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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/11/21 : CIA-RDP71600265R000200130004-1 solabttic,r-, oesa?tier-1 ' ? ?? SERVO/SURFACE ACTUATOR, -CONFIGURATION STUDY Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/11/21 : CIA-RDP71600265R000200130004-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/11/21 : CIA-RDP71600265R000200130004-1 fig Page 1? So PREMISS OF STUD/ Ao Three AriS Stability Aufgaentation is required to fly the vehicle during most if not all of its mission. Bo It is desirable to stay within the state of the art and use proven techniques wherever possible consonant with other requirements. G. The following trade-off criteria has been considered as a guide: Ur. Performance 15 Pailsafety 20 Mission Success 30 Maintainability 5 ccst 10 tieight 20 100 11. GROSS CONSIDERATIONS A. Side Electric Stick vs. Side Electric Stick plus Mechanical Baak-Up 1. The airframe has stated that the vehicle must have a fail- operational SAS because SAS is needed in order for the ? pilot to be able to control the vehicle over a large portion of its mission. ? 2. This being the case, it becomes hard to justify a mechwical back-up system since the ffechanical back-up can not be used (raga without ,,41, and: 720 150 .? 250 pounds of weight could be eliminated. b. Trim wheels and triple pick-offs replace non-redundant bulky trim actuators. c. The X-20 did not have a manual mechanical system. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/11/21 : CIA-RDP71600265R000200130004-1 A) Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/11/21 : CIA-RDP71600265R000200130004-1 Page 2 d. The YF-12 SAS has been more reliable in actual usage than the manual control system. e.: We can eliminate ?linkage problems associated with cock- pit raising. f.: Gear shifts, mixers,, ate., can be 'eliminated.. B. Parallel vs. Series Sertos, lw If we use a parallel 'eerie, it mutt be located near the cock- _ pit 'so that its disengaged friction will not adversely affect the break-out force of the center stielf.:7-Tliii then.mernii long cable run aft to the surfaces. :This in turn will result In additional undesirable non-linear dynatics between the SAS and the siirfade. This could result in additional surface activity and vehicle motion which IS Undesirable considering the type of payloa& 2?.? In addition, ueing only a parallel servo will result in short peribd damping corrections being reflected at the center stick., 3. Operation of the triple Stability Augmentation Systein through single methanical system control linkages; gear shift and mixer not only degrades the probability of mission success to some extent but makes it possible for a single failure in the mechanical back-up to be catastrophic. C. Electronic vs. Hydraulic Voting of Servos The YF-12 and the 5R71 use electronic majority voting of redundant servos based on servo position. This scheme is fail operational for first failure and failsafe for a second failure with pilot option for re-cycling. There has not been a "system" failure to date with this system in thousands of flight hours. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/11/21 : CIA-RDP71600265R000200130004-1 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/11/21 : CIA-RDP71600265R000200130004-1 ? Page 3 C. (contld) The Frill uses a detectionroorrection scheme of hydraulic voting as contrasted to hydraulic majority voting. Although this scheme does not offer as good a.reliability as a hydraulic majority. voting. scheme, it weighs less and may offer pilot indication in a simple manner. Inherently, the hydraulic scheme has the advantage of less dynamic lag in the voting because it doesn't need to wait for the output ram to integrate into position. However, in the electronic scheme Of voting there is more flexibility in the adjustment of allow- able system errors and thus the capability of adjusting the system optimumly between nuisance disengage and failsafe operation limits to achieve effective operation. If electric pick-offs (LDVT1s) are to be used on the servos regard- less of whether hydraulic or electronic voting is used, then the electronic voting will weight considerably lessa If mechanical feedback is used, tblre mill still be a slight weight advantage with electronic servo voting. The electronic (solid state) voting is subject to random failures as is the hydro-mechanical voting. However, the hydre-mechanical voting is also subject to sear which will require much more main- tenance to keep the system in a ready status:. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/11/21 : CIA-RDP71600265R000200130004-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/11/21 : CIA-RDP71600265R000200130004-1 Page 4 1110 CONCLUSIONS DRAWN FROM GROSS CONSIDERATIONS o A triple redundant electronic system should be employed withcut mechanical back-up. o If a mechanit cal back-up were to be used, series servos located as far aft as possible are preferable to parallel servos located near the cockpit. o Electronic Servo voting is probably more advantageous than hydro- mechanical voting, but final selection need be made for a specific servo/surface actuator combination. IV. SERVO/SURFACE ACTUATOR CONFIGURATIONS CONSIDERED IN DETAIL STUDY A. Present System Figure 1 shows a simplified block diagram of the present system. This system has a manual back-up system. Three multiple input parallel servos are located close to the cockpit and provide for all SAS and Autopilot inputs. B. System nit" System A shown in the block diagram form in Figure 2 uses one multi? pie input valve dual ram servo in each of the three major axes. The center stick, cockpit linkage extender, trim actuators and the bulk of the control system linkages would be deleted* The servos would be located in the aft portion of the vehicle. The mixer and the gear shifter (elevon/elevator and pitch gimble) would be retained. Trim would be accomplished in the triple electronics. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/11/21 : CIA-RDP711306265R000200130004-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/11/21 : CIA-RDP71600265R000200130004-1 Page. 7 C. System BI System p is shown in the block diagram of Fiturp 3. Systen 'B uses one multiple input valve directly on each of the seven snrfece actuators. The center stick, sticks cockpit linkage ektender,, trim actuators, mixer, gear shifter and all of. the mechanical. control .system linkages um:0.d be removed. Mixings shifting, . and trim would be accotplished in the triple redundant electronics. D. System: C System C, is sheen in the block diagram:of. Figure 1a System .0 is configured as follows: 10 One Multiple input servo drives both rudder surface actuators. 2. One multiple input Servo drives each elevon actuator.. 3. One maniple input' iiei;VO:drives both elevator actuators. 4. One multiple input servo drives the gimbled engine nozzle. . The center stick, cockpit linkage extender, trim actuator, mixer, gear shifter and 'nearly: all of the control lirkages are removed.' Only: the short lirkages between servo and its associated actuators remain. All mixing, shifting, and trim would be accomplished in. the triple redundant electronics. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/11/21 : CIA-RDP71600265R000200130004-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/11/21 : CIA-RDP71600265R000200130004-1 Page 10 V. .EVALUATION. OF SYSTEM WEIGHT AND RELIABILITY .The Table below presents a tabulationpf the system relative weights 'and reliability for the four system configurations being considered. TABLE I Present System Proposed Systems A. B G Weight ? 343 hi 284 # 127# 163# , ?FrebabilitrefSaccese for a one hour Miherien:J: 0.999962 0029968 0.999966 0099961 Mean TimeBetheehlitInre 26,196 hrs. .. . ;34188 hrs. 29,766 hrs. 25/345 hrt:.: It is to be noted that all of the proposed systems weigh less than the present system (from 150 to 250 pounds less) and are at least comparable in reliability.. Table II gives a detail breakdown of the weight estimates used at arriving at these system weights. Conservative figures have been used so that even more weight savings are likelY. Figures 5 through 8 inclusive show the reliability models for each of the systems under Consideration. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/11/21 : CIA-RDP711300265R000200130004-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/11/21 : CIA-RDP71600265R000200130004-1 TABLE it PEI-Aro/E. WEIGH+. CoMPARe0t4 Unit- PEscs, flot3 Pea Lhor; Wei sHr Fseseor Q(4160Atto0 CcilgisuRA-w.) A CoNficagAm- N 6 ecaNsotartok) C- An' Used Llksht 1/2 lin ? . iZ lb 4.7 I6s ? 7 lb: 15 /6; 90 ibs _ 114 lbs rns. weics, Ara'4 Uscci 3 N/A No Llsed Ncj: Used ISO f4 Not Owl Mot Cktd I N/A 15 ht. applicable Ultht iie. lbs ? ? ? 2E lbs. ? ? 80 lbs ? go Iiis Am.+ ilscii Nirk 7 Not tiso,1 Nat bisid 'no (-1- ILIstUseeel Mai- th.c.d Not Wed Z NA Ustd Fe all WeJah-E 70 lb: P 5Z.1bs ? ? ? 5 lb; confitiv.ralci Ariiii- usa 5 Not OA Pot ilse.d 300 cf? Not. (-hal No+ Use.4 Not Uocol I ci. 0 70 J. ? . , 31 lbs, ? ? ?511.0 .a. lb s 54 lbs. vi s L Nuif.plc. "E.t.a. SCYlit 2. Witat, it.. L ,LI- Value. P ?1' ? . Trini C Feel :I.:.ii y...1 , 0.) fisLiiPhica.1 Cabie KuL) 5. 6,c. I C.61e kuYi Ca G. ethic, Stie.. k... I:intr./3c Exftuday s. /14; (3) ' . SAS Pad. 1-irw1.; it. Liikci3 es ell It. Other 14 IL: . 10 lbs 14 16t 3k, it,i 4 ibb lhici- 7 11:te ? 5 I6s BO lbs ?le ildund- t, Ilssluritk? 3 /A 3 150 4 Not ihccl I 3 i N/A VI Sa ( 3.) Ted,. nts Ito 110N Cr t: at. overneJ cu sr (t I r ClAid i C. ovi (-kart evtr &SCA 01Par cable yun lenatit (3) Inch. At ekdr,cal +rim eledr1 co.) .rilter 41:etti',A,' Ve MAC nn,,'ujv rhan,LAnrt Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/11/21 : CIA-RDP71600265R000200130004-1 TorhLs I 367 163 table. run lebultb ? 234 lbs In a,. ukre9iLvece -1-nrh.titJ&ndnit (MO, SA S kes ) Mantle Irinrfr Servo Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/11/21 RE : CIA-RDP71600265R000200130004-1 Limeaury N0 DEL - PkESE/JT SYSTEM (c) A= .025 A- .422. A: .701 ? 006 1 - ? Co z At ?OC 1 A 005 012. A o.g A. 0.05- MO., Tr; m e,. codern Lint o/c 41 Cables Laelkei4r5 511;qAvy 1...Astre Elerons Elevators Nor cit A414 .7stma I Lin env tb E fern Ivry s4,6?,c Actuators too Elcsot. ? Two Elevons One !Jacek_ Cenitr Slick. ( kcact,ci.$) Eacndabic Liitts3c. Rp .9999834,C Triple Rehrriont SAS (Roll 13i muktielt_ -rarni- ce-t1)U X= .o)..5 N- .4zz. A = .10 N - .cot A z .005 A 2 a. a Lin Ito c es 044r, s (;) Ttim in Kays Qua Twit SLAM,/ 4n}:OrSr? &ult.:4 Ad !iniervi CaLl cs Elr.von 4 Too Elev s Cen ter Si it k (R.1k Fcti,y_hoht) Eritnci a islc vett. RR = .99993927 Triple Rolosrisat Sin (Yaw Acts Nu 14, p le lorti "????? N- .4 a At .025 h .00b A ? .00z Quest e st1 Cable 5 .01 A = 0 .1- 1 kr = x RR. x =. 999 96 /82 A -.701i Into, C Fed &At rr s 0.1 Ar0.I Ski frtl.C:: Adti fin, () Itrrsic 0 NR reitSsear4) Z4/9/ Airs Two reciddet: or .1 rd y Ptctals Erl tv4rible L.ittr.o)r? - .7199 R880 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/11/21 : CIA-RDP71600265R000200130004-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/11/21 : CIA-RDP71600265R000200130004-1 Rai/lean* MODEL - f.r'Osettit Catirt6LIRtAitor..) A Attli 'Iplc.??/1.4.f SAS (REck Art0 i:icct-4. Ron Nu Llpu! '/991 S5/ Ejf 1. ntt; E.E...,..i..., 4 AJoctic Lit.Lotic Eeo to rt Sti.i (Or. t; AC1v,iCt"- 14JoFJtiolnr Ct fkt ?trio_ ? 1 1 A - .42.? I-- 1 A- C.?. .011 1 >i .C,71,, A A .005 cr TG a Lk. O. I i ft . ? ?nett CE4tuittek CRoll Eitzh?_ C. Rt.. I- tri Set ? Tk.? ? ?i? k ' Lic-,-61( W. It 311r) A ?iu I e I- Se Ai) z 997? 9/47 I A 0C41- LJ R4.4:0 iVy 9(?(.el7?5" ? 7 0 StA ) 7.0 kle 'IA! Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/11/21 : CIA-RDP71600265R000200130004-1 11? r = 9? 974 714V- 1 MTBF, 0 lig. Atssid?.)) :--. 31, /86 824 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/11/21 : CIA-RDP71600265R000200130004-1 f-icutze RELiriew Fr - CoriFizso EA rico A- .C27 = 0.6 A- .11t3 Tupte Kd 4 di, fie Su...(oLe uovio.., (5) SAS Co.ite. Values (5) Two .c? (11,14. Rtkrl rt00 Two &Intl?, Cmc. kzIt Two Cut iJetr = - 9tg,8//2. p. A' .DZ7 A- c. A ,ZZa. 7r ?ie_ Re kai sr 4.4 LAI& LH- A31,1-10, SAS Co6le. Rn \leave.: 04 )co Dew's, (Ron Two Eicon ,gyvvivn Pr - 8p Rit Ry ? fil,4690 ._.. ._ . (1 Pie /-1, r.3,,,3 j z cp7, 744 Ahf.s = .02.1 A- .07611 t.ti(1.4 1 I A z 0.4 ihlrEF - ? rt:teei,.. co. I t'l I rileie. liet4 &Ai (OCC- Ilej1/4,4:11,:r (2) SAS Cable. Wo., \is Eve.: CI-) Two ZudAe , (Yew ;,) Two RAI,. r Ry - .5997?105Z Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/11/21 : CIA-RDP71600265R000200130004-1 - A- .i123 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/11/21 : CIA-RDP71600265R000200130004-1 Reuneit.m, MODEL - RoLoLet) C tpk ReAurdoe4 Eledricni 3 SAS (Rht, a,,,) Co,Lie Ru A- 1,27 Molly& leri Strt./03 (4) One. Ele.volor Ttlio elevme, Chle. OOLC,IC N 2.012 F', Sw fact A (to it, ) Two Ekkahn Euc Oct+ oil enc. Ootz.le_ Pp - tit/31718 Title 0e4 u.s.,1 cis" SAs (Pon Abs) Elect), cut Moi pktp Calk 3ervoc (2) Zhri TWO EleVOM Liao ? ts. 0.2 Lfat, Acivaiin (&) too Glev 0?1 ,9999605Y N -.0741 gt? .9499(id /I-17er (x R. ) = ?QS: 2,75- //p.;. C. Ty /eh/ Rerttewl Citi E ecincnt Multiple DIA- >- SAS Cale. &Artio (a) Clow At 1) Run To Ruckky Ry - .999? 9 I 45- 1 54.4.5e5 (z) Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/11/21 : CIA-RDP71600265R000200130004-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/11/21 : CIA-RDP71600265R000200130004-1 Page 16 V.- (cont'd) The failure rates used in deriving these models have been gathered from WAD!), NAVY, and Honeywell sources. VI. WEIGHTED VALUE TRADE-OFFS OF THE SYSTEMS BEING CONSIDERED . Based on ths foregoing information presented, the following system trade-off table was prepared. TABLE III System Trade-Off Results Performance - 15 5 10 15 12 Failsafety 20 12 16 19 18 Reliability 30 21 25 24 19 Maintainability 5 4 5 3 2 Cost 10 7.4 7.9 : 7.5 7.3 Weight 20 ' 10 14 . 17 16 Total 59.5 7799 85.5 740 It is to be noted that all of the proposed systems are better. than the present system-ia total, and indeed in almost every sub-category being rated. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/11/21 : CIA-RDP71600265R000200130004-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/11/21 : CIA-RDP71600265R000200130004-1 Page 1? 1 VII. CONCLUSIONS ? ? The conclusions of this detail study are as follows: No mechanical back-up system should be employed. . Full authority, series-command, multiple input, redundant ? servos or valves should be employed and located as far aft as possible consonant with other considerations. . Selection of System A, B, or C.shouldbe made after refine- meht of weight and cost figures by the airframe supplier. o Type of servo voting to be employed should be made after detail discussions by the airframe supplier and the flight control supplier. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/11/21 : CIA-RDP71600265R000200130004-1