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Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300440004-0 For Official Use Only COVERAGE OF THE SOUTH AMERICA SECTION 21 September 1988 DAYS OF CLA INDEX COVERAGE CMP COV MODE INPUT ARGENTINA / ) , /A pv/Sahia Blanca LA NUEVA PROVINCIA i Spanish daily SM 4JPUB 7.00 C- li P /Buenos Aires AEROESPACIO in Spanish 6/ also: Buenos Aires AEROESPACIO in monthly SM 13-,- LAG IN RECEIPT NOTES (open) (no notice) 14 days (open) (see notes) lish (open) (no notice) 0.23 30 days technical magazine; the claim 'Registro de la Propiedad Inte- lectual No. 300.660' (Intellectual Prop- erty Registry) has no standing under U.S. law 10,4A I/Buenos Aires AMBITO FINANCIERO in Spanish daily SM B PUB 7.00 q /2' juenos Aires ARMAS Y GEOESTRATEGIA in 3x year SM v/AD (open) (no 14 days notice) newspaper with ties to former military governments Spanish (open) (incomplete copyright notice) 0.06 30-60 days copyright notice fails to meet stan- dards of content and format that are man- datory under U.S. law /A f..t,/Buenos Aires CLARIN in Spanish (open) (no notice) daily SM B PUB 7.00 14 days some individual arti- cles and drawings are copyrighted Report PRC1S -1- For Official Use Only Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300440004-0 IA F Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300440004-0 For Official Use Only Coverage of the South America Section -- continued DAYS OF /CLA INDEX LAG IN COVERAGE CM COV MODE INPUT RECEIPT NOTES CA) Buenos Aires EL PERIODISTA DrIVENOS?OriRrs? in Spanish (open) (no notice) F SM B PUB 1.00 14 days leftist ISOMWornmr/cr4 aimed at4'leaders and youth Buenos Aires LA NACION in Spanish (official use only) (copyright) 10 daily SM 41,16, 7.00 5 days citation: 'COPY- RIGHT: Ano 1988 S. A. LA NACION.t (7 JBuenos Aires LA PRENSA in Spanish (open) (see notes) daily SM B PUB 7.00 5 days the claim 'Registro de la Propiedad Inte- lectual 342-451' (Intellectual Prop- erty Registry) has no standing under U.S. law ? ? ,'" - Raenus Aires LA Rfraom I. S1.anish (open) Ole netise) daily SM R-- PUB 7.00 14 dayo Buenos Aires MERCADO in Spanish pen) (see notes) .../1 It0" B /uenos Aires QUE PASA in Spanish (open) (see notes) W SM ...13 B 1.00 14 days newspaper of the Com- munist Party; the claim 'Registro de la Propiedad Intelectual No. 167.775' (Intel- lectual Property Registry) has no standing under U.S. law SM R pro-government news nenor 1.00 14-20 days economic paper; the claim 'Registro de la Propiedad Intelectual No. 1.374.438' (Intellectual Prop- erty Registry) has no standing under U.S. law -2- For Official Use Only Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300440004-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300440004-0 For Official Use Only Coverage of the South America Section -- continued DAYS OF CLA INDEX LAG IN COVERAGE CMP COV MODE INPUT RECEIPT NOTES monthly -414- PUR -dam technical-magazine, tha-claim----!-Raglatrd de Ja-12-r-ep-i-edad-infe- Lacteal No. 19-6.8-61' (Intiallestea4 Plop- erty_Rag4stry> bas-no standing-unde-r-U7S. law V Buenos Aires SOMOS in Spanish (open) (see notes) F SM Et PUB' 1.00 7 days 1/// /or ? ? ? BOLIVIA daily e: ? ? ? newspaper; the claim 'Registro de la Pro- piedad Intelectual No. 2/2.565' (Intel- lectual Property Registry) has no standing under U.S. law w Cochabamba LOS TIEMPOS in Spanish (open) (no notice) daily SM B PUB 7.00 30 days centrist newspaper 10/ La Paz- " ? . ? I/ La Paz EL DIARIO in Spanish (open)/ (no notice) daily SM B PU 7.00 10-13 days ultra-right newspaper , a Paz HOY in Spanish (open) o notice) daily 104( La_ Paz 0.11.7u, 46 ? SM -Bc PUB 7.00 10-13 days leftist newspaper SM B PUB 1.00 14-21 days La Paz PRESENCIA in Spanish (open) (no notice) daily SM B PUB 7.00 10 days Catholic-sponsored, liberal newspaper -3- For Official Use Only Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300440004-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300440004-0 For Official Use Only Coverage of the South America Section -- continued DAYS OF CLA INDEX LAG IN COVERAGE CMP COV MODE INPUT RECEIPT NOTES daily SM B PUB 7.00 10 13 dayo Santa Cruz EL MUNDO in Spanish daily SM B PUB 7.00 10-13 days AR.AZ IL 4.7 ' Br V (open) (no notice) monthly 8M PUB 0.23 21 days Ali MinibiLy-maga- zinel-ffiltIUW-A transerfcaa-da-mate- ria Llu desde clue indica1'a-a4macedum- cia ' (It -ia-perm4t...- ted tn rnpy tha / materia?-proviterthe sourrA is cited.) Brasilia CORREIO BRAZILIENSE in Portuguese (open) (no notice) MTWTFS SM -61(:.. PUB 6.00 14 days conservative newspa- lo/////Ri per o de Janeiro JORNAL DO BRASIL in Portuguese (official use only) (copy- right) daily SM B PUB 7.00 10-14 days Catholic conservative newspaper; citation: 'COPYRIGHT JORNAL DO BRASIL S A. 1988' /Rio de Janeiro LETRAS EM MARCHA Portuguese (open) (no notice) monthly SM -1311. PUB 0.23 10 days military newspaper Rio de Janeiro MANCHETE in Portuguese (open) (no notice) S SM B PUB 1.00 10 days general magazine Rio de Janeiro 0 GLOBO in Portuguese (open) (no notice) daily SM B PUB 7.00 10 4ays conservative, pro- government newspaper -4- For Official Use Only Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300440004-0 6, dot i13 T -T ?ye:. C(779 )da:d.9 /Iv/QS/Apt ,cjig 1) el ez-I, , P fYitcrutuS a9 DO eCofileaC 0 ("nPortgcrtde Coff'i c Occa5-10i-4P rx,) Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300440004-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300440004-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300440004-0 For Official Use Only Coverage of the South America Section -- continued DAYS OF CIA INDEX COVERAGE CMP COV MODE INPUT Rio de Janeiro SEGURANCA E DESENVOLV MENTO in quart SM .Bc..P 0.08 Paulo ,,..egs:2 Paulo S Paulo ,i7 Sao Paulo r Iao Paulo 0 ESTADO DE SAO PAULO in ortuguese S TWTFS SM BAtFUB 6.00 EXAME in Portuguese (open) (no SM B PUB 1.00 LAG IN RECEIPT Portuguese 90 days notice) 14 days FOLHA DE SAO PAULO in Portuguese (open) (no daily SM B PUB 7.00 10 days GAZETA MERCANTIL in Port ese (open) (no daily SM 7.00 10 days ISTO E in Portuguese open) (no SM 43c, UB 1.00 .1/ Sao Paulo VEJA in Portuguese (open) (see W SM B PUB 1.00 -5- notice) 14 days (open) 5 days notes) 10 days For Official Use Only NOTES (open) (see notes) publication of the War College; 'Per- mite-se a transcricao de qualquer materia publicada, desde que seja indicada a pro- cedencia. (Reproduc- tion of any published material is permit- ted, provided that the source is cited.) news magazine notice) liberal newspaper notice) economic newspaper news magazine (no notice) conservative, inde- pendent newspaper news magazine; the claim 'Todos os direitos reservados' (all rights reserved) has no standing under U.S. law Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300440004-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300440004-0 For Official Use Only Coverage of the South America Section -- continued DAYS OF CIA INDEX LAG IN COVERAGE CMP COV MODE INPUT RECEIPT NOTES 44/ao Paulo VISA? in Portuguese (open) (see notes) fortnly SM 2 PU 0.50 10 days news magazine; the claim 'Direitos res- ervados, inclusive os de traducao, no Pan- ama, Gra-Bretanha, Mexico, Chile, Bolivia, Cuba, Vene- zuela e paises signa- torios da Convencao Pan-Americana e da Convencao Interna- cional sobres os Direitos Autorais.' (Rights, including translation, reserved in Panama, the United Kingdom, Mexico, Chile, Bolivia, Cuba, Venezuela and the signatory countries to the Pan-American Convention and to the International Conven- tion on the Rights of Authors.) has no standing under U.S. law Sao Paulo VOZ DA UNIDADE in Portuguese (open) (no notice) W SM JPE, PUB 1.00 14 days Communist Party news- paper -6- For Official Use Only Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300440004-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300440004-0 For Official Use Only Coverage of the South America Section -- continued DAYS OF CLA INDEX LAG IN COVERAGE CMP COV MODE INPUT RECEIPT NOTES CHILE 1FH antiago ANALISIS in Spanish (open) (see notes) SM B PUB 1.00 7-10 days government opposition newspaper; the claim: 'Se autoriza su reproduccion total o parcial senalando la fuente.' (Total or partial reproduction is authorized if source is indicated.) has no standing under U.S. law Santiago APSI in Spanish (open) (no notice) SM B PUB 1.00 7-14 days opposition political and news magazine Santiago CAUCE in Spanish (open) o notice) SM--41A Pp 1.00 7-10 days unaffiliated news magazine note S B-- PUB 4.04 7-14 days magazine tia o ECONOMIA Y SOCIEDAD in pnish (open) (no notice) monthly SM Or PUB 0.23 14-21 days economic magazine Santiago EL MERCURIO in Spanish ,-4en) (no notice) daily SM -Be,PUB 7.00 6-14 days C 40/Santiago ERCILLA in Spanish (ope (no notice) SM Jfr B 1.00 14 days r Li/lantiago HOY in Spanish (open) (no notice) SM B PUB 1.00 7-14 days Christian Democrat magazine Santiago LA NACION in Spanish (fsPen) (no notice) daily SM -B( PUB 7.00 7-14 days government-subsidized newspaper -7- For Official Use Only Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300440004-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300440004-0 For Official Use Only Coverage of the South America Section -- continued DAYS OF CLA INDEX LAG IN COVERAGE CMP COV MODE INPUT RECEIPT NOTES antiago LA TERCERA DE LA HORA panish (open) (no notice) x/ daily SM 2c, PUB 7.00 7-11 days MENSAJE in Spanish (open) (no notice) monthly SM _744 UB 0.23 10-14 days Roman Catholic maga- zine Santiago QUE PASA in Spanish (ope (no notice) SM 43 1.00 7-14 days COLOMBIA Barran uilla EL HERALD() in Suianish (open) (no notice) daily SM B 7.00 7-14 days newspaper Bogota CROMOS in Spanish (open) (sye notes) SM Jir PU 1.00 7-14 days the claim 'Propiedad Intelectual Regis- trada por Editorial Mercurio S.A. 1982. Prohibida la repro- duccion total o par- cial bajo cualquier forma.' (Intellectual Property Registered by Editorial Mercurio S.A. 1982. Total or partial reproduction in any form is pro- hibited.) has no standing under U.S. law L//Bogota EL ESPECTADOR in Spanish (open) (incomplete copyright notice) daily SM -BA PUB 7.00 7-14 days liberal newspaper; 1./// the copyright notice 'COPYRIGHT CANO ISAZA Y CIA.' fails to meet standards of content and format that are mandatory under U.S. law -8- For Official Use Only Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300440004-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300440004-0 For Official Use Only Coverage of the South America Section -- continued DAYS OF CLA INDEX COVERAGE CMP COV MODE INPUT 1.. daily EL SIGLO in Spanish daily SM %../iogota EL TIEMPO in Spanish daily SM LAG IN RECEIPT (open) (no notice) UB 7.00 7-14 days conservative newspa- per i/i/Ogota NUEVA FRONTERA in Spanish (open) (no NOTES (open) (no notice) BA.AB 7.00 7-14 days notice) SM tp 1.00 421 days ota SEMANA in Spanish (open) (no notice) SM B PUB 1.00 7-10 days li EL PAIS in Spanish daily SM /' Medellin EL COLOMBIANO in daily SM ECUADOR LI/Guayaquil EL PUEBLO in uavacluil VISTAZO in fortnly uito EL COMERCIO in daily ito HOY in Spanish daily Quito -NOTI-OLADE in q monthly- (open) ?o notice) B 7.00 7-14 days Spanish (open) (no notice) B PUB 7.00 7-14 days 1/// Spanish (open) (no notice) SM 4V- PUB 1.00 60 days Spanish SM B Spanish SM B (open) (no notice) PUB 0.50 10-18 (open) (no notice) PUB 7.00 7-10 (open) (no notice) SM B PUB 7.00 7-10 anish (open) (no notiv.) SM B PUB 0.23 60-90 -9- For Official Use Only liberal newspaper economic magazine unaffiliated politi- cal magazine newspaper newspaper communist newspaper days magazine days newspaper days center-left newspaper days magezine-menergy production published by-the-Latin...American EowriBLJargamizatial (uLADh 7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300440004-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300440004-0 For Official Use Only Coverage of the South America Section -- continued DAYS OF CIA INDEX LAG IN COVERAGE CMP COV MODE INPUT RECEIPT NOTES /4p4.12HREVISTA ENERGETICA OLADE in Spanish (open) (no notice) V Alt mon SM B PUB 0:I2 9D days magaiine on energy gradriCtsibn publisUed by-the?Ilatiir-Anierit)in Energy Organization (OLADE) -10- For Official Use Only Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300440004-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300440004-0 For Official Use Only Coverage of the South America Section -- continued GERMANY (FRG) DAYS OF CLA INDEX LAG IN COVERAGE CMP COV MODE INPUT RECEIPT NOTES Bonn TECNOLOGIA MILITAR in Spanish (open) (see notes) monthly SM B PUB 0.23 30 days technical magazine; the claim: 'Los articulos en esta revista estan prote- gidos por la ley de propiedad literaria. Se reservan todos los derechos, especial- mente el de la tra- duccion a idiomas extranjeros. Sin la autorizacion escrita no se permite la reproduccion de parte alguna de esta revi- sta bien sea medi- ante fotocopia, microfilm u otros procedimientos o su transcripcion a un idioms de computador, especialmente de sistemas de tratam- iento electronico de datos. Se reservan igualmente los derec- hos de reproduccion mediante conferen- cias, emisiones de radio o television, ya sea por medios magnetofonicos o sim- ilares. Toda copia hecha o utilizada dentro de recinto de una empresa indus- trial cumple fines comerciales y obliga al pago de remunera- cion.' (The articles -11- For Official Use Only Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300440004-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300440004-0 For Official Use Only Coverage of the South America Section -- continued tiP)XRAGUAY DAYS OF CLA INDEX LAG IN COVERAGE CMP COV MODE INPUT RECEIPT NOTES Aspnrion F.T. MARTI) in SpAnich (rvc.n) (no notice) - GM dee PUB 7.00 10-14 dayo eenocrvativo) pro- government nesquaTer in this magazine are protected by the law of literary property. All rights are reserved, especially that of translation to foreign languages. Without written per- mission the reproduc- tion of any part of this magazine is disallowed -- whether by photocopy, micro- film or other means -- as is its tran- scription into a com- puter version, espe- cially database retrieval systems. All rights of repro- duction are reserved as well for the use in conferences, radio or television trans- missions, be it my magnetic recording or other means. Each copy made or used within the facilities of an industrial enterprise consti- tutes commercial use and requires the pay- ment of compensa- tion.) has no stand- ing under U.S. law -12- For Official Use Only Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300440004-0 r Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300440004-0 For Official Use Only Coverage of the South America Section -- continued DAYS OF CIA INDEX LAG IN COVERAGE CMP COV MODE INPUT RECEIPT NOTES suncion HOY in Spanish (open) o notice) daily SM 4114_B 7.00 10-14 days center-right newspa- per Spanish kTen) (no notice) ncion ULTIMA HORA i per , daily SM B ABA 7.00 99 days center-right newspa- per PERU monthly SM (open) (no notice) - PUB 0.23 21-30 days socio-economic maga- zine V/ Lima CARETAS in Spanish (open) (see notes) M SM B PUB 1.00 10-14 days news magazine; the claim 'Los textos, fotografias e ilus- traciones en esta edicion son propiedad de la Empresa Editora Caretas S.A. y esta prohibida su repro- duccion en todo o en parte, sin la debida autorizacion previa y por escrito' (the texts, photographs and illustrations in this publication are the property of the Empresa Editora Care- tas S.A. and the reproduction in whole or part without prior, written, express permission is prohibited) has no standing under U.S. law -13- For Official Use Only Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300440004-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300440004-0 For Official Use Only Coverage of the South America Section -- continued DAYS OF CLA INDEX LAG IN COVERAGE CMP COV MODE INPUT RECEIPT NOTES // L,/,' Lima EL COMERCIO in Spanish (open) (no notice) daily SM B PUB 7.00 7-14 days conservative, respected newspaper ,Lima EL DIARIO in Spanish (open) (no notice) daily SM 7.00 7-10 days pro-Shining Path, anti-APRA newspaper I L/7 Lima EL NACIONAL in Spanish (open) (no notice) daily SM B PUB 7.00 7-10 days newspaper of the pro- gressive wing of the American Revolution- ary Popular Alliance (APRA) party ''Lima EQUIS-X in Spanish (open) (no notice) SM B PUB 1.00 14 days magazine ? ? ? 11 days_ MAWS magazine Velma UNIDAD in Spanish (open) (no notice) S SM .3.- PUB 1.00 11 days Communist Party [PCP -- pro-Soviet Commu- nist Party] newspaper UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS ,Aloscow AMERICA LATINA in Spanish (official use only) (copyright) monthly SM 1r PUB 0.23 30 days 4j/0N ITED KINGDOM Sutton England NUCLEAR ENGINEERING in English (open) (no notice) monthly SM ,13,- PUB 0.23 30 days -14- For Official Use Only Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300440004-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300440004-0 c444) ?01c Sixintih ,3;tr.1601111_, riloadx/ ET 4)vee4c-v-fiv 1%) AimvoThly Foodr-d T. Poe C ore ix, e J Pl.)& 50- /-Fcrai..1 abc.i To/ 1-r Cm) r evIce,(-/ .1> Rio et 914(111;'s reywybol; Cenibir Coesco) i)m)(sim, 4 eigi_s- Declassified and and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300440004-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300440004-0 For Official Use Only Coverage of the South America Section -- continued DAYS OF CLA INDEX LAG IN COVERAGE CMP COV MODE INPUT RECEIPT NOTES URUGUAY -le Montevideo BUSQUEDA in Spanish (open) (no notice) SM PUB 1.00 14 days politically indepen- dent, most presti- gious newspaper 1,// Montevide. daily 5M B PUB 7.00 14 days ?44beral-newspaper promoting the Color, rado Party line Montevideo EL PAIS in Spanish (opery) (no notice) daily SM -p.PUBJ 7.00 14 days conserrative-newspa.. 4_ per promoting the 44/ mi.tutity fat.tion of the Colorado Party Montev t/f/Montevideo LA HORA in S ?../f .?.r.- Montevideo OPINAR in Spanish T 7 Montevideo LA AANANA in Spanish (open) (no-not.-ise) daily_ SA B TUB 7.00 14 -days -couservative newaps- per_supporting-the minority faction of --the-CO4orssio-Pexty ? ::.11 daily SM PLIR 1.00 21 days- communist newspaper 0.ti de II& PUB 7.00 21 days magazine VENBZUELA (open) (no notice) I. I paper barkivg -the la PaLrid faction dr the flisinert--PAr-ty Caracas BOHEMIA in Spanish (open) (no notice) fortnly SM B PUB 0.50 14 days news magazine -15- For Official Use Only Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300440004-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300440004-0 For Official Use Only Coverage of the South America Section -- continued Caracas /CaracAs EL NACIONAL in Spanish daily SM 4SA to//6aracas EL UNIVERSAL in Spanish / v/// Caracas DAYS OF CLA INDEX COVERAGE CMP COV MODE INPUT LAG IN RECEIPT NOTES EL DIARIO DE CARACAS in Spanish (open) (no notice) daily SM B PUB 7.00 10 days center-right newspa- per daily SM B n) (no notice) 7.00 10 days center-left newspaper (open) (no notice) PUB 7.00 10 days conservative newspa- per TRIBUNA POPULAR in Spanish (open) (no notice) F SM 11/- PUB 1.00 25 days Communist Party news- paper $/' ,c; -16- For Official Use Only Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/19: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300440004-0