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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP96R01136R001302330002-6 - - - - ? Intelligence 25X1 25X1 a Afghanistan Situation Report 2 November 1982 a 25X1 0 Top ?eeret NESA-M 82-1058ICX SOVA-M 82-10I72CX 2 November 1982 25X1 Copy 71 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP96R01136R001302330002-6 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP96R01136R001302330002-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP96R01136R001302330002-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP96R01136R001302330002-6 AFGHANISTAN SITUATION REPORT CONTENTS HARD WINTER AHEAD FOR THE PANJSHERIS 1 This year's campaigns have seriously damaged local crops and villages. INSURGENT ATTACKS SHUT DOWN POL PIPELINE 1 25X1 Continuing insurgent attacks to keep the pipeline closed would help the resistance greatly this winter 177 reducing critical fuel supplies for Soviet air and ground operations. 25X1 INSURGENT DEFECTIONS 2 25X1 Several bands--most belonging to Gulbuddin's organization--have gone over to the government. 25X1 IN BRIEF 3 25X1 This document is prepared weekly by the Office of Near East/South Asia and the Office of Soviet Analysis. 25X1 2 November 1982 25X1 NESA M 82-10581CX SOVA M 82-10172CX Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP96R01136R001302330002-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP96R01136R001302330002-6 6'0.krgench ?,, 25X1 KIRGHIZ S.S.R. Dargen-Ate UZBEK S.S.R. ? Kattakurgan Sam Chardzho CHINA TURKME Tedzhin ayram-AIi ? Ogs iTyub ..1 tzh i ' '? I ittire_____\sriltlyvadz a sadriolP' ' . :\47:jz, TAKHAR ? oT ibliii:Vshl?NJAY4abahdem BADAKHS N Sheberhani " 2 . JANg BA, 1 ' ' Aybak pent aghla . SAMANG Dusha Dan gara ulyab TAJIK S.S.R. Keleft Terme: owraghon myyebat Hera HE Damian r? HLANL'i- , ..___. ? ?NA,. Chirildr LAGHMAN I PARVAN ? 1 AllmbIll' ..lee vet-e, ; sa Naid g _A Ashrow -- Jalalkot ) I K BUL - ? C) .(:) --?'?r) L w'sa.k. NANGARes CI i _Khy f?as ORUZG,i'l J ; Baraki ba fta, rachinar jr ? Ghazni . . paArdKaTziA 7. Tarin j...... AZ ./ 0 \-, Kart ,,,..-r" ? . ,SP . ii tilua reahn ' FED': ' ' ' .14116 n u- ) PAKTIKA '. AREA ? OKo ' ' ATRDIMBAINL. /4\ (----,P alat Z? . \.../ 00 i.? I TAir ZABOL ' 0 Khorog AREAS Altai RTH -WEST RONTIE BANITAN Terbelle Dem or \ a gil rinagar DIA ammo - .134 Fort Sandeman .Khost PAKISTiN Zak tn Afghanistan International boundary ?? Internal administrative boundary * National capital 0 Internal administrative capital Railroad Road Nok Kundi BALU HISTAN Dalbandin BALUcHESTAN VA ISTAN Base 504535 9-80 (545424) 5-80 . Names and boundary representation are not necessarily out oritatiye. 25X1 2 November 1982 NESA M 82-10581CX SOVA M 82-10172CX Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP96R01136R001302330002-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP96R01136R001302330002-6 25X1 HARD WINTER AHEAD FOR PANJSHERIS year's Soviet/Afghan campaigns in the Panjsher Valley local crops and villages. The 80,000 inhabitants, many returning from the mountains, are being forced to buy inflated prices or rely on outside supplies. insurgent commander Masood said the situation even as early as June 1982 was already as bad as it was last winter and local people will face even more serious problems this winter. The Soviet seizure last August of the Koranomunjan area, at the north end of the Valley, cut off a vital supply route. The Panjsheris must now rely on a longer Hezbi-Islami-controlled route to the south, which Masood's caravans must pay to 25X1 this 25X1 seriously damaged of whom are now scarce food at use. 25X1 Comment: The Soviet seizure of a key supply route may be the first move in an effort to cut off insurgent supplies and let the winter do what Soviet arms cannot. Because they cannot occupy all areas or depend on their Afghan allies to secure them, the Soviets may try to destroy the food supply and to eliminate civilian support in other holds this winter to Panjsher could become vation there spreads their support of the resistance strong- weaken insurgent groups. The destruction in the even more valuable to the Soviets if word of star- and causes civilians in other areas to withdraw resistance lest they suffer the same fate. INSURGENT ATTACKS SHUT DOWN POL PIPELINE 25X1 25X1 2bAl Soviet engineers at Bagram had given uP25X1 hope of operating the new POL pipeline, which was recently extended from Pol-e Khomri and has been the target of frequent guerrilla attacks. -25X1 Soviet advisers concluded that unidentified "major changes" would be needed to protect the pipeline. 25X1 Kabul is considered to be 75 percent segment in question is 65 kilometers and Afghan unitsstationed every two 1 the highway leading north from under government control. The road long and is guarded by small Soviet kilometers. 25X1 25X1 2 November 198225X1 NESA M 82-10581CX SOVA M 82-10172CX I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP96R01136R001302330002-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP96R01136R001302330002-6,1 Comment: Continuing insurgent attacks to keep the pipeline closed would help the resistance greatly this winter by reducing critical fuel supplies for Soviet air and ground operations. With no operating pipe- line, the Soviets would have to again rely on truck tankers, which are highly vulnerable to ambush on the main road to Kabul. The claim of 75 percent control of the road appears exaggerated and would still leave the insurgents in control of many kilometers along a highway where the guer- rillas have perfected the art of convoy ambush. INSURGENT DEFECTIONS Harakat-i-Islami surrendered insurgents surrendered on 1 17 insurgents belonging to the in Kabul Province on 29 August. . Forty other September. Both bands were converted into 2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP96R01136R001302330002-6 2 November 1982 NESA M 82-10581CX SOVA M 82-10172CX 1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP96R01136R001302330002-6,1 village defense groups. in early - October, several hundred of Gulbuddin Hekmatyar s followers near the Panjsher Valley transferred their allegiance to the Jamiat-i-Islami. Around 20 October, two of Gulbuddin's bands in Baghlan Province defected to the government. The leaders were made district chiefs, and the men were inducted into the Army and other security organizations. Three of Gulbuddin's bands in northern Afghani- stan have also gone over to the government, Many Army officers suspect these groups infiltrate the defense forces. surrendered in an effort 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Comment: Some of these defections may well be fraudulent. In late September, two of Gulbuddin's bands in Nangarhar Province offered to sur- render, but ambushed the force sent to bring them in. Moreover, even if the bands now support the government, those that remain responsible for the defense of their villages could easily turn against the government if it tries to interfere in local affairs. We have, however, never before seen so many reports of defections in a short period of time, presumably an indication that a growing-- if still small--number of insurgents are thinking seriously about making a deal with the government. Followers of Gulbuddin, whose policies have resulted in many clashes among insurgents, appear to be the most disillusioned. Defections so far have not had a noticeable effect on the level of fighting, but for several years the ,Soviets have been counting on insurgent war weariness and disillusion eventually to end the war. 25X1 IN BRIEF 3 25X1 2 November 1982 25X1 NESA M 82-10581CX SOVA M 82-10172CX Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP96R01136R001302330002-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP96R01136R001302330002-6 zoX1 --Two non-American employees of the US Embassy in Kabul have been ques- tioned separately by the Soviet-controlled Afghan political police, KHAD, about the embassy's internal security procedures and communications arrangements. As a result, the embassy is heightening its vigilance. --Wounded Soviet soldiers get priority over wounded Afghan soldiers in receiving blood transfusions at hospitals in Kabul, Afghans sometimes died less-seriously wounded Soviets to be treated. treatment and in while waiting for 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 2bAl Libya has dissuaded Al-Zulfikar leaders 25X1 from moving their headquarters from Kabul to Damascus and is training members of the Pakistani terrorist group, presumably in terrorist tac- tics. We believe Libyans have trained Al-Zulfikar members in the past. 4 25X1 25X1 2 November 1982 25X1 NESA M 82-10581CX SOVA M 82-10172CX Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP96R01136R001302330002-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP96R01136R001302330002-6 25X1 a 0 Top Secret Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP96R01136R001302330002-6