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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/12 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR006000090014-7 Next 23 Page(s) In Document Denied Iq Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/12 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR006000090014-7 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/12 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR006000090014-7 JLUKLI 19 im ,. 3bda stries knoMn by the . sib j.ct, factory for automatic rite stocks located. at lrairwyarsk on the Trans.- Siberian railroad. Locosotiw factory at OW MA about 100 kilaastars south.ast of 1.aoow SECRET .n 1fi Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/12 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR006000090014-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/12 : CIA-RDP80S01540R006000090014-7 Tractor factory,at'C binsk In the Urals. Tractor factory at .Rharkov-. - Jtumt i LORI Fk 50X1-HUM Audrey Mart. j factory at Od?asa asnufactures ,motors, transformers, ssteltirs, shipyards. Automobile plant at Ooitiy asanf$ctures 3 to 4 ton tracks that look like the *Chevrolet", and are called MOM ioc o otivre and ohaeical products factory called STALIX in $sscow,' 12 tiles from the railroad. station on the way to Irian. *illtary and commercial aircraft pl=b' at TUshino, about 25 kilometers tras Moscow, tractors. Tractor factory at Stalinabad neartashkeat produces 22 too STAL26M type Several jet fighter and bomber plants on the railroad. from VO IIAYGRAD to Odessa. -An i porta6t,cha ical products factory at Karaganda. One of this most ioportant Soviet soft coal basins is also at Karade. The m st,iaWortarzcb? USSR soft coal. basins in.the Don region. .. v 113oftt coal. basin at Stalino, and' another at Chagtigorod. (sic: possibly A J 35. Air basest Thera are three air bases at Tushioo, about 50 kilt tern froa. Moscow, two of which are, located, at the angle formed by the Volga- coy crmal and the Moscow river, These two airfields have Z-21 fighters, and Z45 and 2-16 type aircraft. East of this city is a. pilot, training field. At Kirovabad an the Hake to Tbilisi railroad, there are "5 airfields, one of which is located .at the Kirovabad railroad station and called Field go. 1, which has a pilot school and several 'types of aircraft, including Sets. Field No, 2 is located 22 Id'I eters north of Field Jo. 1. It has no bangers and the .aircraft are hidden in the rarmmding wooded areas. ' Field No. 3 is. about 40 kiloastsrs east of tirovabad, and about 8 kilometers frees the railroad; . it has jet aircraft but no hangars. Field No, 4 is about 15 k lonetere west of Kiro'rsbad'and near the railroad. -It is a?very large field having bombers exelusively but no hags. This field, s applies the other 4 with fuel and has storage facilities for fuel sad other materiel. Field No. 5 is about 35 tiloarsters northeast of Kirovabad and has snuff. ,hangars, Set fighters, and a pilot school. In the city, of F W= located about 180 kilometers west of the junction of the Ural River and the Ural mountains, there id a very large airfield with 5 or 6 hangaie~and jet fighters and bombers. About 7 kilaasters from Karaganda along the railroad from Petropavlovsk to, ornnrT" iic? nrrm .,.t . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/12 : CIA-RDP80S01540R006000090014-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/12 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR006000090014-7 S1 CHET 4 or 5 arsabinsguns on a turret. Y .M 50X1-HUM Lain ialkha A, there Is an airfis]d with hangars that up. to 1948 hsd,.besn used only for cammaercisl craft. The" is aye airfield with soacrete ronnys located Yssida the AD41111Na" stadinss in Moscow. It is divided in two pert.; me pat is used by cosmercial craft. and the other by the -d3itary.' It Is the best airfield of the Soviets with large hangars and the latest models of. jet fighters and bomihers.. At Monino, northwest of Moscow and,at the end of. the electric railway . there is -a very important airfield with snrq hangars and storage fact sties for fuel and material for. jet fighters. 'roare'la a c c srcial airport about 4 kilometers free 4dsssa,~ with hangars containing. jet aircraft. Thire is an airfield at Stalin, about l kilometers fma the railroads with hangars and jet fighters. Them Is. a Set lighter airfield at aorovichi, about eo kiLoieters from Yoigorod on the rail in. troy Moscow to Leningrad. 36. Arnamoosta and Materiels' The rifle used at present by the Soviet arW is: sidles to the one used by the Reds during, the Spanish civil war. 'Lately the wu was Leaned this sass ritUs but very such shorter. Tboy have ,tai -antaimatic rifles with sran clips that fire 42 sounds at a. time They have a large quantity of artillery in xW good condition. The subject sax 15 met and 22 ma iris drawn bar tracks. They also have a large quantity of anti-task juts. Tanks of various types are also ' runs, including the aaperbesvy one of 96 tons with a 15.5 err !pm,, one of 20 tons with a ?.5 ire gm.. They also have a -40 ton to* with a 14.5 era gene and still use the 22 ton type without a cannon that was used in Spain, during the civil war. Another type that saw service in. the civil war and is still used is &'=&U 10 tam, tank with the number is large:' The antiaircraft gaits use 7.5 mt and 10 ma gems to a large content. to Odessa, SiNutopal, Sitteropol, and Sroinihtadt have an und+ea*ined number of strossg submarine !races, and .according to rsparts obtained by the subject, According to reports ' obtalaed by'-the subject ibis Maviet ' 1zsgr in 1952 bad 8 dllion seas under arts,, besides 4 in the RVD. Most of the latter are arasd with automatic rifles. .. The USSR bas a large 'air force, and-began, to sa mifacture Sit aircraft only three years ago:_ ?. Corm~icatianss A higtaay going sonthwst. from Moscow- to Minsk has coed ,surface and is 'Q 17VOE7TIi P. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/12: CIA-RDP80SO1540R006000090014-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/12 CIA-RDP80SO154OR006000090014-7 22 . Anther him Sol" aoathe,&A fra. )ios r to 3.00 klImmrtsrs t w, and . Iron that vslr7 bed The o*ovw-IWgwo iasgr hi ay is 25 kii3+smatsrs Inca scow? f Cherie on it is .in The T'r a$3ibdr3sm raiiaraad goss fry Moscow to Y3ivostak by Prom +soow to desk a raid Vireo south of t ! 3 sb bsMs r. A railroad SAM moselm ta-. Odessa Ves by fty of Kier mad ShUftev. A 50 t rester .lsctrfs T Y0l664%sooe- *ad. add Y030 rivers. At Ribluilkp amt 25 kilem recent emstmetion. a from sww to moo. to lake, laibsh by It is believed that a *NMI Us been construct rd at Kir Isla. 3*. A"1r and Ctv#l*me Ira w I=" Service In the, MW Voiog . .1 Zsra pida.. a ga"I of and varies in length according to the sere icse bra bw $ Y"re $ years in the Air for ; and 5 years in the, Nair.. 3 eci fists iddeflult.34 r, and sir *to have, latad to r tour of service m" ka boom" it to diff3a4t to set d.sabilise,d# for this "awn Inn u I 0 0 413W Is If road rations are somewhat bettor is th Arigr thm for civi3.iaas, but Wt eiwoo to make the ssrdici ag es ;e or the, sorile high. Army mm its ft ring their first year wait g hours per day for the State, after this p r3eed ter are, asesiEgasd to their nits where they slra work 3 hours per dad in their asel-4, - wtwe. the soldiers, QVd fights bohmen, Officers SECREI'm Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/12 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR006000090014-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/12: CIA-RDP80SO154OR006000090014-7 btl "23 CS DS 25556 The Soviet population is demoralised nand fatalistic, xith no ilusions' about their future, and always tearing the reprisals of the -autboritias. The worker csxu t sustain . hissslf -fad continually stalls an that job as wnah as he is able. = This arjority of the ScTiat -civilian papulitiob fervanthy vat war, Dot ins . a mum of destruction, but as a means of..liberstion, with. the, tsaanieous-, of victory for the allies. . '99. UM Roligicus Activitissr The rsligioa' prafessad at present In, the- Soviet Union is tbs Greek` achiM^tatic. The Co let Party tries by every 'suns to prey nt the activities of this Yeligicn and pirsecutes those Who.. practice it. Although it is as auth orized..religion it to curtailed by the Btate for tear it nay Carry on .activities. that are contrary'to the-doctrines of the Cue ist Party. Thew are - also a good number of. Catholics W _ practice their religion'. in .hiding far fear of reprisals against thew Catholic religions activities are more ft.ctivel r Carried oat amo the saril on op lati ~ ng , p a . .. Antibioticsi Antibiotics were never used in the concentration cam, and de[ssases were the ally oars treated with calcine, and Ma was difficult for the Soviets to obtain. 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/12 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR006000090014-7 Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/12 : CIA-RDP80S01540R006000090014-7 Next 11 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/12 : CIA-RDP80SO154OR006000090014-7