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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250013-0 Assistant Director for Operations 11 Februarre% DEP CH CH EAGR CPR GYP ioCH ED CH RPB LIA OPP .M OFF EX FILE Chief, FBID FBID Progress Report for January 1964 GENERAL 4?14. 1. Both the Mediterranean and Panama Bureaus faced serious crises during the month which not only hampered operations but also resulted in the displacement of personnel. 2. The increasing tension between the Greek and Turkish communities on Cyprus, coupled with a growing anti-American feeling among Greek Cypriots which culminated in the bombing of the American Embassy in Nicosia on 4 February, finally led to the evacuation of all FBIS American dependents and the majority of foreign national dependents from Cyprus to Beirut, Lebanon and to Israel. FBIS Headquarters nersonnel have been participating in the Agency's Cyprus Task Force; was dispatched to Beirut as a part of an Agency team to assist in the reception of the evacuees from Cyprus and to oversee their general welfare while in Beirut. A senior editor and an electronics engineer from FBIS Headquarters arrived in Cyprus 4 February to help relieve the strain on bureau personnel who have been operating under continuous crisis conditions since 21 December. On 6 February Ambassador Wilkins declared Phase II of the Embassy's emergency plan and asked the Mediterranean Bureau to evacuate all remaining dependents and reduce its operations wherever possible. It is therefore planned to reduce the mission of the Mediterranean Bureau to coverage of Greek, Turkey, Cyprus, Israel and Iran by 22 February. The transfer of the majority of the bureau's monitors to the Austrian and London Bureaus, along with as much coverage as possible, is about to be implemented. 3. Anti-American mob violence which erupted in Pamela on 9 January following an incident over the display of only the American flat at a high school in the Canal Zone led to the destruction of property belonging to U.S. nationals, including the automobile of a Panama Bureau staff employee. Those Bureau employees who were at home when the rioting began were unable at first to got into the Canal Zone where the Bureau is located, and one group of three driving to work later narrowly escaped a Molotov cocktail attack before reaching the safety of the Zone. By 12 January all Staff employees and their dependents were given emergency billets in the Zone, where they still remain. Those on duty when the rioting began remained at the Bureau to provide full and valuable coverage, which has been continued throughout the crisis. In addition to radio coverage, the Bureau filed valuable eyewitness accounts of the disorder and violence. Both the White House and CCI noted their great dependence on the Panama Bureau and the HAS 50X1 1th, 1 SECRET fr , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250013-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250013-0 s 4 @LURE I e SUBJECT: PBID Progress Report for January 1964 Wire for prompt reports on the rapidly developing situation. Texts provided by PB15 were used at various emergency meetings, some of which were attended by the President. Army Secretary Cyrus Vance, who was sent to Panama to negotiate with the Panamanian Government, was provided the complete Bureau filo and pertinent tape recordings of Panamanian broadcasts. Even though DCA invoked a "Minimize" order during the height of the crisis, communications were not seriously affected. In fact the Bureau originated over 70 "00" messages during this period. 4. Special services for important consumers during the report period included the forwarding of certain broadcast items to the Attorney General's staff in Tokyo during Mr. Kennedy's talks with Indonesia's President Sukarno and a collection of tape recordings of Cuban broadcasts about Venezuela for the Department of State delegation to the OAS conference called in connection with a large arms cache found in Venezuela. The Department's Coordinator of Cuban Affairs, Mr. John H. Crimmins, sent a letter of appreciation for this special service. At the request of the Assistant to the DCI for Public Relations, a short initial report of world reaction to the highly publicized CIA analysis of the lagging Soviet economy was prepared. RPB later prepared a special memorandum on Soviet end other communist reaction to the CIA appraisal for the DCI, copies of which were sent to the DD/1 for forwarding also to Assistant Directors, to the National Security Council, and to the Stats Department's Bureau of Intelligence and Research. At the request of the DD/I's office, MS relayed to Taipei by Plash (22) precedence President de Gaulle's references to French-Chinese relations during his 31 January press conference. 5. ERIS support of the Agency representative with the U.S. delegation at the Geneva disarmament talks was resumed when the conference reconvened on 21 January. RPB is providing analyses by classified cable, and the London Bureau is filing significant broadcast items. 6. In an effort to insure prompt delivery of FBIS materials to offices in the White House, arrangements were made with the Information Liaison Staff of the National Security Council to receive and distribute these publications. In the past, FINS publications, including special White House requests for reaction reports, have been delayed by the elaborate security procedures reserved for materials passing through the White House mail center. 7. The second military coup in South Vietnam within three months, on 30 January, failed to produce any pertinent radio announcements from Saigon transmitters until several hours after it had been reported by press agencies. Saigon Bureau closely observed the behavior of South Vietnamese transmitters while waiting for the first radio announcement ? 2 - I ? griWri ! Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250013-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250013-0 an; ilE I ? . SUBJECT: FBID Progress Report for January 1964 of the coup, which cleared the 'MIS Wire Service within 26 minutes after being broadcast. rims was also compelled to rely on press transmission monitoring for the reports of disturbances in Zanzibar, Tanganyika, Kenya, and Uganda during January. Coverage by the BBC Nairobi bureau of subsequent developments provided the texts of several speeches by the Zanzibar revolution leaders indicating their leftist orientation and inclination toward the Communist bloc. 8. Radio Propaganda Reports: a. Three RPB analyses of Soviet, Chinese Communist* and Cuban propaganda behavior at the height of the Panama crisis were disseminated on the FBIS Wire. Two spot reports On the subject were sent to the office of the DD/I, which forwarded copies to the White House. The distinguishing features of the three communist propaganda efforts through 23 January were reviewed in Radio Propaganda Report CD.242, "Moscow. Peking, and Havana Reaction to the Events in Panama." b. Radio Propaganda Report CD.241, "Soviet Military Demonstrates Resistance to Threatened Force Cuts*" examined evidence of coolness in the Soviet military press toward K4rushchev's December reference to prospective reductions in Soviet troop Strength. c. Extracts of the Trends and Highlights, together with observations on Soviet reaction to the death of President Kennedy, were provided to CA/DDP as a contribution to Agency support of the Warren Commission. 9. The first Daily'Report supplement of 1964 was a 14-page issue \.( in the World Reaction Series collating foreign radio and press reaction to President Johnson's first State of the Union Message. 10. Field bureaus were instructed to expedite the filing of textual , materials on the launching of Soviet satellites and missiles which V disclose parameters of orbit and radio frequencies in order to provide more expeditious service to NORAD, at Ent Air Force Base, Colorado, and to other consumers. 11. The Headquarters of the Tactical Air Command at Langley Air Force Base, Virginia, has submitted a request for the FBIS Wire Service, NE In a reply approving the request, it was suggested that TAC tie on to the line already serving CINCLANT's Operations Intelligence at Norfolk, Virginia. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250013-0 ?miff Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250013-0 ? SUBJECT: FBID Progress Report 12. Lateral Services; gnuary 1964 a. With the addition of the MATS Headquarters at Scott Air Force Base in Illinois, for "the protection of worldwide crows and passengers," the World Health Organization Epidemiological Bulletin monitored at the East Coast Bureau is now disseminated by direct wire to 24 consumers around the world and by mail to four others in the Washington area. Three additional wire addressees are expected to be added by tbe Department of Health, Education, and 'Welfare in the very near (attire. b. Okinawa Bureau has begun filing to the Warning and Threat Assessment Division of the Fifth Air Force (SHWA), Fachu Air Station, Japan, items concerning civil air developments in Far Base -communist countridi and significant military items on the Indonesian-Malaysian confrontation. 134 Key West Bureau's videotape recording of the 2 January Cuban revolution anniversary day parade in Havana, which included a display of military equipment* was Viewed with interest by a large number of analysts from several Agency and H.S. Government offices. Defense Intelligence Agency representatives requested extra prints of the entire tape, as well as still pictures of various scenes. 14. Initial results of a pilot program for Daily Report production, using a smaller typeface which can result in approximately 25 percent \v more material per page than the standard elite typeface now in use* art encouraging. The pilot program so far has been applied to various sections of the Latin America Daily Report. y 15. During January, 20 percent of the items appearing in the DCI Digest were based wholly or in part on material supplied by HIS. 16. Press scrutiny material accounted for 8 percent of the Daily Report during the report period. 17. At the request of the Curator, Historical Intelligence Coll tion* V a eemoreadum was prepared outlining what FIS documents would be appropriate for the John F. Kennedy Memorial Library. 18. Significant Broadcasting Developments; a. Clandestine broadcasting activity during the past month included transmissions of a Turkish Cypriot-oriented program for - 4 - SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250013-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250013-0 ????? 1.0; 0 SUBJECT: FBID Progress Report for January 1964 Cyprus, which Mediterranean Bureau is covering; additional broadcasts begun by the communist-controlled anti-Salazar "Radio Portugal Livre," which is covered by the BBC; now language efforts in French by the Hanoi-based "Pothot Lao" radio and by the "Radio of the Laotian Kingdom," for which Saigon and Okinawa Bureaus have coverage responsibility; and the addition of Cambodian and Cantonese programs by the communist-controlled, anti-South Vietnamese "Liberation Broadcasting Station," also the responsibility of the latter two Bureaus. b. Moscow inaugurated another Africanolanguage progfam on 19 January, replacing a thrice-weekly broadcast in Portuguese for Africa with a program in Lingala, a Congo vernacular widely spoken in the Republic. Neither FBIS nor BBC can cover this language. c. During Castro's visit to Moscow, the USSR added a program in Spanish to Cuba on its International Service, daily broadcasts running from 16-26 January. BBC covered this program and London Bureau handled lateral dissemination. d. Broadcast Information Section handled a number of requests from OCT, the State Department, and USIA during the Panama crisis, most of which were Seeking information about the political affiliations of Panama's radio and television stations. Several consumers indicated that BIS is the sole source of sUch information. FACILITIES 19.. Transpacific allocated circuits continued to suffer from high outages with about 42 percent of the total messages for the month being rerouted to Wathington over common user facilities. However, high- precedence traffic including the first broadcast items on the latest South Vietnam coup, aro reaching Headquarters quickly. The relocation of the Saigon STARCOM relay resulted in temporary severe communications delays between Saigon Bureau and other FB1S stations, especially Okinawa Bureau. 20. in an effort to bolster Mediterranean Bureau communications which were affected by cable cuts during the Cyprus crisis, special VHF communications equipment has been ordered, to be used to improve communications between Karavas and Yerolakkos and Nicosia. The equipment duo on Cyprus 8 February 1964. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250013-0 nrnnrT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250013-0 . SUBJECT: FBID Progress Report for January 1964 21. Improvement of the Panama Bureau internal layout is now approximately 75 percent complete. 22. Okinawa Bureau Developments: a. The far East Broadcasting Company (FEBC) and International Broadcasting Service (IBS) conducted additional tests to attempt to eliminate a spurious radio signal on 996 KCS. Efforts were not successful and further efforts will be made, b. The four-man BOQ extension project was 70,6 percent complete at the end of January. 23. At the Key West Bureau, the second video recorder, Ampex model 1100, fully transistorized, was received and placed in operation on 24 December. The unit was checked out by an Ampex field engineer and was accepted on 31 December 1963. 24. African Bureau Developments: 'Nv a. The installation of a Veestypo antenna oriented toward Accra began in December, b. The Bureau's request for approximately 32 acres of additional land to protect the antennas from encroachment has been approved by the Nigerian Ministry of Land and Survey, with the land rental fee set at 5 shillings per (Jere for the first year. c. The construction of houses for indigenous employees continues at a slow pace. In light of the current economy drive, the principle of continuing the construction of African staff housing was reviewed by ERIS Headquarters and the Bureau Chief. It was decided to continue the project. ADMINISTRATION 25. During the month of January, no one entered on duty, 5 employees transferred, and 2 were separated from FRS. The on-duty strength as of 31 January was including one employee on leave without pay and one employee on maternity leave. There were eight professionals and four clericals in process during the month. 26. At the request of the DD/I's office, the Administrative Staff prepared a report of compensated overtime for the first half of Fiscal 1964. - 6 - SECRET 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250013-0 A Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250013-0 SUBJECT: FBI!) Progress Report for January 1964 ? 27. A positive program for housing of the FB15 Panama Staff was sparked by the Panama crisis. Staff employees will be included in the Agency's housing program. 28. PUS' worldwide support costs was reviewed and approved.. 29. A telephone survey completed in FBIS Beadquartors resulted in the removal of six telephones and five associated butters. 30. The budget call for Fiscal Years 1965 and 1960 was sent to all field bureaus, with the reporting date established as 1 April 1964. Sl. The considerable administrative detail connected with the loss of London Bureau Editor during the S.S. Lakonia disaster has resulted in continuous cooperation with the Benefits and Services Branch, Attachments: Personnel Supplement Production Report Daily Report Wordage Now Consumers Special Requirements ROGER G. SEELY 7 SECRET 50X1 50X1 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250013-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250013-0 C, 1. SummarY Number of Personnel PERSONNEL SUPPLEMENT TO UONTULY PROGRESS REPORT January 1964 American On In Entered Promo. Trans- 7/0 Ceiling' Rat Process On Duty ;ions forted Separated ? Figure includes one employee on LNOP and one employee cm Na ernity Leave. c.. L Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250013-0 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250013-0 21 3. 0 Personnel Entering on Duty New Title, Grade Assignment Date 50X1 None Prorao o Old Title, Grade Assignuent Electronic Spec, C5-9 Mediterranean Bureau Electronic Spec, CS-10 Mediterranean Bureau 5 January 1964 4. Reassignments Old Title, Grade New Title, Grade Date Name Assignment Assignment ????????????6 Info Sp(For West), GS-11 Info Sp(For Bdest), GS-11 20 January 1964 50X1 East Coast Bureau Editorial Branch Info Sp(For Bdcst), GS-11 Info Sp(For Bdcst), GS-11 20 January 1964 African Bureau East Coast Bureau S. Transfers Name Title, Grade, Assignment Receiving Component Date Info Sp(For Bdcst) G5-9 JOT? 5 January 1964 50X1 Editorial Branch 1.0.(Liaison)(Chief), GS-13 0/DCI 26 January 1964 Liaison G Requirements Staff ? i Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP)83150586R000300250013-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250013-0 Er Transfers (Continued) Propaganda Anal Of, G5.11 0/09/I Radio Propaganda Branch Info Sp(For &fest), CS-B Editorial Branch Info Sp(For Bdcst), GS-12 00/C 0 Editorial Branch 6. Separations Title, Grade, Assignmeut llama Brdcst Mon (Multi), OS.10 (Contract Employee) West Coast Bureau Clerk Typist, G5-3 Editorial Brunch 7, 00 Career Service Program employees have been accepted for Career Staff Nethership. 8. Average T/0 Grade: 9.91 Average On Duty Grade: 9.6 r ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250013-0 19 January 1964 50X1 ' $ January 1964 $ January 1964 Pate 31 January 1964 50X1 25 January 1964 50X1 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013108107: CIA- 2DP83-00586R000300250013-0 .1 tCAINIVI I I IAL. SLIP .7 DATE Loi February 1964 TO: ROOM NO. BUILDING REMARKS: There was a general increase in wordage filed and wordage disseminated compared with the previous month primarily resulting from a sizeable increase in the Mediterranean Bureau file. Panama file also significantly increased because of,the riots there. West Coast Bureau file was up also because of the Sino-Soviet Polemic. Other Bureaus' filing was normal. FRO LA WO De. t Chief FC5?X ROOM . I EXTENSION De lassified in Part - Sani ized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07 : 5 CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250013-0 USED. (47) MAginninri Ai Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA--RDP83-00586R000300250013-0 ft? ' 1. Daily Average of Field Bureau Production, January. 1964 (Average computed on basis of 5-day week) HOURS WORDAGE WORDAGE ECONOMIC ABSTRACTS FIELD BUREAU MONITORED FILED DISSEMINATED** (No. Items) Voice Press Africa 17.0 8,200 7,096 Austria 5.8 18,580* 17,034* East Coast 20.6 218.3 19,709 10,941 German 10.0 14,802***0 12,360**** Hokkaido 17.4 1.5 7,370 5,614 45 Key West 10.3 10,000 5.130 Mediterranean 67.0 57.0 37,900 32,724 73 Okinawa 49.4 48.4 35,100 27,186 19 Panama 23.0 19.5 12,700 5,946 Saigon 22.0 6,600* 6,062* Tokyo 33.1 5,100 4,834 West Coast 47.1 72.9 32,530 26 174 9 Total FBIS 322.7 417.4 208,591 161,101 146 BBC: Caversham 157.0 128.0 59,290 50,158 51 Nairobi 11.0 2,988 2,524 0 Stockholm/Teheran 11.0 *** *** Total BBC 179.0 126.0 62,278 32,--637 -ST Grand TOTAL (FBIS-B0C) 501.7 545.4 270,869 215,783 197 A daily average of 125,137 words were filed to BBC. Includes Press Scrutiny. Includes DAILY REPORT, Wire Service, and miscellaneous publications Included in Caversham file. Includes 6,000 words for "Weekly Report on East German Press". CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250013-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250013-0 DAILY REPORT WORDAGE FOR JANUARY 1964 DAILY REPORT BOOK TOTAL AVERAGE ? 0 USSR/EE 1,036,400 47,109 (22 publication days) Far East 890.400 40,473 it tl tt ME/AF/WE 606,800 27,582 tt It It Latin America' 288,000 13,091 a It II World Reaction Supplement 5,200 Total Wordage for All Sections 2,826,800 0 Total Daily Average 128,255 Total Wire Service Wordage 866,953 Wire Service Daily Average 27,965 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250013-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250013-0 ?4) 4 ? PUBLICATION White Book DR Latin America DR Middle East, Africa West Europe DB Stirvey of Bloc Broadcasts Radio Propaganda Reports, NEW CONSUMERS yon RBIS PUBLICATIONS January 1964 CONSUMER TITLE OR OR6ANIZATION Newbold Noyes, Editor Dulles Library Rodolfo Perez Hon. William C. Cramer Glenard P. Lipscotb Arnold Stebinger American Embassy Moscow American Embassy Moscow Thomas P. Pickering Washington Star Dulles Library, Now York Watergate Realty Company Member of Congress MeMber of Congress Socony Mobile Oil Company, Inc. Department of State Department of State U.S. Delegation to liNDC Office of Naval Intelligence Defense Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250013-0 SECRET P;II.d 1.1 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250013 0 SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS CONTROL CONTROL NO. REQUESTING OFFICE DATE RECEIVED ACTION ?DESK DESCRIPTION DATE COMPLETED REMARKS 0:47.363 01A/DOD. 18 Dec Fla Vtdcatapo of flanna. revolution day- I Jan Videotape forwarded to OCR/Cr Sur celebratiOng including speeches and parade -1964 for processing and presentation R4474-63 USIA 18.0ec ECB Informatioacn-News Agency transmirsions 20 Jan 1964 Bureau cthaervatioas forwarded USIA Liaison Office 075-63 Oa 24 Dec. CZ Bur Increated reporting on Venezuela political developments through aid-February --- Daily Report will publish as such as possible; remainder will be sent directly to GNU CR-1-64. State 3 Jan ECS ithunftp of COBRA incitement broadcasts to Latin America (au BCC lateral service for 00/1A) .4,-. Wire sales copy svailSbJst LBR for forwarding. to Department of State _ - FDD/OCR 9 Jan Slag= Subscription of Hanoi pnblication VAN WA ..... Bureau -pouches: to V IS bail Room necked "to be passed to FOO" - Re-! 64 DC.1 it Jan Field Reaction report on CIA estimate on 13 Jan eports collated and forwarded to. Burs Soviet economy -Assistant to the Director for . Public Media affair* . k4444 OC/a State 13 Jan. RP8 Significant broadcast cement and RP8 forwards special studies by 0 - Loud= roundups of pertinent natorial to USDISARMDEL. Geneva. (Conference resumed 21 Jaauary 64) wire; London forwards significant Stein and portions of daily roundup by. wire 50X1 F9C.1111 SECRET GROUPI Eoclode4 Pro.,, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250013-0 SECRET W.-- ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300250013 0 SPEC IAL REQUIREMENTS CONTROL CONTROL NO. REOUESTING OFFICE DATE RECEIVED ACTION DESK DESCRIPTION DATE COMPLETED REMARKS R-6-64 17 jar SCE Tape =aiding fro/amongbalt of JOAO Eenyatte upeodi for Esse an a training program 4 Open corpIetLoa,. recording will be forwarded to requester CR444 Legislative Counsel, A/DCl/PR 20 Jaa field Eur AII monitored Jaentions of CIA Field tie items "Copy to Liaison" for forwarding first to Office of Press Relations and than .to 0 Legislative Counsel. OSI 23 Jan Lodmz Original,tisssbn of a sentence in a MOSCOW US$ Russian transmission 23 Jen Information was called in to requester . 14.9.454 IMAJDOD 23 JAM Field Comment from Japanese I Okinawan 'sources -critical of the MoltedStates in regard to the Panama crisis .0. Waffled material to be included on Mire end in Daily Report 4 &SC 28 Jan UR Request for all Daily Repeat page references to eminent on tho CIA estimate of the Soviet *commie situation - 28 Jew Page references called in to raquestor by LER , 1-11-64 DEVI A/DCl/P1 28 Jan UPS Special memorandumea communist reactica to the C/A estimate on the 28 Jan Memorandum forwarded to. DD/ Vs Office for distribution. Soviet economy 0 FORM 5al SECRET ? lEtiogr%.-ficl Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586K000300250013-0 C1 3J