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Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/04: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100020003-6 ? 2 ion 1946 TO Chief. eA1RS ,01.113,71',CT I Reevebutt ion of Documents 1. Attached it list, of Documents prepored for Ilajor Chan to determine necessity of publishing. 2. All DOCUM04$11 requestea br war Crimes. BA1i or other agencies Whose requests have been made recently hove bosh omitted. JAIUS P? Oayt, T. A4 Declassified and Approved For Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/04: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100020003-6 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/04: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100020003-6 Dec No Priority Requested by 2254 A 2301 ? A ? 1922 1983 1990 ? 2093 2424 0 Ord Title () guide te local Self-sufficiency Part 21 Charts on raising of vegetables plant diseases, preventative 110110MOS Ord0 Ord 7C) Ord Ord Printed Otivi Official Nevi (Salta SONO) NO 2007: gives lists of mines in Xancknria and intoraatioa concerning their location., operattag firms, etc. 700g of 295 Light Tanks 1100 A 17351 place of manafeeture of parts', charac- teristics, results of final factory toots, history, and list ef ateessories Leg of 20_197 Reams Tank: gives tabulated date on tanks belonging to 523 Natal Heavy & Light NO Firing Tests: results of penetration test. of .199 nett & T92 heavy machine gone and effect of KS projectiles fired from grenade launchers ? Operations of 10th year type 45 caliber 12.wom on, explains each phase of tiring including verbal comsat. and berisental sighting and fuse adjustment Needling of Aati-faak close eembat weapons: inclades specifications, struc- ture, charaeteristies, handling of 299 AP mina, T93 AT sins, stick nine, hand thrown conical grenade, coattail rifle grenade -1- status Reins translated Naj LaRosa Remark. Reclassified Oct 10, X - 414 at request Translated Original priority *A". Mg Champ Sept penal Not *hefted Translated Reclassified 020 to *Ow at Sept Panel Not checked Translated Reclassified ?B? to *00 at Sept Panel Not checked Ratting Origins] priority requested 00*, ne change at Sept Panel Translated, Original priority requested ?00, no change Not checked Sept Panel Stilted Awaiting approval Reclassified *A" to 00* at Sept Panel Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/04: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100020003-6 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/04: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100020003-6 Dec Ne Priority Requested by 24119 0 Ord CI) Ass 0 2491 C Ord 0 1011. A 3 )1An. eta- 44-14- Title Status Remarks Information on Type 97 190 ma Medium Translated ' Reclassified 'Alt to 140. at Sept Panel Mortar (Longs Short Barrel): notes on Not checked training mortar units, table 19T Medium Mortar, 197 RN projeotile, tin Medium Mortar Drawing eomparing the various types of TranslatIld Reolassified WI to 1100 at Sept Panel cartridge oases: dimensional diagrams Net checked of eartridge cases for artillery eat small arms - kind of metal primer used on each Yiring Tables for Type 94.37 es Gun Translated Reclassified "0 to 000 at Sept Panel (using Type 94 RS Projeotile): spool- Not ?hocked fications for gun and projectile, firing tables, dimensional .cross-section dia- gram of projectile and ballistic data Manual on Night Attacks: preparetioa Editing Original priority requested "AP, no for attack, yeing obstacles, security change at Sept Panel devices, assault, employment of smoke, reconnaissance operations under lights and flares 14$11(b) A 01 0 tile of incoming Documents - Parts 1, Being checked Original priority requested 110? ne IIIAMC 9, 17; spatial services organisations by Translation change at Sept Panel giving distribution list, attitude of Control local population and activities of ? oommunists 2094 0 Ord 60 Operations of 10th Year Type 49-cal Prod Original Priority requested "C", no 120m DP Gun with MO Gun Carriage Backlog change at Sept Panel (firing with AA, Director) 12 pp Declassified and Approved For Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/04: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100020003-6 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/04: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100020003-6 Des No Priority Requested by .2403 224 0 1$72 2203 2101,1711, 2193 2304 2265 0 Dt"153 A 201$ 2266 1242 2191 2029 A Ort Bag Ord Rq ma G) Nag (I) Ord r;\ loog L?-) Air Rug a Ord Title Specifications of Land Combat Ordnanco 12 pp. 22 tables Ammunition for Various Types of Naval Aircraft Armamont. 57 pp. AD Air Map of Road Repairs in Shansi Superelevation Type 2 Land AA Direotor/Nuso Graphs Diagraas of T2 Land AA Director: Staadard Table for Packing A Loading Ordnance Dquipment Ruporiment NO 15 on Firoarms T-99, X2, Mark 1 Ilectrically-controlled firing Devito Oamonflage Against Aerial Obsorvatien Booklet, Cooking Under Bombardnent Military Topographical Survey of the Northern. Regions Dive Anglo Indicator T9I Mortar aad A99 Light Mortar Declassified and Approved For Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/04: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100020003-6 Status Prod Backlog Prod Backlog Pro& Backlog Fred Backlog Photo work Is be. dons Prod Typing Prod. Tina U.!. prodmotioa Prod Drafting Remarks Original priority requested. "A", no change at Sept Panel Reclassified "AA to "0" at Sept Panel Original priority dhango Sept Panel Original priority change Sept Panel requested 0/10, no request:id 00, no Rsolassifiod 010 to "0" at Sept Panel Original priority r questbd "A", no change Sept Panel Origiaal priority requested "B", no change Sept Penal Reclassifisd "Al to "C" Sept Panel Original priority requested "A", no change Sept Paaol Roolossified 011 to "C" Sept Panel Original priority riposted "C", no chase, Sept Panel Doe No peclassifiedandApprovedForRelease@50-Yr2013/12/04:CIA-RDP81-00706R000100020003-6 prioritr,440ited by Title Mtn. Ramarko ng documents wara translated by MISLS (It has been customary in the past to publish all documents translated by X1SL8 Th* urtawr oven if documents were of doubtful valus) 97 003 (7,!' 2136 0 Ord ? 2543 Log yva. 2597 0 Log CA-e II? 2595 0 Ord Manual OA Improved Model 4 Kawasaki- Translated Drafter Typo Oxygon Respirator: describes at checked and illustrates; construction, inspection, wearing, handling, repair Type 95 50 ma Mortar 413 Handling & Caro of 1100 Grenada Launcher. Characteristics and use of thews two weapons disclaim'. Notes on Packing, Volume, Weight and Transportation of Various Articles: table showing weight, velum* and packaging process of copra, rubber, tin, tungsten, ? rice, salt, taania, coal, sugar, bauxite & &orris, instructions on hamiliftner- terials during transport Ration Charts: tables regular rations, supplomentary rations issued to submarine & air crews and to men working in Naval Air Technical Depots & Naval Air Depots& types aid quantitios of rations substi- tuted for regular rations Original priority "B", no change Sept Panel Translated Reclassified 013" to "C" at Sept Pane). Not Checked Translated Not checked Translated Not checked Manual on the Xxperimental Turtle-Shaped Translated Armor Shield: eonstruction, transportation Not checked and use for individual protection in close coabat, photograph of shield and photo- graphs illustrating use Reclassified "30 to "0" at Sept Panel Reclassified 01M to "0" at Sept Paula Reolassified MIN to "0" at Sept Paul Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/04 : CIA-RDP81-00706R000100020003-6 r, Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/04: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100020003-6 . t . PAGM,IRS Camp Ritchie, Rd. v 21 September 1945 TO $ Chief, PAC IRS THOU t Cap% Chan SUBJECT: Conference re Reevaluation of Current Documents 1. Following are recapitulations of decisions reached by Conference held 19 and 20 September 1945. Document Situation Report of Translation flotation , (as of 20 September 1945) Schedule 119. Clpssif oatipm A X T1S 1 2 3 4 5 13. 1 7 6 9 13 8 2 9 40 10 11 11 12 19 13 14 1 6 Totals 13 7 21 89 9 '..????0011.0?10.0.immanuNIMN Notes Doestments listed in Schedule 18 are pending. Document Situation Report of Production Section a of Pe Se?tember 945 SHOP PRIORITY No. of Documents --------- high A 1 4 36 Low A 10 13 17 Low 8 Total _____ 85 Notes 5 Documents, listed in Schedules 16 and 17, are reclassified to X. Uapt. Can rA Declassified and Approved For Release ? 50-Yr 2013/12/04: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100020003-6 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/04: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100020003-6 SCHEDULE 1 The Following Documents are A Priority (Unchanged): Doc tio Agency Description 1658 * Sig Signal Communications and UhAracteristics of Type 1 Fighter 2403 Ord Table of Ilrinciple Land Combat Ordnance: 90 items 1242 Eng Aleutian Kamchatka Terrain Study 2265 c Ord Dtandard Table for Packing and Loading Ordnance Equipment 1011 1 MRS Aanual on Night Attacks: preparation for attack; use of obstacles; security devices; assault; employment of smoke; recce; operating under flares 1481!- CIO rield Military Police Duties and Theoretical Problems 1492''` CIC kimeographed bile of Police Documents 1488v4 AIPAC rile of Incoming Documents (Parts 1, 5, 19) 2396-7 Civ At Information of the Treatment and Training of Korean Soldiers 2301 I Eng Printed Government Official ews.(Seifu Koho) No 2007: Wanchurian mines 2606 Y C rile of Philippine :Ailitary Internment Camp Monthly Reports Declassified and Approved For Release ? 50-Yr 2013/12/04: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100020003-6 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/04: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100020003-6 16 $0 DirLi it ? The following Documents are reclassified from B to A: Doe No Agency Description 1/418 4.'" Eng 92 8-ton ilrime Mover (godels A &13) i?vjek r LDeclassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/04: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100020003-6 4* . A Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/04: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100020003-6 ? $01111.111111.1t3 The Following Documents are B Priority (Unchanged): Doc Mo Agency Description 1201 BAB References on Recruit Trng and Soviet CI: T.O. attack and defense equipment, tactical employment 23915t, Eng Sapporo Engineer School Alumni Association Magazine #13: constr. on Keizan Railway Line in S. E. Korea, discussion, diagrams, photo- graphs of constr of railway bridges over Kumano 2518'r Military Geography of Shanchiane Province 2018 f Eng Essentials for Anti-Air Camouflage 2388- Eng Manual on Slide Projector used for Photographic Interpretation: equipment; directions for handling 2444v/\ Etlg Map or Manchuria Showing Agricultural Colonies Established by the Japanese , 1397 owe References for measures Against Fleas Throwars Declassified and Approved For Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/04: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100020003-6 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/04: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100020003-6 ? The following Documents are C Priority (Unchanged): Doc No Agency Description 2029 Ord Uompilation of Ordnance Documents: disposal of unexploded ammunition 2093 Ord Operation of the 10th Year Type 45 Caliber 12-cm Gun 2094 Ord Operation of the 10th Year Type 45 Caliber 12-cm Gun 1036 ' Finschaven Operations..A5A Group: reorganiz- ation of unit, meeting tank attacks 2304 ' Ord 2 mimeographed Schematic Diagrams of T2 Land AA Director 1990 Ord heavy and Light LG. Tiring Tests 1 Declassified and Approved For Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/04: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100020003-6 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/04: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100020003-6 4 41/ SOXSOULE f 41/ The following Documents are reclassified from A to C: Doc No /DR 2 Agency Sig ?1085? --Ord- 1_4244 ?'? \ Ord 2484,--` Ord 2491, Ord 2268 Description Explanation Pertaining to Training Tor Island Defense Information on Type 97 150-cm Kedium Mortar (Long and Short barrel) 6 () Various Types of Ammunition for Aircraft Assault R..; 6Z. s) Handling of Antitank Close Combat Weapons Firing Table for Type 94 Gun Using Type 94 Mg Projectile Cooking Under Bombardment eakci (,0 ??. 4111B)ULIG The following Documents are reclassified from B to C: Doc No ,;049 Agency, Ord Description ..) ? Regulations for Firing AT Rifle 6-2 C 24881' Ord Drawings comparing the Various Types of Cartridge Cases 1983 Ord Log of ExPerimental Typo 97 Medium Tank 1982 Ord Log of Type 95 Light Tanks 1100 and 1735 2197 Air Dive Angle Indicator 2598 Ord Manuel on the Experimental Tutle-Shaped Armor Shield 2136 ' Ord Type 98 50-mm Mortar and Handling and Care of T100 Grenade Launcher " 2543 Log Notes on Packing, Volume, Weight and Transpor- tation of various articles 2597 Log Ration Charts Declassified and Approved For Release 50-Yr 2013/12/04: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100020003-6 4 60 /?, Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/04: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100020003-6 , .. IP e . sosigivLs .7 The following Documents are reclassified from ? to X: Doc No Agency, Description 2577 Sig Vehicular Model A Radio Set 1575 Air Internal Combustion Engine: High-speed instruie merits; flexible connecting rod; mold forging parts /1.445 Air Tactics of Air Defense Fighter Units 1457 Air Maintenance Manual on T 100 Heavy Bomber 1699 Air Notes on ?184 I, 49(pi vemse Air Manual on 1184 (frank) .S-g Pfr//? ' 2181 Air handwritten Notebook on Engines 5 Eng manual on River Crossing Operations Vaal Eng Plan for Constructing Field Fortifications and Installations at Nokogiri Mountain: strength 6e)(41: 2 ) of positions; code designations; sketches g467 Eng Water Supply and the Utilization of Water in (9/ tore& 2365 11.11g Data on Military Geography of Rota Island g(1 ii ii ' 2St7 law Destruction of wire Entanglements and Shelters 6.t, Pc, 1985 Ord Notebook on Projectiles and Fuses SCIIII0V1411 The following Documents are reclassified from A to TIE: Doc No Agelloy Description ,1243 urd Type 97 Light Mortar 90-mm 11754 Air Crashing Tactics Against Bambers Declassified and and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/04: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100020003-6 1 , C Declassified and Approved For Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/04 : CIA-RDP81-00706R000100020003-6 ? ? 00HEDULS9 Documents reclassified from k to X (Continued): Dec No Agency Description 2127 17b5 1046 Air lilodificatione of Sakae Ltgines (U31, 31A, 311$, 310) Defense Against Sabotage I ' Anti Trenot Mortar Warfare: fall and winter table of mortar equipment A.1.4 File on medical supplies (CW doe) 414 CWS planation of the Use of the Type 99 Unit ? Medical Chest and Type 99 Gas Casualty Chest 244 i/ CWS Manual, "Air Force Chemical 'harfare" 207 Eng Manual on the Improved Model 4 Kawasaki- Draeger Type Oxygen Respirator 5.212 Eng ;Aanual on Type 99 Low Towered Rock Drill 26S2 OWS Outline of the Use and Effectiveness of Gas 2633 0"46 Outline of the Results of an Inspection of Chemical Warfare Materlas 205 CW5 Mimeographed Tubles of Chemical Itarfare Train. ing erogram 2095 C.M Zdanual on T 97 %pobile Kitchen ,1538 ox Film of !nstructions and Plans for Detached Service 504 Eng Engineer Equipment and dethode (Adv Copy to Eng 20 Jun) 1571 Eng Hygiene for Troops in Central China 1649 Eng Science of Communications 2360 Lag Plans for Beacons, Breakwaters and Harbor Installations th ganual, Double Rotary Blower Type Truck Mounted _2391 Snowplow 209 OWS Material for the 1943 Western District Army CW Group Trng of Officers & NCO's: gas defense trng, maneuvers; T96 light protective clothing 2599 GW5 File of Reference Material on Chemical Agents and Aircraft 2225 Owe Notes on Use of Smoke and Gas, and Gas Defense: collective protection C2415 C w Testing of Chemical Warfare Agents 1406 g=3903 Eng Officer Candidates Trng Notebook Manual, Adjustable Double-Blade Truck-Mounted Snowplow 0 Lt4 ? c cy-/ I-.. ? Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/04: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100020003-6 r-- ljeclassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/04: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100020003-6 ? 0 14 9 (Oontinneft The Following Documents are reclassified from B to I: Doc No Ageney Description 2427 big Manual on Type 96 Aero Mark 4 Intra-Unit Wireless Telephone (for night Enlisted Trainees): description of part* and sche- matic drawings. /1862 Sig Explanatory Notes on Mark b Type A Remote Control 2090 Big Diagrams, Calibration Curves for 296 Short Wave Meter 5 ( 1462 Big Radio Reference Manual: Ground mk radios tables J., ( 11.863 big Instructions on Ground Mart II Radio Power Unit sLi. -4938 big manual M RD Radio Set Instructions L v1447 Ord Ordnance Service Notes: M92 Inf Gun M94 36-ms 3c,/,_ At Gun: Anti-Freeze Liquids and Vacuum Tubes. . 2104 Ord manual on A/A machine Cannon 2178 ord Pile of Ordlance Documents (4_ 2309 Ord Randling DisOliarger for Sxper1 Type 98 Small / Illuminating Candle and Special Type Tear Gas c; ? Candle /1313 Ord Explanation of H100 Combination /Use 2305 Ord Notes on Improved Explosive Charges Used by (tt Raiding Commando Units 1811 Air Manual on Corrections For 1fO-3 and HO 103: operation of type 1 flexible machine gun and armament of T100 bomber /1024 Air U.S. Tactics in Air Over Germany ,/1128 Air 159? Air 2- Report on Engine Tests: Test flights made on ;/ (, engines equipped with direct fuel injection t Use of Direct Drive Generator on flames L-L ( 1767 Air Manual on Armament Principle and Fighter Plane I: Equipment 1814 Air Armament Reference Book: heavy bomber sight; handling of common firing equipment tools; maihtenance training 2003 Air Notebook on LI 84 2019 Air Notebook on T100 H4 Reconnaissance Plane /I 3 (Dinah& eL5 H4 112) Engine 2111 Air manual on T2 Fighter Plane (Tojo) Model 2 2128 Air Provisional manual. on Sakai, Engin* (*31, 31,144 31S) Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/04: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100020003-6 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/04: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100020003-6 ? 0 1011SP01.11 10 Documents reolassified from 0 to X: poo X? Agency Description .?2.179 Ord File of Documents Received (Field WA 8n) Information re gun bore 2253 Ord Results of Firing Heavy iountain Gun 1655 Air Improvements on Air Circulation Devices 1657 Air Turn Graph 1035 ? (z -Ffii/. 4(We") tr- 1687 - Field Service Regulations Section 1-2-book IV , 2247 Ord Ilethod of Handling AA Adapter T92 kadhine Gun ,./1050 Ord ,aechanized Unit Attacks in Oka Area ./1303 Field U.F. Manual 2014 Eng Detailed Battle (Construction) Reports of dopping Up Operations in Kiangpei Area , 2534 (.;13 Antigas iledical Duties t. 1876 Field Service Regulationa 8eetion 3 Book IV $ 0 I II V I. The following Documents are reclassified from 0 to TIR: Doc No Agency Description 2441 Ord Tables of Weight and Capacity of (Arty) Ammunition Boxes; Information on Bomb Dis- posal : two id4e---3 i ? I 71 r< ',Kew! r Declassified and Approved For Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/04: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100020003-6 ./ ?rn? ?1". Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/04: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100020003-6 ? lailitrnit The following Documents were reclassified to X in September through -normal channels: Doc ho Agency Deecription /1269 Eng Aotes on Island Defense 1306 Effects on the human of Hard Water in Shansi krovince 1311 tA.S Chemical *tarfare Training -1.438 Air Airfield Construction 1632 U.8 handling of liodel w3 Flame Thrower 1685 Eng Model 96 150-cm Searchlight 1849 Scien kigeon Training 1890 Sig ill MK 2 DI Operating kanual 11931 Eng tortifications based on Observations in Southern Area 1976 Lng Model 96 Bearoblight Control Apparatus 2161 Eng 4ode1 96 Searchlight Control Apparatus 2172 Eng Use of Plants and Trees on Yasawara Islands 2235 Eng Construction of Acqueducts in Central Pacific 2329 Ord Rue klotting Board for Type 88 7.1cm Field AA Gun 2412 CV'S Outline of Soviet Chemical Warfare 2471 Eng kIle of Tactical Lessons Involving Fortifications 2498 Eng Type 97 kneumatic Hammer 2499 Eng Type 95 Vile Driver 2500 Eng Type 94 V/elding Torch Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/04: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100020003-6 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/04: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100020003-6 11011111111111 13 The following Documents were reclassified to TIR in September through normal channels: Poe No Agency, Description 1730 membership List - maritime Associations 2442 Nng tteports on Special Road Construction 2486 Urd Provisional Tiring Table for Type 97 (7.7 ma) Tank machine Gun 2487 urd tiring tables for Type 940 37mm Gun 2489 Urd Tiring Table for Type 41 Mountain Gun 2490 Urd Tiring Tables for Type 92 Infantry Gun $ 0 DV I. 11 The following Document was reclassified from B to A in September Through normal channels: Doc, No hiremz. Description 2396 Civ At Training Reference on the Handling of Korean 0 Soldiers L_ Declassified and Approved For Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/04 : CIA-RDP81-00706R000100020003-6 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/04: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100020003-6 16? 1110111gDITLIS Status of the Following Documents are Pending: Doc No ANeney Description 1555 1268 64 t/1455 1311 Instructions on Combat vs Airborne Troops 6 (, Medical Rules for Air Cre s ?.C. Instructions for an Assault Using Concentrated X 62 x 2c (1,7) Grenade Discharger Yire Binder of Personnel Documents C. W. Training: airplane gas spray Documents in 1000 series published by Japanese IV* la General Headquarters dealing with taetical lessons learned by the Japanese are being held for possib141 yaw* in reconstructing * history of Japanese ftupaigns in the early phases of the war. .Dvt_ IV., . Jio e9 /4996A/ /3 S&A \ X fick?C r L. fE SA. 4 1,(_ ? ? E ( "F 114-C ,j Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/04: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100020003-6 Declassified and Approved For Release @50-Yr 2013/12/04: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100020003-6 *mr. III SCHEDULE 16 411 The followin Documents are reclassified from A to X: Doc No Agency Description, 1709 WiS Appendix to Gas Defense Manual 2020 Air wiring Diagrams B6N2 (JILL) 12 1698 Air Appended Bldeprints to 1184 Manual 2364 0 X Japanese Army Transfer Lists SCHEDULE 17 The following Documents are reclassified from B to X: Doc No Agency DescriDtion 4360 0.1, Uraduation Results of the 24th Class of Class ? //6f,22.) Oro IDeclassified and Approved For Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/04: CIA-RDP81-00706R000100020003-6