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January 25, 1954
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000500300187-9 BEST COPY Available Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000500300187-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000500300187-9 ... ... v . P VII I, CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORTt"1'. SUBJECT Bruntal State Farm: Farm Unity/Agricultural Conditions/ Building DE:-partment. 1111I IHCVMMT CONTAINS I4re0-.?1O. .rc(I?l.. rl.& At. tM?,. oe.I.3t D 1-t V-Irt0 tTAT(A. NIThIN t.1(-tA11N0 OY T$tlt It. f((TIOR$ t.S AND TS.. OF YNt 0.1. COOC, AN A-LNOIO. ITT rIwW011111 N ON 0t0t. LATION OT ITt CONT(.TS TO 00 NOCtnT 1, N YNAVI,O0I(t0 T(NSON It THIS-IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION a. BRUNTAL: approximately 40 hectares grows flax, peas, cabbage, carrots, poppy seeds, all kinds of grain. Also flower ;.Ia f!getable gardens. Livestock-300 cows and oxen, two bulls. X00 pigs, 14 horses. Agricultural machinery-five tractors (two Skoda, one Zetor-15, one Zetor-25 and one Bulldozer), three binding machines, 10 harvesting machines. U.S. Officials Only C ON ' )i ;v ..IAL DATE DISTR. ."'..SJan 54 NO. OF PAGES NO. OF CNCLS. SUPP. TO REPORT NO. "The Bruntal Stato Farm belorg:i to V.-. State Far= Inspectorate at Olc oiie. "It is situated in hills whtch t:cc :i to be taw fur pastures and lariat euppltetrll: the whole region with dry r,3clw:. Art ?: l9* wLtn most pastures ley fs11vn, 11"tu* till mid-January 1953. ronac?d:icntly t.t?e ._'1king capacity of the cov n3iAi*. . reduced. Sainte cows did not Fru:t=e m:arc than O.5 liters at '??_ - Ts:i i }:t..?,. 11w_ has become completely di organ1. d. Hay Is t:tured ... nt;t:as t vt ~_. rs y part!.= dry, and nobody cares for It any mc.?r#-*. M2?;: a;r~:?.c;. * tak- .. ..'es t?i 1. he, for their rabbits. Vera seriously endangered. ".! e -?1q. now 1-v 1lCy becaae ap;,'are'nt is the following year. In 1952 supply of ',mj - was so small that it could herdl)r la ,t' of t h e Bruntal State Farm +t cc)iedu.le ',f afar a . l and agricultural production. Nkv crop. were introduced-sugar beet.., flax et, at t 1.f- ::oat of clover. Thus the fodder s lies suitable for growing grain. Ref ar llcsa, the Uepectorate forwarded to the Vdrect'*% power in l9h8 they tried to t" r the pnat?:tres into Beads, although they VW 0 ao1t "The Directorate of the S'~%'.t, .'.WP.' IS located at Stal;nova Street. Ur Director is Bottusiav T'RIKit'iL~`riie: cadre official Is Stanislav PRIM IL, whose hobby is to p iri sh anct :`t r.e enpioyeen. The A ?o technician is (fan V! T Units The following farming units (,zov:y) belong to Bruntal: DISTRIBUTION ? jSTATE ARMY V NAVY AIR F81 Q i.~,o, I ZS`L1._ -._ 1 This report is for the use within the USA of the intelligence components of the Depattmtrnts or A'renclea indiceted abovr, Tt, Ir. not to he trnr,cmlt.tor' rv--r 1st . 1.,,, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000500300187-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000500300187-9 Us 0FFI :z ... ~_; ar 50X1-HUM closed down'. .All eauizerot was taken away And the baiex-bousa r . former,' garages on Anglicka. Road.. There are three cowaneds,there. A_. new pigsty: was` erected in 1952 at the site of the brickyard'vbich lies MMachinery Shed, cowsheds and stables are riituated. in tshe torn, in. the Mere are.abotit 30 to 40-full-time employees majority are 're-emigrants' t';r a Hungary. from what they. said that they wcre n r o u g n T . Lnere ay avrc.v4 reward for his work, 10,000 groans. e hec were left in, the fields. 2tram was left on about 10 s .exhausted by' the tend of January 1953?+ibaat a= hecv"Wu at pt- .y s atsd tar `1952 harvest was poor and supplies of fodder,. hiay., 'frsr1ey l*l "*.0 late . coverei. uy_ ano'. of.vegetables. tee of. grain and fodder as. at Bantal arse gr own here, vivo', t rx ,~x, a t b STARE MEBT0 BRO IL , (Old Town of Bruntal) : 300-hoc } tares. t harvesting.season. Twenty full-time'emppayEt, ar?tis `until May 1953._ I ".e T 1c, t' da: 31ao 40s civsi e c w-3 It In Augxet 1952 th.- 1c a1. 1-1 a.- , moved to Bruntal. of": e33y by voltuttary bit d in the '50X1-HUM down. AbIUMOU glee C o0d by tii . A t 20 the r 'Mvw pigs d that tip ?#txers VlltrE y, earem tt t, bo bought frR ti.e' six tores, 204 00%. Tyo one ZETOR-15 and one VETM,- c.MORAV'3KY KOCCM: 200 b? ^ y = r ti `.,y Cooperative (hllarr rsk^ .'The 1952 harvest vim. rc r, had ployees were a_rreat by lightning, but no'ov :y'b.]t jvtd t at The 1952 harvest was pers. l v%cGcr l^a Twenty full-time esraFlir.-pt Note: The above twc f re -, -- ,A is (b) rsi;ai (c) ' *el ae , Bruntal directorrtt +, m3:-."N .:, (fnu) .'duylif.. are grown. Seven full-ti-Mt d.NOVE 1 MINOVY: A small fars, cz.t h. 50-70 hectares. Gre.. epidemic of foot-and-mout-q disease was raging in 1952, and eon 3S pigs 1,000 hectares. Fifty full-ti p employees, aso18te a by worxang .ori u . Five hundred head of cattle, 12 homes, about 150 pigs, 300-400 _s1 eep Oht US 0.FFICIAl$ ONLY CONF707NTTAT. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000500300187-9 of the total 420 perl2tt:. Ar Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000500300187-9 50X1-HUM VS OFIICIAIS ONLY { CONFIDENTIAL ,: and` kith' ar+,i ,ciai' incubators. G.Llb4 1 +. .~ ... d; .. a. : {.i .}r td , ,..., _.. ?. ..,... ';. ?+.e -,. -- a - .. .. a { G,. ?r:-r, ?iili4 , iistr~ r ' A~! rart~? ; r;~' 1cT5I` ` "tte T'CCW6 Ei ire. a creel hem. -Oni hu diced airrreet~s cddpetlatiVe end several pr3ve~tt farms: f $ { f. DVORCE NA MQRAVE: Besides the State Farm unit here, there are also `,S traCt'rs, tSfiC i'W cF6ftet'pillsa^ tiYI "'The rest axd?,El'ti and 3. .{i. "..f ~'. E.i . 4Q':;.L Coil 4i d'LT{{.. 1~: ?.r{{J~.f {.. (i CJrt':. .~ .. -. ' OEDRIC$05RCE As`. of 'A rf l`1~53 'this fesrodn `u l t`-tea to,-be losed down { r:riar raxn ~tv ta=tatainlv?f s~ou1trY faun, vith 2,000 1 l5 *Cd hietkeft1 'Aboii't 100 costs '150-200 cheep. t 1 Y aM port*td . 'fttRNI VAC AVOV ' ' f1_One h~ittidrad-150 hectares-3i-1algP 'grsia SUCFA RuDNA: ttept there. ,.:~ . ANDEL i{11 10BA Irr' V' ,52 a tram here was 'turstg+l CI TA Tto "Ae'1 115 kriov pigsties etc and for keeping farts buildin!!a in repair. 0f s num , t the rest auxiliary labourers, This department is responsible for building cc b* 50X1-HUM d B P hi her live are bnilding workers four are Jvirnera, o03 & 1ocksa*1th a n tsnen r with errrp oyecs s rtt:rt'u to the Bruntal. Stater Fie n. te' "The head of thin ie ,err ?wot until ?lurch .1952 was Jt re4 RYA, a Slovak T,-, rtrr.en* t'?rs from n~.vr, .,s ~' A 1953 a3: :t Ydi " ng The 8. of Woo, for three month%? was ll't??15 (:.GI. wet used Ugh ci tre _ Allocfa~ded c~cmei v Ras Department received pnrMi a} -{r ram ii~'? D1 trict National Cc>ms,i: tee to pull da' L houses. This i. bet a+seFaler. last of the tert5 , , s: I stations. The main sp:a1 Pr use=i ItID U. "Working morale is vet :" poor. 'r4csi of the workers are heavy drinkers. zur bring bottles of r.a:n tc work. They did not hide the bottle when tre ryaatager but remarked: 'He will like to ;,eve a drink with us; after all,. we all know that a. also steals cement.' Steatint, was done collectively and the nor..ey spent in the lo.*l pub. ?When the workers are in a good moos they Some forei broadeasti'g ^ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000500300187-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/21 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000500300187-9 F US OFFICIALS ONLY C ONF IDNNT IAL 4. Supervision of workers is lenient and everybody does what he likes. Workers make entries in their books about jobs which they have never done. They may charge for transport of sand and earth 100 m from a cowshed, but this material may always have been right on the spot.. 0. "The quality of work done by the Building Department has all the properties of 'shoekwork'. What is built in winter has to be repaired in spring. In spring 1952, a whole wall of the new cowshed at MORAVSKY KOGAV collapsed, and the brick floor kept sinking. Sewer pipes are laid in a primitive fashion. The Communist propec:an,-L makes a great fuss about modern cowsheds and stables. It is true that the new ones are spacious, but nothing is mechanized. Manure has to be taken out on carts, and fodder is usually brought by hand. The sewerage is often blocked permanently. Generally the cowsheds are in a deplorable state. Manure may not be removed for two days and gets mixed with fresh fodder. The cattle are never cleaned. Inspections are simple. A commission arrives from OLOMOUC, looks at the walls from the inside and outside, nods approvingly, sins some papers and leaves. 1. "In 1952 the farm at Bruntal was allocated 50 kg of nails, which disappeared in a few days. Managers of various farms got hold of them. The workers who needed thorn had to pull nails out of old boards. Tools such as spades, shovels and pickaxes are either bought at the ROVIIOST shop or simply stolen from other farming units. Once the Building Department; was allocated several shovels: by RG\TNOST, but they 1-ere ?nsuitabl": and could only be used for slag. They were left in the Department's ntor(?ho?'r^. The workers stole the nhovols which they needed from the visits where fl -e assigned to work. Some tools are not available ^.t all sad worker. hs m t`.'vm from their homes. US OFFICIALS ONLY CONFIDENTIAL L- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/21 CIA-RDP80-00809A000500300187-9