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Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP90M00005R000100110001-3 Ret 88-160OX U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES o~~ PERMANENT SELECT COMMITTEE ON INTELLIGENCE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20515 For your information. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP90M00005R000100110001-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP90M00005R000100110001-3 lfarcr..E. 1.88 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - Extensions of Re)nurks E 961 :HENRY :HYDE'S SPEECH ON whether to trade information with U.S. in- out the early history of problems with un- LE aKS AND CONGRESSIONAL telligence. what quality of information they authorized disclosures in Congress and gave OVERSIGHT will provide and whether they will actively more recent examples of alleged coneres- cooperate with us in other ways. In testify- sional leaks published in other sources. in- HON. ROBERT H. MICHEL ing against proposals for mandatory and cluding use of the threat of disclosure by more detailed prior notifications to Congress several individuals in order to block execu- ;r ILLINOIS sional Intelligence Committees. Secretary of tive branch actions of which they disap- :N .HE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Defense Frank Carlucci. who formerly was a proved. That the majority report didn't con- Deputy Director of Central Intelligence seder leaks a fundamental issue is in itself a :7tursday. March 31. 1988 under President Carter and more recently real measure of the problem. From the outset of the f Mr. MICHEL Mr. Speaker. on Wednesday, served as President Reagan's National Secu- Contra probe. there was a a steady y stream Iran- Mr. of Marcn .30. 1988. my distinguished Illinois cot- rity Adviser, stated that foreign govern- leaks. Interestingly. House Chairman Lee ree league and our good friend. HENRY HYDE. de- ments cooperating on special activities are Hamilton and his Senate counterpart. iiverea a soeecn before a conference cospon- wary because they don't trust Congress to Daniel Inouye. followed their best instincts sores by the American Bar Association Stand- keep secrets:' on how to keep secrets when it came time to ing Ccmmirtee on Law and National Security, "'It is a matter of perceptions.' said Mr. depose admiral Poindexter. As the minority the George Mason University School of Law. Carlucci. 'Other Governments are extraordi- report observes: the Slucent gar Association, and the Intema- narily sensitive on this point ? ? ?.* " "The two Select Committees recognized tional Law Society. I want to insert Mr. HYDE'S If our intelligence assets around the that the Admiral's testimony on the diver- remarxs in the RECORD at this point because I world, particularly cooperating organi7a- sion of funds was the pivotal, and potential- tions. perceive that the CIA is obliged to dis- ly most explosive political question of this believe what he has to say aDOut "'teaks' gorge whatever the [Intelligence Commit- whole investigation. As a result, extraordi- and Ccrigressional Cversignt" reflects his tees) may want, then it is very clear based nary steps were taken to protect the infor. usual good judgment, common sense. and un- on my experience that our intelligence matlon. Specifically. only three staff attor- common wisdom. assets would dry up." neys and no members of either committee "LEAKS" AND CONGRESSIONAL OV?RSIGni' Carlucci said he knew of "numerous" oc- participated in the secret questioning. The cessions when foreign goverments had said success of these procedures speaks volumes r By Henry J. Hyde) on how to protect secrets." ? The grave effects of unauthorized dfsclo- they would not share information if CIA Officially "proven" sourcing of leaks on provided it to Congress.' sures upon U.S. intelligence and our foreign Congressmen by nature have strong politt- the Hill or elsewhere. however. is extremely policy is a problem we had better begun. cal views, cater to and depend on the press. ran' Only a handful of leaks ever have been thinking about with some urgency. are not imbued wsecurity habits traced through investigation to the culpable The seriousness and universality of and arre individual. so lack of proof hardly estab- th the h they bats lishes that Congress has a good record. "leaks ' are obvious. Yet many continue to of f intelligence ce Professionals. with maintain theres no "proof' that Congress urally fall under suspicion. Thus And , let's not A Senate intelligence committee study re- leaks or that it leaks significantly. And, forget that congressional oversight in the leased to the press reportedly found that in even when acknowledging problems in the aftermath of Vietnam and Watergate selected leaks of classified information. executive branch or Congress. powerful leg- strained relations between Congress and the journalists referenced congressional sources islative figures habitually object to virtually intelligence community almost to the break- only 8-9% of the time, but cited Reagan ad- every initiative for investigating and punish- Ing point. Ex-CIA Director Colby recalls in ministration officials 66% of the time. This ing these occurrences, while failing to offer his memoirs that every new covert action research methodology is suspect. since jour- alternative solutions. MY proposal for a disclosed to Congress in 1975 was leaked, nalists are alleged frequently to protect Joint Intelligence Committee, which would "And the 'covert' part of CIA's covert action their most vulnerable sources, and persons replace the existing two House and Senate seemed almost gone." ? The notorious laxity on the intelligence oversight committees committees and reduce the number of Mem- of the Church and Pike investigations taint- would in many cases be particularly exposed ben and staff with access to intelligence in' ed the more rigorous Intelligence Commit- by virtue of being the only knowledgeable formation, has been resisted sine 1984- tees which tool: their place. "congressional" sources. Let us take the when I first introduced the idea Other sug- No less a journalistic authority on leaks Senate study at face value, however, and gestions. e.g., increasing use of the poly- than Daniel Schorr noted In a Washington also generously assume that Congress has gratin for investigative Purposes, strength- Post article ? "' ' ' that it has never been 2.500 people with clearances as opposed to eeing strt nondisclosure agreements and suggested ta Mof Congress could 2 2" million it.. the executive branch and mlli- than of Congress could tart'. Reliance on the Senate study forces us legal action against discloser or the media. be disciplined that ha other Member are branded as paranoia and violations of to conclude that Congress maintains just first amendment rights. But the critics This is relevant because (f don't think that I over 0.1(,-. the number of executive branch never offer a better solution, and most seem am baring any great journalistic secrets) the clearances. but is responsible for 8-9% of content to arift with the trde-or. more ac- exposure of covert intelligence questions is the leaks on national security issues. Specif- curately. the tidal wave. frequently a form of congressional whistle- ically. on average. a cleared person in Con- IL the Irani Contra affair had one salutary blowing. A leak often occurs when a clandes- gress is 60 times more likely than his coun- effect. it was to highlight poltcymaker' fear time plan runs into substantial opposition terparts elsewhere to engage in unauthor- of leaks and distrust of congressional discre- during a briefing for congressional commit- ized disclosures. tion. and to expose dramatically the de- tees." Schorr went on to cite a number of Evidence that news leaks quite commonly structive effects this can have. Maximum specific examples involving reported con- originate on the Hill also was developed in a compartmentalization within the executive gressional leaks of information on Angola. summer 1981 survey among the readership branch and failure to notify Congress of the Chile. Nicaragua. El Salvador. and Libya. of the periodical. American Politics. The Iran initiative invited judgmental errors and Recently. there have been several known journal. circulated almost entirely within courted political disaster- These sups were and serious disclosures on each of the Over, the Washington area, asked its readership taken out of determination to explore a sight Committees. Those who nonetheless to respond to a wide-ranging poll which In- policy option considered potentially pr'Omi*' continue categorically to defend the com- cluded the question. "Have you ever leaked ing only if. by avoiding normal Procedure& mittees' records apparently depend upon information to the news media?" over 900 It could be kept secret. An unanswered Ques' congressional courtesy to forestall a "name persons. considered to be a reliable cros- Re- tion is how many times the opposite hap- section of the readership, responded. Re- names" rebuttal. In the congressional Select pens-how visit' times are innovative ap? suits the leak question were considered Preaches to difficult foreign policy Problems Committees' final report on the Iran-Contra so dram matic that they were published early rejected or not even considered because affair. the minority report devoted a chap- and separately. in an August 1987 article en- their success depends upon a secrecy which ter to the need to patch leaks.' It pointed titled "Leak City"' More than one in four probably could not be maintained? Regardless of claims that Congress must ' BiU Gertz...Carlucci: Cohen 13111 Will Plug CIA be considered innocent until proven guilty Sources." Washington Times. Dec. 17. 1987. ' Ibid. D 579. of security lapses. damage to the oversight . Bob Woodward and Walter Pineus. 'Carlucci ' Rerilts on the la ublished in Ruben Garcti "]rak k t portion " us m are American Pultttn. process occurred as soon as a widespread Warru of Veto on Coven?Aetion Notice." Washing- August 1987. pp. 23-24. Metnoau)ogy is explained perception could eveloped that the legislative ton 'William Colby. Men" (1978). p. 423. in Roobert Gadditional arcia And pertinent Other Results of the given rurst branch anch conot be trusted. This Perc Der'ce9- t} tion has seriously affected executive branch ? Daniel .Schorr. "Cloak and Dagger Relcs." Annual 'Inside the Beltway' Readers Poll." Amen- cooperation with intelligence oversight com- Washington Post. Nov. 14. 1985. A23. can Politics. Sept. 1987. pp. 14-17. Respondents on mittees. A similar attitude is harbored by "'Report of the Congressional Committees hives. inc leak section included. inter aria. 16 pelluciana. allied intelligence services who decide tismung the lran?Contra Affur" (Washington. DC: 193 Capitol Hill suffers. six memoers of the Diplo. GPO. 1987), pp. 575-79. matte corps and 66 Federal emploxees. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP90M00005R000100110001-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP90M00005R000100110001-3 E 962 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - Extensions of Rcmarks persons- v o er 28-concededt o-- a some time having shared a secret With the media. Cap. itol Hill staffers. sporting a 31% rating. were higher than average. But they were pikers compared to the "politician" category, alone at the pinnacle of the chart. in which 62% of 16 respondents admitted to having leaked information. This contrasted with 23% in the "Federal employees" category. Media in. formation sources tended to have higher salary and educational levels. Contrary to some recent accusations. conservatives were found to leak less than liberals and moder- ates. And, in delicious irony, leakers named journalists as the group they trusted the least (Among respondents as a whole. "poll- ticians" had a slight edge over journalists in competition for this award.) The situation has been allowed to deterio. rate so far that the task of changing this permissive culture is now monumental. Suc- cess will come very slowly indeed, and will result only from a persistent and aggressive attack across a broad front. in both Con- gress and the executive branch. One option is stricter security procedures and increased compartmentalization. Cap- itol Hill is very quick to claim this is the preferred solution for the executive branch problems, thereby avoiding the need to grapple with difficult civil and press liber- ties issues. But Congress is loathe to apply this option to its own operations by consoli- dating its oversight into one joint commit- tee. However. consolidation and compart- mentalization is a far more promising option for the congressional Intelligence Committees than for policy agencies. Effec- tive congressional oversight doesn't require Intelligence Committees with 32 (plus 4 ex- officio) members and 55-plus staff. More- over, additional staff, as well as 31 Senators and Congressmen serving on the Defense Appropriations Subcommittees in both Houses of Congress, also have access to ex- tremely sensitive intelligence. Altogether, therefore. 67 Memoers of Congress are in the "loop" for such information. For the policy agencies. who already have cut back on access to classified material. fur- ther restrictions on the dissemination of in- formation may be helpful in some cases. But If compartmentalization is not carefully ap- plied. the additional advantages could be limited and the arawoacks serious. Already there is concern that the most sensitive in- telligence Roes only to top pollcymakers who are too busy to read or act upon it. An- alysts who are supposed to make sense of collected intelligence cannot do their job if Pertinent information is withheld from them. Finished intelligence analyses, in turn. are less useful if they are not distrib- uted to those with an interest in the sub- ject If policy action is considered or at- tempted. the circle of knowledgeable parties inevitably widens so that some people will become involved who may disagree with the proposed action or who for some other reason will be inclined to leak: and there will be too many people involved at this stage to have much hope of finding the leaker. Even the Ollie North Iran/Contra operation. compartmentalized as it was, eventually involved great numbers of people within and outside the Government. In fact, the Iran overture was indeed leaked rather early in a little-noticed Jack Anderson column, by some still unxnosn person. Future use of establisned covert action and policy deliberation procedures, insisted upon by the Tower Review Board and in congressional reports on the Iran/Contra affair. will ensure that a sizable number of People always are involved. But rather than accept for itself the medi- cine that it has sometimes proposed for the 'xecutive orancn. Congress is now propos. rig that it expand the det:nition of its own need to know. ' n what Secretary Carlucci has aptly :aoeled a 'risguided effort to close every conceivable loophole" despite resulting damage to U.S. foreign policy, the Intelligence Committees now are promoting egislation reauir:ng that they almost imme- atately receive information on every single covert action undertaken. We should in- stead be confident that the political fallout from the IraniContra affair has provided far greater assurance than ever before that notification will not be withheld temporari- ly unless there is very good reason. Indeed. the executive branch doubtless in the future will take pains to snare critical infor- mation and attendant political nits with Congress. If the first thing Congress should do is to vote down this mandatory early notification legislation and the second is to form a com- pact Joint Oversight Committee, the third must be to study carefully our options for action and legislation to prevent future Government leaks and to investigate and punish them when they occur. The law on punishing those disclosing classified information is frequently an effec- tive barrier to successful prosecution. Spe- cifically, it is extremely hard to prove in leak cases, as the law generally requires. that there was "intent or reason to believe that the information is to be used to the injury of the United States. or to the advan- tage of any foreign nation." $ Government prosecutors are faced with a similar hurdle when it comes to convicting journalists who reveal the identities of un- dercover intelligence personnel. The law governing this kind of disclosure requires the Government to prove that such an indi- vidual engaged in "a pattern of activities in- tended to Identify and expose covert agents and with reason to believe that such activi- ties would impair or impede the foreign in- telligence activities of the United States".' In short, although there are Inherent dif- ficulties in apprehending a leaker. neither Congress nor the executive branch can claim that vigorous or competent attempts to do so have been undertaken or that pun- ishment is swift and sure. Given the difficulty of identifying those who have leaked classified material, we should also fat= the question of whether. under what circumstances, and how we should take action against the known party to the deed-the reporter and media outlet in question. Although the media sometimes have exercised restraint in these Issues, here again the culture has become so permissive that potential damage to II-S. intelligence collection and foreign policy often receive short shrift when authors and editors are deciding whether or not to publish. More- over. like the leakers themselves, Journalists purporting to weigh carefully the national security implications of such writings often display notoriously poor judgment in this regard. Yet they contend that they alone should be the judge and, for instance, hold in their hands agents' lives and the future effectiveness of intelligence collection sys- tems costing billions of dollars of taxpayer money. I believe it is beyond dispute, more- over, that the excuse of "the public's right to know," used as a defense in these cases, is a rationale that would be rejected by the vast majority of the public itself. Ideally, the press should agree among themselves on some explicit or implicit code 'Chapter 37 (Espionage and Censorship) of Title 18. United States Code. section 793. ? National Security Act of 1947 (50 U.S.C. 422). Title Vt, section 602. March ,11. :988 of conduct :o curtail 'nese anuses. .At present. however. ' seems unukeiy. As :he media appears more and more :ncuneo :owara :ncesui write ' reporting and advo- cacy lournausm. :::e demand for leaks ao- pears to be using in tandem with to supply. We can also expect a further escata- ,.:on of disputes over release of classifies ':ateriais as satellite pnotoitrapny of senst- :tve events and installations becomes avail- aole to the media. in the 1970's. investigative reporter Sev- -tour Hersh reportedly told a Navy ',Var College seminar that as a reporter his job .vas to break into the Pentagon if he could and steal all the classified documents he could, and that their lob was to stop him.i' We have to ensure somehow that the Gov- ernment and the media remain fundamen- tally on the same side where national secun- tY is concerned. But the media is becoming more rather than less aggressive with regard to acquisition or publication of classi- fied information. And its enormous collec- tive resources instantly are marshalled to stigmatize as unconstitutional extremism any suggestion that the press must be heid legally accountable if it does not police itself more effectively. Unwilling to grapple with these intracta- ble. messy, and politically volatile problems. some people insist that the damage we have suffered is overstated. and that no matter how great it may be. it does not justify tam- pering with press liberties or even congres- sional perquisites. But if our Government cannot keep a secret and Congress displays no sense of urgency in solving this problem. we will become ever more severely crippled In a dangerous world where the margin for error is fast disappearing. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/08/16: CIA-RDP90M00005R000100110001-3