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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
February 16, 1988
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/06 : ? C A-RDP91B00390R000200150039-0 / r/ 2/1 5-W5- PPS" STAT ? STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/06 : _ CIA-RDP91B00390R000200150039-0 _ r Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/06 : la I rl I CIA-RDP91B00390R000200150039-0 , 4A-44-?43- ?:7, ,ire;te 44, 'TAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/06: CIA-RDP91B00390R000200150039-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/06: CIA:.RDP91B00390R000200150039-0 SLIP p STA TO: (Name, office symbol, room number, building, Agency/Post) 1. /60 05 29 Fe Iles Initials Data 2. STA _ 3. 4. 5. Action File Note and Return Approval For Clearance Per Conversation As Requested For Correction Prepare Reply Circulate For Your Information See Me Comment Investigate Signature Coordination Justify REMARKS s- AII a I_ DO NOT use this form as a RECORD of approvals, concurrences, disposals, clearances, and similar actions FROM: (Name, org. symbol, Agency/Post) STAT I Room No ?Blda AT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/06: CIA-RDP91B00390R000200150039-0 ? Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/06: CIA-RDP91B00390R000200150039-0 OS REGISTRY 100TH CONGRESS ? H R. 3943 2D SESSION 1 To provide law enforcement authority for the Federal Protective Service, and for other purposes. IN TILE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES FEBRUARY 16, 1988 Mr. FRANK introduced the following bill; which was referred jointly to the Committees on Public Works and Transportation and the Judiciary A BILL To provide law enforcement authority for the Federal Protective Service, and for other purposes. 1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa- 2 tives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, 3 SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. 4 This Act may be cited as the "Federal Protective Serv- 5 ice Act of 1988". 6 SEC. 2. ESTABLISHMENT AND FUNCTIONS OF FEDERAL 7 PROTECTIVE SERVICE. 8 The first section of the Act entitled "An Act to author- 9 ize the Federal Works Administrator or officials of the Feder- 10 al Works Agency duly authorized by him to appoint special LDeclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/06: CIA-RDP91B00390R000200150039-0 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/06: CIA-RDP91B00390R000200150039-0 2 1 policemen for duty upon Federal property under the jurisdic- 2 tion of the Federal Works Agency, and for other purposes", 3 approved June 1, 1948 (40 U.S.C. 318), is amended by strik- 4 ing out "That" and all that follows through the end of such 5 section and inserting in lieu thereof the following: "That not- 6 withstanding subsections (d) and (e) of section 205 of the 7 Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949, 8 the Administrator of General Services shall appoint, a uni- 9 formed force of law enforcement officers to be known as the 10 Federal Protective Service. The officers of the Federal 11 Protective Service-- 12 "(1) shall perform police functions with respect to 13 public buildings and other property which the Adminis- 14 trator has a legal duty to protect; 15 "(2) shall perform such other law enforcement 16 functions as the Administrator may assign in accord- .17 ance with applicable law; and 18. "(3) may, in the performance of functions under 19 paragraph (1), exercise the powers granted by section 20 3063 of title 18, United States Code.". 21 SEC. 3. POWERS OF OFFICERS OF THE FEDERAL PROTECTIVE 22 SERVICE. 23 (a) IN GENERAL.?Chapter 203 of title 18, United 24 States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following 25 new section: OHR 3943 111 N. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/06: CIA-RDP91B00390R000200150039-n Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/06 : CIA-RDP91B00390R000200150039-0 . - 3 1 "? 3063. Powers of officers of the Federal Protective 2 Service 3 "Subject. to the direction of the Administrator of Gener- 4 al Services, officers of the Federal Protective Service may, in 5 the performance of their duties- 6 "(1) carry. firearms; "(2) execute any order, warrant, subpoena, or 8 other process issued under the authority of the United 9 States for arrest, search or seizure, or production of 10 evidence; and 11 "(3) make arrests without warrant for offenses 12 committed in their presence, if they have reasonable 13 grounds to believe that the person to be arrested has 14 committed or is committing a felony.". 15 (b) TECHNICAL AMENDMENT.?The table of sections 16 for chapter 203 of title 18, United States Code, is amended 17 by adding at the end the following new item: "3063. Powers of officers of the Federal Protective Service.". 18 SEC. 4. INCLUSION OF OFFICERS OF THE FEDERAL PROTEC- 19 TIVE SERVICE UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF 20 SECTION 1114 OF TITLE 18, UNITED STATES 21 CODE. 22 Section 1114 of title 18, United States Code, is amend- 23 ed by inserting after "the National Credit. Union Administra- ?HE 3943 111 1 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/06: CIA-RDP91B00390R000200150039-0 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/06: CIA-RDP91B00390R000200150039-0 " . ? 4 tion," the following: "any officer of the Federal Protective 2 Service,". 0 OHR 3943 111 LDeclassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/11/06: CIA-RDP91B00390R000200150039-0