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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/06: CIA-RDP88G00186R000100090009-7 OIS 85-581 2 December 1985 MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Administration Director of Information Services SUBJECT: FY 85 Accomplishments REFERENCE: Your Memorandum dated 14 November 1985, same subject, (DA 85-0013) In accordance with the referenced memorandum, attached is a concise list of office of Information Services accomplishments for FY 1985. As recommended, the list is oriented to the interest of the DCI. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/06: CIA-RDP88G00186R000100090009-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/06: CIA-RDP88G00186R000100090009-7 FY 1985 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Office of the Director In anticipation of the CIA Information Act of 1984, and recognizing the pressure that would be placed on the DCI to implement the new law, the Director of Information Services established an FOIA task force to draft an Agency-wide implementing regulation and policy guidance to the Deputy Directors ready for the Director's signature on the day the President signed the act into law. This goal was accomplished. Immediately following the President's signature on the CIA Information Act in October 1984, the Director of Information Services directed the task force to work with representatives from the affected directorates in identifying, describing, and recommending to the DCI the operational files to be designated and in preparing detailed directorate instructions concerning the file designation process. Once again the goal was met while ensuring that the DCI was in full compliance with the spirit and letter of the law in approving the designations. Before implementation of the new law, the task force briefed representatives of the Senate and House committees on intelligence in detailed, lengthy meetings, answering their numerous specific and penetrating questions about the designations and how they were developed. Subsequent letters from both Congressional committees expressed complete satisfaction with the meticulous manner in which the entire task was carried out. The Director of Information Services took the lead in developing the Agency's Historical Review Program as agreed to by the DCI and as prescribed in the CIA Information Act of 1984. The Director of Information Services chaired a series of meetings with the Archivist of the United States, the Librarian of Congress, a group of distinguished historians, and Agency and other Government representatives to determine the feasibility of conducting a program for the systematic review, declassification, and release to the public of CIA information of historical value. Following these meetings, OIS was a major contributor to the DCI's report to the Congress describing the program being developed. The Office of Information Services established the Officially Released Information Program to record CIA information officially released to the public. The Office is seeking to develop an on-line capability to provide Agency officials with a timely record of such releases, including releases under the FOIA and the mandatory review provisions of E.O. 12356, officially sanctioned speeches, media releases, letters to members of Congress and private individuals, affidavits and judicial testimony, and Congressional testimony. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/06: CIA-RDP88G00186R000100090009-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/06: CIA-RDP88G00186R000100090009-7 Under the direction of the Director of Information Services, OIS during FY 1985 developed eight new initiatives for implementation in FY 1988. Included are initiatives for (1) putting Agency regulations on computer, (2) an automation resources system, (3) a paper problem program, (4) an SCI TS control program, (5) reviewing TS collateral material, (6) external audits of collateral TS material, (7) control of collateral TS cables and telepouches, and (8) vital records use during a national emergency. Information Resources Management Division The Office of Information services on its own initiative established an Information Services Center in the Ames Building to provide full registry and mail services to three major Agency components and elements of the Intelligence Community Staff and the Public Affairs Office. OIS also operates a similar facility in support of the Offices of Logistics and Communications and has played a major role in planning for the establishment and operation of Information Services Centers in the new Headquarters Building. The Records Information System (TRIS) achieved initial operating capability in August 1985 when the TSCADS portion--for the control and accountability of Top Secret collateral documents--was activated. Some 50 TS control points throughout the Agency are storing information about TS collateral documents in this system. The registry and records management portions of TRIS are now being phased in by the components. As TRIS moves into full operational capability, tangible benefits will include the elimination of redundant keying, enhanced capability for life-cycle management of records, sharing of common data elements, and improved document control, especially for Top Secret collateral material. In order to preserve the documentary heritage of the Agency, OIS has begun a Records Preservation Program to ensure proper physical protection and preservation. During FY 1985, an employee from the Agency Archives and Records Center was trained in basic archival techniques and another has been scheduled for training. The program began with the Printing and Photography Division, OL, testing the condition of some of the film maintained by the Center. OIS subsequently ordered its own test equipment and Center personnel presently are conducting scheduled tests. In addition acid-free boxes and folders for storing permanent records material have been ordered. A new records management audit program was begun in FY 1985 to assist Agency components in improving their records and information management practices and procedures. Audits have been completed in five major components and more are scheduled in FY 1986. With the addition of another staff position, OIS will form two audit teams and increase the number of audits performed each year. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/06: CIA-RDP88G00186R000100090009-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/06: CIA-RDP88GO0186R000100090009-7 Information and Privacy Division In FY 1985 the Information and Privacy Division made dramatic improvements in processing public requests for information under the FOIA and Privacy Act through effective management initiatives in restructuring and reorganizing IPD's processing procedures and implementing the CIA Information Act of 1984. During FY 1985 the backlog of initial requests was reduced from 2999 to 1967, a decline of 34 percent. A new support branch was created to directly manage critical support functions at each step in the FOIA process. No bottlenecks are ever allowed to develop. A program to resolve old and complex cases was instituted through a detailed shelf review of every file to determine why a case stopped moving and to get it going again. The program also includes bringing old cases to the attention of directorate information review officers so they can be part of the expediting process. To further help with the caseload, four Agency annuitants have been hired as case officers. Based on their background, experience, and knowledge of the Agency, these individuals had an immediate effect on speeding the closing of cases, especially the extremely large and complex ones. Regulatory Policy Division The Regulatory Policy Division processed approximately 500 regulatory issuances over the past twelve months and published nearly 450. Of that number, nearly 25 percent required priority handling wherein editing, coordination, approval, and publication were accomplished in a matter of hours. RPD successfully converted from a Wang stand alone system to the Wang Alliance system without any disruption in production. Moreover, RPD extended its telecommunications network to all major Agency components involved in the regulatory process with the exception of the DO. Use of this network is helping to improve the speed and efficiency of the regulatory process During FY 1985, the DCI approved and signed 8 Headquarters Regulations, 3 Headquarters Notices, 5 Employee Bulletins, and 5 memorandums forwarded by RPD. DCI approval of the regulations for the most part resulted from the Excellence Program whereby delegations of authority were extended downward as in Construction, and Utilities, Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/06: CIA-RDP88GO0186R000100090009-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/06: CIA-RDP88GO0186R000100090009-7 RPD during the year held meetings with senior Agency representatives involved in the preparation and coordination of regulations. The results have become apparent in the improved quality of submitted proposals and in greater adherence to coordination deadlines. Procedures for immediate response to time-critical issuances also were developed and agreed to. In addition, meetings were held with the 53 Agency officers responsible for distributing published regulatory issuances in their components. The importance of timely and full distribution of published issuances was stressed. Moreover ,_Distribution, was revised to make more explicit the response of component distribution officers and custodians of the regulations. During the year RPD successfully handled more than 100 requests for research on policy contained in earlier rescinded or revised regulatory issuances. Many such requests are generated by the Inspector General and the Office of General Counsel. Classification Review Division Principal responsibility for the Agency's Historical Review Program has been assigned to the Office of Information Services through the Classification Review Division. CRD prepared a schedule to implement the program, obtained the concurrence of the DO, DI, and DS&T, and began the search for records beginning with the period 1946-1947. Although much needs to be done, CRD has made good progress in selecting and reviewing documents of historical significance for declassification and release to historians and other researchers through the National Archives and Records Administration. CRD conducted several specialized reviews on behalf of the Agency; in particular, damage assessments requiring extensive internal and external coordination. The objective is to identify the classified information revealed and to determine the resulting degree of damage. An example is a case involving testimony by former Agency employee before the International Court of Justice reviewed by CRD o posse e damage to our country's security. CRD completed a review of classified material of interest to the Agency located in the Eisenhower Presidential Library in Abilene, Kansas. Two person teams from CRD made several visits to the library for that purpose during the year. The review involved thousands of documents and involved the cooperation of the NARA employees at the library. The recommendations made by the CRD reviewers have considerably improved the security of the documents that still require protection. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/06: CIA-RDP88GO0186R000100090009-7