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eR r Relea e 9h49T24~ CIA RDP83 VMFb R l ?I?~?060/24L CIARDP8300'4 t(0 2 0 ~ - - p r e ease : s ROUTING AND CONTROL RECORD DO NOT DETACH FROM 'ON LOAN' DOCUMENTS 9 August 1955 DATE TO: CIA Librar ATTN: BUILDING ROOM NO. TITLE Guide 62 25X1A2g Available -/ On loan from CIA Library are translations of three documents referred to in the above report. REMARKS UNCLASSIFIED RETAIN [j ON LOAN DOCUMENT (S) MUST BE RETURNED TO DOCUMENT (S) CONTACT DIVISION/00 FOR RETENSION BY (DEADLINE) BY ADDRESSEE FROM: CONTACT DIVISION/0 0 BRANCH Scientific (GB) BUILDING ROOM NO. EXTENSION Quarters y e 1926 21491 FORM NO. 57-29 DEC 1951 CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 1999/09/24: CIA-RDP83-00423R002000380001-7 000380001-7 Approved For Release 1999/09/24: CIA-RDP83-00423R002000380001-7 Putria, F. S. - 1948 - Protriticites, a new fusulinid genus. Trudy Lvovskago Geologicheskago Obetchestva pri Gosudaretvennom Universitete imeni Ivana Franko. Paleontologicheskaia seriia, vypusk l.-" -,"The paper was prepared for publication already in 1940; it is now published without change of the text. (p ? 89 CPYRGHT Wall structure is one of the most important generic characters in evolution of fusulines. White (1932) already noted the importance of this character, as he pointed out that the process of gradual differen- tiation of wall, accompanied by enlargement of its structural elements, is the most evident and principal trend disclosed in the study of the fusulines; and it permits to trace their pace-by-pace development ;evolution in the course of time. D. M. Luger-Chernousova has studied the phylogeny of fusulines in fair detail. Definite stages in the evolution of the wall in fueulines are obviously correlated with their over-all phyletic increase in size of conch, and on them is based the differentiation of the fundamental classificatory units: subfamilies and genera. When studying the foraminifera of the Upper Carboniferous eposits of the eastern part of the Donetz basin I have encountered a airly peculiar group of fusulines, which does not possess a very clearly xpressed generic characters, but nevertheless deserves differentiation nto a new genus: Protriticites. The generic characteristics of Protriticites combines, on one ide, the characters of genus Fusulinella Moeller (theca with well expressed iaphanotheca, and weak fluting of septa), and on the other side, the 191illi'll ''I Approved or Release Approved For Release 1999/09/24: CIA-RDP83-00423R002000380001-7 chiaructers of genus Triticites Girty (theca with obvious karyotheca in all volutione of shell). Thus, the newly described genus Protriticites has a wall that seems, at a first glance, to possess a structure typical of Fusulinella, It is made of fairly thin dark layer: tectum; comparatively light and thick layer: diaphanotheca; and two tectoria: thin outer, and considerably thicker inner. However, it is also clear that its wall structure is unlike that of Fusulinella in other respects: its diaphanotheca, tectoria, and chomata have a finely alveolar texture, distinctly non-unitypical for the different layers in the theca and the chomata; and the inner tectorium has the coarsest alveolar texture, its trabeculae being much more sharper, the pore-canalicules being substantially wider than in the overlying diaphanotheca (pl. I, figs. 1, 4 and 6). The difference in the type of the alveolar texture between the inner tectorium and the diaphanotheca is fairly noticeable in medial volutions, but is particularly clear in outer volutione,where the contact of the two kinds of the alveolar texture is occasionally marked by a thin irregular line (fig. 1). In the course of the further development of the inner tectorium, as seen in the ultimate volution, the contact line disap- pears, so that the structural elements in the wall of Protrit.icites become but little different from the same in Triticites Girty. The new genus thus confirms most obviously the gradualness of the evolution of the wall structure, and which is expressed in com- plication of its structural elements not only In the phylogeny of the fusulines, but also in the Individual development or ontof eny. It seem: possible that the complex, non-unitypical wall structure of Protriticites has somewhat hindered gaseous exchange between the pro- tozan in the shell, and the surrounding water medium- a.nd, if so, could Approved For Release 1999/09/24: CIA-RDP83-60423R002000380001-7 CPYRGHT Approved For Release 1999/09/24: CIA-RDP83-00423R002000380001-7 -3- have resulted in shortening of the geologic duration of Pro r c es in time and space. Thus, Protriticites is characteristic only for the deposits of formation (svita) C3, where it is associated with other fusulines, which preserve their transitional, that is Middle Carboniferous aspect. But in the lower part of the next formation, CO, Protriticites is replaced by a typical Upper Carboniferous triticitic complex of fusulines. The mentioned characteristic features of Protriticites determine Apo 9-) its place in the scheme of fusulinid classification between genera Fusulinella and Triticites, and indicate its assignment to the sub- family Schwagerininae Dunbar and Henbest. Genus Protriticites, n. gen. Shell short-ventricose to sub-cylindrical, moderately sized. Wall moderately thick, less frequently quite thin, or quite thick. Wall structure quite complex, consisting of tectum, diaphanotheca, and two tectoria. Diaphanotheca, tectoria, and chomata have a finely alveolar texture; the inner tectorium having the coarsest alveolar texture among them. The vigorous development of the inner tectorium is crowding out the diaphanotheca in outer volutions. Septa weakly fluted. Chomata, prominent in all volutions. Aperture single. Septal pores occasionally developed. Geno-type: Protriticites globu h,~.s, p., nov. '?ro .-iticites lobu,u;,. .3p.,, P1. I, figs. 1-2 1929 Tu L :L j_ e J r ps au _ bo~y.i _a', < entif .ed lre.Lnikova Institut goc1.%; i.t Al,-. Nu.u '~: U.?. SLR. , ?r J: , VT , f a,--c . 1-2, pp. 259-26C, pl. III, figs. 1-2. CPYRGHT Approved For Release 1999/09/24: CIA-RDP83-00423R002000380001-7 Approved For Release 1999/09/24: CIA-RDP83-00423R002000380001-7 -4- Shell ventricose, much inflated in the middle, with slightly convex sides, which rapidly narrow toward bluntly acuminate to rounded ends. Size moderate: L-3.0-5.5 mm.; D:1.2-2.3 mm.; L:D averages 2.4:1. Dimensions of holotype: L=5.04; D=2.10; L:D-2.4:1; at 4th volution: L:D=1.56:1. Spiral not wide in inner 3-4 volution, but expands fairly rapidly in the succeeding volutions. Diameter of 4th volution from .70 to .90 mm., occasionally reaching up to 1.5 mm. Diameter in holotype: let vol.-.20; 2nd vol.*.32; 3rd vol.-.56; 4th vol.-,.90; 5th vol.-l.29; 6th vol.=1.83; 6- vol. 1.2.10 mm. Number of volutions 5 to 7, occasionally to 7. Proloculum spherical, with average outer diameter .10 mm. Theca comparatively thick, gradually increasing in thickness toward ultimate volution. Thickness of theca, in holotype: lot vol.= .016 :mm.; 2nd vol.-.030; 3rd vol.=.042; 4th vol.-.052, 5th vol.-.068; 6t!, vol . = .072; 6- vo1. .076. Septa thf.~:ner than theca; weakly fluted in equatorial region; moderately fluted in polar regions. Septal pores observed in polar regions of soma specimens. Aperture rw t-ow; not high in inner and. :.a.?,-.a vo:t-rticn8; notice- ably widening in out-3_. ,Tt,...-1. J1 c;..:: ~ . Width -:a' i:f., lac" w o volutions .48 and .62 mm. respectively, with its height 1/3 of chaL;aur lumen. . 92) Chomata massive, occupying about 2/3 of height ~.~iaes lumen; chomata. devel ?ed in all v oiutio-ic; cho:nata w .1de in inner , -c'.ut ionz, narrower and subquadrate in outer volutions. PYRGHT Approved For Release 1999/09/24: CIA-RDP83-00423R002000380001-7 Approved For Release 1999/09/24: CIA-RDP83-00423R002000380001-7 Comparison. Genotype of Protriticites stands fairly close to Triticites umbonoplicatus Rauser and Beljaev by the shape and size of its conch, height of spiral, fluting of septa,thickness of theca, and shape and size of chomata; but has a substantially different wall structure. The described difference in wall structure emphasizes close phylogenetic relationship of the compared forms. Occurence. Severo-Kamenskii and Belo-Kalitvenskii districts, in limestones of-.05; and also in many districts of the central part of the Donetz basin, where Braznikova, established the presence of Protriticites globulus in limestones of C formation and limestones O1 of C0 formation. I t is rarely encountered in limesoones Ni and N2? Putri., F.S., 1940. Foraminifery I stratigrafia verhne-kamennougolnyh otlojenii vostochnoii chasti Donetzkago basseina. Azovsko-Chernomorskoe Geologicheskoe Upravlenie. Materialy po geologii I poleznym iskopaemym. Sbornik XI. Subfamily Schwagerininae Dunbar and Henbest 1930 Genus Pseudotriticites, gen. nov. 61) Shell elongate-fusiform to subcylindrical, of moderate to large size. Theca. thin, made of tectum, finely-alveolar 'cer iotheca, and outer tectorium. Theca may be four-layered, with finely-alveolar diaphanotheca, in initial 2-3 volutions. Septa regular, moderately to intensely fluted along the whole length of volutions. Chomata in all volutions, less frequently in inner volutions only. No axial filling. Approved For Release 1999/09/24: CIA-RDP83-00423R00200038a t3HT Approved For Release 1999/09/24: CIA-RDP83-00423R002000380001-7 -6- Genoholotype: (?) Fusulina donbasaica, Putria, Mat. po geol. I pal. iskop., Azchergeolupravlenie, Sb. X, 1939, pp. 139-140, pl. III, figs. 14-17. Age: Upper part of Middle and lower part of Upper Carboniferous of Donetz basin. Pseudotriticites donbaesicus Putria Typical specimens of the species, with the characteristic finely-alveolar keriotheca in the outer volutions, and a similar, finely- alveolar texture of diaphanotheca in the inner volutions, are not infrequent in the lower part of formation C3 in the eastern part of the Donetz basin. They do not differ from a form from Tzymliansk bore-hole. Occurence and age. Fairly common in the limestone II above N3 as exposed along NiJn(--Jernovaia. balks. ravine" in VI-31 quadrangle of Donbas geological map. PART III Putria, F.S., 1939. Materialy k stratigrafii verhniago karbona vostochnoi okrainy Donetzkago basseina. Azovsko-Chernomorskoe Geologicheakoe Upra.vlenie. Materialy po geologii i poleznym iskopaemym. Sbornik X. (?) Fusulina donbassica, sp, nov. Pl. III, figs. 14-17 p. 139) Shell ventricose, much elongated along axis of winding, gradually narrowing toward poles, which are rounded, or occasionally sharp. Surface with noticeable but not deep septal furrows. Size large: L--5.75-6.50 am.; D=1.44-1.68 mm.; L:D about 4:1. Approved For Release 1999/09/24: CIA-RDP83-00423R002000380001 .lPYRGHT Approved For Release 1999/09/24: CIA-RDP83-00423R002000380001-7 Changes in length of shell L (in wm.) and of L:D ratio in volutions: Table 51 Volutions{ Specimens L:D .45 1.80:1 .34 1.36:1 .48 1.76:1 .73 2.03:1 .70 1.94:1 .78 1.86:1 1.37 2.54:1 1.29 2.30:1 1.40 2.37:1 2.18 2.83:1 2.38 3.05:1 2.41 2.87:1 3.78 3.38:1 4.09 3.65:1 4.20 3.56:1 5.75 4.oo:1 6.50 4.14:1 6.44 3.82:1 Spiral increases in height gradually: from compactly wound in inner volutions to looser coiling in the outer. Change of shell diameter (D) in volutions: Table 52 Specimens 4 proloc. ! .170 .150 .180 .170 1 .250 1 .250 .280 .270 2 .360 .360 .46o .420 3 .540 .56o .700 .590 4 .770 .780 .980 ! .840 5 1.120 1.120 1.340 1.180 6 440 1.570 1 ?-- 1.6$0 . Approved For Pe sin 1 AA2M/74? f l&- r p r n d22Qnn2n^30001-7 CPYRGHT Approved For Release 1999/09/24: CIA-RDP83-00423R002000380001-7 p. 1 spherical, of moderate size, .150 to .180 mm. dia. Theca thin, made of very thin tectum, broad and light diaphanotheca, and two tectoria. However, only inner tee barium is more or less well developed. Diaphanotheca thinly alveolar in all volutions; alveoli thread-like (pores?), traverse not only diaphanotheca, but also remaining layers of wall, and occasionally even chomata. Changes in thickness of theca in volutions: Table 53 }0) Volution number: 6; less frequently smaller. Proloculum 3 .030 4 .032 5 .032 6 .032 Specimen Numbers .018 .025 .031 .034 .035 .030 .018 .023 .030 .036 .030 .018 .023 .030 .031 .034 .036 Septa fluted uniformly and intensely along the whole length of volutions. Archlets have an appearance of loops with expanded base and rounded upper part, their height up to 2/3 of lumen of chamber. Thickness of septa much smaller than thickness of theca. Number of septa not observed. Aperture elongate-ovate, regularly disposed in all volutions (when displacement is observed, it is always insignificant.) PYRGHT Approved For Release 1999/09/24: CIA-RDP83-00423R002000380001-7 Approved For Release 1999/09/24: CIA-RDP83-00423R002000380001-7 Changes in size, width and height of aperture in volutions: Table 54 Specimen Numbers height width I height 1 .045 .020 .044 .020 2 .050 .024 .065 .025 3 .073 .033 .110 .043 4 .150 o4o .16o ?043 5 .252 .073 .336 ?073 6 i .450 .090 Chomata present in all volutions, and are fairly distinct; they are subquadrate or tubercle-like, about - the height of chamber lumen. Comparison. Because of the shape, fluting of septa, development of chomata, and thickness of theca, the described specimens are referred to genus Fusulina Fisher von Waldheim. However, the well developed alveolar structure in all layers of theca, and occasionally also in chomata, distinguishes the described form from the already known representatives of genus Fusulina, this difference being apparently of generic significance. Occurence. Eastern part of Donetz basin, bore-hole No. 14 (Stanitza Tzymlianskaia), in limestones from 692.65 to 693.00 meters depth. Upper Carboniferous, lower part of formation N. CPYRGHT Approved For Release 1999/09/24: CIA-RDP83-00423R002000380001-7 Approved For Release 1999/09/24: CIA-RDP83-00423R002000380001-7 -10- PART IV Remarks by the translator regarding the pertinent stratigraphic terms used in the U.S.S.R. (Russia) The Carboniferous is divided into three parts: lower, Middle, and Upper, which correspond approximately to the Mississippian, Lower Pennsylvanian (Springer - Dee Moines) and Upper Pennsylvanian (Missouri - Virgil) of North America. The stratigraphic column of the Donetz coal basin is not differentiated Into named units, but is divided Into groups or formations of limestones, characterized chiefly by brachipods (by Theo. Tschernyehev), and designated by capital letters in the order of the Latin alphabet in ascending order. Individual limestones in a group or formation are given arabic numbers. The boundary b-----ween the Middle and the Upper Carboniferous is placed on paleontological evidence between the limestone croups N and 0, and in these limestones Putria discovered his transitional genera of fusulines. CPYRGHT Approved For Release 1999/09/24: CIA-RDP83-00423R002000380001-7