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Publication Date: 
October 7, 1983
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/08: CIA-RDP90-00552R000707400001-4 v... nVC The Speech By Reagan On Iceland Following are excerpts from Presi- dent Reagan's speech in Washington yesterday, as recorded by The New York Times through the facilities of ABC Radio: NEW YORK TIMES 7 October 1986 In short, doing more about arms con- trol meant talking about more than arms control. So I proposed in my 1984 U.N. address what I call umbrella talks - negotiations with a broad-based agenda. The summit process has re- flected this approach and includes a broad-based agenda. We've stressed, in addition to arms reduction, three other agenda items: Respect for human rights. 9Resolving regional conflicts. qAnd improving bilateral contacts between the Soviets and ourselves. Daniloff and Orlov Finally, there is the issue of broader contacts between the Soviet and Amer- ican peoples, especially young people. I think you can understand, then, when Mr. Gorbachev extended his invi- tation to a presummit discussion, I ac- cepted. With such grave and complex matters, there's no such thing as too much preparation. So, I hope that in explaining all this i've done something to dispel some of the inaccurate speculation and false hopes raised about the Iceland talks. I expect these talks to be useful and successful, but only as preparation for Knowing of your interest in this mat- U.N. waskarrested, theSoviets etal - is futures that we semntwillip need as We have from is ter, I wanted to use this opportunity to ated by arresting an American journal- the start - step by step, cautiously, offer a perspective, the American per- ist, Nicholas Daniloff, on trumped-up prudently and realistically. sPective if you will, on the meetings be- charges. It was an act that held hos- And by the way, I hope this last point, tween Mr. Gorbachev and me later this tage not only an innocent American about our realism, helps to answer week in Reykjavik, Iceland. journalist but the future of Soviet- r some of the, domestic criticisms re- Groundwork is essential And f A.._~___ ____,__ _... rom thi s took action in reh sponse to te Soviet a hallmark of Administration policy. use of the U.N. for intelligence activi- We've tried to take a prudent and a ties by ordering the expulsion of 25 realistic and above all deliberate ap- Soviet personnel known to be involved proach toward Soviet-American rela- : in such activities. tions. That the arrest of a single spy could Instead of rushing unprepared into' lead to such risk-taking by the Soviets negotiations with the Soviets, the Ad- again underscores the differences be- ministration took the time in its earli. tween our two systems. It was an ex- est days to make clear the essential tremely grave step but one that could elements of American foreign policy. hardly surprise us. After all, human Our commitment to the twin goals of rights violations in the Soviet bloc re- world peace and world freedom, our main unceasing because they're insti- willingness to be realistic and candid, tutionalized and sanctioned by the about the Soviets, to publicly define the state ideology. crucial moral distinctions between to. It's worth noting here that we agreed talitarianism and democracy and as- to exchange the Soviet spy in question sist those who are struggling for their for the noted Russian human rights own self-determination. leader Yuri Orlov and his wife. Mr. Or- 'Prevent War and Keep the Peace' loo's service to humanity, the record of fives"o o?lec- determination to seek Yet it is also worth noting he was - our ways of working with the Soviets t persecuted simply because he led an o prevent effort to get the Soviet Government to war and to keep the peace. In pursuing live up to the human rights agreements this objective we adopted a step-by- p approach toward Soviet-American it signed Helsinki in 1975. negotiations, gradually expanding and Rights and Regional Conflicts intensifying the areas of both bilateral When the Soviet state's ideology and multilateral discussion. And, as makes it a crime to advocate living up .we've seen, eventually summit meet- to international commitments, the rest ings themselves became a critical part of the world has to take notice. And this pf that effort. point as well as the entire range of 06 Iceland is not intended to be a signing Soviet human rights abuses must be 'ceremony or a media event but a pro- addressed at future summits. summit planning session, a chance to So, too, there is the issue of regional make preparations for the serious conflicts. It would be simply unthink- work Mr. Gorbachev and I will have to able for world leaders to meet in splen- do when he visits the United States. did isolation even as the people of Af- Iceland is a base camp before the ghanistan, Central America, Africa summit. and Southeast Asia undergo terrible While our emphasis will be on plan- sufferings as a result of Soviet invasion ning and preparation, not treaty papers or military intervention. or publicity, part of the emphasis in Iceland will be on the broad-based agenda that we've agreed to: Discus. sion not only of critical arms reduction proposals, but equally important ques. tions such as Soviet human rights violations, military intervention by the Soviets and their proxies in regional. conflicts. his sufferings, makes him a hero for tions that I'm getting soft on Commu. nism is for me a new, and perhaps the word titillating is proper for that ex- perience. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/08: CIA-RDP90-00552R000707400001-4