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/ ise./2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved forReleas;2013/08/07 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080021-0 ? atm( t 12 SED.:7" 4ORMAPON Assistant Director for Operations Chief, FRIO Progrees Report for March 1952 ADMINIS21ATION 8 April 1952 ? 1. Appteeiable progress has been made toward the establishment of the new Hekkaide Bureau. Staffing plans have been finslized, arrangements completed for the renovution of the proposed operations building and erection of antennas, and nil equipment required for the project is coyote. Rousing gill be q problem for married personnel. Several solutions are being cons1A-..4 4..tuding the construction Retention, and pure 50X1 of fourefesaily building on thel chase of a meeternestyle building on the outskirts of Sapporo. Tentative activation date is set for 15 Nay although initial opera- tions will be limited. 2.? Progress on the aprod construction project? on Okinawa has been elm. Efforts are being intensified to Imre that funde for the project are obligated and construction begun prier to the end of the fiscal year. ? (a) Quarters for n onnel and additional storage facilities cit are under construction. Plana for the club/6 e building are finalised. Drawings and specifications for the BOQ building should be dom. plated by the architect on 20 May. (b) Estimates will be submitted shortly on which to base a transfer of funds to VGA for the construction of eight typhoon-proof houses on Okinawa. Negotiations ate being continued with John V. King of Tokyo for preparations of site Saha. 5. The field Operations Officer and the Chief Engineer, FBWp tarried out inspections of the West Coast, Tokvo. Okinawa and Saigon Bureaun, and the site of the proposed station on their 50X1 tour of all FBI!) installations. 4. A project was submitted on 12 March requesting $192000 for purchase of the pito near Sante Rosa for the relate- 50X1 Lion of the West Coast Bureau, This project was approved on 28 March and arrangementswillhe made with Administrative Services to negotiate tho purchase of the land. 1 5. On learning that the Los Angeles Water and Power Department mad plenn4nterection of an overhead power line coning- the Sen Fernando Valley and running about 5,000 feet from the West Coast Bureau, a letter was sent by the AD/O pointing out the interference to FRID operations which could be expected. This was construed, 50X1 (c.ctOET Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080021-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized CopyApprovederrTtecase 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080021-0 Cod SRI;PHI iitelagne* unfortunately, as a Protest and eXprossion Of the &genera desire that the power line be placed underground. The Los Angeles Water and Power Department does not believe that any Interference will result from an overhead line and is currently conducting tests with the personnel of the West Coast Bureau to establish their contention. ? 6, Rearuiting above the established ceiling continued but is under denstent scrutiny in order to keep within ceiling limitations. ? 7.. The first issuance of contained a policy statement on the use of pseudonyms and mention of Agway activities end personnel in correspondence with.overseas installa- tions. Although this regulation was subsequently replaced with the policy statement deleted, FBID has noted the provisions thereof and has token initial stops to regularise itspolicywith regard to ? cdmmunications, correspondence end the issuance of regulations. 8. The Prince George's County Commissioner has advised by letter that FBID will be notified at onto if any hearing is scheduled regarding the encroachment problem at the Fast Coast Burets, or if a permit is issued to the 13, C. Babblers' Motorcycle Club for the can. etruction of a racetrack. 9. The Comptroller's office has epproved purchase of a bus whieh will provide traniportstion for dependent children at the Mediterranean Bureau attending edhool in Nicosia. An order has been placed and the funds obligated. 10, The Plexewriter requieitiened and purchased by FBID is !temperate to be delivered in April. OPERATIONS il. The Head, BBC Monitoring Service, has advised that Increased operations cost and the failure of the British Government to increase the budgetary allotment for the monitoring service has necessitated a re,anination of certain aspects of the reciprocal arrangements, to include Cable and Wireless service from Cyprus to London, The Ap/o approved a latter to BBC expressing the seriousness with which FB1D yoUld regard any curtailment of monitoring activities, and the belief that an examination of communications facilities would clearly dem onetrate that the Bap was receiving a great deal more communications service than the expenditure of Al 25'000 per annum would buy under a4), other Circumstances. 12, After investigating various means by Which the Mediterranean Field Bureau can provide monitoring support to OPC activities in Athens and Cairo, it appears that the most suitable method would be for the Office of Oaraunications and OPO to make funds available to FBID for contraetual arrangements with Cables and Wireless, Ltd. for either point-to.point transmission or blind broadcasting of materiel of special interest to those activities, Investigations are continuing, gEaliff 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080021-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080021-0 SECMIWFIRMTION 13. in support of OPC activities* armaments were made for the texting and recording of Pal mensages. 14. After long and tedious negotiations* the Bevy Circuit Was formally activated on 24 March to expedite the handling of part of the London Bureau's traffic. It is.anticipsted thstihis additional oircuttwill alleviate London Bureau's backlog problem following bed atmospherics. RFCIAL worm 15. The following special reports were icsued: "Mascot's and Berlin's Radio Treatment of the issue of Berman Remilitarisationell prepared for MI* 12 March. "'Foreign Radio Reactions to President Truman's Address of 29 Mhrch*fl prepared for the White House* 31 March. 16. The Operational information and Personnel Reports for March aro attadhed. RHS:sc Addressee - 0 & 1 AMW - 1 RHS - 1 Adm. Files - ALAN H. IJARFIELD SF.G.L Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080021-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080021-0 3E3.' SECURITY INFORMATION 1. Daily Aterages or Field Bureau Production* FIELD OIJREU XVL BODBG MONITORED Tokyo 22 hours 45 min. Okinawa 96 hours Saigon 13 hours 30 tin, West Coast 89 hours East Coast 136 hours . London 270 hours 10 mm. Germany 3 hours 25 mm, Austria 2 hours 20 min. Montanans= 51 hoSrm TOTALS 884 hours 10 min. DAILY WORDAGE WORDAGE . FILED MIMED 15.800 5.200 16.900 10.900 4.200 3.000 22.100 27.100 24.400 13.400 34.900 21.600 5.500 5000 3?400 2.700 23.800 16.900 Iii&Wa?katese/Osele 151,000 96000 ? Si(nrr Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080021-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080021-0 SECRET C.) SFORITYINFORMADON I/. Local Services Rendered by the Fieldt lipndon_Burars Daily summaries of USSR, Satellite and Germ bit tate are delivered to local users in London and sent by teletype to conatere ' in Weetern Europe; i.e., American Embassy anew In London'and.Paris end Tho Rogue; 0.2, USA, Frankfurt; HICOO, Frankfurt; U.S. Delegation, Austrian Mission; North Atlantic Treaty Organisation; SHAVE, act All available transcripts and summaries of broadcatte of the Radio of Free Russia monitored by the BBC are transmitted to the 114. Embassy in London. Tekvo panne, All processed intercepts are sent to 0-2, USA, FEC and the- IntelligenceSection, PEAR. A copy of the Korean file is trend- mitted to U.S. Enbeety, Pusan, And 0.2, Eighth Army, via radiotele. type. Selected material-of Chinese International Sorvice programs Jellied to USIS, Formosa. Okinaut,Buroae All protease:6 intercepts are filed to 0.2oUSA, EEC tand'the - Intelligence Section, FEAF. A copy of Peking intercepts is filed. to MIS? Formosa. A copy of the Roman filo is transmitted to U.S. Embetsy, Pusan. The uctokly analysis of Chinese Communist regional broadeastt it regularly fernished 0.2, FEC. A dsily file of telected material is furnished 0.2, RYCON. Petition Buresu ? A copy of all pretested materiel is filed to Tokyo for 0.20 Ffet A copy of all protected intercepta is furnished PEA Infoitatias Service at Saigon. lict_Coast Bureau Copies of Peking intercepts and Vietnam Neve Agencrintercepts are filed to 0-2, tria, EEC. 0-2, FEC, also receives daily a copy of all Russianelanguage material and a copy ofallmaterial in English ' and French Homo sent by the Saigon office of AFP to their ettemere in Southeast Asiat Fast Gout Bureau Daily distribution of an epidemiological bulletinofthe World Health Organisation is made to the Office of Scientific Intelligence. Oprman Duman Copies of all protested materiel are tent to the Eeonoeitt Branch and to the Radio and Frese Branch, Office of Intelligence, HIC006 SECRFT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07 CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080021-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080021-0 ' Austrian Boreal* A daily file of selected material is furnished the Office of the Chief of Staff, URA, The complete file of the Austrian Bureau is. supplied to the Intelligence Coordination Brandt, (SPA, end to (1..2# USFA Rear, Salaburg, Mediterranean Bureau Copies of all proceesed Soviet Kurdish-language Intercepts are air untied to American Tahaesy offices in Teheran and Baghdad, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080021-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080021-0 ism KAM! PRRSOWEEL WORT MRCS 1952 1. Nam Replays's Entering on nut's Is, title, rade Assignment Editorial Branch Editorial Branch West Coast Dare= Zest Coast Bureau Adninistrative Office ?ftecti's Date 23 February 1952 3 Mara 1952 10 March 1952 17 March 1952 16 Karab 1952 an24 Earth 1552 2. Separations: 1 ) sae, Title, Grade Lu ircliterit tion Editorial Branch Designation Special Reports $Uit. Service Editorial Branch West Coast Bureau ?rt. to FDD liesigaation Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/97: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080021-0 Effective Date 3 March 1952 19 March 1552 17 March 1952 1 March 1552 50X1 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080021-0 2. Separations: Ian Title. Grade Assignment /) Action Wee tive Date Editorial Branch / Resignation 11; March 1952 50X 3. Ercototicure; Sawa? Ameigtiment Old Grads? Title Now Glade, Title Effective Date Inforestien& Editorial Information& Editorial 30 March 1552 50X1 Spec. CS-9 Spec. GS-11 Multi-Monitor 0.54 Melti-honitor G3-9 30 Mach 1952 Teletype Operator 0D-3 Teletype Operator 03-4 30 Worth 1952 Teletype Operator GS44 Teletype Operator GS-5 2 March 1952 Into ation & Editorial Information & Editorial Spec. CS-7 Spec. C3.9 20 January 1952 Infermation & Editorial Intonation & Editoflaj 2 March 1952 Spec. -11 Spec. 0S-12 Teletype Operator 05-3 Teletype Operator CS-4 2 March 1952 Teletype Operator 03 -3 Teletype Operator 034 2 Marc?: 1552 Information it Itoria3. Spec. GS-5 Intonation & tarifa, Spec. 03-7 2 March 1952 Secretary OS.* Administrative Last. 7 16 March 1952 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080021-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080021-0 Intelligence Officer Os-) Intelligence urricar 03-7 uelio Operator 08-9 Metro c Engine GS-11 2 March 1952 2 March 1952 50X1 Informetion & Editorial Information& Editorial epee. 0S-9 Spec. 08-11 16 Barth 1952 Maintenance Technician Electronic Mechanic 2 March 1952 k. ?CS4 as-8 a.anigzrnentav Bane Old Grades Titles& Sew Grades Titles& Effective Data Assignment Assignment 101 Specialist 03-12 IC Specialist G5-13 30 March 1952 50X1 West Covet beret= Mediterranean Bureau ifiectronic Engineer 05-9 Electronic Engineer 0S-9 22 February 1552 Watt Coast Bureau Okinawa Bureau ME Specialist CS-9 I&S Specialist 03-9 25 February 1952 Ottawa Bureau. Editorial Branch Teletype Operator OS-) Teletype Operator 08-3 17 February 1952 t ) Editoriel Branch last Coast Bureau Teletype Operator f44 Twletype Operator CS-h. 1? Febntary 1952 Zest Coast Bureau Editsriel Branch I&E Specialists G5-11 I&E Specialist 0.5-11 27 Febru 1552 London Bureau Editorial Branch LIS Specialists C8-5 T&E Specialiet 03-9 11 February 1552 Editorial Branch East Coast bureau MO Specialist 05-9 IAS Specialist 65 -9 Editorial Branch Mediterranean brawl 17 February 1552 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080021-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080021-0 5.. ILE Specialist 68-11 3,LE Spec:tenet C2.5 30 March 1952 50X1 West Coat gureau Editorial Branch idle Operator nry-s; Electronic Engineer C5-9 17 FsbrQbty1952 West Coast Bureau West Coast Bureau Tolstoi Operator Bane Change to: 1952 Tokyo Wye= 50X1 (aarriage) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080021-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080021-0 6 . Swann t r- ? . AMERICAN NATIVE N.O.D. TERM. RUESIONMENTS PROMOTIONS anisational Segment Auth. Ceil , O.D. In Proc. Math. 0.0. From To WA..hin Departmental Eget Coast Bureau Vest Coast Eureau Overseas Field Tokyo Bureau Hoakaido Bureau Okinawa Bureau Saigon BUTt4U Mediterranean Eureau Austrian Bureau German Bureau London Bureau TOTALS ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? K. ? A,. I I 14411 W? =pop. pp ? ? I ? I I ? I ? I I ? I OW. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080021-0 50X1 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07 :1".%. CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080021-0 Liaison Officer Administrative Officer Notes for the Monthly Progress Report March 1952 31 March 1952 Cyprus Schooling 1. The problem of whether or not the Agency will bear the ex- pense for the education of dependent children at the Mediterranean Bureau has been resolved. It has been determined that theAAgency will not bear this expense but 11111 give assistance in the way of providing transportation to and from Nicosia. 2. A transfer of allotment of funds has been flaked to provide for the purchase of a bus during the current fiscal year so that it will be available at the beginning of the new school term in the fall. The purchase of this bus was budgeted for the Fiscal Year 1953 but because of the need for the bus early in Fiecal Year 1953 the !Budget Division of the Comptroller's Office has approved transfer of allotment in the amount of $5,000 for the purchase of the bus now. An order has been placed and the funds obligated. Cost of Living on Okinawa 3. It was called to the attention of the Chief, MIDI that Okinawa Bureau employees since the activation of the Bureau had been paying a 10% service charge for all commicsary purchases, and as of the beginning of 1952 were charged an additional 4% for such purchases. In additiop to this, Okinawa Bureau employees were charged a $13.25 per day hospital rate while dependents of Army and Air Force personnel were charged only a $5.00 per day fee. 4. A memo has been prepared for the Deputy Director for Admini- stration in an attempt to obtain relief from the 10% service charge and the hoepital rate. :Magee the lately enforced surcharge of 4% epplien to all commissary purchases and is universally applicable, no relief was sought. London Station Wagon 5. A station wagon has been requisitioned for the FBIS London Bureau. Mile this vehicle was budgeted for 1953, a transfer of allotment was approved by the Budget Division to provide for making the vehicle available in the third quarter. Floxowriter? Vacation Schedules, & Administrative Files 6. The Flexowriter requisitioned for purchaee by; FBID is ex- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080021-0 . ? % a. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080021-0 pected to be delivered early in April. 7. The vacation schedules for all staff officers and branch chiefs were approved early in March. The schedule of Vacations hes been staggered so that generally no two staff officers will he away from duty eimultaneously. 8. The Administrative Office Ma becently completed the re- organization of the administrative filea. A clearly defined subject file is the system which has been adopted and generally follows the same divisional pattern contained in the Agency regulations. FOR THE CHIEF, FaiD JDP:rep 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080021-0 -