice) 114111172M 21 days MING PAO in Chinese (open) (no daily IR/CP C PUB 7.00 MING PAO YUE KAN in Chinese monthly IR/CP C PUB ri4ftlk (open) (no notice) 0.23 15-20 days Ming Pao Monthly NAN PEI CHI in Chinese (open) (no notice) monthly IR/CP C PUB 0.23 14-21 days PAI HSING in Chinese (open) (no notice) 2x mon IR/CP B PUB 0.46 20-30 days Lim &Lig TA KUNG PAO in Chinese (open) (no notice) daily IR/CP C PUB 7.00 21 days -35- For Official Use Only North and South Poles magazine providing comprehensive cover- age of affairs in China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macao; The People newspaper affiliated with the PRC and pro- viding general cover- age Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450004-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450004-9 For Official Use Only Coverage of the China Political/Military Section -- continued DAYS OF CIA INDEX LAG IN COVERAGE CMP COV MODE INPUT RECEIPT NOTES TAIWAN Taipei CHIEN TUAN K'ECHI in Chines (official use only) (copyright) monthly CP UB 0.23 35-45 days journal of military C, affairs providing reports on Taiwan and PRC military activi- ties; citation: 'COP- YRIGHT: 1988 by DEFENSE TECHNOLOGY All rights reserved. Reproduction of this work, in whole or in part, wihtout ((sic)) written permission of the publisher is pro- hibited.' Defense Technology Monthly Taipei CHUNG KUNG YEN CHIU in Chinese (open) (no notice) monthly IR/CP C PUB 0.23 30-50 days Studies on Chinese Communism Taipei CHUNG KUO TA LU in Chinese (open) (no notice) monthly IR/CP C PUB 0.23 30-50 days magazine published by the Institute of Mainland China Affairs; Mainland China Monthly -36- For Official Use Only Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450004-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450004-9 For Official Use Only Coverage of the China Political/Military Section -- continued DAYS OF CIA INDEX LAG IN COVERAGE CMP COV MODE INPUT RECEIPT NOTES Taipei CHUNG KUO TA LU YEN CHIU in Chinese (open) (see notes) monthly IR/CP C PUB 0.23 30-50 days journal of the Insti- tute of International Relations of National Cheng-Chi University specializing in Tai- wanese views of China and providing subs- tantive analyses; the claim: 'Reprinting is welcomed, but we ask only that our consent be granted first.' has no stand- ing under U.S. law; formerly Taipei HAI HUA in Chinese (9yen) (no no ce) irreg IR/CP .V;*-1 PUB I SO 30-60 days published monthly; magazine that covers the activities of overseas Chinese; Overseas Chines Maga- zine Taipei HSIN HSIN WEN in Chinese (o en) (no notice) IR/CP PU 1.00 60-90 days journal providing relatively objective assessment of socio- political development in Taiwan; The Jour- nalist Taipei INSIDE CHINA MAINLAND in English (open) (no notice) monthly IR/CP C PUB 0.23 30-60 days newsletter containing translations of material from the PRC press -37- For Official Use Only Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450004-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450004-9 For Official Use Only Coverage of the China Political/Military Section -- continued DAYS OF CLA INDEX LAG IN COVERAGE CMP COV MODE INPUT RECEIPT NOTES Taipei NUAN LW in Chinese (open) (no notice) monthly IR/CP C PUB 0.23 200 days journal antagonistic toward the KMT which provides relatively reliable new informa- tion on Taiwan's socio-political development; Warm Current Taipei TZU LI WAN PAO in Chinese daily IR/CP # PUB , 7.00 30-45 days newspaper publishing opposition views on social, political, and economic develop- ment in Taiwan; Inde- pendence Evening News UNION (open) (no notice) F SOVIET SOCIALIST REP LIC Tashken LENIN KICHI i orean (o en) (no notice) MTWTFS CP B PUB ? 00 30 ys LninF -38- For Official Use Only Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300450004-9