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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/29: CIA-RDP90B00248R000100030011-3 ;Critical Intelligence Problems Committee Office of the Chairman 22 Sept 83 NOTE FOR: NWG Panel Members Attached are the submissions I have .received as of 0800 today. Plan on a two-hour meeting tomorrow and possibly two meetings--Wednesday and Friday--next week. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/29: CIA-RDP90B00248R000100030011-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/29: CIA-RDP90B00248R000100030011-3 ,ICJ 0f 1-0 /ZtSGC/F C- r I E~~ to/3 CELT OP Option: Establish procedures to control flow of intelligence to LEAs. - Single points of release - Special communication channels - Patterned on compartmented dissemination systems - Each release would be numbered - A Chain of receipts would be maintained - Required level of clearance for LEA points of contact - Intelligence Community would build and operate system Advantages: Would provide Intelligence Community contact over its product. Leaks could be better traced. ,Could be undertaken unilaterally by IC. 0 Disadvantages: Costly. Could become bureaucratic. Would slow information flow. ou a resisted by LEAs. Would require some centralization of control within IC so intelligence agencies could see it as undesirable precedent. Option: Create special caveats for any intelligence which might subsequently have to be used in court. Would clearly identify three categories of courtroom utility: (1) "Not for use as evidence. For lead purposes only" (2) Sensitive Foreign Intelligence Source and methods. Use as evidence subject to DCI approval" or (3) "Usable as evidence." Advantages: LEAs would know exactly what latitude they had with each bit of intelligence. Would assist in trial preparation. .Disadvantages: May well be abused by aggressive LEAs. Codifying rules for assignment of intelligence to each of the three categories could be difficult. CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/29: CIA-RDP90B00248R000100030011-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/29: CIA-RDP90B00248R000100030011-3 WNHUtN I IAL Option: Impose same security standards on LEAs as apply to Intelligence Community - DCID 1/14 for personnel - DCID 1/16 for electronic data handling - SCI manual for physical security Advantages: Would obviate--or at least alleviate--IC concerns with LEA security standards Disadvantages: Very costly. Time consuming to implement. Could produce significant personnel turbulence in LEAs. Would certainly be resisted by them. option: Create interdisciplinary sanitization, downgrading and declassification guide. - Would apply to all INTS Advantages: Already proposed by SIGINT Committee for other purposes. Drug enforcement requirements could help shape it if articulated now. Not costly. Could be very useful. Disadvanta es: Would have to be incorporated with broader procedural revisions to % effective. option: Impose arbitrary limits on sensitivity of classified intelligence to be eased to LEAs. Alternative (1): Provide LEAs only declassified material. Alternative (2): Provide declassified material for interdiction and investigating purposes. Classified strategic intelligence on, for example, crop estimates would continue. Alternative (3): Impose ceiling on classification of material to be released. - No higher than secret - No raw traffic 2, CO NFIDFNNTR.1M_ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/29: CIA-RDP90B00248R000100030011-3 .. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/29: CIA-RDP90B00248R000100030011-3 CONHL)1 N I IAA Option: Conclude MOU with Department of Justice formalizing DCI veto authorization over use of foreign intelligence in court trials. Advantages: Would reduce concern in Intelligence Community that a high- profile trial such as the DeLorean case could cause the DOJ to sacrifice sources and methods for a successful conviction. Disadvantages; A gentleman's agreement already exists. DOJ has been cooperative. An MOU would imply distrust. Why raise hackles? O titioonn: Amend EO 12356, granting explicit authority to LEAs to classify information which (1) derives from foreign intelligence sources or (2) reflects foreign intelligence sources and methods. It would also give DCI responsibility to oversee LEA efforts in this regard. Advantages: Could resolve issue of whether LEAs can classify material. Disadvantages: Assures statutory authority exists to support this. Court may disagree. option: Assign all intel personnel working drug enforcement problem TDY to regardless of their location. Advantages: Would obviate foreign intelligence involvement in domestic drug enforcement at least by definition. Disadvantages: Rather transparent. Courts would see right through it. Would not cover headquarters personnel or use of assets shared by foreign intelligence and drug enforcement. option: Create interdepartmental steering group to oversee and coordinate LEA-Ic business. Membership: CIA, DIA, USA, ICS, Customs, INS, FBI, Coast Guard, with OVP Chair. Senior level. ,,a Inter Aliaz oversee exchange of classified information between the Intelligence Community and LEAs. Serve as forum for discussion. Decisions by concensus. Contentious issues decided through command channels. Advantages ' : Would provide single focal point for review of LEA-IC business. Senior enough to handle most decisions. Numerous precedents to be found in tech transfer and terrorism. Disadvantages: Would likely require a secretariat or staff. Would have no real authority. Perhaps just a bandaid over the same old problems. ~^nN11: A-r- KITI I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/29: CIA-RDP90B00248R000100030011-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/29: CIA-RDP90B00248R000100030011-3 LvtvriucIN I IHL Option: Issue guidance outlining IC-DEA relationship, to incorporate clarification of roles and missions, LEA classification authority, assigning priority to effort vis-a-vis other foreign intelligence missions. Alternative (1): Issue new EO since White House authority needed to clarify the matters at issue. Alternative (2): VP would issue directive to drug enforcement community Alternative (3): DCI would issue letter to DOJ, DOT, Treasury and Intel Community stating the terms under which IC will provide support. Unilateral action would require less haggling. Alternative (4): Seek statutory authority sanctifying FI support to LEAs. Wou presumably transcend drug context to involve terrorism and tech transfer as well. CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/29: CIA-RDP90B00248R000100030011-3 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/29: CIA-RDP90B00248R000100030011-3 Next 7 Page(s) In Document Denied Iq Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/29: CIA-RDP90B00248R000100030011-3 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/29: CIA-RDP90B00248R000100030011-3 mu. Six: Sentenced In Heroin Case In &,,, WKtiy h,1INS bne'i uw+w..warenwa+?.. An Army wansot?otl`awr we' an- $sne d to five years In prison ymhr day. in federal court in Ala cwwdria lard his Thal. horn wife wee Owon an *ht-yvw p4wn term Oft " -11-r" .Owy Were ifn~vvd In do sale C4 1 wdity heroin emuglsd into sec United Stets from %lthow Asia. Four other Thai netinnslr who hail entered guilty ph'es for their M10 in the ea-4 were also aentancel $s verk i prwon terms yeatar' .' h?? U.B. Dwdrict Court Judge Richard L wauis!nL Ching Warrant 003cnr J&?n A. Davie, 71~ of 3'O3 Old Rridar Rd., ---'W 1hridgP. AM his wife. Vunde. Klurrytrsi Levity, 41, who wra ds- ir lbrd by Willicou as the ring: lead- er, mere arrrrt.d aft r underwear "to let May bought 3.3 ounces of --what they said wev 90 percent pun heroin with an estimated stmt plus at $2 million. %YUiuna rent John Dols, who hod pleaded 0tul to cat covet Of heroin posessaian with intent to distribute, to five years prim and five yearn special a. Vtorire I1m. via, who pleaded t f - to " a nta of the WWO charge, wM a fflhnW d to cowcurrint -arias of loipht yeoaa in prison and eight year*epodsi paroL. The four other fendanta esa- fenced yeaterdw. ? Prorrdnl Phereleiyaphei, 33, of $000 Furman La, A endris, who pleaded ' gutty to with intent to distribute and was eee lanced to fin years in proun and I two years epecini is ? P06 32. who wss Mot" sentenced to, sk in prison and three years probi lion for using a telephone to aid in distribution of heroin. ? Sunt Mangltol, , 3)of 3514 Ran- dolph Rd.. Silver Spring. who was sentenced to tea yea in prison and five Yom special psm~{s for dutrilia- tion of heroin. ? Pa h ton Kioe~nwadm of Los Anga{err who was {load on three years probation on Ila audition he ?turns to Thailand, thin 80 days. He had pleaded guil to two Mob of illegal used telephone ad aiding in the dis of h- Willies. den fined ' $1,900& Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/29: CIA-RDP90B00248R000100030011-3 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/29: CIA-RDP90B00248R000100030011-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/29: CIA-RDP90B00248R000100030011-3