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I MI ^ I IltAMSIELII. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/22 : CIA-RDP90M00551R002001190005-3 INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY STAFF The Office of the Director, Intelligence Community Staff (ICS), assures complete and contii)Ting support and assistance to the Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) and Deputy Director of Central Intelligence (DDCI) in the discharge of their Intelligence Community responsibilities. In addition to the immediate Office of the Director, the Staff is composed of 13 elements: 1. ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF (AS) The Administrative Staff (AS) provides support to the IC Staff in such specialized areas as personnel, budget and finance, travel and transportation, logistics, security, ADP, registry and records management, training, communications, and editorial and publications services. The Administrative Staff also conducts liaison with various other government agencies on management and administrative matters relating to the IC Staff. 2.. COMMITTEE ON IMAGERY REQUIREMENTS AND EXPLOITATION (COMIREX) The Committee on Imagery Requirements and Exploitation Staff (COMIREX) is the DCI's executive agent for the discharge of his duties and responsibilities with respect to national imagery systems and operations. In this capacity COMIREX has line operation, development, planning and policy functions which are unique to DCI Committees. On behalf of the DCI it performs four basic functions. First, the COMIREX acts as the DCI"s agent for managing collection and exploitation requirements. In this capacity it ensures that collection assets are responsive to the highest priority intelligence, operational support and mapping issues. Second, the COMIREX oversees the development and operation of the Intelligence Community's ADP systems that are used to task national collection and exploitation. Third, it develops and implements the basic Community guidance for the Community regarding future collection requirements and exploitation planning. And fourth, COMIREX makes security policy recommendations to the DCI regarding the classification, compartmentation and dissemination of products from national imagery systems. In addition to these four functions, the COMIREX serves as the Intelligence Community forum for the coordination of issues regarding all national imagery matters. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/22 : CIA-RDP90M00551R002001190005-3 Declassified and Approved ForRelease2013/01/22 : CIA-RDP90M00551R002001190005-3 UHULAJJirltU 3. COMMUNITY CI & SECURITY CM OFFICE (CCISCM0) The Community Counterintelligence and Security Countermeasures Office (CCISCM0) consists of the National Watidisciplinary ihreat Analysis reTITT;, charged with an annual and special Cl/CM threat assessment and response description and analysis; the Unauthorized Disclosure Analysis Center, charged with rapid identification and description of unauthorized disclosures and with recommending DCI actions to investigate these incidents; and various related support functions. These mainly involve support for and coordination among the elements subordinate to the Senior Interagency Group-Intelligence (SIG-I), its three Interagency Groups, and their several Committees. The interagency groups deal with counter- intelligence, with technical countermeasures, and with security counter- measures policy. CCISCMO also provides government-wide services of common concern in several specific, unique, and sensitive areas. 4. HUMAN INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE STAFF (HCS) The Mission of the HUMINT Committee is to advise and assist the DCI in discharging his responsibilities for the efficient application of human resources in collecting, processing and evaluating foreign intelligence information. The Committee monitors and coordinates NFIP human source collection programs and activities, recommending and implementing initiatives for the improvement of these processes. 5. INFORMATION HANDLING COMMITTEE STAFF (IHCS) The Information Handling Committee Staff (IHCS) is the focal point for the DCI, DDCI, and D/ICS for the development of plans, programs, policies and standards pertaining to the automated handling and exchange of intelligence information and the telecommunications structure to support that exchange within the Intelligence Community. 6. LEGISLATIVE LIAISON STAFF (LLS) The Legislative Liaison Staff (LLS) is the focal point for the DCI, DDCI, and D/ICS in handling liaison between Congress and the Intelligence Community agencies with regard to issues involving programs and resources. 2 UNCLASSIFIED Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/22 : CIA-RDP90M00551R002001190005-3 Declassified and Approved ForRelease2013/01/22 : CIA-RDP90M00551R002001190005-3 UNLLASSIFILU 7. MEASUREMENT AND SIGNATURE INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE STAFF (MASINT) The Committee will advise and assist the Director of Central Intelligence in the discharge of his duties and responsibilities with respect to the collection, processing, and reporting of measurement and signature intelligence; monitor and assist Intelligence Community coordination in the accomplishment of objectives and priorities established by the DCI; and promote the effective use of Intelligence Community MASINT collection and exploitation resources at national and departmental levels. 8. PLANNING AND POLICY OFFICE (PPO) The Planning and Policy Office provides support to the DCI for planning efforts thatiiii65i?fhe Intelligence Community. The Office also serves as a focal point for the treatment of policy issues that affect the Community as a whole. Planning activities emphasize medium- and long-range endeavors, while policy activities concentrate on external policy issues. PPO also provides secretariat support for the DCI 's Science and Technology Advisory Panel. 9. PROGRAM AND BUDGET OFFICE (PBO) The Program and Budget Office (P60) provides data and analysis to ensure complete and confT511-iTi4 coordination for the development, program guidance, justification, and application of resources for the National Foreign Intelligence Program (NFIP). 10. REQUIREMENTS & EVALUATION OFFICE (R&E0) The Requirements & Evaluation Office (R&E0) supports the Deputy Director for Requirements and Evaluati-65?TE5Ral?In fulfilling his responsibilities related to translating policymakers' intelligence needs into requirements, assigning priorities to these requirements, evaluating collection and production performance against the requirements, and through these evaluations, providing feedback to guide current activities and future investment strategies. 3 UNCLASSIFIED Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/22 : CIA-RDP90M00551R002001190005-3 Declassified and Approved ForRelease2013/01/22 : CIA-RDP90M00551R002001190005-3 upluLAIricu 11. SECRETARIAT STAFF (SS) The Secretariat Staff (SS) provides secretariat support to the DDCI and the DCI and senior Intelligence Community advisory bodies, including: National Foreign Intelligence Board (NFIB) National Foreign Intelligence Council (NFIC) Senior Interagency Group - Intelligence (SIG/) 12. SIGNALS INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY (SIGINT) The SIGINT Committee Staff (SCS) advises and assists the DCII DDCI, DIRNSA, and D/ICS in the discharge of their duties and responsibilities for SIGINT as specified in Executive Order 12333. The DCI SIGINT Committee monitors, and assists in coordinating within the Community, accomplishment of DCI objectives within SIGINT programs and promotes effective use of the Community's SIGINT resources in accordance with the Director of Central Intelligence Directive entitled SIGINT Committee (12 May 1982). 13. INTELLIGENCE PRODUCERS COUNCIL (IPC) The Intelligence Producers Council (IPC) Staff has direct concern for all aspects of Community production, being charged to review the relevance, quality, and timeliness of the final product going to the policymaking community. In this regard, the Staff manages two national -level requirements processes and documents--US Policymakers' National Intelligence Topics (NITs) for near-term policy interest and the Compendium of Future Intelligence Requirements (COFIR) ?for long-term planning and programming. The IPC Staff also administers the DCI's Production Enhancement Initiative Program--a $4 million-dollar account that provides up to two years of funding for innovative projects that show good potential for improving the way in which the Intelligence Community performs its analysis. 4 UNCLASSIFIED Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/22 : CIA-RDP90M00551R002001190005-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/22 : CIA-RDP90M00551R002001190005-3 Intelligence Community Staff Deputy Director for Requirements and Evaluation National Intelligence Council DCI Advisory Bodies (Production)* ? Intelligence Producers Council Staff ???????111?11?111111MME?11 COMIREX Staff DIRECTOR, ICS DEPUTY DIRECTOR, ICS Executive Officer Military Assistants Administrative Staff Legislative Liaison Staff Special Assistant for Emergency Planning Requirements & Evaluation Office C I P c FIPC Secretariat Staff MASINT Committee Staff SIGINT Committee Staff Planning & Policy Office ? HUMINT Committee Staff Program & Budget Office R&D Coordination Office 1 Community Cl & Security CM Office Information Handling Committee Staff ? Provides substantive advice and support Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/01/22 : CIA-RDP90M00551R002001190005-3