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Document Creation Date: 
November 9, 2016
Document Release Date: 
February 4, 1999
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Publication Date: 
October 1, 1954
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PDF icon CIA-RDP83-00423R001601410001-7.pdf81.78 KB
Approved For Rele ::CRY: Argentina SUBJEM, Requirements for Ho PLACE ANDIREM: DATE ACQUT.RD s Cif INFO 25X1X6 25X1A2g 25X1X6 The supply of road roller?t a,ierguat in xga=,mina, all are not MUMMMINgn in prime operating condition., New supplies will be bought frog Germs as they underquote> other nations end. offer extended terms of payment, as long as five yeeare. 2. According to recent estimates of the Argentina Department of iti, hweys, there are only road scrapers available and 350 more ar needed. Preeeut equipment is of U.S. manufacture and they want the additional equipment of the same type. There is a constant pressure from government, purchasing offices on the local distributors to accept orders on the basis of thre to five years to pay. The distributors are unable to finance such business and U.S. suppliers are not interested in business on this basi t;;. 3. Recently, the matter of need for this equipment was called. to Peron's attention and he replie there was no need for worry, the lack would lie taken care of. I have no idea what he had in mind going. . It has become accepted practice for issuance of import per "Its to give them to individuals in the Army whoa. Person feels he must placate. My own connection is a General, whoaa. I prefer not to aaaw, who tells me he expects a permit in the amount of $l,5OO,OOD to cover 150 graders. The permits would be issued directly to a local importer at his direction, and the General, exacts a percentage, DATE IM - -DAU 8,OV 1954 L CIA-RDP83- Approved For Release 1999/09/10 : CIA-RDP83-00423R001601410001-7