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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP79RO1012AO03500030009-3 X56 e CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 11 Amt 1954 --- - LED FOR: Mr. Man LVang (OM) Col l W. H. fennig USA (a-2) Cap 'B. E. Wi g . Q (ONI) Coloml W S. Boydt MAP, (AFOMM) Captain ReV Mal, UST (40) SUBJECT ffm n-4,54: Sit Capabilities Probable Cot es of Action thmugh 2 .d 1959 1. -The attached reviced Co .u&d are forum4ded for your review. 2. It is requested that your ntative mgt with us at 10:00 WWedne a 18 Au t9 In Room 246 South Duiift , to dins these Counluai and the tables and chart w in Yaw draft of 9 July. PAM A. SCE Act1W irtazit Director Nation. Eatimtea Distribution, mu _ DOCUMENT NO. NO CHANGE IN CLASS. O DECLASSIFIED TS S GED TO : CLASS. CHAN I ~ 11 ` NEXT REVIEW DATE; AUTH: HR 70-2 DATE. M REVIEWER: ?1 5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP79RO1012AO03500030009-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP79RO1012AO03500030009-3 CENTRAL I9TELLIGZNCI AGZ1CX Av&mat 1954 Swum C " L LE CGURM N AM= X .1.959 a i d-1959. W 1i that the .ty and a t7 t reem 1 "t-s ast2mate by i o S e o my take y1ftes * Im the Suul e' t 1atI r itio of Its a-'ems ourceed In galalug t solmu Pewwo We Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP79RO1012AO03500030009-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP79RO1012AO03500030009-3 def. ravel ed 'its the emflms t the echelons of tba. Co hht Pty, and mild' Eet 1md to civil sa a d .stu-mes of =Jor io e o 20 Altbough the bum ng In the authority the Soviet n t i oa t h e totautaxim tU Its c extra awar t tio, thwe bee s %gemat offs by the isgim to a bums of t devised by mlIa to c tol t Soviet tiro YJM u , MW MAIM bas Vramieed the 1e :mat t~air scale 02 1UVISS tQWtkw VIVA s Lty f Zlw? ldI. ett ae, o s to Implamm, t theme premleas. A 8 j' effert Is being to imermae' I .t i , and to arpad the supply of e ' lZm1med the t - elm p3dly demlop.lBg Vy , mw bw I t c u t back 00 at t deb' o Mmmthale It 11 Prdiably Islad to a e at C itf s s et antiea d g the pm,lod a' eatirmte, end MW ll1 f t bow,, 1 . to z a hence to e aftmazathealft of the o Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP79RO1012AO03500030009-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP79RO1012AO03500030009-3 30 TiMme in a that t a e of mu p ew has a the c tw. re1ati betwou NO U3= aSd Its ate status In Maste= ? m bellow tit SMIet M ty the Satoults regime will Vemalm l d the Pax1ad of tbio effblmte. c ant Mim is owe a a to to t3 W.M. It senses sib3y e f a ti wbI& the i ty fw MI&t d1mppvme but Ifideh it Muld find 4SPfie t to ate,. K v the =in Gutlnee of ftmmiat policy in As% am eb s3.y jointly dom. ip X30 the S tat Voice ass t ap - to be i its ffb&tWQ v i t r o t he S i hip. 3 ? . n Bartlaular Commd . ?m& seem to bave an i ei 3 in C tpolein XWth K o Tft believe t t. de - at. e e Batton betwma the t., a Si aeMai i c ate or R,t . 3. iu s a . f s is relntia p. 3I be the Eivioive f - e t this Ceti= Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP79RO1012AO03500030009-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP79RO1012AO03500030009-3 mte of Zroifth, of the met eemmu has dwUmd the past five yewa from the vax7, high =to. of the to pmtww ede W e eatt to t h a t durlmg the 'b t s Soviet awe zseeaeml ( ) will :Lwxawe by cant 6 or 7 pweent, and In 1956@1959 by abaut 5 o 6 Vement, pw yew. .ie be XWCA with the long-range to of 3 yenta with the UUS z atv st J k Pwc@st f the med. 1948!-1933- T9 GIP Should se durIM the t .e eat` to at its aversaa of 3 Pwewtt Bovie t at the and at t edbeebott 4- vo eopazed with am-third about 19530 6 matte'. in the Soviet manetW 1953 iftewd eat 14 percent d to defuse, 28 Fement tom , and 56 per6wtto ewsuspueno Cowast o e PMEOM l eate -that far, at I mat the, x-t two s defame wJU be allotted a e14. s and i at , shwe of 788 slp With a i 1 abet the so= or s sl ,, InUtC of a the ellme of pmviow'years I Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP79RO1012AO03500030009-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP79RO1012AO03500030009-3 w - MW abeolut ' , we **ti rite that the s t at expsMiture on deefease, is etsad at cowtlaulM the rapid, Imeavase that preveiled in 1950. 1952 will emain about the sass through s ld?1956, while ex- pessdituze ca is%estmat and a iea will Inerewn. ' thief ampbuds in Swiiet economic policy will about certainly cantinas to be on further dasaelo nt of heavy isduatry. 70 We belie the ehsoatess am batter than ovsa that the I lft will eontiseis its mememic policies ail these lines t4woug%oft the period of this estimtt 0 If it does so, then In absolute terse eonsusa ioa in the ysr 1959 will be about 43 per- eeat VN&Ur that la 1953 (about 30 p ent Pvatw Por capita) and total lavestamt about 59 percent meter, with defame ituzes remaining mebood or sli ly i>l s"ed0 It will always be peo"b] s, hvseever, teas the &amla to make seibsteatial ebaft" is its a atiti on Volleys favoring am Sector or US eo r at the expense of etchers. TM Xr a could, for e1wp1a, vary s steatielly inerease its l , hares fa defer while stin certinaing to sehitve an absolute eased. is rises in tom ii on, though this increase weuU under sash eireu sees be subs ially less than that astii etaed above. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP79RO1012AO03500030009-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP79RO1012AO03500030009-3 10 ebl ? makwas at the Sit eeenwW as a who3a beda the sffisth v2dek is .'Li i lea a cam' with the =ft of aadvame la othw see, of the ec . S 3: o . tta1 ti has remlved at a fGe3.' the peww le l,, *.hav& t t eR :is p. abc 7 rent b1y a zed that eo: tis of the swims 3ag in mgricvltwe would e 1t It fio t to Beat the f, reqdZemats of the a ns u , > t mal s of Stet fwal~p av in whiff aWleulture plajs Vale 0 To rewdy -the eituaen with gGaU 3nvoly a 50 rcem i ase P-WIMItmal production GVW the period 3.950-1955'. We belles Wit. tie ale .n not be net, and that the se of -^ 11m Is unMely to zbQ14 3 Pemmt s MakL-C a total. ab 15 te 20 o f the eatire .VarLed 1950-109. Even this mWflelent to aeh o a to i la the pm capita -aval.3abIlIty of f fo and textilesO 96 We do met 11 v thWILL be am IMPWtsat lasting ' Se' et tzaft with b31 ies ding Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP79RO1012AO03500030009-3 - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP79RO1012AO03500030009-3 ? Qs the Zind of this estimte. The Bloc is net depeadmt up= - E1ecz n for we* then a 11 er at c ties and eervi s, and its poliey of a ky will tend to LOW e ien of trade based an ardinary eaeneide eensidc tie . Yaweavers, the Blew would emeeuzUw considerable difficulties in fib non-Cst =Wkets for suasttially Wised aumants of its usnl emits. Nevertheless, even a ll increase in the vole of trade which cartaft non st countries mw ewry on with the Bloc could have an appreciable ecena;te effect In the c es and possibly a awe significant psychological effect. lO. We believe that, generally s , the size of Soviet armd f ns-icebeing, and the mamt of ennuml Soviet defense e eaditures, will immain a o tely constant during the period o f this estimte, though t h e Kremllm of course Inmease or demise bad at. any tix it saw fit. 2fellemin are the met i e. tort develagmmtz which we believe will occur in Soviet armd h during the period of tide esta te: a. A zrmt lwmase is mudmrs of nueleaar weap , and is ramses or yields derived f thew pons. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP79RO1012AO03500030009-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP79RO1012AO03500030009-3 ! do into '1 Soviet ? P a of a jet t T 39 -- vias a 1.,410/2,72D - e t =dIUG/mm9Q of about 1,57O/3, anti zdlee w i t h &'10,,000 pwxA bemb Imd. We lle t t the Viet Air Forge a1 bam.abcat 20 o f these eivemn in i i i Up and win have by d&1959 ? 0 1& Gf a jet hmm7 b late the t Air P 1957* Ife belio . t le bada6r VIII a 29.350/4, e t ndlum/mMp ate' ab Ln 2P6Oq/5'P3Dq a ica1 a. a,mi r 10,,OGO pound b e a t lead, and that the U S S R will v abeut. of tee r m i? d-1957 and about 250 by aid-1959. do toy o ,zn tk f to m iavo t et A ,Force. we ew that a few ai 'het Mr- craft have already entered epwatlawl t''a &Rd that them will be oft .200 by- ate-1.955, I.,000 by odd-1957: and 29: b 2d-1959. These elmmifts, tvaetber with IW*ved a'i e at g 'e lys as ~t~ guMed a Ja llemg will ma 9$ 1. i (A bilit es, eqmelailly temurds t end or Us, Ieri tkia, Gaat ti e Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP79RO1012AO03500030009-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP79RO1012AO03500030009-3 s. A great is are In the amabar CC Soviet long- reage sabaasiaes. We believe that these boats we now bail ag at a rate at 46 per ar, aid that this rate will alert a s is i ceatiam through 1956 and parvbably throughout the period of this estii te. This would give the USSR 379 long- raag- onbsarimos by add-1959 U. A Soviet preg a- of we search and deve mt is guided missiles is kno m to exist, but vs usable to assess the priority of this progwan as eawpure& with other vsap , or the priorities aceerded the v ous guided missile extegmies vtithia the . It Is veil within Soviet mobilities to develop ummme types of missiles vithim the Varied of this exti ts. per ei lev ve believe that by 1955 the Ui eeuld have a sn -te-surface ball.istie guided missile with a vangs of 500 aautieaal atlas, warhead of 3a000 pains, and a CRIB' of 2 to 3 mautiesai wiles; by 1957 the rare idght be 900 nautical miles, ' with the CRP 3 to 4 aaa teal. miles. fir, it is iagQossible to estimate with eoafidea ce that the R will in fact develop these atissiles, or produce them In opereti l q ties. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP79RO1012AO03500030009-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP79RO1012AO03500030009-3 w 22o Darrift the pwled of this sst1mte the eapeabiities of and DIM armed fo*e viii ftWM" a 024 bectim a.9 the speQal devealaymite noted abem, but a1* tbmk* p e waive a Wontiarstion @aad sta limtieu of vaapoW and equipment, porartia- QnMllp tbom iaampc tiaaz o1 actre"a SWWLaace and c .g Um W% ineveasiasg combat icieaaay of t3 MOODGM Satellite e g a d c k s U n s e CommIst f e m m e ; ; s 1 saw UWmwwAxt of the Blew, 1o istical positions iaaludimig facilities and possibly stake of *Ossutial ? ma-tavielo Pt&ab]A Claws of Action 1 & 0 The Soviet Uadars jambably assess t t stznte c aaituat iee, s t as feUms o the balawe of &3.ltearg Poww is the varld. is saga h that ?ap aaMt ea swim veuld iwelve Ymy bassvy risks to the C sat sphoi ed possibly to thaw Soviet cysten itselto Oz the thaw baand, aaaa a-C ist p mw is a ing wait wit 6*ai s1 fay the preeeeeaat advamed mitioas iaa spa aaad Asia sere ass sae o Vb"mro the po5peetz probably sum SeM that the Ineumm of Bloc sanitary eapabilitles, tomatkor with politi . defeeticaao o disunity of the aam- C st side, will gpaad d y shift the Wam of pow in fa Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP79RO1012AO03500030009-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP79RO1012AO03500030009-3 the Soviet 3100. t , the R a a , agauft i to 2 problms w , while t y to mto , a weakwas r l a mt of e. at even the mealoet of tLLs f i a e, t d risk, fie C&U :CM at iom a ? ISOLMIS the eftWOMIaUm of St PmW 2m the EMOPOM Satellites and Qta, the fmther bldldup, of eew ? pmw Is theme a .. rles amd t as A sbp tc the 1y te' ec s POUZU&I the est., a t - e etlem of, certain ease is the Bioe a r, ie 3,y ~ o We not lievo that the almmdomd Its si et alms., o tit it . sa ct qty fc tkA.Imea of C t o t i whos tin em be do alr ? t a of l t eke t r, end, t n a2d eca,lealml , f a s t Imawrfttloas t b s s e t$ , t it vbatevw ii' e s a. 5 t i i ati , ~ , eat sE# s~ hem ` ias in the t dit at 3. f a ste Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP79RO1012AO03500030009-3 a ieuit Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP79RO1012AO03500030009-3 GemwWs and isolating the US its allies in Zmvpe end Asia.- Per the time beings at least, the &emUa seem to feel that these esbjoetives are best sermd by as appessame of r so bleses? and tiara in foreign relatione, a frequent reiteration of t possibility of "peaceful e s r" batmen the C silt and no-C at maids, and an attest to dindaish the sense -at imminent peril whiff served to create and maintain the 'Tam all. We cannot estate bow long "there tactics may persist; we believe -they will be modUled whemver the Xftslin feels that awe aggressive and tkreatemlM conduct will bring Increased returns. Soviet .leaders probably believe that by alternately easing using Interzatlemal tension they can move the chaand nces for further st strategic advances without substantial risk of dal war. 15. Daring the period or this estieete we believe that the lfa will try to avoid cis of action involving anbstsatlal wish of general war. However, the or one of the Bloc eo ies migkt tabs action creating a situation in which the US or its allies, rather than yield ant position, would decide to take comer ion i lving gain risk of gemoral with the Q We believe, moreover., that the w l i n would net be deterred Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP79RO1012AO03500030009-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP79RO1012AO03500030009-3 v 1W by the uisk of ral mw fx takiaeg eoemtsrwtion a last a Wasters sedan ukieh it cea .tdcd as iniserrt threat to Savi sesanrity. Thus ge l van a W Recur during the posted of this est1te as the CUMZ of a series Of aetieas and cOW*,W&tiese, initiated by ei r sid*, vhieh set r sift ss sal3y IntoWed to 2uA to goeleal vw, 16. brae beisag made by the US= in ? the dov+ei Of nosler warms and the is Sit a ility to deliver Us= veagoara, a ag the wW3A per situattes its reropealts0 Shiest leaders clot certainly believe that as SO T"& asalsor capabilities inn se, the aversion of the us and its allied to gemml v will ce agly macs , and that the MmaUn will thserofeae have ,,teen fmadeaei of action to pwcroste its objectives vithcut rvaeniig saabstasatial risk of steal Saar. As the ^ted of this eestiaate jw sses, US allies bees= psi fearful of Soviet nuclear capabilities and cesrespsndiagly loss willing to sup tt the US in resisting Chat tats. Is W case, the will probably be i> aaiug]y ready to apply h vier g sse ees the am-Ceag midst world apes any signs of sjer ' d18MMIon or mss =mg the US and its allies. Nevearthalrass, ve believe that the Krealia will, be eartvemly mlwvteat to ps ipitate a Est in v1dek the USSR vsuld be subjected to nuclear attack. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP79RO1012AO03500030009-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/02/20: CIA-RDP79RO1012AO03500030009-3 27* believe that Southeast M1 abaost a offers, ?21 the CMEMILett view, the t "!'? bla qOwtualtIes fe ex- PMUM In the War future. ? Ceatlaugnst eat eesoes in Indoehim or the ee lidtIM of VMMMt et 9"M the" vcu]d o pm up onlwVd eib tiees fees a e - ss:Lve pokey Su the W M- We believe tit t ?s dilti them VVIM be a mmr of st ? e 'foi'tg to evbvert :Q b e ea iri tin arm by politi l iltrmtio and aevwt, support of goat itw titer, but prabably aft by the c ftt of ideffitifieblae combat sates of 'iet er Mimes CommIst'Mmd fames. %to g;e