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Publication Date: 
June 14, 1955
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/19: CIA-RDP68-00046R000200030031-1 NEW zunu. JUN 4 iWeJ MAID TRIBUNE ? . ? Yale. Degrees as 7,500, Watch 11 Are _Honorecl. At2ilthExerel?e By Francis Sugrtie NEW HAVEN, June 13.--Yale Univergity gave degrees to 2,029 men and woinen today when it held its .254th _commencement exerciSes befere 7-,500 witnesses under a blue sky. on the Old. Campus. ,, The ninety-minute graduation ceremony, ?With, an academic procession, theAsingirig of hymns and the awarding of degrees; was composed ,of equal 'parts of tradition. sentiment and the general feeling of a reward well earned. _.As is customarY, no commencement address ? was delivered. 1 ,T4t Main theme seemed to be f focused on thesmiles of the par- ticipants; the. coMpesed and friendly smiles of the deans, officers Aid?-trustecs looking on from 1Qertte blue- I . ',,, Herald Tribune photos by Joe Engels ' Recipients of :honoraiy,degrees at-Yale University ivith Dr. A. Whitney Griswold, president of the University. In ,front (left to right) are Mrs. Winifred Stuiley, Lawrence H. Gibson; Treasury Se,cretarY George M. Humphrey; Dr. Griswold, Gen. Walter Bedell Smith., Douglas 'S. Meo,re and Detlev W. ?Bronk. In the rear (left to right) are John H. Benson, Albett B. Coe, Wallace Steven, Vincent .du-Vigneaud and William E. Hall. canopied plagor smiles of acconlp by. the candidates or. degrees. cl the ent Worn ? 11 lionorareglrees . Dr. A. 'WhitrfeY Griswold, president of Yale, read the cita- tions when ten hien and ? one woman. were 'called to receive honorary degrees. ? ? Each citation gave a totich- stone in words to describe why Yale had decided -to honor' the recipient: " When Secretary of the Treas- ury George S. Humphrey came forward, Dr. Griswold declared,. "Trained in law, seasoned in industry, you left the security tof private life for the ardors of tpublic responsibility in one of the nation's highest offices. We recognize in you a 'man worthy of that office ? Wallace Stevens, a poet who won the Bollingen Prize in poetry in 1949 and a vice- president of the Hartford Acci- dent, and Indemnity Co., ? was told that "in You the two worlds of practical affairs and art have found a perfectanarriage.". In , the citation' for Albert Buckner' Coe,. moderator of the General Council, Congregational Christian Churches of 'the fessor Frederic W. Keator, chief United States of America, tOinarsha1,? who carried the uni- sentence read: "You have re? versity mace, Which ds made of fleeted the integrity of the tilver ' covered with gold and prophets." eighs twenty-four pounds. This ? , - Gen. griiith Tionored There was loud applause when Gen. Walter Bedell Smith, ,fermer Under Secretary of State, stpod before Dr. Griswold, who said, "You have performed with !distinction difficult and thank- !less roles of the greatest con- sequence to the security of the nation, and the preservation of its way of life." Yale was able to.put its words Tto music in the case of Douglas _Stuart. Moore, composer and Ichairman of 'the Department of Music at ColUinbia University.' "'Your music springs naturally, from our soil, and you have giveli wings ,of melody to the legerals of our people," his cita- tion read, and as a part' of the, commencement program the Yale University band played "Passacaglia," one of Mr. Moore's Compositions. Thefirocession began shortly alter 10 EL",m. from Cross Cam- pus; with Professor Frederick W. Mlles,? corporation marshal, eading the way, followed by Pro; ? L' a symbol of the Yale presi dent's authority. Leading. the line of the eleven Who received honorary tiegree wasiSecretary7l1umphrey; ? Who was escorted?by .the Right Rev. Henry Knoxi;Sherrill, presiding bishop copal Church- Airs, ;.;inior low the universitp.? Next paTfle Gen. Smith,' aceompanied by Dea,n Acheson, a leilow of Yale University. 4,.',,:!;?1/4,1' The precession 'moyed on Elm 'St. to :the New Haven Green, where,:everyone-,walke once around the, Center Church in COMMeniOrAtiOn of the early Yale commencements that' were held in it. When the long line of cap, and gowns crossed College St.' and entered the'Old.Cimplis through Phelps Gateway, the bells in Harkness Tower 'began to toll; which is customary 'on this pc casiont . ' ! ? ? - But a new note was added this ,year. Four trumpet players from Yale bandwere also in'the tower, and they greeted the pro, cession with Gabrieli's "Can- zona." - - - - The honoraryDegrees The recipients of honorary ? degrees were: - JOHN HOWARD BENSON, artist, Newport, R..I. Sculptor, callig- rapher, and teacher. Master of Arts. MRS. WINIFRED STURLEY, prin- cipal of the Foote School, New" Haven. Conn. Master of Arts. WILLIAM EDWIN HALL. (Yale Class of 19.00; Sheffield Scientific School), former ,prebident . of the Boys' Clubs of America. Master 1 of 'Arts. LAWRENCE HENRY GIPSON, (Ph.D. from Yale. 1918),, research professor of history emeritus, Lehigh University. Ddctor of # Humane Letters. WALLACE STEVENS. poet, Hart- ford, Conn. Businessman'and poet. Doctor of Letters. ` VINCENT DU VIGNEAUD, professor of biochemistry, Cornell Linivtr- sity, Cornell University Medical College. Doctor of .Seierice. DETLET WULF BRONK, president,' Rdckefeller Institute for Medical . Research and president: National Academy of 'Science. Doctor of Science - ALBERT BUCIOTER COE,- ,(Bachelor of novinity from Yale, 1922), mod- erator of the Gqivral Council df thb Congfegationat Chirstian ',Churches of the. upited States of , America. Doctor of -Divinity. bOUGIAS STUART ? MCCRE, (Bachelor of Arts, 1915, and Bach- elor ,of Music, 1917;- from Yale), ' composer, chairman, of the De- partment of Music, 'Columbia , University. Doctor, of Music. ? WALTER BEDELL SMITH, ,general United States Army, Aofrner Under' Secretary of State and Director of the Central- Intent- 'hence Agency. Doctor of Laws. GEORGE' MAGOrvIN HUMPHREY, Secretary of the Treasury. Doctor of Laws. ? fib Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/19: CIA-RDP68-00046R0007onommi_i