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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP61-00357R000100190042-5 .,:121 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? SENATE - the ....ctintoue and methods developed by vate enterprise apetialleta lit the trail neiiia delds for the presentation throat oir rr.e American way of life: 13) t,rmulate a program to meet the ittl. mediate And long-range needs occastoned try ideological ?Haul ye; 4 41 nista recommendations fOr coordinate ing approved program' and policies at all levels,,I C;ovesurnent; and to' mass recoctuneudattons fur concerts4 and cooperative action among the nations of ins tree world In matting the COsirnunist idaeolostcal taltensIve. COSIetNISTION OF IIIMISSZZI Miry 4 (a) members of the Colonel' from the legislative and executive branches of the Government shall neve without addi- tional compensation, but they shall be re- imbursed for travel. subsistence, and other necesaarv expenses incurred by them In the performance of the duties ut the Council. tb) Members of the Council from private /Ifs shall each receive 1t50 per diem whoa engaged in the performance of the duties of the Council. plus reimbursement for travel. subsistence, and other neeassary expenses incurred by them in the performance of such duties, !mare OT !1ST COUNCIL Sec. 5. The Council shall have power to appoint aid tix the compensation of such personnel as it deems advisable, without regard to the provisions of the den Norden Saws and tt.e Classification Act of 1940. PONTIUS OF TIM COUNCIL Ser. d. (^1 The Council, or any author- ized roemoer thereof, may, for the purpose tt earn-nig out the provisions of this Act, hold stih nearing' and sit and act at such times and pieces. and take such testimony. as the Council or such member may deem advisable. Any member of OM Council may administer oaths or affirmations to witnesses appearing beiore the Council or before such member. lb I The Council is authorised to secure directly from any department. agency. or Independent Instrumentality of the menu- Live branch of the Government any infor- mation it deems necessary to carry out lb functions under this Act: and each such department. Agency. or instrtirnentality is authorlyed and directed to furnish such information to the Council upon request made by the Chairman or Vice Chairman. easorriwo Sur 7 The Council shall make a report of its End:rigs and recurnsiondationa to the Prestd?ht .tit,1 to the Congress not illjee than em roor'ha foiloWing its formation. roon iC mibrniaslorl Of Its report all tune- ?ns era of -tie Commission shall ternnt.,??? . ere shall he included in much . pnr, ? ?n, .icnd,.t,,'ns I. ir s.ihsetl? ?v1 'n nine RA ?1 4' al, .4, 4-4?, 4.f.-arY of oor i,rogni!i... pittpuac of ???.1Ch programa atte.thiste to the challenge. ACTI101:ZATION or aerioNUATION Sac. w. tiUcti sums as may be necessary to carry 0111 ale movisions of this Act are hereov to he appropriated. Te .sLat.einent presented by Mr. W at Y 1, lts . rrtitaT IT SZNaTult W MET T4.4.14 e free world is faced alai a grave threw. '0 its existence: nallitly, kual. muniam. ..r.aind the globe. wo are en- gaged in it i.fe-and-."ath Malaga:1 with communimit. Although there are many fronts, the r,.ntest for menS minds Is a major battleground. At the recent congress of NATO nations in London, fur example, a suboommitim on So- viet and Western propaganda techniques reported that deficiencies in Western props- pixie nay nee to defeat the Wert Is lb* cold war. "The VW. basset up the most gigantic machinery ever known for the purpose Of ?enaliiviag publis opinion." It pointed out. 'It is to this machinery. se much is to their Annan might. that Use *Mots owe thiar pihesipat achlevemente. torbadieg theis lorribariai miecesess- the suboommit- tee repartee. era nays TIM RR ROST 29 Ilia Tro may as well Lee the feet thin the Ousinuntst threat to our aseurity?U Ws- atio-masissr wertere ma be ineided?will .eoettnue tee many yeses abers44. Although the guests will come on many fronle?in. abiding the military and the enonarnhe-. the battle ar ideas may wail bee real de- termining factor in the Ude of the scesilint. As ? Me nation we have tile bra story to tell in the world. The Arnsricen ansisma provides: irreedom for which all MSC yearn. Napa* for human dignity. opportunity to attain penenal goals minimum control by government. oultivetlon and respect far family and human rotations, opportunity le improve economic status. protection of thrious. Amer% and press iiberties sad ? lion of other premises slants and freedoms. Ours= our spasm has provided more good things of ine for more people ? than any other epees' in the history of the wand yet, time ohm Urns. we come off second best la the ideological mutest silth the Om- munista. The Arnerican people, I ballsieu have the right to ask the question: And to get some straight answers. WI spans uses neriasesenne -veseectsi" mut ANIMA& COW IN 4ITINITINIMS Saw CYO Pint, lot's look at the scope ce our pre. For comparison: the United guise sps lees in spreading she freedsea wort than American auto eisaufeautrers name Is erentag new ears. As a runner saWlS. In 1117 (the linen year for Whisk somptete figures are avail- The 100 boding sidesetiewe epee! ever $1.4 Wiliam almost he ninon the asmient roe gissetted to lee left budget for the VI. Is. tannallbseidoessey; and ? The Meet US. advertising for produete es. essase 0.1 bumosi, or shout 2e Maas the 1110 WA bertinit- easaresserms erne vs is MO 1 geomin arar illse.spresiding program la finiessimene man in cosegarisse to insinsa. monist effort in this beid. According to inst witunsue, the gimlet Union. alone. spends between $ew million and el billion on propa- ganda broadcasting. In addition, the Coin- munist-dominated orbit countries ass ale -shotgunning" the reentruttrist tuna of ideas?including falsehoods and distortions of fact?around the world Reportedly. t ha Kremlin spent more money Just attempting to puu the Voice 01 Atnerics lavas:toaste than IWO spent on our 1%,10111 in- formation program. In the light of these factors. the 17.111 in- vestment in the truth campaign Is roPeri- ecopie-roberes ons-tenth to one-twentieth the ellort by the Conununiata. rissisero: SLOW. SZVITIV Of IDZOLOGICAL CILILL MSS 'OULU now, the United Mates has not had a global review of our ideological campaign. at the kin* that would eastrie sse to lop the Communist's offensive; and in a poem* sense, to lay the ideological foundation ot idesi ami Ideals of freedoes?which our own history net ?Patterned?upon %hada to build a better valid. INININIS CV VCRS! ST INTAVLI Tim free world?al arnica the Veiled Mates is a iseelse-1 behove would eneninet ? wave emir g we Whew the ideologien battle it be lost by default. June 16' la *blithe to Ma the war of ideas. V. e Melt well fern ever to the Clonuatinista "AI minims of people; (b) vast areal of land: (SI and measureless strategic resource' Is smdeVa4 or/gantries. Ultimately, 11,1A timid be for mars costly is guns. anunti n - AMC. anal Mimic weapons or warfare. that. 11... Price. now, 01 as eitactive froodotn-spread munpabps This must net happen. CONCLUSION The estelindiument or a top-level Cuunsli iceed of the best brains in the coun tit Is this held 1.011.1d. I believe: (1) Milton us he win the lasological battle: and (2) in a MIN .0111010 MT. ley the ideological foun- Ostia' of fresdont upon winch to promote pees for tibi tonne. ABSIETAleCII BY PRIVATE ECONOMY COEPOIRATZ TECHNICAL AS- ? isairaxcx PROGRAM Ur. JAVITS. Mr. President. I submit. for appnintriate reference. a reitolution which favors tho develotinteht OT Amer- teen busignal--including maxgemert. Mar, investors, and farMere?and by Private ressareh organisations of a cor- Perste technical assistance Program which wotdd ataka available from private banning additional thousands of high caliber HA. ter.bnicialui for work over- seas in ins newly developing nations At the present time, the International Cooperation Administration reports that Mire than LOCO U.S. techrficians and ad- asinlidraties personnel are WOrkin:: abroad In the Government's technical mantanse ginignun. a 30 percent increase oar tbotIMPS vz The aliane7 WA- IN** that a minimum ot lenge (mall- Sad plitationd in the technical and man- agerial fidd toad be utilised In many areas at Asia. Alma. and Latin Amer- boa with a total population of Over 1 bil- lion peopla. .-r. Kr. President, whatever may be theuelt about the micas foreign-aid programs ot the ignited States?I have tatteehill ennported then; and. in fact. I_Vret thought they were inadequate for PitrPones of the cold war struggle-- tho technical assistance program is very Ponder in our cxlintry. A broad !Mee- trum at V.$. opinkin. which May have MP:4M( Views on other parts of ill( mutual security moors= nevertheles agrees that technical assistance?or:4 - hinny the pont 4 prograM?has he-- cache a Most rtsnxted and indisix?nsu ni element of U.S. foreign polity. President glitenhower has characterized technical cooperation administered by the International Cooperation Adminis- tration Uone 01 the -moat Valuable ci -- mania of our enure mutual security of. tart. Nevertheless, as has been stated time and Unia again on the Soar of the Sen- ate by me and by other Illsrabsrs, in this struggle we are fighting with our right hand tiod behind our back. because Americas private business simply is not taking part in the stineitin As a m- eta. We Cannot expect 10 win OVer ta.a. Illoingt Union. which centrOls the total eillieleing 01 that part of the world whams our Ooverniastat controls any 0 past se our econosag; in fact. $O Per- COM 01Mir econoillie structure is time mut QM oar OsiVerninen$ eontrols. ? 44h ? Alt Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/11/19: CIA-RDP61-00357R000100190042-5