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f '1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080029-2 - -,MP? ? Assistant Director for Operations 10 ably 1951 Acting Chief, MD ProCroes mart far as 1951 1. The Projects Davin Caedttee has approved the irstablIstaint of Laigaa Ittssion a eeparate Daman. A request fcr a pereiment 'table of Orgenisation use forverded to the Dart" Direstor for Admin- istration on 27 Ian 1951. 2. laporta on broadcast indicaticas of civil dteaffectien 50X1 'and other &matte difficulties in the Mat initiated %y the OIC caparboutal Canter Partalogical Warfare Project brae been favorably received by 1AC oinsamov. Arrangsants are being made to publish siMm reparta on Ccamtanist Chinn beginning about 1 October. 3. The Chief and three staff offices of MD a given orienta- tion in C80 and CNC operatiaw. Fonda have been made available to the American Consul at Nicosia for settlement of the dam claim against the Iteliterreasen Oren brought by in October. 1950. 50X1 5. As authorised by the ADO, cremate ars or nuanatincom Canamicaticas Division for MD to handle classified between ?DD, ileatingtat. and Allied Translator and Interpreter Service, Mont the latter through PIM To &nat. WO exchanges of brief seeps in serviced satisfactorily during the math of :one. 6. agent watts= .at butted Specialist at 50X1 the Union Dares, entered the Mericen Universitv at Data to partici- pate in the 135Aitipariscred mann uhich card 29 In. 7. epecial dash level liaison arrangseents hen bean established betmean the &Maria drench and CC1 flea offices for the purpose of transattting late radio information on foreign events end propaganda. 8. It* folladng spatial reports in fansd and distribute& veramedst Chines Nessaree Aipainst Resistanceiv Lin, 50X1 Otte Psychological Warfare No. 3, vindication* of Domartic Difficultieete 9 AIM, 50X1 'Trends sad Iligtaights of Peking Proadcaotee a trial runt 15 am* (limited 1AC distribution). elascasis Ccsanst on Taiwan end State Dopartnentle Cadence Note.* 15 it., (distribution for VOL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080029-2 aL. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080029-2 MI Deport 4, 23 AM; naach Nallies 23 June Radio Address,* 25 am 1951, (Prepen4 far the Mite litita). 0 tea" Igen te hatrieust leateratme 2S are, 9. Special disseaturtion dawn a. landau isreanis Daily Road* of Soviet ad Satellite ileastiouto the Canters of the Deputy Foreign Ittataters, premed fm the AO, ratelltunoe, SAPS, Paris is diectu? tinned at tie eatalation at the Casfennes. b. At the request of the Devastates of Mats, Tokyo Datit Masai the Mize of Sated material of Chins International Surtioe press to 1X13, Toreaws. is. At la request at 04, Mt, ISA, a ?cagy of all atria in Inglisit sad Math Yam tuassitted tho We& cities of ATP to its ocanirs in Scutheest Asia and a atvy of all ItlittSla saterial 'inflamed at Reads we Med to Sego kr the West Cent Sarnia, d. eldsua Saran fursishes ita Say stalysis of Chinese Cala recital lualeasts. e. flew at ell malaria massed ty the Saint Darns is Mad to To for 0-2, It. 10. Operational Inforatiat ad Prtaantl !Isparta far June an attached, DMus Distributions Addressee 0 & A141 -1 -,1RI Aft. Pile 1 V *Reit ET 2 50X1 50X1 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080029-2 a let Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080029-2 smx? COTRATICCIAL rant= vim JUL 41301 1951 R. YEW Prat States Report on of $0 Juese 1951 piekliest_ClernaPress Beet Cornpro. To nod the creased reqdremente of to teutritento of Sato ead Arty anti of CCI, tho Dopolgy Ettreetar fixr riz:n tun apporand additional frallittes at the Getrom Deo= to porat corento of NA Wart CC= Prams ilarvice. . 2. EIRLEttaanszta. The Poet 0coint tram unbolted Antra arms In the nee north of Can Pronedeee Dew Der a ma IX:D Gibe. $. thaaritmaigalaaalatsak. A study of to roodreartn aid casts irated in oca naidtor. ? ing atonal at teredaL Dear tho Paillston Wiener* end the prat= iniatrod In coardinettity it vith to propoesd tar lc= geration at Len% to Pm' pared and adcrititd aleng with the nrindonaly raplated Control Asian tratarins study ten raectos to tat draft cd. clatter Teas ea AiXi to Mr. Medea Arad et Karachi. ancsaultlaIcattli ? All item of witted rapdrod =dor the itemoney nation ilquineent and Mall projecte hen boon ordered. To este, 50 of KS it rapdaitionsd tiara to tartar end 14 of 500 iteme requinitiond =dor tho latter poled ban boon rooshod. ;Odle neat Mrs so curnoted to to on head within 60 dem delberra till not bo orpletod far onaral mouths. 5. Chinon Cratreetien_Profl intizedes of to cost of pueft final plea and opeoitteetticas comeration projects by the Cid= Dora aro beim obtained tan the taatoist akteero eel a loud reprewonitidtre of a Date Tt =nation fins, (trove end Aosoelertee. Ua esthete) of the rat of cenntration are also helm obtained tram einema laza conintotans on Oldnozt. C. teeeplated cadounden bolts (a) four throo.latrixes ferdly brain units, (b) coo Wan abater and 110Q stratcre, (e) a peers atonal, con of egurattzetely 450 en. a, at &do Pert. 6. vie Tretttent Of i..? ? it Arrentoran betve ran completed Urea tianosectint OiTico for the COD- grand= to VD treatment of the exannsiried %radiant dation lists pdallohed I y the Droadosot la:Maitation ration of a Pcddng of to Thai ands till be dale by Coateato The Mitt the:drat viU permit einalteneoes pm:oration of to entire Dories of pahlicotitm. It vas mad tint the Deportment of State plc= Road mein* troutstat of other enyeate of 1133 data, aM inforal discautiran Mn boon lad to coordinate to too operations. %col Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080029-2 . ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIK-RDP83-00586R000300080029-2 ontact: IL 'weraseq blitamDuroaus one locflv p cksod Austin As4 netn vta dottflnd on 3 I dattory of O4oston7or lscw' g 4* Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080029-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080029-2 SECRW" ? "iintior 37110 OPERAT1MML IMITIOATIO2 PPM PM 4022 1951 Productao Taft (Oath) Ems Or: lee 1.13511 Parole 2, Chits Carminifit Botta Boreal Rondo Unto rnsa OetregIvi (nattentliet) Matt Pardo 6 2 ttn, tut 40 35 *la. 6 bah alb* 5 bit, 20 bra, ?4,. Betts tong /ices Serra 5, ItAbobitn inte Orttn0 tiette genies 2 Potelei navies rnms Soniese 6, ladotiblua Oise 1a1) licao Strifte 35 ? ?? 30 rip 50 100 Declassified in in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080029-2 JP'S, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080029-2 ;EC RE:1?A Percent of Total Soca and Drcodeast Tier for eidlirdilagtand pews & CPrientary.. 7, Indochina (French) Haas Sallie, 30 lane Preis 13ervine 30 an, 8. Indonesia Hen Sorel Prose Sorrids Inge Hone SE Let. Foreign Service Press Hordes 10, Kashmir Hatt Service o Korea (north) Home Straka ? .Korea (Smith) Hen Bervite 23a LaS Hone Service 14. Malaya Him SerVies 15. OuterSongolia Homo tortift 16. Pakistan Hans Berrie? Foreign Service Press Servioo 1 hr. 301m1b.. 2. hr. 1 hr. $0 nine 3 W. 3 bro. 40 ratr 2 kr& 1 hr. .30th. 20 min, 5 tn. it. Thailand Hato fervite 1 hr, 18. MR Hose Service bra. ? Foreign Service 3 in, Indbehlta (Ho t) irons Smits Pren Eieratint 5 15 15 20 5 5 250 50 25 3750 .50 so 2700 750 25 25 400 5 45 150 750 20 bro. 30 tain. 100 SEC? C. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080029-2 Ph Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIZ-R-DP83-00586R000300080029-2 ?wr brAdtr.? a 1. Argentina Home 8orriett 1 br. forsign 8Orrita Pleas 8ortio0 4 bra. I 2, Luttrell* 8= Sent* Foreign Service 11w. Homo Semi* 2 hts. Prose Sonlinit 6 bra, 40 ChM:* Hew terrine .t tar ?ream Sextet? 2 lira, 5, china line service bre, Foreign Berrien 2 bro. ? Press Service 5 bra- Obits OtatiOnalist) ? Foreign Sonia. 1 hr. Prete fent* 2 hrs. Colombia llama Servioe Prins Berrien 8. Costa RIOS Percent of iSta1 Droadzest Tine for pevp & Creentorr 10 an. 15 22 ran. 5 30 15 min. 5 11 15 30 Ma. 20 $0 nth ?50 753 Sat go 45 nth, 40 30 it, 25 10 1 hr. 25 nine 30 tin. Rona Gerdes thy4 15 min. 3. Ouatetala servide 37 nbl, 10. Hong tong ? Press Berrien 2 hn.. 5 en. LS. Preen ' 305* a. Foreign Service 12. infloohina tbreign Sonia* Press Service Canist PresS 10 30 25 Cordage a =tad 3350 30 tin? 35 abt, 5 40 SOS. 20 IOC 2100 500 3.00 3 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080029-2 ????. ??? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080029-2 SECKD 4.2 16, Source god efigOda... Ho ii remit of Total ?Dreoderust Ito for Pew & camellia. Indonttlo Foreign Sorel)* 55 nth 20 ? Press Soritioo ? 11w.? 30 Awn ? Press Sort" 7 Iwo, 30 nth 35 Neon Home Service 30 en. 15 Press Send ?31 In ?100 Vow Won Some Service loin. 15 New Unload itreign ?Scribe tabu 10 Peru Woo Corgi 10 9. ibilippl000 Use Service Prose Sortie* 2 U.S. trona 20. 'South 'Africa PPOEM &Mit" tifttragt ?Preen Sortie* 1 22. USSR ? limo? &She ? Foreign Strint. toroso Servloo 300 100 4 fri? .4 bro. 29h etognoist Ikea Sorc1o0 1 kir 1301gLeet? Coop ?1foreiva So?rtie* 2. Cuba . ? &to service Czwohosiovalcia Fordo Stainfleti 5 raln. 15 Sas 40 ola. 5 5 20 2 6700 100 100 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300030029-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA7RDP83-00586R000300080029-2 Percent Total Eaurce end Proeduait Tine ter 831,100 1/012Lticsatmal P*Weet Crentan Dotainittnn Rerintalc HOMO Service Foreign Serritte Pat dernft7 Home Sent Ecuador Foreign Unto. 7. El Salvador 8cm StrOlta, 25 it.. 25 nth. 8, Prate. Rale Benda 30 mini Foreign Sergio fl-, 5 nth, Press Servit0 28 bra, 9. Prune.Equatt Foreign genie' 0. Great Britain Forelp Service Prat Service 11. fluagrey ?Foreign Sorties 12 Italy- 60 Peragnay Etas Berrita 16. Portugal Paden Sortie* 17. Poland Prase Cacti Oa 10 *1*. 5 35 30 300 30 1400 1b. 30 ain, 25 2 bra. 15 lbs. 35s1a. 15 2100 300 15 nth, 2 4 brio 30t. 100 2 bril, 45 adn, 2,5 dz. wale. a sEtRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080029-2 ? ' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080029-2 -tor ? 19. Ismai Row Foreign ;Urea. X) Set Foreign Sento 21 &titterlend ? POreign &nod 22. Turkey Foreign Sento* 23 Uruguay Rene Sorties 246 USSR Porefila Sonic* 5 a. 10 gain Preis SertiCe ?30t 25. Vette= Forolpt Settee Percent of Tata ?Ettadcsat Tier for lialfgattual, kill is catontarr 2 Irriti" 15 Jae 35 mine 300 700 Soo . 300 100 ZOO 26. 1. ,Alhonia Foreign Proem Cocci 9 5 obit 30 t 2 35 26 Algeria Homo 36 Austria Mat forno) Nom Service Anstria' Nest Mae) 7 Row Serviae 1 hr. 5. Selgien iimso Service 203 50 sReR pe, r Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080029-2 - ..........? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080029-2 ?1111.1.1.00, , ? r, , 4. 6.0 ..."4 Source and Service 66 Bulett Foreign 2 -Press Eitervite 7. Clpruti Foreign Scovie6 esechooloindsia Boas Softies Foreign &nice Press Sent* tem* Hone Sonia 104 Egypt ? ?acne &inlet ? Proms Sallee 11.- Finland ?Moe Setae* Foreign BMOC) 12 France Rate SOUS Foreign &Mee 3.3. Germ* (I3sist Zoos) ? n_ fl. Press Service 3 bre. 4 bra 2 Int. 15 Ida. 15 min. 100 35 nin..23 Ponca of Total Broadcast Tito t Vortigo Bow & Onentarz jggsk. 5.5 . =Ad 25 arts Domani Rase Berrie* 2 bfl0 25 nits 2 bro. 55 Mn. rn 35 min. ICO Groton Has Sesta 20 nth Foreign Sorties ? .5 thin. 30 Hollend Moo aunties 40 yin. 41 Foreign gervioe 55 IAA. 23 Homan Hose Service 3 bni. 15 nin. '75 Foreign Softies ',2 bra, 20 Ss. 29 Press Bernet 1 hr. 40 SA. 95 12. /ran ikon Serviee 30 ate.SI 7 do 100 200 .40* 30D 100 1300 erfootilty r-Sk Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080029-2 _fas*1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080029-2 SECitb P649awit or mitt Dreetaftat tine it 11,0241M22tiM 19, Re* Hate Screw Palle terribt 20. Tanta ? ' Home Senate, Portio State bre* 35 200 ? ? 2 bra. 7 bro. 6 '7 hrs. 24. Pat fiG 29* Swam Hoe Service Foreign Saralee 30. Trieste am Service 31. Turkey Hane tonics Vareign Service 2 16 40 a 8 SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080029-2 OAN Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080029-2 brx,r4s, USEC4 Ho* tornica Fordo Oitzt, Preto lafertMot 26 hrs. 33, Pre o /*iota Ontsidostirat) VOPtitela Sonia 34i *Akan , Poragn Borneo 2 Into Leila FOX4tiPan1.00 Itle*OW4A Hm40021#10 VorwighilorOt* ttsosikur4A$ 37, twit3av1tielaMbe0400 FOtalga.Ste mit 24?Thattla Um Sett 2 hrso 01040eittinin Asters baijan / 11t. eleadestizek Grattatt hr. 50 20 2.5 20400 ICO 200 700 1700 an '9 SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080029-2 ta? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080029-2 N....a Rote tervie Pcsreift Ceske 8. Rosno Oartich loos Jordan Ramo Sent 11. Vehhntin Hone Corte. 4,4 hr. Ht nine 65 ? 35 Ign. 50 ire. 45 1 bre 3.5 ban. 25 tin; 2 brat. 20 esti. 20 nine 1 bits 10 nin, 40 Mai ? brut nos enttlei r bt. 1 Foreign Obrilas 1 hr. Anbita 141, areal. argen eardeo 25. &Ala CMS Cordon 16. Thrker lin Screen - Foreign rtrvion it. SC Heft &Inlet 13 Arnica SerriOt 3 hrs. 10 ?rent Service 50 rita. 1100 3g30 $00 115 30 20 rtne SO tilt. 45 3.0 COO 100 100 SECRS , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080029-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080029-2 nes* Hope Seretee Foreign' Set-VIM) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080029-2 St. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080029-2 Saigon West Coast Aria Coast &ate* Austria entwa Lamm "r"tf4r ?z3 S ?.-"" a bra 16. bra 2$ 1St -32. bra* 30 at% 109 bra* 96 bra* 60 tat bra* 20 On* . bra* Z5 tit bra* 5M n1 AUSOLailalit .09. bra. n vsne ? 9.410?0 5,100 79,2130 , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080029-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07 CIPTRDP83-00586R000300080029-2 III, 1.0031 acids= sessanta ttr the Field/ kabala= treR Daily surattries of MDR, Satellite sal Gomm bend/nets in delivered to leoal torn in Lebo tad on* ti Wm) to eonnteere in Western teem Les, American Massy onion in___ and Ports and Tho Ragan 04 USA, Franktiorn RICOG# Prganisationeniturn ED300, Derlinetc M. Delegation, Antrim Ittssion; Earth Atlantic Treaty Or =raj . 1. avathible ?traniteripte and =cries of broebosts of *et Radio of Tree Russia monitorod by the ilDO tronitted to t DA. Whew in lendons 21112Lassois All procosted intsreepts to sent to 04# U3A, VIZ end the Intensive= Section, PEW* A copy of the Toren file is treneritted to U.S. thew, and 0-2, Eighth Any via Vadietelotne* Selected Ptnan- attend of Chinon Inbanstionel Service progrea Med to 11128, torseca.. 2DID0RLIERE/01 All prooneed irstCncpts an Mad to 04, USA, TEC end intelligenee Section, ITAL A eng at Pokbglntecspts is Mad to WM, Formosa* The iraetly saisinic of Chinese Camiet regtonsl Wooles/ft is sexology fundshed 04, no.* Prifrananen. A coif of ell prooessed material is filed to My* for 0-2, MC. ittetbauttAkattl - Copies of Peking intercepts and Vietnam Roo Agonyint?O no SLIM rettilAd to 0-2# USA., VC* 0-2, TM, else retains daily aospy of all Warier and a copy of all raterial in :melba et notch Fora Ica the WWI office of ATP to their commas in Southeast Asia, Fast Coast Doreen ? telly ' diode/boats ? of an ap4Mittaiogts1 Watts of the Uarld Health Oseganiar tion is made to the Office of Delentitio Intelligetes. Oeaarte Ceples of all processed morbnial tont to thebates ant to the Radio end Press ttreneh# Min of Intelligenes# IMMO Austrkartaireeli, A daily file of seleotal mateceial le furnished the Office of the Chief of Stott, OITA* The ceepleta tile of the Ansi:riga Earn is etnnliad to the Intelli- gente Coordination Brunen, WA, and to OITA Pe, Rediternmean Durepu SECRET Copies of all processed Soviet Itordishogengasge intercepts we air nailed to Ameagean Embassy Wine in Tenn sad beet& A Senn roma* of signifiernt novo i end tomeitted daily as a special seniors to the Office of POISker Ja--a Ala . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080029-2 :Alta Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080029-2 ram NOWNLY PIRSCIOPCRT 1. Sew lhalssas satirist ss diskys 2. 3spent1sess sm. Title. Onto NIS 1951 AISIMINUL Aftsetive Das MS Cast ars U Ana 1951 MM Cast &lama 12 J. 1951 Oat Cast liras 15 Jas 1951 lattelal tam* 20 Juno 1951 Mitscial Enloe 20 Jae 1951 ititarlal tea 12 ass 2951 Mitaral Pm* 26 ha 1951 Nat Cast Ilsomss 22 Ans 1951 50X1 Waal 50X1 Mitsrial Ina* talipstica 11171951 06-5 SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080029-2 ? titCKET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080029-2 .apparatimmitu imunuis ? t.) Novi Title aseinnent Action Coast Donau Resignation 08-9 Branch To Personnel for reessigweat To Pereamel 5 June 1951 for reassignment Bedouin.= 14- June 1951 afaunatigs 4 June 1951 - Promotions: ? Rama. neeimment Rld Grade, Title Clerk* (134 SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080029-2 Effectire note 1June 1951 50X1 W. to ITO 24 June 1951 it June 3.951. 24 June 1951 1551 to Panama awe 1951 To Personnel for reassignment TO. to DCI ass"' for reassignment pew gradei Title Effective tate Publications Editor' 10 June 1951 50X1 SECKtelr Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080029-2 fr?Uo?cont)1 Co ? Nana; Asetopineot Dew GrMs 119.? Inforcatica & Editorial ?Specialists G5-7 ? Clerloacnograph .054 Secreta17, 03.5 Infoncatian ?ft Edit Specialists 03.9 Page 3 Effective Date 10 June 1951 27 liar 1951 Intelligence Officers 0543 Intelligence Officers 05-14 10 June 19.51. Intelliteute Officers 03.9 Intelligence Officers 00-11 10 am 1951 ages 0$? 43 Chiefs 05.14 W June 195/ Operations Officers 0$43 Operettione Officers 0544 10 June 1951 Chiefs 05-19 cue &seer, 043 Chiefs 0543 Chiefs 05.33 Clerle.Wsts 03.2 SECRET Chid, 05-34 10 June 1951 Chie Engineers 05-14 10 June 1951 Chief, 05-14 10 June 1951. Chiefs 08-14 20 Juns 1951 Clerk-Twists 05.3 .24 June um. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080029-2 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080029-2 Starr Old,Titles Grade, end Assisestect luforeation & Editorial Specialists 0.5-9 Departmental Inforalation Specialist, GS-9 East Coast Bureau lioniteiring 'Technic- leo Vest Coast Bureau ? 054 ?lofoniatice * Editorial Spe$a1ffl, 0S4 West Cant Buren aromatic? & Editorial Specialists G.1-9 Departacntel Information & Editorial Spnelediet, 05-9 Weave Bureau Inforratton Editorial Specialists 0541 ?Toile Bureau Cruising Bealtors G.S.4 ? Okinawa are . Matta ? Bev Title, Grades and Aseinagent Intonsation & Editorial Specialist, 05-9 East Coast Bureau Inforication & Editorial Specialist, 05.9 Mediterranean Bureau laws GS-9 Okinawa Bureau Ettoraation A Editorial, Specialiet, GS.9 Departmetal Wormatioa. & Editorial, Specialists. 05?9 tondos :Bureau Znfonttlen & Mit . Specialitt, 054 Too Bureau_ .Wortatioa It Editorial Specialist, 0341 - West Coast 'Bureau Cruising lionitors 004 - Cart Coast Bureau. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080029-2 May 19$1 50X1 5 June 29% 1$. Ju?. 1951 20 Juno 1951. - arne.. ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080029-2 S Summary: Organisational Segment Departmental East Coast Bureau West Coact Bureau Tokyo Bureau Okinawa Bureau Saigon Bureau Mediterranean Bureau Austrian Bureau german Bureau London Bureau - *Included in Okinawa Page 5 AMERICAN DATIVE E.O.D. SEPARATIONS REASSIGIREZZS PROMOTIONS Auth. O.D. In Process Auth. 0.0. From To Within 5 OX1 eaCithl Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080029-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080029-2 La.? CONFIPENTlitt Or Opention$ pion vi ttaehad as ? 24 Sset 2 'Jets 7BID operational 4.t ctM with other IA0 =born and non-IAC Contacts during Jim. -m.71951 the MIS :us Distribution: Addressee o.& A241 ? 1 Bits-1 Adm. rile CONFIDENTIM, 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080029-2 surintilt ilk Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080029-2 Dr. Pod Listorper it Tilton OPIRITION&L "JAMBI Soca Portological liarture Mislay Dept. ot ire UP. Dept. of State Lt. Col. Herbert P. Cation lad Die. Brea andnatien Ltranto butallIonce Dialslame Dept. of try Bradford Coolidge wry Gap Dept. of State P.R. Dectenen DRS, CCM. Dept. of State Zama Its recruitment of Nationalist Chines se nature for PRID It bistro bac. (Ad hoo) Invested State eats m propaped nip publication abaft & llisblints of Peking Drondeastess (no) 6 an 151 Dna.. C-9 50X1 IS Jan IA D-9 asquested Any 21 ant 151 Da) omente on named PIIID at *Treat & fflgWSts of Pain Broadcasts., (sass) Ste ally fomenting IS An IA 0-9 odP1w uspotaisbed apes materiel vas laittsted at the request of Bre Coolidge. ad too) Requested peed= 7 June '51 0-9 to yob natarial fn. a Comfidential TRW publintion in a pro. senation to a Ca- -Autiontrtaecenionsimittee? talSOIS with no Wiciagaletartars Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080029-2 ' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080029-2 Sada& Dr. Ralph AMA 13MMATICIAL In23011 Rootion 1 (cwt.) LOSS IDDs, Ike fork, Dots of Ma Alla X. Little las on, Dept. of Its Viodlads tabfbrir r, Co apt. et State T.111, Dadoora Lora S Proastltsti DRS, OM, Dept. of Stab alit on. Avis- e ado Decadent froologr Oath GB, Dept. at Stets Pal Xsttcb at, Glito Dept. of Stabs r,?----r-q-n-r11 II I : Pogo 2 Thda as.-Cloas. 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