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nrnc 14.S7 , NEW I Declassified and Approved For Release @ 50-Yr 2013/10/29: CIA-RDP74-00297R000900090043-0 ,?? ? ? : . ? ? WASHIN t :G? 'N' T. Dec.-D am amazed, at times at the ar- rogance - of little men sin high, 7- places.. .?. . . . , .. _ ._ .; ? ?Ey FULTON LEWIS1 R?.: ? . ? about My ? 'statement that 'the :big-name ? sponsors wile, lend dignity to the Crusade and help doaX ? "truth from an unsuSpecting. .little. attention ;to the actual opera. .tion." It say: ? ' ??? b - , ? ? .could ? be further the' truth. ?The Fred Eu-': ?.* rOpe' Committee was set up in 1949 by a grOup-of public-spirit- ed citizens including:' Dwight D. ?Eisenhower; ? SAllen?Dulles,. bassador *Joseph C. Grew', John - ? HtIghes; Arthur Page and oth- ers of similar caliber. All of. ? these have maintained the 'dos- t interest in the operations.'.). ? '?CAPOW REPORT ? 741 .:-For,exarnpre, there is the Cm-- . sa.de For Treedoin? and its paid ^ director; ''.,John,:..1y1._ = who is, 'Ell'Cillating?-puhlicity handouts to' try to answer. 'the, ^ ,exposures ? L have: made' dbout. i?-?-??? Radio Free' Europe; for which E.: Mr. Patterson raises funds. ? _ ? F:Using the good name'of West? itighouse's president Gwilyrn A. 5. Price, who is 'chairman of the board of the Crusade, Mr. Pat- :" terson?says: ? ? ? ? _ . ?'."Thd RUssians. spend' Over.. a' hundred .million dollars.a year E 'trying to jam RFE broadcasts. They ?would hardly -6 do if the, ? Organization were run by 'pink.. os,'. as Lewis charges*. . ?, ' ": ? .0 ;.' ? - ? ..roxNlt ONE: there is no eon- ceiVable- way to establish that the Russians anspend "over one hundred' million. dollars -a year",- to jam Free Europe broadcast:S. YSiicl anY:.siiqh claim iS preposter- ?? bring them:to light, later; ? Eut -the sponsors of? 19491 prove nothing whatsoever aboutl operation' of :-the projecti -'? since then. Mr. Eisenhower: and :?Zzir.,_Dulle&,11-67,67a61'?g pp ear . as hang.,any,connectiiliti with it ? ?- Mr. Grew is nearlY'80'andliard-3 ly in. a ? position, to ?undertake! - first-hand inspection .of an oper-1 ation in Lisbon, Portugal andi ? :Munich, Germany. . . -?-, ,..o .? ? ' .? ; BESIDES; . en o tighi4 Gwilym? Price doesn't havel .. anything to do with Radio Freel ...Europe: He is chairman of: the, Board of: the Crusade for:Free-A, S .1 .. :IVES TRUE THAT these men: ? partieipated , in the original , founding. of the Free .Europe Committee ? and it is, also- true , . that some other Shadbwy whose identity it. 'was . thonght? best ;to keep in .the ar ? .."?dbm,?Which merely. collects the money. Neither does Mr. Patter- son..He is_ strictly "Crusade',1 - . ' .. And yet Mr.. of the Crit-.1 : ? ? - .? .? . _ , :sade, is quoted as saying abbutl , ...Free Europe ? -......./las_n.o_.connectionl: ? ? ? "I can assure you that it is] . managed by ? responsible! ? and patriotic 'Americans." - ? ? ,.- ? Mr.:: Patterson is badly; ,Con-1 fused. . ? .?? ? ,..? (0,19.5i, by King Features. pyncl., Inc.'? ?,1 . 1 d k, also were in on it. I shall ? POINT.. TWO: Even if it were so it would not prove the integ-, . rity of :RFE' ? broadcasts. The charges- have.: been that Free, ,Europe's propaganda has been ' slanted, .0 specific orders"--from: the top under a. directive of ? March 1956 .(a copy of which I... have in my possession) to the; line that Nationalistic Commu- ;..., nisrn, ??oppoSed to ? ? .ism, is- the. only way to free- i? dom. - ' , The instructions are to build; up Tito as a great hero, on the ?? theory. that Communist regimes other ? countries, noW under the heel of Moscow, will slip - away. to their own independent Communism, .like Tito's. . ? ? ,? ? Obviously, Moscow is no hap./ pier over this sort-of incitation . than -it is ..over. straightaway ? propaganda in favor of ?democ- A.41, 11&14.-k JOHN. M. PATTERSON,* left, director of. the -Crusade' -Freedorn, ,and Gwityrn A. Price, chairrnan, Sponsor RFE. literature, 'Obviously ignorant, of.. r'; :pf . racy ? and capitalism. It -would. jam such broadcasting as eager- ly as it4would the true freedom ? line, if it is jamming at all. ' ? ? ? '- The letter ',Ilion ? :complains ? ? ? -- -,????.- ? Declassified and Approved For Release 50-Yr 2013/10/29: CIA-RDP4-00297R000900090043-0 NEW' YOR1( 1VEIRROR nEc 3 19S7 /7_ Declassified and Approved For Release @ 50-Yr 2013/10/29: CIA-RDP74-00297R000900090043-0 ?? CAPITALIZE:PORT ? By FULTON LEWIS; JR. _ ; WASHINGTON', Dec. 11? Crusade for Freedom, the fund- raising organization that co17.1 ilects so-called "truth dollars" : to support the ? Radio Free Europe propaganda operations out of Munich, has cirdulated a ? mineographed handout from its board chairman, Gwilym A. Price, to a friend who read one :of my previous columns on the . subject and "wrote in, asking ; about it. . Mr. Price is a. distinguished :and high-minded American. He is the head of Westinghouse and a man of ? high patriotism. ? ; It disturbs me, therefore, that the, like the President, is unaware , of yy:ha:rt is going on at the graSs roots level of the Free Europe operation. The paid executive vice-presi- dent of the Crusade is one John M. Patterson, who runs the show. He admitted to me that it. was he who got out this nraterial "to tell our side of the story." IN THE TELLING, however, he has put into Mr. Price's pen, over IVIr? Price's signature, a classic collection of misstate- ments. For example, one paragraph of the letter deals Nvith-clin- and Peroutka, whomj IfS-ted. as "frftfier"pliblither of a Marxist publication, "Pritonmost" and a long-time .collaborator with the Stalinists'. -'" The letter says: "His paper was anti-Communist to such a degree that Peroutka was num- ber one on the list of those the ite-4 - ? C S Russians. wanted to .purge when tween the East and' the West: they occupied Czechoslovakia, and should the Soviet Union' lose but?Pezontlta... fled ',before hethis conflict, ;such a defeat would. could be. arrested.' 'be of the 'gravest consequences The record shows that the for us,- the allies of the Soviet. Russians occupied Czechoslo.- ? Union. The Germans would re-; vakia in April, 1945, and Ferdiri- . /urn and we would be, .in alli and Peroutka did not flee the probability, completely -arinihil country until February of 1948, . ? ated. That is why our allegiance ? AS TO WHETHER or not, for life and death .with the. outka was anti-Communist' Soviet Union should be regarded; , -t heolli5Wing is from a book he as, the most basic and the most! : wrote in 1947, while in Prague: evident principle 'of our foreign: ",At no time in history ' has ! policy? , n Ftussia been so powerful and the ? ? Says Mr. Joh Patterson's forces" of secialism have never.: handout, dignified by the-signa-? P ? ? ? array. This is a new. epoch of ' "Wdipand ?Peroutka,, a Cath-j history. In spite of all that,.4 IfidePendent, some people. think in a rather I Was never a Cominunist or ai conservative way; some have I ProCommunist." : .- ? ' not even grasped /he ? necessity js..g.....1.202.,py lOng V;e2?ve,r7 .Synd ...of the fall ',of capitalism. / ."Should a :'conflict been grouped in such- a mighty ; Declassified and Approved For Release @ 50-Yr 2013/10/29: CIA-RDP74-00297R000900090043-0