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April 2, 1981
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Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/12 :CIA-RDP90-005528000707300007-9 ,~;r~c~~ ~::~:s::s::~ THE WASHINGTON POST ~~ ~A~~, 1 2 Apri l 1981 v rrlaiarr~ -Walsh ~' ,? ~Trr nn. ~intarii,a"w laa~ -1U~v P,~~;Ao.,* ~i}?rt W nP+ostStat! Wt2tst 5 1. '}y ~' i' '~ -' ~? < ?'II1agw , ,, then ~eampa~gning :for the ~?. >' . ~-~e._ Reaoan, administration's plan ?_ presidency, showed no hesitancy about c to repeal "the prohibition against avert ; ;arming : Savimbi - a..policy: then .and oi:~covezt~ U.S._ sid _ to rebel forces in.;;; now prohibited . by the Clark 'amend- Angola ran:into strong .opposition Yes-, ~~ent.;-"ZVell,.frankly, I.would'sprovide teraay from an. unlikely, alliance :that `=tlierim-= (Savrmbi's ~forcesjx`With.:weap- encompa9sed=both=iiberal.Devaocratac .:~ons,", Reagan said. -' I _~ ~ :; Douse members and a spokesman,. for _ However; in an interview last week -; ~a major od_compariy ; _ r ~. ,.end with, The .Washington Post,, the In. ~, the .second -day of heanngs on -.president .Gook .another ...approach. a He t ~the~ ;proposed :repeal , of the .Clark _ said the An olan overnment should +amendment;' Rep ,:Howard E.;.WoIpe ,~ : ~t "get:nd of. the- outside forces," the. ~: (D~NIa9s.}, cFisirman= of `a House' sub .:.Cuban . -.troo . comauttee-on Africa, said that such a ps, ~suggestinb,.that then ? re would seriousl ~ :the United States would. tryita, help. .peal y- damage 'U.S - 1 - ~intereststlroughout black Africa,-aad ?bring about a peaceful'.settiement be ;' ~?- ?- ;, tween the nval~factions -tn -the:,noun P y~Y into the :hands . of the = ~_ . ~ .~.. ~, ,.._. > , Soviet: U~ruon and ~ Cuba; .supporters. of ~ ~ ,a, ; ~ ~~. a t- M~ ~ ~ ,~ -~ ,- ~ a. t the_~11~Iarvst=governinent of Angola:-; ~ ,-Angola~`contends t1ie=Cuban;tioops, - -. by;other-House I}emocirats, by former Y by the " SvIute-ruled Qnvenunent of ~" senator Dick.Clark, (D-Iowa), the au ~ South" Afnca,~whch has' provided a!d ` _. __. ? to Savimbi' ~ . ;~ z a~~+{ ;r~.~ r , tbor: of the amendment, and by Mel vut ~ Hill;~president of-.Gulf. Oil Eac ::T'ne'admuu`sti~ation's effort fo epeal ' ploiatwrr and Production. Co, a sub `the Clark ~ amendment= ~s=?ainong a '. sidiary of~Gulf' OAT: ~:; ~ , ' ', ~ . '_' number -of:` developments that have x Hsi said-thetainendment should be 1-alarmed:black..Afncan?::n_ ations; which' ` ~ ~ G repealed eventually; but that- to do ~' fear they;, signal .the ~ Eie~inning;.; of a so now ;'~voiiId- have ' an extremely `nag -;~ ."tilt" by } ttus' admittis~ration:. away= atrve;effect'botlr uY Angola and else ~ from the~polieies of the Carter' admui ` ~where-zn Africa.."`'=g,~ ~,, ~.~-;istration=and toward South Africa. '-He. sail`= this'~was his `personal ` : Clark. told the subcommittee he fa '~ view;' but~it' also ;clearly reflected the t vors eventual _ repeal ~ of the prohibi-> ~attitude~ o~=h~,oompan}t and~gtlers tion;..but::only:after: lVamibia,:which:' thathave ma}ork. investments, =Zr~ ~An .: ;borders. ;Angola'; ,on :the , soutl~_ has- }gnla"and;,havenfoand the governments i'gained'_.independence,lit snow . a' ' of the west=Afxicaz country to be, in - `South African protectorate}?:and.'after ~: Hdl's words,"~businessl~Tce and `'`non the- United States has ranted di Io g p , ideplogic:al"idespite,its Vlarsistphilas .:matte- iecogrutiori:rvto~tlie government" ophy.~ ~=r-~i~-~'~ '~'s~: ?~~.;'?r=~ ` :; 'of Anirola: ~, ,...:~.,r_,r~ ~a .. ~-' `b':..'"'~-'""' -~,"'~' ''' """""' warned_'that no'settleinenG in'nega tee 'members includuig~ `Republicans , Y :; r nations on Namibia's-independence is who showed ncr great enthusiasm for ~ ~ -. repealuig Ythe amendment;: indicated: passible ~vsnthout'Angolan~ coo~erataor>y_. aril that Angola's willingness'ta oo:. ; the- admiivstratron :"may `have serious . . trouble= achieving :one of -.its' first ob '' operate- with Western powers that are Y: ~ectives on:'Afizca,pohcy T:u , ~, ~~; r'~ :involved; with ?thei Namibian' negoti ,:. .Angola ;represents: a delicate :dial ations .would entt ~i~,the~ amendment u r ~. lenge to~the~,adniipistration; wlucb "~ ~~~- R ~ tr '~ " la t' ~."~?'; ~''.~ ,f-~. ~ ' .:Savimbi ~ scliecluled, tq v~sit'VYash ; still .evolvmg~an overall African pofiay ,, but.:wluch has vowed to:~oounter~So-~ n>soon to~press his case foi.sup ,: vietYand~.Culian~eipans~oriism,',ui~Af-~ Pow $tate~ DepartmenC~otficiais yes. ,?, f: :rice and. elsewhere:"Angola-now~hosts teday'?confirmed"tha~'Savimbr'met'` as estranatedrl;l8,OOQ~;;Cubant;,troops,,;' y. r`oooo wrth.~n American ' who are helping, protect'. ~tbe govern ; ~ official, ~ later` identr`fied; ;by_` sources ? as' ; 'went- against rebel forces led by antr Lannon Walker,"acting assistant' sec= 1`1!_'j~~T___ ~'~__ --L. 1... :...., ..t...i...Y,~.~fi il.^ry~1Yf.:: w1'7 ?i~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/12 :CIA-RDP90-005528000707300007-9 STAT