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Publication Date: 
June 2, 1955
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Approved For Release / 00423RD 0002-8 PRESENTATION FORM FOR GRAPHIC MATERIAL DATE 2 June 1955 (Submit to HQ-00/C in triplicate with process sheet attached) DIST: ORIG-GRAPHICS; DUPL- CASE FILE; TRIPL-SOURCE FILE; QUAD-FO RECORD )_ J GIFT LOAN AREA Middle East (Egypt/Lebanon/Syria/Iraq/Iran) SUBJECT General - Port facilities, terrain features, cities, rivers and roads NUM BER OF ITEMS AND CATEGORY (Still photographs, negatives or slides) 5 Colored Slides DAT E OF EXPOSURE 9 Sep 53 to 18 Apr 51. CHECK CLASSIFICATION OF PHOTOGRAPHS WHEN SEPARATED FROM THIS FORM. (The class ification need not be the same.) U. S. OFFICIALS ONLY = CIA OFFICIALS ONLY = SECRET CONFIDENTIAL CX IRESTRICTED UNCLASSIFIED BRIEF SOURCE DESCRIPTION IS SOURCE APT TO MAKE ADDITIONAL PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIAL AVAILABLE? = Yes L_ No MAY SOURCE'S NAME BE REVEALED TO GRAPHICS REGISTER, OCD, IF REQUIRED? LJ Yes No DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL Box and Slide No. 1. Approaching Port Said (3 23 2. Port Said (3 - 211.) 3. Mooring and Temple at Port Said (3 - 26) 1+. Pontoon walkway, Port Said (3 27) 5. . view of Suez Canal I (1- - 12) 6. Aerial view of Suez Canal II (1+ - 13) 7. ? view of the Port of Beirut (11. - 20B) 8. Aerial view of coast south of Beirut (11. - 21) 9. View of coast near Beirut (Ii- - 38) 10. Unusual building, Beirut (11- - 28) 11. Aerial view of Syrian Desert I(taken on flight from Beirut to Baghdad)(5 - 0) 12.. Aerial view of Syrian Desert II " It It of (5 - 2) 13. Aerial view of Syrian Desert III " It (5 3) - Aerial view of Syrian Desert IV Aerial view of Syrian Desert IV (5 - (5 ii) 11) 15. Aerial view of Baghdad (5 - 14) 16. Aerial view south from extreme west part of Baghdad - (5 - 15) Confluence of Tigris and Khir Rivers 17. view of Tigris River south of Baghdad (5 - 16) Aerial view of Baghdad and Tigris River (5 - 18) 19. Aerial view of Baghdad looking east - Plain west of Tigris River (5 - 19) 20. Aerial view of Baghdad looking east from west part (5 20) Aerial view over east bank of Tigris looking south 5 - 22 22. Flood wall (Bund one block east of first house d ~ , ') -4"' FOR HEADQUART ERS USE ONLY pp e DATE FORWARDED TO GR BY GMP !c -r- GR CONTROL NO. RETURN DEADLI (IF OAN) :1 _JC NITRATE FILM EXP P CA IER RIiIULATIONS Approved For Release 2000/04/19-: 2000090002-8 Box and Slide No. / 23. Flood wall (Bund) one block east of first house, Baghdad, view; ndYrth 24. One-way traffic on Pontoon bridge, Baghdad 25. Euphrates River looking north (upstream) from bridge at Hilla 26. Euphrates River looking downstream from bridge at Hilla ,/27. College of Commerce and Economics, University of Baghdad iJ%jj a,3 28. Public building just north of north gate, Baghdad (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) 4-) /29. Branch Post Office and main telephone office on east side of Rachid Street, Baghdad (5 32) (6 - 30) (8 - 33) (8-34) (9 - 37)4) (9 - 38) 30. Looking north from east bank of Tigris River point south of Baghdad (10- 28) near Alwiyah Club 31. Irrigation ditch from Tigris River near Alwiyah Club, Baghdad (10- 30) 32. Irrigation pump, Baghdad (10- 31) 33. View of highway, railroad in background, Baquba, Iraq (12- 1) 34. View of road to Khanaqin beyond Baquba (12- 2) j/35. Terrain along road to Khanagin (12- 3) J 36. Border crossing Iraq to Iran (near Khanagin) -A/37 (12- 5) 37. Terrain looking east into Iran near Khanaqin, Zagros Mountains in (12- 8) background 38. Terrain looking east into Iran near Khanagin, Zagros Mountains in (12- 9) background 9. Tigris in flood (3/27/5-) Baghdad, looking north (1~+- 2) 0. Tigris in flood (3/27/5+) Baghdad, looking west at bridge (1u- 11) 41. Tigris in flood (3/27/54) Baghdad, looking south S.W. (11+- 16) 42. Flood east of Baghdad on what is usually dry desert, looking N.E. (14- 18) 43. Flood east of Baghdad - Isolated factory (14- 20) 411. Flood east of Baghdad - Isolated factory (15 10) / 45. View north on east Bund, Baghdad - 20 feet of water over dry desert (16- 8) /S 1)401-1 o'.2 - is~s ;/i Approved For Release 000/04/19 : CIA-RDP83-00423R002000090002-8 WA 6Q Ir!"ir w it