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April 3, 1954
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I ...\11/4k9i ?lap; ..-tnikorts--?41 0 ,
F Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/08 : CIA-RDP80M01009A000701010064-1
t.., ? i.....
Part 1-SAT., APRIL 3, 19.54 I - ''' * THE MIRROR
For Your
- . .
? 4,
, ? ? ?
t, V 1 N DO-CH I NA VITAL I ' . . .
,VIRGIL PINKLEY. Mirror Editor and Publisher
The majority of my mail-this week 'deals with -the H-
( bomb' and Indo-China.
.4 Readers ask many questions and make numerals
gestions. This in itself is healthy. The more we ,know about
such subjects, the better we are prepared to make the right
decisions: In the end public !opinion determines the course
\ of .a democraey.
The question most frequentit asked ? about the 11.-bomb,.
i 'is: "Can there be any defense against this hellish explosive
'14 power?'ls it worth while to formulate sonic type of civil de-
: fense?"
? A' partial 'yes"can be given to both. inquiries. Our best de,
fense against ny enemy using the H-bomb is to be able to re-
taliate on at least a 3-to.1 ratio- and have- the means 10 drop
; such bqmbs right on the heart of any attacker's biggest cities
',and industrial centers. This means being strong ? very strong.
? A
indeed ? Militarily and especially in the air. ,
Ample funds, and with a plus margin for safety, must be al-
..located for atomic research and development. Om' stockpiles
4., must always be larger than those of Russia or the Communist
world. Our long-range strategic bciinbing force-simply must be
,'the Number One outfit. We urgently need an increase in fighter
? interceptors to safeguard our shores. More radar and other de-
vices to give us greater advance warning of the approach of
:4. enemy planes should be installed immediately.
? No Price Is Too Great
A. Our empire Of 'island bases in all parts of the world should
:forever be maintained and kept in a conspnt state of alertness.
To do these things we may be required to contribute niore taxes
?? and make other sacrifices. If we get value received for invest-
? ments, however, no price is too great to pay for being an Amen-
can and and a free man. .
:...5,Temporarily, we may be required to trim military^ expendi-
.1 tures for ground forces and qther orthodox establishments, In ,
?4 .10
? He's one of L.A.'s voluntary block wardens.
.;..view of the overwhelming power of A and H-bombs to crush,
;kill and maim horribly, we have no choice but to rush an all-out
!program of defensive and retaliatory measures. "Full speed
!ahead" should be the order of the day. ? ?
? If you are really interctIted In trying, to help protect. ,
? your home, your family and pre,vent our beloved country
from being given crippling blows by aggressors, you should ;
t-be, -eager and ready to'serve. As ground forte 'spotters and
4i; participate in civil defense matters.
;t: Apparently the best defense from'an H-bomb is mass evaCua;
? *lion of metropolitan areas. To do.this we need pools of private
automobiles, trucks-and vans of transportation companies, am-
ittbulances, buses, trains and spare coaches or. freight cars and
airplanes. all organized on an emergency basis.
7 -Individual citizens, PTA groups, church organizations, service
...clubs, Chambers of Commerce and similar bodies have the right
??and the duty to,insisnhat public officials take these steps and
:NOW. .
Should an H-bomb ever be dropped, there will be fringe areas
? at the outer reaches of its effectiveness. These regions will con.
.-ttain injured people; burning buildings and trapped individuals.
r :To help -save lives and property-we will- need volunteer Me
?-higining units, light and heavy rescue squads, a corps of volun.
t Leers skilled in first. aid treatments and Practices, extra beds
fond special food facilities- plus doctors, nurses and police. Here,
oiagain, the individual citizen ? if he cares enough about Arneri
ca and his family or friends ? can and must take-part in civil
Ywdefense. . . , .
Just how destructive is -the H-bomb? ^ No one knows for sure.
;But- the three hydrogen explosion tests we have carried out
'indicate that the knock-out power is 600 to 700 times greater
Sinai"' the conventional A-bombs used-on Hiroshima and N'aga?
isaki. They killed, injured or maimed well over 100,000 souls.
To get some idea of the pulverizing power. of the H-bomb
,fiwhich requires an A-bomb to explode it, take an egg shell' in
.? your hands and crush it. as quickly and as hard as you can. This
r is what would happen to the heart of our greatest cities should
San H-bomb be detonated over. them. Try to imagine everything
being knocked flat or wiped out of existence for three Or four
miles in every direction from where you live or work. That's
? the .power of the hydrogen bomb (as of -this hour and even
tlarger and more devastating bombs are still to be made.
??? Engines of, Destruction
? ? ?
Man has developed engines of mass destruction going beyond
the human power to calculate. . ?
It -was only on 'January 31, 1950, that President Harry Tru-
announced: . '
"I haye directed the Atomi . . c Energy Commission- to con.
tinUe Its work on all forms of atomic weapons, including the
' ? r; so-called hydrogen bomb."
The bomb exploded on March 1 is estiinated to have had the
- destructive power equivalent to 12 to 14 million tons" of TNT.
? /YR generated a temperature of.at least some 20,000000 degrees
Centigrade. It is believed to have .had twice the force of the
,.:first hydrogen bomb exploded in November 1952?the one'you
,'.have been seeing on television and motion picture screens in
a: recent hours, ? *,
? -Nonr-that 'we're 'actually world ng \VIM 'the hydrogen
t bomb. 1.W? additional ones known as "C" and "it bombs
ti are in lie, offing. They utilize cobalt and lithium, thus Ihe ?
# names. They .pack most, of the devastation of the A and ?
H bombs plus lingering radioactivity which -may go on
for as long as two years.. With this whole new arsenal of 4
bodibs, poison gas and badteriological warfare of the Most
Fiendish nature imaginable are being developed:
I' Certainly the need for peace is greater at this minute than
ever before if the human race is to continue. Ilwonder how
F.Many e statesmen and leaders of nations are seeking Divine
. Guidance in connection with trying to work out a solution?
./ V
't Preventing Indo-China from falling Into Communist hands
:;is important to us for a number of reasons.
'? '
If Indo-China goes, all of Southeast !Asia, and our friendly
c allies in the Pacilit, are threatened.
" Indo-China, along-with -Thailand and Burma forms the real
? Turn to Page 6
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t. ) ?
Or ? 4'
tor e a al ?, ? 4.
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111,1 WUflUD UM WEI
? ? ,4? H.
Cont1nned from Page 2 -in Worea; the . Communist t?
-world has been held at bayl
breadbasket of ? the Far East. ? victory in -ludo?-.
Before the war they exported China would whet Kremlin
7,000,000 tons of rice annually to , appetites, for further .eon? ?
neighb-oring nations. Currently quest by face: This would 1'
endanger world ? peace.
they ? send about 4,500,000 tons
? Also, Secretary of 'State
to Asiatic countries. If China Dulles has stated publicly that
could get control of this food the United States will. 'not
source there would be no lam- countenance aggressive mill-
Ines in China. Further. Peiping tary moves by the Communist
could tell Far Eastern coun- world in the Far East or any:
tries what to do, how to do it where else. This position has
and when .to do It.:?or cut off beery confirmed 'by the Pitt-
their food supplies. Such a situ- dent.- Therefore, Indo-China is
' ation would give the Commu- all-important. 'Should Red
7 fist ,world a powerful tool to China try to move In, I do not
? force millions into submission, see how we could avoid another
? Any all-out 'Victory by the shooting war which, even If it
' Reds in Indo-China would un- started on a limited basis, un-
-, doubtedly lead to guerrilla war- doubtedly would expand into
fare and internal strife in Bur- World War 111. -'April 5, 1954.
' ? ma., If Burma fell, then the .. }fear VirgilPlnkley's
position of Thailand would be news commentary on KH3 ?
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/08 : CIA-RDP80M01009A000701010064-1
Since aggressive moves through Friday,