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Document Creation Date:
December 27, 2016
Document Release Date:
April 24, 2013
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Publication Date:
March 1, 1978
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Decl_assifie_d and Approved For Release 2013/04/24 :CIA-RDP78-01617A005000010006-9 ,
a~ NO CHANGE in Class. ~
" Office of Rop~erid Esti~~.~D~CLASSIFIED
=iTranaportation Grou7-ti . ,
tratfia botvreen B42onia and France,?beoause Franco has oaon holding all Gar--
man sera xhich the Gorman Army '!.eft behind, insisting that French title to
thi:a. equipment be rooognisad before the cars~circulato into .Germany:
BS zonal authorities, in turn, have been unril2ing to return -premch ears frctn
6ertanny because this xrould,havo created, a steady dspietion of the Bizonal
car park. DizonYa Trill Herr rotura to ?Yanco all frei(?}xt cars. of French origin
chile France will release to Bizonia an oqual~nvnbcr of'froight? cars of Ger-
man origin. The agreement will immediately alleviate the acute car shartago
by facilitating Y.he free flow of railti^.ay 'araffic and by initiating the return
of uacarviaeable-oars to their home areas for repairs; moreover, the agree- ,
went sill reraove.a source of friction botcroon,B}.sonic end the French edmiaia-
tratlon. '
., 2. Proposed allocation of tee former German oerEa voasels Lo the US
Department of the Army for use in l}arman coastal and nearby forait~x trade
grill aid materially in making Bizonia self-supporting. TExe allocation,
reaammended to the US tSllitary Governor by the Transport Group of CrJfGUS, ia-
volvos tyro vossela of about 7,760 grass tons {slightly larger thaw US Liberty
ships). These vessels had beoa al.loeeted to the IIS Aavy by the Tripartite
Naval Commission after they sore classified as naval craft because of their
use in,Dlockade running during the var. It is now prcpoaed that the IIS,Havy
simply load tho'ships to the Arroy in order. to avoid oanl'liet erith various -
quadripartite understandings against reconstituting the Carman'merchant ,
merino: Use of the vessels in the coal export trade Trill earn foreign
exchange for the. German eoonomy, vrhilo th?ir use is the are import trade ivi12
reduce hard aurreaay expendituroa by the `JS.
ai~xad on 18 1lor~x, v+x ao ve a ong s andin ig masse over ?eiR~ra.
Lnrgc mlmbors of French end Gormatx freifht oars have boon unevrSlable gor
3. Positive at s toward utilization of Laxv Couatry,Ports (hmeterdam
cad Rotterdam as entr_epota for shipments up txa Rhine to Bizonia and
ad~aoent areas can be expeoted immediately upan?passage of the Europesn~
Bocovery Program. The use.of Forth German ports by GWaGUS to supply Bestorn
Germany, .an admitte3ly uneconomic oxpedient,'atema from the unavailability
to the IIS Idilitary Governor, Germany, of dollar funds with whioh the port
coats in the Low Country ports could be Slxlly?met. Fhila Netherlands ,
authorities have recently indfoated a willingnoas ?bo reopen negctiatioas, 4;ho
conditions Which they appear to seek ore not basically dif?ox?eat from the
terns vrhich frero not accepted by US authorities in provioua nsFotiations.? It
appears; therefore, that until ERP funds for this specific purpose are avail-
able, no final solution can b? reaohod. Under ERP, her?ver, the traditional
Hat's":_~ ~MQacl1,7$ , -B -- -_.:-
-~----- X `-? r0 ~ ~ ~ a
~~~ L~'Z; E ~~' L~~t~l~lt~~~
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/24 :CIA-RDP78-01617A005000010006-9
__ ,
roxc ofi .#3zc f.-a~ Coun`;ry g?r~:s:, co SeSC ,;:~~ ~a CeaS:orn fc~:,~s~~~. ~~ t~,~ r~:,u~d3.
iktf.c cili be c c:$ar fcot~ ~Y.n x~annatfi~}c~%iau, rr.~d an:}S~ in t~so intcroats of '
-'pal~rr!'n orad tho Iet#irrlc~sdc,; L'ut r~.lca ot:' ~t'.i:~ c~.tit`c Fla~y;cc_~?caa~ ;
_ ~ iwsc foz?t3cca.~ng cWlc of-.yliCd~ f.,i.r~;c:,yF ;~;Tatr~~ro C^ner~]..L.r~rioca~
~"*rscAica css in roi ?zc? uni^,?c, eocor~to ..^,za uE?en~S'iaioa report, t*iil
pub~~cky ona?teaoed is t6m ac:;r faturo by , xtt.l'.~' o t}S a::,..cr cnd cperatpr; tho'
~'ntczr~ .tccrnhip CoTpz~ny=. 'Lh~ roport ait.c in~Pfioi.catt r~?~a;emaat :mod
ndx~on ndco.~:ced t-hich, ff put; into offec~, r!ould, pruhtbit i~?ncdimtely in
t}fooo corridcrc, *.ho opercLior: of ca*warair_-1 cirerAft, profici~ay end trc,i~-
ing f1lShta, loeai iactnu3ant flightn, and r.iF~it flyfreC. in 4~dditioa, tho
USSR r:,^~ld r?giir^ aotificmtion of'all pronocod air,operetiona in the corri-
dora end tho?.6flrlin tone one dcp bofomo suah,ape:ctiaric rs?e. oan:?uctad, ilia
,gropoanla cpecitically eaprQ:o t?ao So eiet c~.ebcrination tp linit, air ~opvra-
tiana of.tkto fbcstern potrero to tl~c bnro requia',c~catc of evpplyin their
oCCtiPlvinE forcea in Hsclin. -
Sinac tho ,1111cd Control Counoil grcaioucly egreod, t?n~t tho ~3s corri-
dors to Borlin oould bei usod i~ rlrcrrft mf tha, four a?licd ~aai-ions with
"full fraodan of cation^; tbo US rn.ll iarict that ouch frccdc~.of actiaa be
~,r.~iatained. `"xho Soviet'piropocal rct,rcesnts-ono olmrnt of c. prorre~ to
? undenriao the pociti~ols of the Toctcfin oeeup~tionwl ,parcrc in .Berlin. flfher
foaturca of thic'proSran nay bo 4npe:ted to r,.caS:c;iralicc, particular3..y if t1tc~
C+ostorn ppcerr, dt;~oa:5tratC any c:or~~:ona in a'~sptet to ~;hoae 6ovi.et s?ovGS.
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/24 :CIA-RDP78-01617A005000010006-9 -