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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
May 18, 1958
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110 I /-k I - Rev :#_._.. Declassifiedin Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/06/12: CIA-RDP68-00046R000200090037-9 Kcrupoin..tum ? ? Circ.: m. 21,025 S. 45,854 Front Edit Other Page Page Pag? ( Date: MAY R iTYCA ',Nor tor general, naval' attache in sev- THIS IS A SKETCH of Atlantic, first American-flag, tourist-class luxury, liner to make her maiden ,eral European countries, and sa voyage from New York June 11. The 18,100-ton budget-fare liner will sail on a year-round sche e be- 'action as top officer on battleships tween New York, Zeebrugge, Belgium and Amsterdam, The Netherlands.. jat Pearl Harbor, the South Padi fic and Korea. American Banner Lines plans provide regular weekly service ti Ithe continent by building two add tional tourist-class luxury liners within the next five years. Luxury Tourist-Class Liner, Readied For Maiden Trip From New York June 11 ? ? - ? . New York?The 18,100-ton trans- ated. "tvery stateroom will con- atlantic liner Atlantic, first lux-. am n a private bathroom, with ury liner that is nearly exclusille- shower, toilet, washbasin, and ly tourist class, will sail on her large-mirrored medicine cabinet. maiden voyage from New York , Air-Conditioned Rooms June 11. Constructed at the Ingalls , All staterooms and public rooms the 564-foot turbine vessel will Miss. iw' ill be air-conditioned and wall-to- Shipyards in Passagoula, , travel between New York and Zee- *all carpeted, and be concentrat- brugge, Belgium and Amsterdam, ,fed toward the center of the sLip. The Netherlands. Every tourist-class passenger will enjoy the freedom of sports and The Atlantic will carry 900 pas- sun decks, lounges, night club and 5engers-860 of them in luxurious bar. An American-Continental cui- comfort at tourist-class rates, sine will be featured. Mere will also be 40 first-class ' There will also be available a :abins. American Banner Lines is 600-foot promenade deck, glass- ;his country's first steamship com- enclosed and heated when neces- ?any to enter North Atlantic pas- sary. Another Atlantic "first" is ienger service in more than a in tourist-class conveniences with a quqrter of a century, according to library, smoking room, card room, Arnold Bernstein, president of gymnasium, wide-screen movie American Banner Lines, Inc. theater, children's play room, , The Atlantic, traveling at a beauty salon, gift shop. ? Oervice speed of 20 knots, will Interiors and furnishinks for the make the crossing in seven days, Atlantic were designed by Ray- and will be on a year-round sched- mond Loewy in the latest fashions ule to the two European ports. Her first westhound sailing from Zeebrugge will be June 2. Most significant feature of the vessel will be the modern comfort with which budget-minded, tourist- I class passengers will be accommo- the Scandinavian nations, and Cen- tral Europe. From Ostend, which I s a 10-minute taxi ride from Zee- brugge, there is convenient ferry and air service to England, and express train service to practically all Europe. Brussels Fair Tourists 'The Atlantic, with her Belgian debarkation point, will be trans- porting ocean travelers virtually to the door-step of the Brussels Fair. Mr. Bernstein, who is responsi- ble for the first tourist-class ves- sel, has been known for three de- cades as head of steamship com- panies bearnig his name, and as the pioneer of the tourist-class 'transatlantic liner. I. Associated with Mr. Bernstein is ?Vice-Adm...11oscoe H. Hilienkoetter , '(U.S.N. ret.) the line's executive vice-president. He served as the first ' of color, fabric and room settings. ?,? . director of the U. S. Central All upper berths are of the Pull- ICM.2.1!!Yirren- man fold-away type that leaves the ? ? lower as a sofa and transforms, the sleeping room into an attrac- tive living room during the day. Through the ports of Zeebrugge, and Amsterdam, a direct gateway! is onened to the Low- Countries, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/06/12 : CIA-RDP68-00046R00070nognm7_,a