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STATMW, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/15: CIA-RDP60-00321R000300300002-4 - E1L3 1 - NORTH VIETNAM Apr. 14, 1953 U,S. OBSTRUCTING SUMMIT CONFERENCE Hanoi, VIETNAM NEWS AGENCY, in English Morse to Southeast Asia, Apr. 13, 1953, 0500 GMT--B (Text) Hanoi, Apr. 13--"One knows well what the U.S. imperialists want by claiming for these past months that the summit conference must be 'carefully prepared,'" says NHAN DAN in a commentary today criticizing the U.S. obstructions to the summit conference. The paper points out that while making this allegation, the American imperialists have been striving to speed up their military plans., They have declared that they will continue their atomic weEpon tests. Th :e United States has convened a defense ministers' conference of NZIO member countries for Apr. 15 so as to compel West European countries to accept the setting up of U.S. missile bases on their territories and sign bilateral treaties with her on this question. The U.S. scheme to delay the convening of the summit conference and continue to prepare an atomic war is strongly condemned by world public opinion, NHAN DAN says. The paper welcomes the Mar. 11 aide memo ire of the Soviet Union to the governments of the United States, Britain, and France voicing lic:r agreement on holding the foreign ministers meeting not later than the end of April or mid-May this year. NHAN DAN describes the Soviet aide memoire as "one more proof of the Soviet Union's efforts for the early convening of the suurait conference." VIETNAMESE HAIL ROBESON'S BIRTHDAY Hanoi, VIETNAM NEWS AGENCY, in English Morse to Southeast Asia, Apr. 11, 1953, 0546 GMT--B (Text) Hanoi, Apr. 11,-A concert was organized here last night at the Doan Net Club to mark the 60th anniversary of Paul Robeson, the outstanding Negro singer and peace fighter. The concert, jointly organized by the Vietnam Peace Committee and the Vietnam Performing and Teaching Musicians Association, was attended by government officials, intellectuals, cultural workers, and other people in Hanoi. Cultural attaches of foreign embassies and the representative of the Indian consu)ate general in Hanoi were also present. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/15: .01A-RDP60-00321R000300300002-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/15: CIA-RDP60-00321R000300300002-4 - iThT 2 - NORTH VIETNAM Apr. 14, 1958 In his opening speech, Nguyen Xuan Tram, assistant secretary general of the Vietnam Peace Committee, praised Robeson's untiring struggle for world peace and friendship among nations and condemned the racial discrimination and war preparations of the American ruling circles. He said: Marking Paul Robeson's'60th birthday today, we warmly hail the songs and the struggle of this eminent peace fighter. We also learn from his persistent efforts to maintain, cultivate, and develop the national culture, and to use his art as a weapon to struggle for freedom, equality, peace, and friendship. Nguyen Xuan Tram added: "The tremendous peace chorus of the world people to which Robeson is adding his voice will surely shatter the reactionary forces and render more and more isolated the war-seeking American rulers." He went on: 'We hail Robeson and we are resolved to boycott the depraved books and films now flooding into South Vietnam though the U.S. imperialists. We hail the voice of peace of the American people and we resolutely urge the end of American interference in South Vietnam and the banning of nuclear weapon tests. Nguyen Xuan Tram's speech was followed by some recorded songs of ? Robeson and a concert program performed by the central orchestra of the Ministry of Culture. SWI GIRL'S LETTER IS ANTICOLONIALIST Hanoi, VIETNAM NEWS AGENCY in English Morse to Southeast Asia, Apr. 11, 1958, 0605 GMT--B (Text) Hanoi, Apr. 11--"In the inquiring eyes of South Vietnamese people, the Americans have replaced the French colonialists, with a still higher degree of contempt and aggressiveness," said Voice of Vietnam radio in an English broadcast on Apr. 9. The radio was commenting on the letter sent to the managing editor of the Washington POST by Trang Thien Kim, a South Vietnamese movie star who signed herself as Le My. The radio recalled Miss Le My as saying in her letter--which was frontpa-ed by the Washington POST on Feb. 25--that the American ,Government helps South Vietnam because it serves the United States economically as a big market and strategically as a base against communism Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/15: CIA-RDP60-00321R000300300002-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/15: IA-RDP60-00321R000300300002-4 EL NORTH VIET,NAK Apr. 121, 1958 Le my, the radio continued, has expressed doubt about the real intention of the United States, asking: "Will Americans go home soon, or will the7 stay in South Vietnam for 100 years?" Miss Le My told the Americans point blank that 95 percent of the Vietnamese i?ople do not like them, and that Ngo Dinh Diem in the eyes of the Vietnamese is an American puppet. Supporting Miss Le My7s views, the radio said: The presence of thousands of American brass hats, officers, and military advisers pulling the strings behind all military headquarters, strategic highway construction sites, airfields, SEATO member countries; the silhouettes of big U.S. capitalists trailing over various branches of the South Vietnamese economy and overshadowing local enterprises, causing them to wither and die; the faces of U.S. officials and soldiers making fools of everybody including themselves in gambling houses?these are not well viewed by our southern compatriots. This anti-American feeling is so widespread that one can say it is not confined to South Vietnam alone. :In Britain, France, and West Germany, -;.nare American troops are stationed, this is aroused mainly by bad havior of the GI's. But in Okinawa, South Korea, Taiwan, and South Vietnam, it is stronger because of"the understanding that the United States is installed there as master in occupied territories. The radio went on: We Vietnamese have a long tradition of hospitality. This tradition has developec:, strongly with the recovery of indepe.Aence and we are most eager to welcome friendly visitors to our country. In the dark period of nearly a century of colonialism, we missed many opuortunities of learning from others, and others of knowing about us. Particularly in (word indistinct) strong spirit of internationalism has been cultivated among our people. The world knows how, during the resistance war, we were taught by President Ho Chi Minh and the Vietnam Lao Dong Party to disinguish the French colonia:sts from the French people. Since the restoration of peace in 1954, visitors to North Vietnam have expressed good impressions of our people, the warm welcome they have been given everywhere, and the peaceful labor of our workers, peasants, intellectuals, and artists. These visitors include those from socialist countries, from nearby Laos, Cambodia, India, Burma, Thailand, and Indonesia, and also from faraway France, Britain, Sweden, and other lands. These manifestations of friendship give material force to Pancha Shila, the spirit of Bandung, and the spirit of internationalism. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/15: CIA-RDP60-00321R000300300002-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/15: CIA-RDP60-00321R000300300002-4 NORTH VIETNAM Apr. 14, 1958 In all honesty, we must confess that in South Vietnam, since power is not in the hands of the people, they have not had the opportun:ty of e,.?e.?.F,-; their natural warmth to visitors. Our compatriots in the south are bitty feeling that despite a few good Visitors, some others are unauthorized in ? the country. One thing must be said: The American people are good people, but some ruling quarters in the united States are responsible for this anti- American feeling., Their policy of interve n in South Vietnam is disgraceful--yet the U.S. Government has. pledged. respect for the Geneva agreements which provide for the independence, sovereignty, and reunification of Vietnam. As in other countries of Asia and Africa, only colonialists are unwelcome. This explains why Americans are disliked in South Vietnam. U.S. INTERFERENCE IN INDONESIA GROWING Hanoi, VIETNAM NEWS AGENCY, in English Morse to Southeett Asia, Apr. 10, 1958, 1100 GMT--B (Text) Hanoi, Apr, 10--Criticizing Lincoln White's Apr, 7 statement expresbing "regret" over Indonesia buying arms from socialist countries, NHAN DAN today describes the United States as "a thief who cries, 'Stop thief.". The organ of the Vietnam Lao Dong Party notes that the U.S. State Department spokesman's statement was issued while U.S. weapons and war material continued to be dropped or landed for the rebels in Central Sumatra. The paper says: So far the U.S. imperialist have not dared to support barefacedly these rebels. ? Butvnow, as tha.latter are about to be . crushed, they intend to interfere more and more deeply in Indonesia's internal affairs. Through her State Department spokesman's- statement on Apr. 7, NHAN DAN says, the united States hopes to bring pressu:'7:! to bear on the Indonesian Government and, at the same time, stimulate te rebels in Central Sumatra and call on her Southeast Asian satellites to give further aid to the rebels. The paper goes on: U.S. interference in Indonesia's domestic affairs has been creating many difficulties for the Republic of Indonesia. - However, in response to President Sukarno's warning "not to forgive acts of interference by external forces," the Indonesian people, united as one, will certainly defeat the U.S. Interventionist maneuvers. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/15: CIA-RDP60-00321R000300300002-4