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roved For Release 1999/09/10 : CIA-RDP83-00423R001 CC,,? ;,?:,~ 11,"sL f.a1, C'-U' .._i I! 7_C .jS c L'IC7...(..b 1 Country: oland/.trance :Subj"et: 25X1A french v eCrt? ient 1 i eCtS 17i:On the pC- is 'i'- _~" c't ion/rift 1tudes of i olish ctivi_Cts Place ~.cqui_'ed: 25X1A Date ;lcqu _i-ed: Date of Into: To ruiust 53 Sour 1. "The Tollc~r_i_n` i; n-fo::'Ynati_on '.ate thLa'_} 'h early ,u,'ust 1953. 25X1X 2. "French C ac tivvis 'ts are considerable thou `: is cr eet of `orts to i r,crnit to ranx::s local Polish CTl:'_`;r ITL"S + ho have obtained :'re:ech Ci'v' enshi J ?Ja:el's. 3. n ax `ci_c ') ~ '`L'o_ is a _?e Lei _ .ado in the 'Zistric t o Pas (7c C .,a1_.'_s, -here la~~e o ?olcs e. `loya ' in aeto_';_os and in the -,- To been Settled for years. The action 1,c-_,'c i_S directed by ..':arcel CC C?'Cta:-'y of t ;e .erenc 1 C7 '_n as do Gala s 7E LS c l Je l by '--cm-1 :rasi'cki, a nati liza Po o -inn is a rsc_no of t'i a(' L _.Lti'at ve r. :._i lion of he Corn ocC'T'F -_on ~cnO:` de Travail L.. c~Ta ~'~is al_: cacl' has a s '-ins ~an~;.a)_ nt close col 1 a' c.... ,o o? Polish F'-'e n'. 't'ench Cit:LZCn . supp0,.'tec! some 0;+1tuho,ii as _n ;.:? iG 11 5 , :.:t',S_'_C"! _~a.l i:1J0-u.~_CiIS, 7..n1C"1!7v.;,> C1" +~i=:cha:io ;s' {7 ? c'.~ci ernes ) ^ (ParLra tita _ '_sla;r Pna jaci (Sallaumines ) 5? .c .i. O ?., lacy j" i h a- C"'. _~n V J_ oposa to join the C?. -"-.e acts tin .: eiore threu'_7 Cei ta._n 1'i ench a:.-C' the C71 or ~ doe7 ly it. The !U rti'tF'-d _:ite CS i; -)-L" in n.ivilcC.:. no- ach C ia_tls. itai tawl.: ; , ~_c ilc.u, .:,E d c'--'- 15 feel :utq rl'_ ~_. -fir { to '~: _C C. Iva _: a c_ rat _ v c-1)o'- i' ._Cil'leli. COl ^ ' ly y , ' a _.:Z~ t, c LOI :--VC Jcc al PLC S t0 O )e + 'n e O_ CJ_ti ' s . 2Ch .actions le, ~-, ?--e: c::rt1 Coo_ Ll ~'C'...___.. c.._1'e, 10 r_ie de.'"'. _ `.L. ., _aton~~,+ t:inc. CC _7.11 +. C OCT11214 TO CIA "`.Cco1__S '.Lai_caL __te Onl,1 2 s Ls IIRHAII t~ 25X1A P W_9_4 ? = proved For Release 1999/x/10 : CIA-RDP83-00423R001000420001-3 -Coin ederat9_on ^ des .ssoc:_'tic.ns l.. ales Cuvie_ es 54 oul ,varci ari'o lcli, 1_ti.ralized suction --headed: ~'aldrc aoracc, soc ot~_-'?- of ;;he organization in P ris. Ter or~ gan_l _za ~ .i' ns *Tauc'_ a__ ~~ver v r lTz .. ti_sc tea interec'- '_ih f Gczile t-. t~.~ of naturalized French c_ti_zens: -Union i;ati_criale dos Vicux Travai lleurs -Societe Civile i~, r a ni_l e ?e -union 6;:s Ca_ ms et .'_clLis d'_.e in J`unesse -Union on des c i s , rogres cis-LL es -Con f e'ieration Cenc_~ale zi_?iee de ~' :_?t;_ ;ay at _T77aw. 7f. et Cult ire b UT'he Polish Communist leaders in 'rance have allegedly oi':.':: ved slo but steady o.o)crcase in the ].'a:1:ks of declared O Cori ain _Srl, or o_n CO17ll.:unist-C')n- trolled organizations, oneng the ol_sh e_mm?igration. Siuc bservcS,i_ons - e ? e port- ed I;yr 'o- ovi racial CP leaders at the end o f 1,0,-12., to Lt. Col . Stefan 1? lbins':i, who ias sent to France from i arsalr to i_nves t igate the si t,mntion among the :c les in "'rance. The i olis'h emigration is o- ['ali'c to Communist p17n- os s because o-' its il1L'^_bers and its potential for subversive activities. Diplomatic representatives .f the Polish i overnment in France deny this decrease in Communist syr:nathizers. (The diplomats include Przem;rsla}.ww C;rodzins'>i, Charge d' ffaires, who is a close -relative of Zdzislaw C,; 'odzinsfi, the o i:f i ccr of s 1s Pili_ca who j"i-:d S'__ .1 -0 In ~o1 don in early July l93.) But Communist act'! Vists ass'--at that the Polish dinlo::cats don't :rant to .:ecom Persona non grata in France and steer clear of con,-acts 11,7i tun active Coeenul_i_s is 0f olish ori_gi_n.. Polish Communists also accuse the French OP of taking adv.-im:va-gc of the 'ales and making them do the dirty ;rorc. 7. "Such opinions are being voiced by Sta lisla Dibia c, who is a. trusted L-P agent in Pas do Calais. He is head cf the so-called independent observation post for the Pas de ;ala:i_s d.istri_ct, which Is subord'_nate to the IT unit in Paris He is a mein- be:r of the C l . and corsoleted some S Jecial secret courses in Paris in 194b which trained hi,..i for his present job. He lives in i r:eu~-les- miles. 8. 'it is evident ;.'hab the slow dc:ind_,-ng in numbers of 'Polish Communist Sp;m7athizers is caused mainly by their confusion in Face of the unscrupulous tactics Of the C_-7 since `'orld '.ar 1=. Put it can hardly be expected that the #crcons resronsi_blc for Communist ?ron~aga ida, e :then in the Polish Embassy or the provincial net ro ,, Trill adl..i t this. r1:heTr cite the rep-: isalc of the French au tho:"i_ties. Thus re~~rese? tati_ves of the Polish official infori,iati_on agencies in Paris have for Sons time hinted that the new Soviet ambassador to France, Vino radov, is coning to the rescue of the Po- lish Coiiuiuni_sts in the country. Such propagandists as Tdsi xngelot of LiP (Eiuro Tnforr,iac ji Pracoue j) and Eogdan '.osz?_ow cz of PAP (Polska igenc ja Praso:ia) a sort that the ambassador has received nstr!ictionc to convey to the French authorities 1.OSCOIr' S displeasure at the discrimination against the ' genuiilelyy democratic Pcles' in France. Such rumors, though host unlikely, may have some reassuring influence on the no---e naive Polish comrades in France." Approved For Release 1999/09/10 CIA-RDP83-00423R001000420001-3