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7 I cai Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy APproved for Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300140004-2 ap../ taut Assistant Director for Operations Chief, IBM Progfesa Report for Septishar 1956 orlaatung 9 Otter 1956 ? CHIEF :DEP CH ENGR?E.4 2 OPR or.? CH Er) ?W A...MA OPP 40__EX FILE 1. the van African aurvey teem conducted reception testa in Spain, the Balearic Islands) Sartinial ?Sicily, and Tunis during the month. A prelS report Indicates that reception of 'broadcasts - from the Jeerer/211 Forth African target arta vas beat in Majorca. Two wafters at ?the teem visited Accra, Cold Coast, late in the month. 2. Sertites 'performed by IrBIS &ming the month Included: a. A"raup for the U.S. delegation in london to the ?sea London Conference ?on the Suez Canal titillation. This roundup to prepared In Lot with support fors other Bureaus) and wan Also tlisserthatnet in Waahlgt492 on the MIS B.wire. b. That I of an appretrisately '330,000 masa recording of the puxeedings of the Eighth Chinese Patty Cangreato published as a supplement to the IVES renr Report, a 1,630 copies for spec1e3. distribution. Two more parts of this isnolement are to he leaved. t. Several brief tneseript strict on various abject% provided in response to requests from GCB, Intl-uaing world reaction to Soviet arrhonnernts of fallout aid fatcrole explosions the latest .Thaganin letter to President Eisenbaser, and the librishetev ? Tito niehMage of visits. id. A may of cant ?on the Atomic Energy Ccandesiotios antouncements concerns g &mitt idetoratons) prepared for the effice of Scientific Dttelligence. e. Recorilings mad? trearacrist of speethes by Egyptian R President Nasir tad. ether Egyptitua 'macre of niffiCient Matte to speak for him, supplied to the American Embassy in Beirut " in re?sponse to a PP recpeat. 'This !service enatinueas SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300140004-2 /2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300140004-2 %. St_Ult. I ? Neo ? 3. TWO enti-Resir Arabia eleatestino stations no now tedng Danitosed by PTO, the first af which to located in Item as prerionsly snorted. Ths osecai, first beard as 16 Sr, tweets to be tzenatitting frcet Cjprtm under Eritash eponeorahlp. , te. P3111 Sevin service ass attentbd to tit Atomic Drat Cardasion on'L%Cer. 9? Ths langosteniteg mistimes:0 for 11115 vire genies to ? britosaseerr Mtn at tbe Wan talks with the Clines Comsetbsts vas mitt haring the math. Doptstarnt of nate scatted that the rico is still traded. aud it accordingly is ccatinuirge 6. An accorlance vith instrueticas frat tbs FICO3 daily "pink shoe vas revised to Reprove its rasa Charter paregaghs ers met eat rum locations are tesicallned. The DWI ass repara to hese (gross& of the new ram T. tbestures to author the thditartvineen Baretote atoshiLity to monitor =taloa. tienlmtts in the leldile That to met inteiliganas incluled the exana at the Curets% of MD Aroblefilwahili traitor rocrated in test Africa; end a repast tor a WO hareem of two Arable nortttore presented to bbnsgsant MST. Nattertuneen Bureau los =Lb:sized in the amintha to recruit agatost them positions vithin its overall foreign national WO. 8, Tbs RBIS field arty in Central sal Routh Merl= 1101, =plated, Results India Qat Tenons is the best locatica for a anis ratan Mari= cruising mat, with den kaki Costa Rica as first alteanste. The caution is still under strty. - 9. lb ?nett= with tbs Depot= of artice Indidnent Villits Papa tomer stgleher of ths China Roothly Revise in tbangtato a consultent ot tbe *Ratios Departa=t visited 11113 itod discuseal passible epproschse art esaistenee with ressesentetives of the Rollo Trona% Branch. TA= 10. Chin Damen reported tint tbe Ravine Corps no surveying ths Bolo airfield for possible use as a latrine beliccgtss halo. On S Reptember the Chief and Chief Engineer IBM eoulteted with cifielals at Maim Cape SS erg ibtmd tbat the Air forces without referral to YE19, has alleceted Bolo airfield to the *rite Carve for SECRET ' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300140004-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300140004-2 OLUtii-t 4 Iva, Vevalogrivre of air sugport fecilitite Sncoraectice with the tateitaleineers of a tee? base In Mins far the Thiel trite rateste, cot Inected In awn. PT= consrared In joint tests with the itrine Corps to detentins whether amperatlen wad be rointeined et Dal. Point to Ware reception Interfentoce) eti a rant Minna to the Deenstery of Deteree setting forth 111118 rectircoeste le *draws tea preporol ihr the eignstam it the Acting WL 11. lone to Stir Bureau ten Tnbtlel2 Psaon 7.9 tle;pteibir approxiabed $5,000. radon gni afters wen extensively itanaged. buildinge euffered wear penstratioo, and then wan conettibrable loccening it trateree. Depeln are being aim utier kcal tartrate. 11113 personnel everped injorh trot for one Okinawa spiny. Who , received tlisiceethise and brultase when Ulm fort the 104 ext. The Bore= continted to and amnia:air via larialnes was neinteleed tin:about the typboca. ibe current Minion teasing constracties is 35% enietel ibliterameen brawn booth sesierniattIon le also 3% SS. 13. A maricess intentgation of Zest Coast Dunce, orsoioatiort. tin first of major proportion eines eetivatice of the station, occorred on 18 tleptabeer ten electrolytic action eased the cable minim all eireaits fto:s the Innen to fall. Attempt* to at op now routing vift Were Ineffective ad the mei for better ern arragenents is Cd Offloo at Caterenleations. 50X1 Wt. farrier aspecity cable vas instefled In the Itarie rimming to earn the 11118 Vire Boat attn. the txriglnal parrs cable provided only sralticiont cepacdty ftat ardinery office relpirviente, Da not for the stied lord of 110:3 teletype eqpixoterb. ADMINII3TPAZO2 15. The PhD Table of Ones:lath:a was officially retiee4 in general aextrdenee with the revised nbecatenttiens suirsitted to Magma Oran. Poetize reeltuselficatione inabseal anti= of the Chiefly GS, Mettiternosteip leadees, eel Vent Coast bream to GSA% elevation of several flat bureau editorial position to 03.140 and nellsotiol or tin overell mvstt VO to? tie ere* telling or Position in bac I'S Omen vont still Sr min an 50X1 Beta. 16. raccetion of 1957 alenttiztt tat* vas soseiss& as? roorPasted in the Operating beiget. nro tao Intinates for Pint Tan* 1958 3 SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300140004-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300140004-2 tr.? SECRET were submitted. 17. Training; FBID's basic training progranfoi approved by Office of Training under Five other FED training programs, for editors and propaganda analysts, were drawn up for similar accreditation by OTR. b. Arrangements were made with ca for an Effective Writing Course, for personnel of MID end other CO Divisions to be conducted in the CO Conforms) Room at 1717 R Street. This will sdatate time lost by participants in travelling to and from OTR buildings. 18. Azoonference was held with the Chief Overt Branch, Personnel Evaluation Division, OP, on PSIS field .personnel prOblems as a prelude to his proposed visit to oversees IBIS Suresua. Such firsteband oboe:- vstion of field Personnel problems sbould be beneficial to rinse 19. Personnel: 50X1 During September five persons were s from 1D1D. Classified - on-duty-strength On 30 Septelber was 11 under WO, and 26 applications 50X1 MOTO in process. For the first time many months, applications are in VTOCVIS for ail actual and anticipated editccriel vacancies in FB/S. RODER Go Saar Enclosures:: I. Field Production Report II. Personnel Supplement III. Requirements SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300140004-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300140004-2 Crifiperat t4/,' 1. Weekly Average Of old bureau PrQOuctton1 :Septeber 1956. ROUES WORDAGE ITEMS 'unto FEEZD MIRIAU ttOMtvltu TZXZD rizz0 PUBLISHED Austria 29 3/11 59,550* 2.30* 75* mast ? 757 30 98,020 560 250 ?German 3.96 70,000* 260* 65* RoUsido 91 33,500 360 350 Landon 1,617 326,925 655 610 Mediterranean 479 1/2 175,500 isms no acina GA 212 moo soo 315 245 ?Saigon 147 33a000* 150* 13.0* Tokyo 197 3/4 46,000' 2.25. 69 West Coast 651 275,030 875 585 5,031 1/4 1,317,975 4,415 3,145 WAR]. Includes ran Scrutiny IMS: A lay average of 4771813 r6 were filed to 2J3C. CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for: Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300140004-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300140004-2 ULUIILI Ci 1. Eintary ? Itunber of Personnel, Oepartn_ental V. a. Field ? Foreign Field , Departmental & Field (Totni) PIREMODIL MID= lea MOMS REMO September 19,6 Acerionn On In Enterei Promo. Wens- yja ,cesi4AR PrOOOSS ?OR Dar ttODO Ferrel ft/tad hertive On yit2 wiThea SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: CIA RDP83-00586R000300140004-2 50X1 ? ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300140004-2 2* Personnel *storing Cu .Duty lone 3. Enalotiotus 4. Beassilnoents km* Old Titles Orals Assigrmant Mark 4)pitto 08-3 iteisthistratin Staff Into Op(POrBdcat), 084 Initortal Breath Into BATor most),, 08-11 Sart Coast Bureau Old Title, Graeae Assigrent Intalligenes Asa) 08-6 Liaison State Info Mitt West) 08-7 Mitral Breath Sleet= Sbeitadio), 00-13 Eat Coast &mew into Bigler Dicatb 01143 Widitogran Bursau Zara ap(ror myth oseg Bast Coast Bureau Sew title, Grad* .Assisosent Dick typist, OSA Ashelnistraties Start Into Ete(Yor Nest), 0807 Editorial Branch Into 80(enr West), 00-12 East Coat Bureau Ms mis,Ors& Assignment Ada Aft stint, 0006 West Wan Wureau Info Sp(Por 244tit), 08.4 Lust Coast Eursau suctruarkeassultas.13 Matterranian Bureau ? Into tip(Tor 131ost), 004.3 T1014 Operations staff into Sp(PC Bluth 013.9 Editorial Stanch SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: CIA-KDP83-00586R000300140004-2 0ste 26 August 1.956 50X1 9 September 1956 50X1 Date 9 September 1936 9 neptabor 1956 3.5 July 1956 9 Sotembor 1956 9 septeawer 1936 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved Reassignments ?(Cont. for Release 2013/07/15 : al-A---R5P-8-3700586R000300140004-2 ) Electron Eng(Baillo), 0043 Electron Enelbalio) 08-13 ?26 August 1956 50X1 Meaterremmen Bureau ?Xsat Soma Bureau MU? Nat tor, 00.42 Info 6P(For Meat), 0042 9 September 1956 Mediterranean Bureau IaNkniBureau We Sp(For Biast), GS-11 Into SAPOr Moot) 00-11 9 September 1956 Medal Branch London Bureau 1r) 5. Bereratices 50X1 Name Title, Grade, Assignment Data Propaganda Anal On, GB-11 14 September 1.956 Radio Propaganfla Branch Teleg taper Opr $UP, SO4 aepteober 1956 West Coast Bureau Radio eperator, 05.6 leSt Coast Bureau 15 July 1956 Radio Operator, 034 14 SepteMber 1956 West Coast Bitten 0 Teleg %Tyr Or, Vest CootEV:04u ee September 1956 6. Niscalaneous 50X1 &me Manse Pram Date 5September 3.956 ? Driest Son (iato), 176-9 &daft Son (inno), CISE.9 West ceeet Bureau West Coast Bureau 50X1 SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300140004-2 It-? rex r--r- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300140004-2 _ _ , 7. 00 Career Service Program St emplayees have been at b. Training Activities Career Start ttiti14p* Tri-State Colleges Angola, Indiana eeptentez? 1956 - August 1958 RCA TrIevialtem Seminar - Camden, 17 - 21 September 1956 Regional Survey - Soviet Bloc 10 September -.3.6 November 19% Segievel Survey - Soviet MCC 10 SePteillber ? 16 ilovcaber 196 Exta.rnal External Advanced Smash Tranelationu Oftorgetona lhaveraity titterMal 24 Septealer 1956 4 Oboe 1957 Basic Supervision internal 24 September - 5 October 1956 Intelligence Orientation Internal 28 September 1956 Shorthael Theory Review Internal 10 September - 5 October 1956 Writing Workmeop 10 September 4. 5 October 1956 Owns Wathiskstas Univinvitor 24 September 1956-29;mussy MT Segribe Washington. Thaaralty 24 September 1956 29 &unary 3.951 SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300140004-2 50X1 50X1 OCODCT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300140004-2 00Cutter Service Prop:rem ni Trani= Activities (cont.) _ _ _ Us Graduate School, 211. SeTtader 1956 - 25 Janulmr 257 50X1 8. Fortign Trate/ - Nene of Traveler Destination Da Departure ant Return Rutioe and Africa 126 4blY /556 31. January 3.957 50X1 0 Europe end Africa Europe and Africa 25 July 19156 31. &man 1957 3s349 1,956 - &multi 1957 Europe earl Africa south America 26 allY 1956 - 31 January 1957 --? AIWA 1956 - 14 septater 1956 I it, SFeprr 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300140004-2 , ,C7771-, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300140004-2 ..... ??? itliptracv.r 1.3'Z; SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS CONTROL CONTROL NO. REQUESTING OFFICE CONTROL NO. REQUESTING OFFICE DATE RECEIVED ACTION DESK DESCRIPTION , . ? ? . . t. DATE DESIRED DATE COMPLETED REMARKS P-1715 c4 1 MA 7 Att7 kin 0 Nriodic check. of non WJLfor atrsogtb ate vellability RAP az Sept for adwardoarralleustA 50X1 n 183-1$ Maw IS flag M fa Sept Sr ladle Props:As 8ep024:0u Soviet rotation to SOU 8 oft PAP ' 9 Pew+. for ea DCT 50) rourtmtwar, Operating tins of Govlat.Get411ito tammelttars Is *I'+" ni U 9 7 A 6 en havvis far Plitioni I 50) n_224- 4 g#ts 1 e Fa Ifti. 00n m000ageo broadcast bysctS-sLr Arab statical t -- for Jobs Partit. a OIL State MII 50X' . Jr.. ? ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/15 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300140004-2 _ . I 3/ 1 1