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December 15, 1971
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16 Approved For Releas 1999/09/27 : CIA-RDP83-00764WO300070003-0 A9 .o 'WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1971 reed Americans CPYRGHT` B y Lee Linder niLUCL a s, , *sitpi4tedpre' icans. checked into the Val- tuned while, sailing in Chinese P" LA ELP El A, . Dec. 1 ley Forge Military Hospital, waters north of Hong Kong out 20 miles northwest of n erge is oung woman on April; 21, 1968. ,;. ere, then fell exhausted into The Chinese announced in showing little signs of he heir first sleep in freedom. ordeal, and an Army civiia releasing Miss Harbert that y ~._ "l .feel great," said Miss Har- her yachting companion, Gor- expressed wonder ert, 25, of Menlo Park, Calif., ald Ross McLaughlin, commit- ment? today at U.S. techno'log ho came home in time for ted suicide on March 7, 1969. icaf advazxces daring their in I Christmas time birthday Johnson said during the prisonment by the Chdnes eleoration. ,ne naa been nela stopover at Honolulu that MISS Go niun0sts., , d , . early four years followinjg Harbert learned through a lave you put any, mPen. 6y er capture on a yacht off the newspaper story of McLaugh- the moon yet?" Mary An ainland in 1968. "It was a Tin's death. He said she made Harbert asked during the `2 ne trip and I'm glad to be no comment. hour, 10,000-mile flight tha ome," she said. Miss Harbert and Fecteau brought her and Richard C Fecteau, of Lynn, Mass., said arrived at the hospital at 5:40 Fecteau to the , ttae e was "very happy" after a,m. after a short helicopter following. their release Mon lighting from a helicopter on flight from McGuire Air Force day in Hong Kong by th re grounds of the hospital. Base, N.J., their first mai.n- Chinese Reds. Doctors, delaying a physical land U.S. stop after boarding "I, told her yyes,' said Co . xamination until Wednesday, a U.S. Air Force C-141: at Leonard W. Johnson Jr., corn aid the two were tired but Hong Kong. maltder of thee, 9th eromed 'er`e "in very good physical Newsmen rou in Bon on pion."` cal E ted to talk Kong at k Alrase i Johnson said it was not the Pl p nee 'He describe nown how ldng the two would the American space piogra emain at the hospital but that that has put eight men on tl' Miss Harbert probably would moon. e released first." Johnson, . who accompanie "Fecteau will stay some them 11alfway around th lime-" Johnson said of the 43- .._ _ win "I really aon't Know, loyee who along with dune hadn't heard about it. Man Downey, 41, of New Britain, people in China don't kno onn., was aboard a plane that. The last thing we kne hot down on 'a flight from about space was that Russi apan to Korea in 1952 during 1 ad some thl circn he, Korean War. m== 7 ffss arberT who will cele. m were npt permit- to them, although one reporter managed to get close enough to exchange a few words. Johnson and Alan Romberg, a State Department official, said the pair had requested that newsmen not be permit- ted to question them. They said there were no plans to debrief them and that they could speak to the press anytime they liked. "But," Johnson said, "it will be a long time, if ever, for-`ecteau to speak to the to talk to his family right now. He has developed a mech- anism to handle his surround- ings after being shut away for 19 years, coming out into a different culture. "I think he'll be here a while getting adjusted," Johnson said, adding, "Fecteau has spent a 'lot of time in solitary confinement. "I think it is going to take time for him to accept people as friends. Someone mentioned to him that his brother wants to see him and he questioned whether that might be some sort of trick." He described Fecteau as withdrawn and cautious. Johnson said Miss Harbert was lively and outgoing. He said the young woman, who spoke by phone with her par- ents upon her arrival at the hospital and then later posed for pictures, "will be much more willing to talk and mu' h sooner" than Fecteau. Johnson said Fecteau spoke little of his imprisonment. "He told me he spent a lot of time alone. He mentioned small walls and very small windows. He told me, `Where I was I didn't get a chance to see much sky at all"' STATINTL CPYRGHT elease 1999/09/27 : CIA-RDP83-00764R000300070003-0