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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/68/07 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080007-6 tw) ? nLi 1,. WW11 INEORMATION Assistant Director for Operatione Acting Chief, FBID 'Progress Report for June 1953 3 July 1953 ADMINISTRATION. 1. Work on the new Santa Rosa, Californiai:station commeneed shortly after.15 June, but With the exception of well drilling, was almost immediately halted by a general construction strike in the San Prancisca.Bay area. The main construction contract will be modi- fied toT include construction of an entrance road in the. amount of $11,450..% A separate contract in the amount of C44908;60 for construc- tion of the antenna field and installation of an underground power ' line .Me been'ewarded to Manning and Whitaker, Inc. of San Premise?. This work wee scheduled to =thence 1 Judy, Arrangements have been made with the Office of the Comptroller-to-set aside Ft 53 Santa Rosa project ftindS for use against contingencies arising in FY, 54, since construction in FY 53 could not progress to a point where canting:en- , -ciee Would arise. This was accomplished by obligation.of an additional 10 per cent for each contract awarded. ? ? .2. Action by the Air Force on the Bolo Point, Okinawa, Air Field project still awaits reprogramming approval by the Office of the Sec- retary of Defense. .USAF officials reiterate that the project remains . firm. The GLOBECOM transMitter at Sobe,is scheduled to be removed in January 1954. It therefore appears probable that no in- terference will be caused FBIS from this source 3; A lump-sUm contract as been signed with Grove, Shepherd, Wilson; and Krug? to cover completion of the sixteen FBIS houses in Okinawa. It is estimated that substitution of the new contract fbi ? the previous cost-plus-fixedfee VOA contract will save $30,000 in ? administrative costs otherwise chargeable to MIS. Slow delivery of electrical materials will further delay completion of this housing. 4. TWO Additional houses were leased in Cyprus fel, the Mediter- ranSen Bureau. The total number of houses now under lease in Cyprus is nineteen. 4 5.- Initial'FBID budget estimates for FY 55 were submitted and endorsed by Office of Operations. 6. Personnel:, a. -The FBID Tb O was amended to provide eight temporary positions for the relocation and reconstruction of the West Coast Bureau. SECRET 50X1 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080007-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07 : CIA-RDP83-005861R000300080007-6 LI oLumi SECURITY INFORMATION 4. ? b. Nine positions in the Production Unit, Editorial Branch, Departmental Headquarters, were reclassified from Clerk.Typist, GS.,3, to Clerk (Typing), CS-h. 7. FDID personnel currently enrolled in inSttuction courses un- der Office of Training sponsorship include four persons 'at the swim' session of the School for Advanced International Studies of John* . ?Hopkins,University, two at Georgetown University Institute of Ian. guages arid Linguistics, three in Agency language course, and two At. tending the Basic Intelligence Course. OPERATIONS'. ? , 'S. The Chief, Tokyo Bureau'has.been furnished detailed instrue. ? tions for the conduct of further-Surveys of the Niigeta,area as an alternate Site for the present Hokkaido operation. ?He will explore land purchase, leasing, and construction costs; sources of local re- ception interference; and, other details upon which definite recam. 'mendations for ?'the establishment of a station at this location can ' be based. . = 9; Negotiationsare in progress by the Office of Communications with the Army for,, use of the London Military Attache's teleconference ,ficilities in the Pentagon by FBID. It is contemplated that this .ehannel will be used mainly for classified discussion betWean Special ? Reports peroonnel in Washingtond14?Th?anro. 10. At the invitation of 05I0 FM participated in an Agency. wide,discussion of the problem Of establishment of a master file of foreign radio frequency registration and usage. While the need for such a file has grown from/various sources, especially the Advancer "counter-jaMming" project, the resPonsibility and authorization for Traducing it has already been vested in CIA through NSCII 66/1. The project is particularly relevant to FB1D, both as contributor and -user. AdOSI-ORR committee 'is investigating the scope, Size, and ? cost of the project, and approaches to FBID'are expected.. U. In view of ONI interest and in order to complete operational planning on a sound basis with a progressive perspective, FBID is ex- tending the scope of its unclassified Publication "Broadcasting 5th- ' tions of the World" to include FM and TV listings in the next editions ? 12. A "Scientific and?Technical" seetion has been added to the FBI)) weekly Economic Abstracts publications in response to a request ,from the Air Force for separation of this type of material from the mass of other material in FBID Daily Reports. -2- SECREI Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080007-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080007-6 V SURE! SECURITY INFORMATION , 13. FOrmal request has been received fram the DD(P) for ?teen, ?.sion of press scrutiny and analysie at _the Gertan Bureau At an esti.- mated Annual cost of $25,000, to provide Support for PP Gerhartopera. ,tions in lieu of an ostensibly private service now operating under covert tupPort; A project will beprbsented,to_the,Project Review, -.. Committee on this subject. ? - ,? ? 114. FE Diviaion..DD(P), had requested thatiFBID 'Psychological Warfare analytisianit in conjunction With'the salon itwreausja =ark communiat propaganda and recotmind counter. . ? propaganda ,themes and activities. :Although the latter fUnetion iS, beyond the scope of FBID`capnbilitiebi CPW=type'supPort, Similar to 'that existing at the Okitawa Bureau, tould be rendered. , ? ? (t 7 +15. :Publication Of the perie.21S'Olf'rePorawas , 50X1 ' continued because of their doubtful v a l ue to,prineipal conauterr. 'FBID was,advised_that these. reports Ard'efino operationAl''usaftlness. to,thal3D(P),Area,Divisions and are only of marginal value to the PP Staff..,Ditcontituance was concurred in bY the 'Chief? ,F10 Staff and '. approveeby the,DD(/). ' - 4 t ' , 16. 'Questionnaires wore sent .to all 'recipient 's -of FBID pubilea? tions -in conneation with a 'rnirvay Of their current utilization and? ' Value to ;consumers: r, ? ' ' ?? ' : ? .1 17:' The following special technical reports were prepared at ho request of 'connuhers listed: t ' ? A. "The Rumanian Broadcaating System," for 0/RR. "b. "The Hungarian Broadcating System," 'for OAR. e. "French and Vietnamese Bisoadeasting Systems in Indochina," 1 for ORE-State. d: A special compilation ,of USSR press 1r4namis6ion schedules : for DRS-State. . c.. "Tele-vision in Maim," for Treaty Branch, FCC. , 18. As the first fruit Of recent stleps to effect coordination be.. ? ? tweet State and FRIO in the production of sections of RIS,pertaibing to broadcaating. and propaganda, the draft- of Section 58 of RIS-17 was reviewed and significantlycorrected by FBID. _ A .4 . - ? 19.' Eleven special studies were issued 'during the itinth, Goren es supplements to the USSR Survey and four in typescript, pursuant to individual requests. Eight of then' were relevant to more or less Specific intelligence protasis, two Were basic research 'documents, and one a reaction survey. ? 7 3 4 a.SESOL - t Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07 : CIA-RDP83-60586R000300080007-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080007-6 tinny IN DIFORMA7701Y ? 206 A spontaneous note of appreciation was received from the ora coordinAtor of 'Psychological Intelligente for the Specialised propaganda studies which have been published in the past few tonthS E t Oupplevents to the Survey of USSRABroadeatts, ROGER Oo.SEELY Enclosures ? Daily Averages of Field Bureau Prod*tion Local Services Rendered by Field Dureaut FBID Monthly Personnel Report . RGS:bja 0 &.1_; Add Admin file ? 1 - RGS? S EC tt Declassified in Part -,Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080007-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080007-6 ? RESTRICTED YRIIN9OTREAION ? ? X. Daily Average of Field Bureau Production, June 1953. Averages computed on basis of 5 day week. 'Tidos . woramaE Prep woo ? MONITORED ? PILIM ? ? " 28 ? ? 6039*. litikkeldia -a ? ? 3.4700 _ . ?ITEMS ,XTEMS MED PUBLISHED ? . ? 16 :Okinawa .90 ifit ? )0460 186 7 Saigon - 18: 19 9 Vett toast.- , 92 1404400.. 162 '100 East 'Coast . '126 1/2 26.422, .157 London. 286i/2 - ? 48.500 185 96 : ?Germany .- 7 14? 606Y-Jm. ? 136 41A - - -Austria 61/2 7i$co* - 29.: . .22 Mediterranean ? .57 . ,30.,90. ? .107 . Totals 714 .1/2 207.482 1.)039 .543 *Includes press scrutiny. olESTRIOE9 . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080007-6 ,,,,, ? .v ? RESTMG1111- ic_. -----?, , ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07 : CIA-RDP83-00583R000300080007-6 t\mol .; ! Niie It, Local SerVidewRendered by Field 'tureens 1 ..4 London:Bureau MailY.revlews Of USSR; Satellite and Getman broadcaete are delivered . ? to lopel alters in London and tent by wire to toneurers inUesternBuro -; indluding:AmericantMhatcy offices in Leaden; Paris and the Hague; 0.2 BUCOM4 0-2 Frankfurt; North Atlantic ? 'Treaty Organisation; and SHAPE. A 20000 word tacit/00 from Soviet and "Satellite broadcasts monitored at London end the Mediterranean Screen is 'transmitted d4] by vire from Lendon'te?the Meath etudios?of the Velee of America at. to:the ?often Burette for tranaMittal to the 7;997th COnpoeite ?reap; Frankfurt Military Poet, 'and ether ledalAionsumere. ? ? o. ? Rattan Buteou , I. a 0 ? All..Protestied,mateiial in filed to H1000 in Eonh And :Frankfurt and to ? ? the .7997th!tompoolte Group; Frankiert Military Ppot.,,Redielrolgat broad- ? tette are'relayed to the Munich etudios,of the Voice of AMerica. 06 ? Anetr/tin,Bereau ?'; All processed materiel Is filed to Publii;Affaire DiViSlenetSCOAi Saleburg.-, From this office it Sc distributed to,0,2;USAF;_tuid tho,US ? tonsUlate,in Saibarg., The complete Tile le elso?reloyed to the Public.. *Information Divisioni-Headquarters; USAF; Salzburg; the Daily Wass Review is turOlied te?the Political Division; VS Eubtmesy; Fienne. and the Monthly Ettincolic Report to the Report? And Statistical Branch 0S Spatial Mission for Beenomic Cooperation; Vienna. Mediterranean, &wean . ? ? ? , Sevietolurditth language intercepts are air malted to the American Steatite in Baghdad And Toberaft. Summaries of Soviet-Kdtdieh leagues? broadcasts end processed Arabic materiel fretIraq; Jordan, Egypt; and Syria ate Met to the Marietta Etbeasy;,Beghdtd.-Selected Balkan material is AirMailed:tothe Marital) &beet* in-Athene. -Protested . items relating to Cyprus ere tent to the Colonial. Secretary inlactiels. Monitored summatiee and processed material fram all Soviet regional stations Adjacent to Ptikietati ore airmailed to the American Embesey; "(anent. ? - . ? Okinawa Bureau All processed intercepts are filed to Tokyo for FEC staff sections. tbking material dealing with ?RAF aerial action and. Kelta and Pyongyang R0t/ broadcast ma.tefl?lis trtuletiltted to the Intelligence Section, FEM. A draft of the Far Bast Conntar-Paccholomical Warfare reports prepared ' at Okinawa is sentito:the AU Korean materiel is filed to the US tmbaseY, Pusan. Selected Korean ? 50X1 50X1 50X1 rarrcerrcnnt7z7r, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080007-6 . A incerronerwrai Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080007-6 A.) SECORRY INFORMATION-, kti intercei,tUate tent tO0-2; Eighth Army* Weekly analyses of Chinese Comnuniet international sad regional broadeattS are filed to. FEC . Tokyo yoga of Vietnam Mews Agency-(HO Government) and OHM (unidentified tottanitst station) dtchs, end all Gatti Rational Seeletanee Front material are transmitted to FBIS, Saigon, for local dissemination* . Elected 'Pyongyang, Peking and Vietnam materiel in tranemitted to 0.2, RYokyst-ComMand* ;The World Health Organisation Epidemiological Bulletin .ierttatilitted to FEAF Tokyo weekly, UN programs beamed to.,4ptekand ithinelarehreported floe amonth:to FEC,and FEAFj Tokyo*: ' Saigon Barents . '' ? All'ePteeesied-Material is filed to PEC4-fokyoland furnished the American Embeediet in Saigon and Phnom Penh, USIS Saigoh,edd the Amy Attache im Saigon.' Copies of all processedViettinh hreadcadts dealing itith'tt7LaOtian invaSlen were forwarded to American diplomatic repredentes. :tiveS-IMIVientiahejliadS_And.Bstigkok,,Thailand at their request* Selected 'material ii.furaidhed the Mutual Security Ageady-TaforhationDividionj the Military AbblOtatte Advisory Group and theAmorieWEMbattyjn Saigon. _ . Tokyo,Burean All processed intercepts are sent to staff sections of FEC. All Japanese and Mongolian material from Peking, and Korean and 'Mandarin ' matevial?from MoStew is furniahed Per East Air Peirce:" Korean material is filed to the Eighth Aimy cid the American Embassy in.Pusidi**Selected material is furnished Civil Information and Etc/Aiwa Section,US citii. 'Administration,?,gyukyue*. UM programs beamed to Korea ChiAyare. reported once a month to:FE4,and PEA?, Tokyo* Selected Chinete Inter- . ' national Saralee material is filed to USIS, Foriebili' ,All material :monitored in /Wanes? le-furnished the American EMbatsy in Tokyo. - Hokkaido Bureau Alatiteleed intercepts are'frnithed Heidgearter4 OEC and kiP in Tokyo, and 0.2 let Cavalry Division, Cemp;Crawford* Weather reports from *USSR regional tett:tag? are furnished ield Research Unit, FEC. All summaried ef:Ulah Bator Russian broadcasts ate,furnithed Documents Research Section, FEC Bolt'recotdings of Sleeted RUAsian'regional:breideists are ? made-and delivered to PEC Tokyo. ' ? A . 44est_Coaet_Bureau: . , Selected material it filed to FEC 'end PEAF, Tokyo. The entire PANASrA file intercepted At the Mott Coat Buratu is teletyped to PEA?, Tokyo* Sant Coast Bureau ti pai4 distribution of an epidemiological bulletin of the World Health stganination is made to OSI* WWWiTnnk'Iwwik Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080007-6 ? r WM' WV af IMINF _40-.SFP.RFT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080007-6 1. New Employees Entering on Ratz: Name, Title, Grade 2. Separations: Name, T1t:14 Grade FBID HONTRLY PERSONNEL MORT June, 1953 Assignment Editorial Branch Editorial Branch East Coast Bureau Editorial Branh EditorialBranch Effective Date 1 June 1953 50X1 1 June 1953 17 June 1953 . 29 June 1953 22 June 1953 . Assignment Action Pffective Date West Coast Bureau Resignation 30 May 1953 best Coast Bureau Resignation 5 June 1953 East Coast Bureau Resignation 12 June 1953 cWr'XILVT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080007-6 50X1 A( tr Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080007-6 oeurny 2. Separations: (contld) Name, Title, Grade 3. Promotions: Yana, Assignment ignment B. I. S. Old Grade, Title Info Spec (Fen Lrdcat) GS.11 Info Spec (Fgn Brdest) 0S-7 Info spec (Fgn Brdcst) OS-7 Electronic Eng. (Radio) GS-9 Info Spec (Fen Brdest) 0S-5 Teleg Typwr ?Pr GS-4 . Info Spec (Fcn Daest) 0S-5 padio Operator 05,7 Teleg Typist Opr GS-5 SECR R"li Action Transfer to P.D.O. ? New Grade, Title Info Spec (Fen Brdest) GS-12 Info Spec (Fen Brdnst) as -9 Info Spec (Fgn Brdest) GS-9 Electronic Eng. (Radio) GS-11 Info Spec (Fen Brdcst) OS-7 Teleg Typwr Opt 0S4 Info Spec-(Fgn Brdcs0 GS.7 Radio Operator Gs-B Teleg Typwr !Opr GS-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080007-6 Effective Date 30 June 1953 50X1 Effective Date 7 June 1953 50X1 7 June 1953 7 June 1953 7 June 1953 21 Jona 1953 21 June 1953 21 June 1953 21 June 1953 21 ;June 1953 -< SECRET - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080007-6 ? 0 ?1" ? Prount ions I (coat' d) Name, Assignment Reastignmentsr . Name ,Grade, nue. Radio Opqrator Administrative Asst. Old Grade, latle,'Assignment - - Info Spec ? (FgnBrdett), 05.9 - East Coast Bureau _ ? Info Spec (len Brdost)1 64-9 Editoriel:BranCh . - ? . info Spec 4F en Widest)) 054 East Coast Bureau , ? Electronic Eng (Radio), 0$711 ' Okinawa Bureau . Bicadeast.I;eo Spec, qs.9 . ? ? ? . ? - ' ? geotrollic the (Radio), 65-9 , 'West Coast Bureau Intelligence- Officer, GS-.4. Special Reports Brage.h New :Grade, Title Effective Date Radio. Operator 7 'june 1953 50X1 GS,4 ' Administrative Asst. 7 June 1953 , GS4 Rev Grade, TitlejAssignnent intelligence Officer; 08-9 Mediterranean 'Bureau Info Spec (Fgil Brdcst), OS-11 1 Kay. 1953 Tokyo Bureau ?Cruising Monitor, '0$4. 12 May 1953 East Coast Bureau ' ? Radio Operator; 'os-q 7 June 1953 . blest Genet Bo:mail Infe Spec (fgn Brdest), OS-9 id Ray 1953 East Coast Bureau 'Effective Date - 29- April 195350X1 Info Spec (Fgn Mrdest), 0S-9 10 May 1953 Editorial Branch ' Intercept Res. Spec., OS-11 4 May 1953 B.I.S. SECREt . . 'Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07-: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080007-6 ornpurr . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080007-6 ' .? 6-c-iirityjnformation ? ? - ? =nary; 'Organizational egmInt . . - Departmental , East Cast. Buz-eau West COa'st 'Bureau Tokyo Bureau liakkaido dureau -.Okinawa:Bureau - Saigon .Bureau Mediterranean Bureau . Austrian puree German Bureau locadon ?13ureau ? TCY:ALS ? AMBETCAUTh., uth. Ceiling 0.1). In Proc. NATIVE TEEM. REASSIGNMENT PROMOTIONS Auth. 0.D. " From-To Within 50X1. t ? CliEt Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved 'for Release 2013/08/07 : CIA-RDP83-60586R000300080007-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/087077C7RDP83-00586R000300080007-6 Settrity?Tniorantannil ,Acting Chief, FBI!) Administrative Officer, FBI]) Progress Report Notes for June 30 June 1953 1. All funds, except approximately t600.00, authorized in the amount of ft79,200 by project PDI-183-53 foe completion of the Club-Shelter-BOQ at the Okinawa Bureau have been obligated and the basic and supplemental contracts negotiated. 2. Negotiations for leasing two additional houses at the Mediterranean Bureau have been completed, bringing the total now under lease to nineteen. , 3. FBI]) submitted to 00 an estimate of its space require- ments against the possibility that additional space may be avail- able in the near future near the FBI]) area of Quarters I. 4. Building Emergency planning responsibilities for Quarters I have been relinquished by FBI!) to the Logistics Office. ' 5. All allotment numbers for FY 154 have been disseminated to FBI]) activities. The Santa Rosa project has its own allotment num- bar assigned and during FY +54 will be considered an independent fiscal entity - distinct from Reseda. 6. Initial budget estimates for FY 155 were submitted and endorsed by 00 on 23 June. 7. Imprest funds are being set up for the West Coast Bureau as a permanent facility and for the Santa Rosa site during the cons struction period only. This facility was arranged as a result of the Comptroller's visit to the Bureau and will be used in liquid- ating-petty cash expenditures. B. Effective 23 June FBI]) Table of Organization was amended to proilide eight positions for the relocation and reconstruction of the West Coast Bureau at Santa Rosa. These positions will be abolished after activation. 9. Effective 18 June 1953 nine positions in the Production Unit, Editorial Branch were reclassified from Olerk-Typist, 05-3, to Clerk (Typing), GS-4. 10. Disposition schedules established for all records main- tained at West Coast Bureau. 50X1 SMAITtP-7-Y) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080007-6 Dec ? 1 (SENDER WILL CIRCLE CLASSIFICATION To9 BO1TOM) CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY \ e OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP TO INITI Agi DATE 1 Chief, FBID IF 9 4 5 i FROM INITIALS DATE . 1/ F&C Staff, 001 14? 20 CP 2 9 APPROVAL INFORMATION ACTION D DIRECT REPLY COMMENT fl PREPARATION OF REPLY CONCURRENCE RECOMMENDATION REMARKS: As submitted to OIC for ?SC Report. ? CSICITEP CONFIDENTIAL RESTRICTED SIGNATURE RETURN DISPATCH FILE MI Progress UNCLASSIFIED ORM .20_4 SEP. ISO ?-? 10-03794L4 U. C. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE Dec assified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080007-6 ' ?? r;n: '. c'''):70.. 7La ... ? - .- - --a .- Y I.. . ' ' 1 ? , . r?l Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080007-6 rot' ? :lb'4 ?4, 1 4 . r . V""1 . ? A 7. ipAttllaSeirsadr:.aste a. Ibultosina ? JIM 195:1 ? MA Ms vor2.641ida monitessing netwesit perridaa'tsapid and Ivoluninous oorsrais of foreign am, intorationteind, broadcasts as ? maim of ommoneoonsere., Speed in:ilea emanate' and in reporting of important intorsatka tetbelsinatat Seisatoh that the intelligerbn ditsbass nar recoskes,hy lima "arise. thatsansland text of the tint part of a long hastaanseatabile theRussian station Is etill transmitting the final partiMmi'mf thabesadast. The Sorlat catitiawll 00IMIKI. Men tor Onalshoia and the Baltic States. During the past six month', the passibility of eitsblishing a station An Ralston to wasp dentreliiiiiesibroadnasts has been explored but the plan is nowtabled, With lidonnewssenimp in ? I favor of further developing Asian oovelsge from existing'Stations in A ? Cypruo and ataut. Tentative disounions have Web holdwith &mesa Government offidale.mmierning natalnataljoint monitoring.Operations. and a survey made of the monitaring potential on the west wait of Honshu. Govetsge of Mattis and northwestern Odia twinemittpre Wthe British Boopadmisting Cappany still saanaile bedentr,eigg!"24 b. ftlegeSABSS ? Requirements of estimating Close and gegthelogleal Warfare eettrities have a slight shift In saphasis in the propaganda analysis effort, leading any ties the paimatlat ofweekly mita of the whole propaganda field and tosards.the produation of more numinous spenialised pompon& studies on aubstantive intalligems bks. problimir 4 4:1 qoAi! I - ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/07 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300080007-6 ?