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Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr2013/12/04:CIA-RDP81-00706R000100080055-3 a r NS:an FAVF1 TO Jid'ai. 411 TC. iGLZZ',1LLYT ? ? ? ? iJeveLber 39/;.:5, Subject: Scied ja!'anese Docunertl I'mc'advre for Co11ectin7 and Forrding. neferences: Lnclosures: (h) ( e) Technical Departmelt Order .:11. of 21 Genera2 r), Ch of 2 Oc'Gol)e:.. Technlcal Deartment ONnder of 13 -,overLer 194.5. (a) 7iorq to ..-Loconrar3cidJI:ranso DecimeLts :Tor%rded. , to Tec. LTJ (Tee'.-,Form :3). Forn fo erorting Seized Ja-zneve Doc-ciente (..:14.0 DITIfor:11 No, 1). TO 1. The follo.iing Frocedure iv estatOlshed col7ection forrdin.2.: of sei7,ed ,Tranese documents: Derni77,ens sei-ed bj LAT27CT:.JAY I:rsonnel .A.1.1 be ssined identiLeNtien =hers at t,J.r.-T:t sites LI acconce nah ieferenec (a). b. Docits be 7or..1...rded to Collection 1e1Tt7 and ';.:ence to 1:,:V-20 .J1-,17 He-dclurters, To1770/ s'.e.:oditio,:.sly as T.ossible :after local e--leit:,Lion has been con,leted. C. Zcn docurKnts are rorrded to HeA.quartero/ Tokyo/ e,ch docunent or 1.-A:c11 6ocuroonts A73. he raccolaranied by one copy of au "s-!" translation ne.y have been 1Kade d 17 on elrecuted cory of Znclo- cure d. kt He,3deitvIrters/ Tekyol fecuments 'JAI:7 be ct:-!loT:ed and arTroTriate entries to it: tai7et jac- kcts. In ,.ccor&:.nee Rforence ?orra No. 11 Cm:locum w177. he 2il1ed out in 1)1 the Fro7ros %,rort,Zection 'or each docuilent or 7)atch of docvleztL. The o2-inaT for' will be .att.:_ched Le the deelenL, tr::o cerics bo for- ...:rdod to L.Ilied Trans7.atcx Interr-et.r Cection (1,.2T) Ind one co7:7 TAll be held in the riles the ec11:i .1 De 't co lotion or-L;X: exTleitAior the docunnt 'All be Tor-....).rded, tothF!r -Ath to attached form an0 a con; of slYch trans7ai/en been n.ade0 to ArrI: for oM.17ent to the -:shinT, ton Declmert Cone (1)0 conbined ? neforence (b) assinc the serLA nly.-Iber block 30C1 to 4000 to 1720/VOE.T.' These seria7. n1J:7b-c- 41.1 be af- fixed to document at N,VITCH= 7eaduvarto-.-sl To7.:yol at the tine ir,'F;IC _WT No. 1 is co7leted. Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/04: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100080055-3 Declassified and Approved For Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/04: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100080055-3 ? ? 2. The to the rilocedv.rc 01 t.7.inod bove a:^c E.occrt,.ble: a. Doctments Ja.c coLsiderod to be en intc-r-1 Tart or a :i.cce e-r1)i3Lle7t, instrlctlor Lni, bc for shi-cnt 11.-th no oquiTment. Tlerort of se.- were die-oaltion will be 1:ide to ZOTS by the 11.0?:ress Retort b. Doe rcrJ ich considered to bo 0: interest on to a sin,510 vy bwe-t or --ency, 0.1., t1i Jane in- terest only to i/u.S"hips, nay he rded directly to the ,rTrorriate btireat or 4 oncir t:; 10k-to. In ruch c:see, reren, se:_zvre ,mds of dis.osition i. I1:e mdc to ATI1 br to ;'ro7rest, "11 ort, Section. c. Documents ithich .;re consiacl.ed to fora .:111 cssenth1 or a t:r-et reTort, and :71ica conform to the revirezwnts stiirlated in ileferenco (c), IC, ey c rorated into ter-et re-ort. In suer-. cLsoo ;erort of seince end of d;srosition All be r2de to ;Ti b7 the rrolress Re,ort Section. 3? acomN5A3 for tr:nslation of doc-ylocits the TranslaVon end Interi,retation f:,ection rt31 mode throu,sh ':he Doc-rents CfA.cer of tac 1%.rorese and lle:orts Secti.on of the M,;=nic 1 Derartment. 4. Durlio:te copies of documents selected by l':'NEUJ,Cil r.erson- nel may be for,:-rded throu,r11 ITIS to DC, end thcncc to the desired -ddrossee. Ori1 ccumentt:, 0-ce1t. notod in Par.-;rr'e 2, be retained *-ey :!.TIS for Torwc.rding toi??)C cnd thence to tho .DC combined 11.1mry. The for-cl:rdinl end reyortinri of all documents to ATIS All be effected bj thc Pro,;ress Re7ort Section o e TechnicA. Devt. A. L. DIT-6I1G,, CinC, Tochnic,d Dort. USf,, . Chief, FAVT7CHJAP. , Declassified and Approved For Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/04: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100080055- Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr2013/12/04:CIA-RDP81-00706R000100080055-3 ? ? NS:BJW Tech Form No. 3. NAVJECHJAP TECHNICAL DL,PARTLENT Form to Accompany Seized Japanese Documents Forvarded to 1L 7TIMJAP _ Heaaquarters. 1. NAVTECHJAP Identification Number 2. Exact place of seizure 3. Date of seizure 4. Seized by 5. Title (in English) 6. Japanese Agency which issued document 7. Summary of contents 8. Agency or -bureau to which document is of interest 9. Recommended disposition ENCLOSURE (A) Declassified and Approved For Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/04: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100080055-3 r' Declassified and Approved For Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/04: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100080055-3 41, Place_- . ? ? ? Kai FOR REPORTING SEIaD JAPAIISL DOCULENTS (To be prepared by NTJ Headquarters, Tokyo) Screening Agency (Geographic LoCaTEIT) Date (intelligence Team) Target Number Secured by or (Tactical Unit) War. Department Intelligence Section Serial Number Title or Category Issuing Authority Date or Period of Issue i)escription of Item and Contents Do not write below this line To be checked by WIC screening: Recommended disposition: 1. To ATIS for immediate partial or complete translation. 2. To ATIS for partial or complete translation and evacuation to WDC. 3. To ATIS for immediate evacuation to WBC. 4. To ATIS for destruction. 5. To be retained for local exploitation. WDC Screening Remarks: AFPAC V4DIT Form No. 1 ENCLOSURE (B) Declassified and Approved For Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/04: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100080055-3 Declassified and Approved For Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/04: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100080055-3 ? ATIS GH; ADTON 11, APO 500 5 February 1046 SUBJECT : SOP for Processing Library Faterial. 1. Basic instructions, dated 25 Fove/ber 1045, and iiplementliqp instructiens pertinent thereto are now arended as follows in the case of library raterial. 2. Library raterial for the purpose of this instruction will be defined as Published ratter which has either appeared on the corrercial market or has been Publicly distributed. 3. Library raterial will in all cases be divided into two classes A and B by P prelininary scarring on the followirit basis: Class A: All raterial having direct rilitarv signifi- cance and related to military practice since 1910. ;,.11 riat3rial hn.vir . hearing on T-rnm#3 -nd nilitry history sinos 1910. Class n: All other library material. 4. Class A raterial will be processed as already directed by the implementing instructions currently it force 5. Class B raterial will be handled as outlined below: a. Material will be packed for final shiprert without detailed translation and listing of titles on sterdarii shipping advice. b. Each crate (or rail bap) -ill contain a shipping note hearing the following irferraticr: (1) Source - l'are of library and section of library (where applicable) and lccation. (2) Shiprinp note serial nvrber (to be assigned to each shiprePt by S-ecial icquisiticrs Section.) (3) Furber of vclures in crate. (4) Serial nurber of crate in shirrent and total number of crates in shirrert, (e.g. Crate ill of 20) c. Shipping notes will be rade out in quadruplicate and distributed as follows: (1) One enclosed in crnte. (2) One to Special Icquisitions Section. (3) Two to Production and Inforration Section. d. All inforraticr contained on shipping notes will be clearly rerlTed on outside of crate or on tag attached Securely to crate. e. There Yossil-ile, Class B raterial will be processed or site to avoid congestion at Arsenal and Shipping Officer will be notified when shiprent is ready for evacuation. f. Shipping note nurbers will be allotted by Special Acquisitions Section. g. Catalogues, where available, the shiprent. will be forwarded with 6 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/04: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100080055-3 Declassified andrilli Approved For Rel 2013/12/04: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100080055-3 ? IIP WDC (ADV) ATIS ADVON APO 500 ? ? ? ? 5 February 1046 SUBJECT : SOP for Processing Library Material. 1. Basic instructions, dated 25 Fovelber 1045, and plementtcp instructirns pertinent thereto are now arended as follows in the case of library raterial. 2. Library raterial for the purpose of this instruction will be defined as Published ratter which has either arreared on the corrercial market or has been Publicly distributed. 3. Library raterial will in all cases be divided into two classes A and B by a prelininary scanning on the following basis: Class A: All materiel having direct military sigrifi- canoe and related to military practice sjrce 1910. 11 t3t?,riri1 haying q be,lring on J-ra.nt3 and militrry history sire 1910. Class B: All other library raterial. 4. Class A raterial will be processed as already directed by the implementing instructions currently in force 5. Class B raterial will be handled as outlined below: a. Material will be packed for final shiprent without detailed translation and listing cf titles on standard shippirg advice. b. Each crate (or rail bag) rill contain a shipping note bearing the following irrcrraticn: (1) Source - rare or library and section of library (where anplicable) and location. (2) ShiprinF note serial number (to be assigned to each shitrent by Faecial icqpisitiors Section.) (3) furber of vclures in crate. (4) Serial nurber of crate in shirment and total number of crates in shipmert, (c.g. Crate ;',/1 of 20) c. Shipping notes will be rade out in quadruplicate and distributed as follows: (1) One enclosed in crate. (2) One tc Special Acquisitions Section. (3) Two to Production and Information Section. d. ll intonation contained on shipping notes will be clearly marked on outside of crate or on tag attached Securely to crate. e. Where rossible, Class B raterial will be processcd or site to avoid congestion at Arsenal end Shipping Officer will be notified when shjprent is ready for evacuation. 411 f, Shipping note numbers will be allotted by Special Acquisitions Section. g. Catalogues, where available, will be forwarded with the shiprent. h6 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/04: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100080055-3