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A A!ved For Releaev ? -tDP83-00423R0004004 SECURITY INFORMATIO- 25X1A2g it ' Country.; Austria Subject: Mining Developments/Austria's Output of Iron Ores Place Acquired: 25X1A6a Date Acquired: Date of Info: 1937 - Apr 53 25X1 X6 1. AUSTRIA OPENS SECOND STEEL REFINING PLANT PRODUCING OXYGEN STEEL (a) After the VOeST fnited Austrian Iron and Steel Work) 90-ton oxygen steel refining plant went into operation on 5 Jan 53, the Donawitz Plant of the Alpine Montan Society of Austria is to resume production operation during second half of April 1953. (b) The Donawitz plant, working along with the VOeST in the research for the new refining method, has finished the three and one half year phase of studies to go into production of SK fauerstoff Oxygen-Konverter Stahg steel. Its production will close the gap between the demands for raw steel and the present production rate. During.l953 Austria's nationalized iron and steel industry hopes to produce between 1,100,000 and 1,400,000 metric tons of steel, and about 1,200,000 metric tons of raw iron. 2. NICKEL FOR AUSTRIA Austria is to receive 207.9 metric tons of nickel (first smelting Schmelzung and oxides) during the second quarter of 1953, as against 221.9 metric tons during 1953's first quarter, April 19537. 25X1A9a f 3. ALUMINUM PRODUCTION (a) The final data p9527 on Austrian aluminum production were released. The United Aluminum Works of Ranshofen, Upper Austria province, produced 30,500 metric tons of raw aluminum during 1952. The increased power supply (boosted to 750 kw-h millions) will permit a 1953 production total of 36 thousand metric tons, or 5,500 metric tons more than in 1952. (b) The Salzburger Aluminum Gesellschaft of Lend, Salzburg province, recorded an output of 5,500 metric tons during 1952. After the benefits of raised power supply to this Alpine factory come into effect during early May 1953tbetota1w production will reach about seven thousand metric tons of raw :.aluminum. atim Aq MN Approved For Release pM2 P83-00423R00 005-8 SECURITY INFORMATION . /7t- rO?,For Release 1999109/27'tA-RDP83-00423R000400400006-8 Austria's nationalized aluminum industry thus will produce at least 43 thousand metric tons of raw aluminum during 1953. i. STYRIAN MONTAN PRODUCTION Most concentrated of Austria's mining and iron industry, the northern part of Styria province, recorded increases and setbacks during 1953's first month, when the following data were released last week in Vienna: Item January 1953 Average month 1952 Iron Ore 211,820 mt 207,325 mt Magnesite 35,683 3+,133 Talcum 2,750 3,685 Graphite 952 1,316 Quarzite 2,850 1,549 I n p r o d u c t i o n: Raw Iron 27,986 30,106 Steel 58,15- 61,625 The lower production in some of the mining enterprises was ascribed to the very bad weather conditions in the Alpine mining regions, especially at all open pit installations. 5. NEWS FROM THE CO ANIES: The copper ore enterprise of PRAEGARTEN (East Tyrol) has been ordered to have the former Public Administrator removed. Reason for the removal is the decision of the Austrian court that the former owner, the West German "GERERKSCHAFT GLUECK" is entitled to have a manager of their own choice as their representative there. The Praegarten copper mine is a former German asset, handed over to Austrian trusteeship pending the signing of a state treaty,April 19537. 6. DANUBE RIVER SERVES AS MAJOR MEANS OF TRANSPORT The following data describes the importance of the Danube River for the transport of ore and iron. The rate could be higher, experts in Vienna said, if political tensions (Soviet demarcation lines, etc) did not hinder free travel. Item 1950 1951 1952 . Iron Ore tons: 5,618 9,197 93,244+ Pig Iron tons: 65,937 166,408 307,885 Iron ore comes in the third place of all river transports, after coal and coke, while pig iron occupies the second spot. Approved For Releas N83-004238000400400005-8 SECURITY INFORMATIO U4111 UnwrrTlm P7 ATTAO moved For Release 12891Qf21NFgW*AlRWP83-00423 R0004004000'05-8 -3- 7. AUSTRIA'S OUTPUT OF IRON ORES (a) In the list below, the first one covering the years of German operation, connecting the pre-World War II period and the post World War II output, shows a very uneven production level. This is.due to the fact that the German Government, in disregard of production cost and by use of forced (slave) labor increased the output of ore far beyond the level Austria would have mined for its own processing industry and for its export business. (b) The drop in production after World War II (see table: 1945 to 1947) was mainly caused by the removal of mining machinery by Soviet Red Army units who temporarily occupied northern Styria, the center of the iron ore business of Austria. It is estimated that mining machinery and field equipment of at least US$ 25 million was removed, leaving only the outdated and inoperative equipment for Austrian use. After the four months stay of the Reed Army there, the Zone was cleared for British Occupation, under which control Styria and Carinthia still are April 1957. Output Iron Gres in Metric Tons 1937 1,884,694 1938 2,669,823 1939 2,997,524 1940 3,186,139 1941 21895,025 1942 2,996,912 1943 3,188,459 1944 3,014,909 1945 323,775 1946 462,106 1947 884,936 1948 1,197,251 1949 1,487,616 1950 1,859,643 1951 2,369,708 1952 2,652,611 (c) Of the figures listed above, 87% have been mined at the Erzberg (Ore Mountain) of northern Styria. The dependence of Austrian ore production on conditions on the Erzberg, for that reason, is clearly visible. SECURITY INFORMATION Approved For Release 1999/09/27 : CIA-RDP83-00423R000400400005-8