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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/22 : CIA-RDP79R01012A002500020016-7 Nry INFORMATION CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OFFICE OF NATIONAL ESTIMATES 23 September 1952 STAFF MEMORANDUM NO. 273 SUBJECT: Pt-opened Estimate an the Situation in Burma 10 In the first Burmese national election, completed in early 19520 the socialist dominated Antic.Fascist People's Freedom League Won control of the Government by a substantial majority. Since the election political stability has increased in Burma, and the influence of the Communist.sponsored Burmese Workers' and Peasants' Party has diminished. Of pertieulir importance in achieving increased stability. have been the appointment of leading socialist Ba Swe to replace the ineffectual U Win as Defense Minister, and the cooperation shown by Commander-in-Chief Be Win, whose opportunism formerly had been considered a major threat to the achievement of permanent political Stability in Barna. 2. A decided ihift'in Buria'l foreign policy has also taken place, and in deeds if not in .word, Burma is more and more aliza- ing itself with the Went. Despite the accession of doctrinaire socialists to high government positions, the Burma:Ws:though still proclaiming strict neutrality, have accepted US aid under ,MSA and TCA, are now seeking military aid from the US, and in general have been less inclined to bend over backwards to avoid antagonising Communist China. 3. Militarily the position Of ill insurgent groups has de- clined during 1952. Anticipated ail to Communist Insurgents from Communist China has failed to materializes and the Communiste no, longer are capable of establishing a firm hold over subitantia1. areas of the country: The Karend too have boon weakened, as - Indicated by their inereasedLefforts fore settlement with the' government. In. face of suits, roierses0 the Cdamuniets have: (a) increased attempts to form a "united frest" of all insurgent. groups, but with only minor and local success; (b) aimed propaganda against the presence of Chinese Nationalist troope in upper Burma, hoping that an aroused public would force the goyarnment to take DOL,GMENT NO. NO CHANGE IN CLASS. t p< DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED TO: TS S C NEXT REV1EVV DATE- AUTH: HR 70-2 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/22 : CIA-RDP791012A002500020016-7 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/01/22 : CIA-RDP79R01012A002500020016-7 ?10 ?MEM- action against those troops, and so relieve pressure on the Communists; and (c) adopted a "nes line" of compromise, hoping to gain by infiltration what they have failed to gain by inflame.. tion, The government, however, has continued its vigorous efforts against the Burmese Communists. I. In the light of the above developments, which are consider- ably more favorable than those projected in MIE-36 and NIEN-36,14 the Far East staff had decided to recommend a new estimate of the situation in Burma. At the same time the AR/ME ressived a request from the Director, OIL, requesting a revision of MIE-36 on an urgent basis. OIL desires that the. estimate (a) include the element of Chinese Communist intentions, (b) look ahead at least a year, and (c) take into acocunt the political and military trends in Burma since the publication of NIE-36 and NIS-34/1. 5. The staff believes that a new Burma estimate will be most useful if its scope approximates that of NIL-36 rather than NZE-36/10 Moreover, it considers that the title of NIS-36: "Prospects for Survival of a Non-Communist Regime in Burma", is no longer appropriate. We therefore suggest that the attached terms of reference be con- sidered, for an estimate having "routine" priority. Mote: Pares l-3 above prepared by 8E01= ABECT E. SMITH Chief, Estimates Staff STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/22 : CIA-RDP79R01012A002500020016-7 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/01/22 : CIA-RDP79R01012A002500020016-7 Nor 161, SECURITY INFORMATION 23 September 1952 SUBJECT DRAFT TERMS OF REFERENCE: N1E.16/2: PROBABLE DEVELOP? MENTS IN BURMA THROUGH 1953 (ror consideration by tho Board) ? TIM PROBLEM To estimate probable deve1opments to Burma through 1953, and Communist intentions and capabilitieg with respect to Burma during that period. QUESTICMS BEARING ea THE PROBLEM I, STABILITY OF THE GOVERNMENT OF BURMA A. What is the current situation in Burma and what trends mAy be expected through, 1953 vith respect to the following: 1, The compoeitione efficiency/0 coheeiveneeep and morale of the government and the popular support enjoyed by tbe govenaMent; 2. The economic situation in Burma as it affects national moraleo domestic and foreign pe1iciee9 and military , Q r police eapabilities; Declassified in in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/22 : CIA-RDP79R01012A002500020016-7 t . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/22 : CIA-RDP79R01012A002500020016-7 161, 36 The sive, equipment, training, reliability, and effect- ienass of military and police forces; 4. Government policies toward the Karen*, the Burmese Communists, the up troops MR Burma, and other ddent groups; 56 Geverimmart policies toward the West and the Communist bloc. II* WASILITIES AND INTENTIONS OF BURMESE INSURGENTS Av That ii the *arrant situation in Burma inci what trends may In expected through 1953 with respect to the following; le Capabilities a various insurgent forces; 2, Coordinated ahti-gtiernment motion by insurgent forces - extant and effectiveness; 36 'Capabilities at insurgents to reosive and utilise material and technical aesistance from the Chinese Communists. S6 Ehat is the present nature and level of Chinese Communist assistance to the insurgents? cz, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/22 : CIA-RDP79R01012A002500020016-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/22 : CIA-RDP79R01012A002500020016-7 C -SECRET? CHINESE COMEUNIST CAPABILITIES A. What trends my be expected in the capabilities of the Chinese Communists to provide material and technical assistance to the Surmese insurgents? B. Ihattrands may be expected through 2953 in Chinese Communist eapabilities to. conduct military operations in Berm assuming the foIlewing conditions: 1. A continuatiop of commitments elsewhere at present levelal 2. Intensified operations in Korea; 30 Mew commitment* injudooninsp XV. INDICATIONS OF COMMUNIST INTENTIONS TOWARD BURMA A, What courses of action have the Communists followed with respect to Barna over the past year? B. What indications of the probable strategy and tactics of the Burmese ammoniate in the immediate fUture are available? C. What indications of the probable :strategy and tactics of the USSR and Communist China in Burma in the immediate future are available? ? 3 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/22 : CIA-RDP79R01012A002500020016-7