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STAT ? -- -- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @50-Yr 2014/03/19: CIA-RDP68-00046R000200050054-4 &No.. V ? ?a \ I UMW ? ?4 Ja tj ? ? 0 . ' ? The , ? ? ? ? A Study of the Council Exercising Some Eisenhower Powers During Ills Illness ? ? DI . By jAES:IIESTON ? ? ?? , ? ? ' ? . esesta thin.; vat , ? : , WAllturiGTON, Doc 11?Dart ? ? ly JsharFestqr Ing the present nine= of Prat. dent Eisenhowera-ond for much of the time' before it?many of the powein? and duties of the Presidency have been atomized by a kind of Presideitliil council.. 'Phe membership of this coun- differo from time?to time in refrain from eliticthing one 1n- laccordance with the cub other. and -dt:NTHo tong- undo:. dthencelon, but in general range Ch*elateni'witi?1,12n. ning. ,it is composted of the President, tut coneciis 4spqnsliatilites the Vie* President, the Cabinet, for mirlakeo'bf-spreading -ati- /come heads of the independent thorit ?imong es vast unapt agencies touch u the - Mho of cThcInIZ in the .0OPertnrents Of Defense Mobilization wad and the White .1.-/Fe, Wine. I t..i President Atomic Energy ? Cornmthoton) from Tinfoinmuon tn and albino numnbent ofIttai. White the e1yl%sta5.-..0 of as) cristi Routh ctak notably ? Sherman hen Iticidential action tho ?Assiztant. ,to the bo -affito,0 defining. Presideni. ? ? ' t. El:holes cieittio-Kist?IPatit This system had ecenotadvan: tam under a president in frau are manifold: In. the 'spring' of health, It rovides continuity 1056, whew?TeParte we =atria when t ? Kizeinowor is In front ?all ;over the world ?of out of Washington, and he has a deelilis-Lti United` States in- been out ofookington or con- flume. the .Predtkat _W deserted Washington Thli of that Proott50 ystiti aver higher. trlsOldava ho has been Proi- zd-cafo tho fluet..vrar broke bunt. days._ 2.40 out. the British and Wrench al. ?have heal neat lora on? offl. most broke a)Ediplomatio am- eba or *meal ant tact with the United States. bt1 a rec 4 overing Denver ire= his three ill. the President did not 'get into ? neethe Una of communication' with or the White Houx,,,1ttaZtdsna London and Paris until it. was th , mattng vaalgiazdng Aatrcmtis tIntiaTtealreb. 0, 1050, when. 'the at hie farm. ? The sI1tinr and strength- Prest(kiitrwas? =kW about ree that the United Staten ening of the *inet 'and the NaUoneltecurity Council have was fagghag behind ftho Soviet aloe hrotibt to thee). indite-Union in- the'. development . of tions on order and authority ? ? -? luf replied that td1:4 r!ol t3.h=errittProd- 5?41.0b3cf .curhotzttatnietts,avelr4 this - infUtZt7.410713 of the Pr:* nna.satithd.of anybody elms' . _department :heads are dency has also weakened pke ? Impact of the President not 'holy' conscious but nmtions rs?011 . and uncovered ? Woad over national and -wwid devel3 wealmeo that now. herr= %tad opn=nto- btit have ho?power to takureinedial action and do not teem able to get action on them. ? over two exempla, .over two yearn ago, online. 21,' 105.5, Lewis 1. MMus; the head of ?the Atomic ittleVotnas Alva Mithn Insti- ,?-mu, went to no the beat of the tate and And? what stands tary or:.13144t,irlan. often de:: fine policy ritore.thireblY, or even more etinemittly, than the President.2?,` ? nit encourages a kind of ."de- partmental tnentalityli, Cabinet off 1c who tend Administration. ? ? Weehn=es Analy=d ? ? The weakneests of the eye- tem, in the obit= of well quail. fled observers hero. an as PA' ? . ? Iowa: eIt transfer. some 'of 'tho?vt: tat powers of the Presidency from General Www., the most ledittential official on the Ankriedia? stub today, to' tenter off:let* who cannot ? contain:id anything like the came author- ity in the executive or , live branches of the Gov- enunent, or in, openkin7 to .tho nation and the =did. , ? ? '. cit lonves titer lartica=-? ,United Stain pokey, Or for ....004.falt?tetil_f#11? - - ? o---? - ? 1 dials in-United- 13 half edikaten let - ? ? 4RoiIL Ltke factlt, vp) ?the imiUita aid in't*otirla:prodse =lien of,llooPfle p k, ad ta num- But s".., eptitnIks WPt said he It* -psurpis.WItati? he Olt ,ny..a Viiiiri.--IthclielentLits Wan ' viiitad '?the', Whit*. nous. Mit the most ? keens 'problem we` aced In the field ,of mis- cUes ould rockery i? - education .of .Ameriain?Ytiutit. ? .Both the strength and?weak? nese of the Eit.thhowsir system havec been 'sliiiinkfartatil In thee lx:rmsjoy ,Edward 13..Corwin of Prineetoti'Unirothi . the noted %etc22.rinoalikeffehniecteti4ngiltiti. of 'ElbnitureterAdthiniattlition. he 'wrote la *.c.Ths-ibresidect-7 Office:cid .70,;? i'vlbo(Pria PresitIpti. the frequent detachment of the President from the conduct of his ubarditiates. On several oc4 miens, neenrearn-Whir9g4 Oompllshed what President ? non cntd was largo...nib% Vasn- ?.thoF buck' to .the Secretary ?Adricalture. the Secrstary4 Army, the the ".Secretarri m, the Attorney 7 ..ratb, of platten:11;i necording to the ??rmtdent, Is an butpendent-o orn ffice 74111 ? te tido. with which the' relgnln rather "Tho-- ?interfere. President .1=3310 attitudesame hichnient. the than _Wing; when ?cotipled.with efficient staff work, ihad already been canied ea fatly the time Of the Presittzt's crttteal ilinem tembett' ef'11015)' that the went on notwitli; tending .the 01-laste th rpiwi tremor.; ,1 ?flemo PrOpecalzatedeitiM there hire brn. pito A few "treinOral at-the-worn but tblZecident 4:14191,altrys Odea .0=14 ttat 'ponra or follOwed-tha?rect timmendatinnt of they departi meat heads_. ? %t - ? , ? ? ? Fal-fts.MOWThe con: fronted with influential 'advice from both Kr. Mlle: viand Ad. serial Artimi W. Radford to in- tervene in theburt ctsfjcobf the Indochina war. This he reduced to do and the ti#Inacin of the best-Informed Officials hero is that whenever, there is any question of United States Involvement in wcr he is Wen- _ .? ? 4 1 ? ?11 dangerous gamble*. On other questions, however, tendency is to go along with the recommendations that come up to him hunt the depart- ments. For commple, when he was asked after the sputniks wtiether '? he proposed to give tnstructions to William Af.1 Holaday, the mistake director ati the Pentagon, he replied: ? 'Well, Mr. Boladay couldn't; receive new. instructions from; ma?for the simple lesson that, If ,11e: doesn't know niore about It?thnn I do; lam very foolish to have ? him annind. ? Now, I have provided to the limit of my ability the money ?ths,t they asked metier (to proW?? re mis- 4.?al and that in all I can do." ? gdfersoni One Vote .'Ilials,.'degree of reliance' on Cabinet and dal is. not new in American history, Thomas Jet', fawn welt MA Anther, de- .cribing his system as follows: ?mAll matters of importance or difficulty are submitted to all Out beads of ? the ? depart - merits cesnng the Cabinets:' stenetimeo by ',the President consulting them separately and ? cCele1110Y14 ihaY hapPrn to Call on hint 'tut in the gthrestt. case;t by calling them together disc ng the Laidgnect 'mature- awigliauYi vote, thel!Ten0ent,,cotints ? .VSO'Olittartart. t .the rExcentiva le,. in fac ,a .direc- torf the Presi- dent mirth ? ' abandoned In the 'Nineteenth Cen- tirtYchoWerir,' and the 'history atilt, Pap= is one of un- even but' generally rising auth- ority in' e hands of one DIAA: Prishket 4. Lincoln called bin, Cabinet together t the Emancipation Pros- tion, t said: . I to itearawhat I have written dawn. hero ot you togetherdo hol *la rnuy advice about tho e;taln ,MALAM. for that I. havt3determthod. for, inleelf." ,? ..rd(lent ? D.. thbower kas never gone_ ea tar '.as' to take. it roto _In Caldnet Cr' .the. Na-, Ulmer Security Council and* count himself but one. Re hal ineisted that an auctions come to him In the form of "meth- =adenine," and he alone de- cides. But the operation of the Ethenhower system is much neater to Jefferson's Pre:If:len) tel directory than to Lincoln's blunt reminder that the Con- stitution kw= only one =CCU- ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/19: CIA-RDP68-00046R000200050054-4