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CLASSIFICATION ..ANdor Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release e 50-Yr 2013/07/01 : CIA-RDP83-00418R000700150005-9 ?JHL IN I LL.LJULINGL AGFNCY REP0RT?K*46v ' COUNTRY SUBJECT PLACE ACQUIRED 0,--N7E OF INFO. N FO R MAT I 0 N REPORT CD NO. Poland Port and Military Installaticels or Gdynia and Ckaywie ',Oxhoeft) `,230;,MW -1211Emsql7T.7, TR13 DoCoOENT CONTAINS INFORNATION AFFECTING THE NATIoNALOSFINsE OF THE UNITED STATES. WITHIN THE MEANING OF TITLE lB. SECTIONS 79B 1,r1 AND 704. OF TUB O. S. CODE. AS AORTIRED. IT2 TRAnsni3Slos oR ERTEL- ATION op ITS COETENTs TO OR RECEIVT GT AR LINA111110111yED PERSON ?T 12 FizollierTED BY LAW THIS REPRODUNTI011 OV TRW Polio fSPVC111101TED. 'fr';ftriri:rMs1:444-1-'f VlITIVF,MaliERC-417:1A7M7fM71.?4.il "01.;RCE 50X1 50X1 DATE DISTR. 29 July 1955 50X1 NO. OF PAGES 50X1 NO. OF ENCLS. Ci MISTED BELOW} SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. 50X1 THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATIOU 50X1 , re,T.nrke. 50X1 - Gdynia is locrtted,at: 54o 321 noN/ 33a'0.;, on the west side of the Danzi; the harbor was artincially 'Juin between 7.he two world Gdynia is the most important sea harbor of Poland owin,7 to va:It efficient harbor :..nst&liations of this port. A haor communit (Gdansk) was recently created in the saLle manner aJ onder ad:rinistration. The northern section of lhs harbor is r,182.rved for the ?olinh :Iavy as main base Th harbor is also used as a b-Ise b7 war vez3e1:, in 14artiou:.ar durim:: the icOsea.Soi in the northen1 as or7 the Baltic !ie: W"erts., viith 2. Nautiod Data. 50X1 50X1 (see also German Ostseehanauch, southern section, and German Cart U o4 4proach is still by a swept chann::1 runniA?:. straiht from th. sorAth Snit G.7 C;r.po :ela to tlr.i un,d no dift'iclties ar?i in hin for the hror, iric?he a .;Iproach channel is ceep enoGjl Nuerous lanJ marks are beacna7,e is excellent. Althoull the leaJin buoy is tae-i a vhen endangered b,r thLt 'Arhicil in tliis li-hted Lil day loqj, entry to the harbor. ,.81V011 1055 ? The harbor has three entrLncest The main entrance, reserve6 for 7-c - vessels, leads into the outer harbor; the ntruce north of it 1,8 for w:.4.7 vessels only, Jno: thc south entrnce i available for t'ishl.,r. 50X1 vessels. The wharf inst:liationsIplayerond all iloints dan:Teroas one markeJ. with excellent li[:.hts. Z!_ red blinkifwii ht recent4 wea erected on the west oi.c o tho edtroe t harbor -basin Su flashes per minute), n. a red fi.Icc was viounted on C.he nev.; lanAng staae recently built in har',Jor basin No 1 (aocuf; meters south of the north frr,. the ha..r b. Anchorages are available everywhere in depths ran.,7inr: betw,.L:en. uct, 12 meters .d on good hoiciin. roun3 on the ixtter-stad sout. cc thel nf:,rthern entrance to the hdtrbcr Lteavv1.1...crigT4NreeilSt re. tLoc whn the wind is hi c;-: Trom,an btween the northeast .;r1:1 southeast. 50X1 CLASSIFLCATION STATE IT7T5T,---7147 1P4AVY 43kLISR8 t tX , Alp STRiBUTI0i4 r 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/07/01 : CIA-RDP83-00418R000700150005-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/07/01 : CIA-RDP83-00418R000700150005-9 50)(1 SECRET - 2 - Numerous cables are laid in the harbor district and their reseective positions are marked by cable beacons and markinoson the eeays. Tides, ice cenditions. Gdynia is a tidefree harbor. The current generally runs across the harbor entrance in a northerle direction occasionally reaching a ,relecity of 2 knots when the strong winds are blowing from southerle direction; with northerly and nerth- nesterly winds the current sets in a southerly direction. Formation of ice in the Gulf of Danzig generally sets in in January and ends in March; easterly winds sometimes block the harbor, although as a rule, shipping traffic can be maintained by means of icebreakers and powerful tugs. a? Pilotage is compuleory, the pilots being taken aboar4or dropped near the leading buoy. HerbtirjnstallationsInasy)t oo. Quay installations: Harbor basineNo X, located on the north side of the outer harber, is the naval harbor of the Polish Navy and is entered through the northern entrance. The quay installations of this harbor basin have been steadily expanded and improved by permanent operations and the conetruction of new quay piers. The two moles heads are well lighted; a signal station is located in a conseiouous position on the head of the north mole (1)0a sap A. now mole has been erected on pile dolehins approximately at right angles to the outer mole and carries 10 pairs of masts.(2) The purpose of these masts could not be identified. A hook-shaped mcle also recently built, forms the end of this mole which is fitted with an adequate entrance gap (3). The other wharves are in a good cohdition and are used to berth the warships. Three quay piers, 80 meters long and 8 meters deep alongside, jut from the western quay. Several buildines pureose of which could not be definitely identified are located at harbor basin No X. Thoee identified included the Naval Officers' School (4), a converted , former torpedo hall, a white three-story building; the naval hospital (5), a main supply depot, and an ordnance workshop. Tee naval headquarters building (6) with a radio antenna . and a signal seation fitted on the roof is located north of the warship harbor. A meteorological institute with a signal installation for time and weather sirnals is located in Oshoeft, where the Hydrographical Office of the Wery is also located. Three recently built, long barracks installations buildings (7), beginning at the rear of harbor basin No -X extend as far as the , connection pier with harbor basin No IX. Several repair shops (8), an ammunition deeot (9) and wooden barracks of the Polish Navy (1C) are located close to that cennection pier. Earbor basin No IX, facing basins les IV and V, is also used by the Polish Navy. Its north quay is 350 meters long with a depth of water alongside of 8 meters, its west is 420 meters long with depths ahongside ranging between 6 and 8 waters and its south quay,380 meters long, also has a depth of water alongside of a meters. A wooden bridge (15), at the eastern corner of the basin, is the landing stage for .the Oxhoeft ferry. A storage shad of the Polish Navy (11) is located vest of harbor basin co SIX. Two T-shaped quay piers used as unloading berths for tankers, are located oloee to it and are addoined by a small foundry, (12,whioh is also used by the Polish Navy. S-;;;CITOr Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/07/01 : CIA-RDP83-00418R000700150005-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/07/01 : CIA-RDP83-00418R000700150005-9 SeCReT b. Bridges and locks. No bridges or locks are in harbor basins Noe IX and X. c. Zxcept for a single steam crane (13) located on the northw43t end of the west quay in harbor basin )(ono cranes are available. d. The exact number of navy tugs is unknown. The two large tugs 30 1 Bed 118 were the only tugs observed in Gdynia harbor. A floating dockfor naval vessels is generally moored in harbor basin No IX, and a marine railway of the Polish Navy is located northwest of the Teshaped quay piers (14). 4. Harbor installationslcommvniall. a. Quay and storage installations: Except for the yacht harbor, the outer harbor and the harbor caannel, the harbor area is reserved for merchant vessels and the shipyard comprises harbor basins No I through VIII. Harbor basin No I is reached through the south entrance, exclusively reserved for fishing vessels, passing by the yacht harbor (21) which is 4 meters deep. 50X1 Harbor basin No I (partially used as a fishing harbor): The south quay, 620 meters long with 9 meters depth alongside, is a concrete wharf in good condition. A WOP guard station (22), for the supervision of the fishing fleet, and a watchtower with a searehlight are :Located at the rear of four wooden T-shaped piers in the eastern section of this quay. A wooden customs building and a restaurant (23) are located in the western half of the south quay which is used as a landing stage for excursion steamers. The Danzig ferry also calls at this landing stage. The fishery school (24) and a WOP observation tower are located south of the restaurant. The west quay of the basin, 250 meters long, is also 9 meters deep alongside. Three rows of recently built barracks installations (25) quareering navy and army personnel extend along the quay, each row comprising 3 or 4 buildings. This barracks area is fenced in. The north quaM40 meters long with a water depth alongside of 9 meters and fitted with several wooden quay piers projecting into the basin, is used to berth unloading and loading Polish fishing vessels. Fish halls (26) of the fishery combine and new sheds (27) extending for the entire western half of the north bank are located at the rear of the wooden landing stages. A fish meal plant is located at the eastern corner of the quay (28). The north quay has a single spur track. Harbor basin No II (partly used as fishing harbor): Harbor basin No II, 8 to 9 meters deep, is accessible through a wide entrance channel. The eouth quay, also called England Quay (B), 500 meters long is 8 meters deep alongside. A small pier, at the western end of this quay separates a small fishing harbor (C), 5 to 6 meters deep, from the other section of the basin. SECHeT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/07/01 : CIA-RDP83-00418R000700150005-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/07/01 : CIA-RDP83-00418R000700150005-9 SSCRET - 4 - 50X1 A tank installation of the Polish Navy (33), consisting of two large and one small fuel tank of conventional steel construction, la loeutod at the outermost spit of the quay. Several storage sheds (34), adjoined by a large fish processing plant (35) equipped with vast refrigerating units, are located west of the tank installation in the middle of the quay. A repairshop for fishing vessels (36) and a net-mending shop (37) are located at the rear of the separating mole. Canteen building (38) and a conference hall (39) are located south of the spur track, which extends for the total length of the quay, and the administration building (40) of the Polish salvage company (P.R.0.) is east of them. An office building of the Polish merchant marine (P.M.H.)(41), which is responsible for the checking of permits of the workers and the harbor permits in general, is situated .on the quay which borders the fishing harbor (C) in the west. A repairshop for fishing vessela(42) and a -small fish cannery (43) adjoining it, are located south of this office. The Silesia Quay CD), located on the north side of the basin, about 670 meters long and 8 meters deep alongside, is subdivided by a transverse pier. ' A 'boiler house (44) heating the wain workshop (45) and located west of it is located at the root of the quay, and three new 50 by 30-meter buildings (46), for the storage of fish meal adjoin the boiler house. Then follows a tank installation of the C.F.N. (47) (Lain administration of oetroleum products) and a customs office building with a guard room (43), and a P.D.W. office (salvage company) building (49). Si modern 5-ton luffing cranes with an outreach of about 10 meters are erected on the quay. A railroad track runs along the edge of the quay and a road passes by in a west-easterly direction. A watch-tower is located on the transverse quay between harbor basins No Il and III. Harbor basin No III: Harbor basin No III, located on the south side of the outer harbor, is used mainly for the transshipment of coal and ores. The Sweden Quay (E), 780 meters long and 8 meters deep alongside, is an ironeconcrete construction 1.7 to 2 meters high above the mean water level. The quay surface is fitted with a wooden floor planking. No sheds or other buildings except for the harbor administration office building (56) are on this quay. Large coal dumps are located between the three railroad tracks which are between 5 and 15 meters away. from the edge of the quay. Eight electrically operated luffina cranes (57) meving along the *hole length of the quay and two 10- to 12-ton traveling shipping anpliances (58) are available for loading operations. To quay piers, 110 meters long and fitted with two conveyor installations for the shipment of coal and with railroad tracks on them, projected from the Danish Quay (F) which is 400 meters long and 6 to 7 meters deep alongside. A coal tipping plant (59) is available on each quay pier. Conveyor belts for the shipment of coal from cars are fitted between the two quay piers. New office buildings (60) are located at the rear of the plant about 100 meters away from the edge of the quay, and further two Conveyor belts for unloading coal (61) are installed north of these buildings. SEC Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ?50-Yr2013/07/01:CIA-RDP83-00418R00070offinons_g Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/07/01 : CIA-RDP83-,00418R000700150005-9 SZORET 50X1 Warehouses of the P.L.0.(Polish Oceanic Line)(62) are located on the, road running parallel to the quay, and the harbor fire sereico (S)) and the harbor police buildings (64) are situated south of it. The guard station of the harbor guard (65) and a customs office buildin (66) adjoining it are on the opposite side of the street. The harbor administration building (67) is located south of them. The office building and the workshops (8) of the harbor administratioe are situated at the corner leading to the Sweden Quay. The Holland Quay (0.), located on the north side of the harbor balin, ease 400 meters long, is 6 meters deep alongside. It is fitted with 7 crazes (69) and two railroad tracks. All corners of the quaye in the harbor basin are provided eith watchtowers (70), and the southern quay pier carries a searchlight. The France Quay (J) 420 meters long is located inside the main entrance to the harbor which is 150 meters ride on the south side of the outer harbor. The outer harbor with a turning circle area of 500 meters in diameter is 12 meters deep. The administration building of the P.L.O. is located on its east side (74) and the building west of it accommodates the pilot station (75), the harbor masters office (76) and the guard rooms of the WOP unit. Four cranes are erected along the quay (77). A railroad track runs along the quay (the former marine terminus also is located on this quay). This harbor passageowhich is separated from the outer harbor by the two inner moles, is between 180 and 250 meters wide and 9 to 12 meters deep. A watchtower (78) stands on the south mole. Berths for the pilot boats (79) are provided alongside the quay adjoining the south mole in the southwest, the available length being 180 meters. Harbor basin No IV: This harbor basin, which closely adjoins the western end of the pilot quay, extends in a southwesterly direction: The Poland Quay (K), 1,100 meters long and 9 meters deep alongside, is made of iron concrete with wooden fenders similar to the two ether quays. The quay wall-is about 3 meters above the water level. The buildings erected on this quay include, beginning from the northeastern end, the building of the harbor health office (port medieal officerls office)(83) end the office of the harbor guards chief (34) cloae it; five warehouses (85) with loading ramps near the quay immediately adjoining them, extend as far as the large ?old storege house (36) Which is a most conspicuous brick building higher thaa all other warehouses. The harbor ambulance station is aloe to it (87). Two railroad tracks ran along the quay, one in front of the and one at the rear of them. Three packing houses (88) are eituated on a road running along on the side away from the second track. The crane tracks are laid outside and parallel to the railroad tracks. The rails of the cranes are 8 to 10 meters apart. , A crane with a straight and almost horizontal lifting beam 89)0etandiag at the outermost corners of the quay (89), is followed by fourteen cranes (90) with straight swinging arms and two tall steee-jih crares (91) in front of the cold storage house. The Rotterdam Quay (L), located on the south side of the hasinlie 310 meters long and 6 to 7 meters deep alongside. The frontage of a brick warehouse building (92) with a loading rami on the quay side occupies the largest portion of the quay surface. A low brick building, the shipbrokers office, is located on a street running along at the rear of this large warehouse (93). SECRLT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/07/01 : CIA-RDP83-00418R000700150005-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/07/01 :.CIA-RDP83-0418R000700150005-9 sEcRer 50X1 A custom house office (94), and a canteen for dockers (9) to the north of it, are located on the side away from the intereeotaun or the roads. The railroad tracks run along the edge of the quay. The crane tracks on this quay are arranged in exactly the same manner as on the Poland Quay. Three cranes with straight sweneleg arms (96) and two steep-jib (97) cranes of 1.5 tons lifteng capacety and over are fitted there. The India Quay (M), 1,000 meters long and 8 meters deep alongeide is located on the northwest eide. The buildings extendini; from ths southwest to the northeaot include a seven-story red brink buildine (93), a brick warehouse (99), a new six-stony concrete beilding the oil mill"Union5(101) and, on the outermost end a larae noend concrete building roughly completed, a grain elevator (102) with a stowage capacity of 12,000 tons. Several low warehouses ,103) axe located between the oil mill "Union" and the large grain elevator. A large Dutch floating grain elevator lies in front of the grain eelo with a watchtower, about 10 meters hig)1, close to it. One railroad track is in front and twii railroad tracks are at the rear of the quay buildings. The Norway Quay (N) is the connection quay leading to harbor basin No 7. It is fitted with several cranes, including two recenely ereotee ones of unidentified types and lifting capacities. Harbor Basin No V: The America Quay (0), 810 meters long and 8 to 9 meters deep alongside, is the free zone of the port. Three large storage houses (110) are located between the two rail eracks ruining along this quay. Two further 'warehouses (111) are located on the road running along the second rail track. The office building of the salvage company (112) is situated at the extreme end of the quay. Four above-ground oil tanks (113) with a 5-in, or 6-in0 eipeline leading to the India Quay are located midway between the America QurAY and the India Quay. Eight new 5-ton luffing cranes (114), standing close together, are installed at the northeastern coiner of the quay. Five to seven cranes (115) with a lifting capacity of over 1.5 tons each, and four bridge cranes (116) closely adjoin them at the corner leading to the Czech Quay The Czech Quay (P), 220 meters long, also between 8 to 9 meters deep alongside, is fitted with three cranes (117). A parking lot (118) adjoins it at the rear. WOP barracks (wooden huts) (119) and a storehouse of the ship chandlers are located south of the railroad tracks (12). The Rumanian Quay (R) 860 meters long and 9 meters deep alongside, borders on harbor basin No V on the northwest. No sheds are erected on this quay, which has only one large store building (121) loeated on the opposite side of the rail tracks within the Cree zone area. Four cranes of unidentified types and capacity (122) are installed close together at the extremity of the quay. The Yugoslavian Way (S) leads to harbor basin No VI which serves as a shipyard basin together with harbor basin No VIII, SECR:ff (P Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/07/01 : CIA-RDP83-00418R000700150005-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/07/01 : CIA-RDP83-00418R000700150005-9 SECRI.07 -7-- Harbor Basin No VIII: 50X1 Harbor basin VIII which borders on harbor basin No VII in the north is used as a lumber harbor. Its only quay installation is located on its north side, its eastern section being a concrete pier 250 meters long and 8 meters deep alongside. Three ? wooden landing stages, 130 meters long and another three landing stages 80 meters long and 7 to 9 meters deep alongside, project into the basin. Three large wooden bridges, 4 to 5 meters high, are ited with narrow-gauge field railways. The remaining wooden bridges are 2.5 meters wide and 1.8 meters above water. The PAGED (Polish state lumber and export and import corporation) office building (128) with its lumber yards is located at the rear of bridges. Several concrete shelters (129), about 6 meters tall and fitted with a roof about 1.5 meters thick, divided into four longitudinal compartments, are erected west of the wooden bridges. They are of unidentified purpose and arranged in six parallel columns of three standing close together. b. There are no bridges or locks in the harbor area. Only underpaeses are fitted at the intersections of rail traoks and roads. e. Means of transportation: The goodsunloaded in the harbor are dispatched by railroad cers, which are shunted b,r super-size locomotives. Several floating cranes employed according to rairements are available in the harbor district. d. Tugboats, lighters and icebreakers: It is impossible to azoertain the exact number of tugs and lighters available in the harbor because of the vastness of the harbor and shipyard area in Gdynia. Tugboats constantly observed in Gdynia harbor included the Soviet tugs "Chekha" (about 1,200 HP), "MARC" and "PROLIOTEI" and the Polish tugs "IIRjUS" and "TiTild" estimated at between 370 and 500 HP. Lighters observed included "BETHAWTAEHA" and "ZUBR". No icebreakers are stationed in Gdynia harbor. They are borrowed from other ports to take the ships into harbor if powerful tugs are unable to tackle this task. e. Shipyards: A marine railway for fishing vessels (133) is located in harbor basin Wo II in addition to the principal shipyard which is situated in harbor basins Moe VI and VII. A graving dock (134) and mciering floats (135) for fishing vessels are located on the right-hand side and the left-hand side of the quay pier at the Silesian Quay (Basin No II). 5. ag.val_mcui4.1,138,ty locatelanartaide tiliejlandrorrilletrietaprooer. a. Fortifications: A torpedo range (140)is located at the Okhoeft naval base about 400 meters north of the harbor. This torpedo range installation, whose eermanent installations had been more or less destroyed toward the end of the wara and the equipment of which had partly been moved elsewhere, has been fully reconditioned and is ready for operation. Its equipment incledes three torpedo tube. Various installations are located on a pier 200 meters long and fitted with tracks for transport. The tracks laid along the share line lead to the torpedo and ammunition depots consisting of underground concrete shelters located near the pier. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/07/01 : CIA-RDP83-00418R000700150005-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/07/01 CIA-RDP83-,00418R000700150005-9 nt'diRnT - a - A further torpedo range is located. anout 700 meters north of the above-mentioned torpedo range. This. pier 150 meters long has also been repaired. A reoently completed road passing between the two torpedo ranges servos as a oommunioation way for the transportation of amrinieion. Zeing remarkably well comouflaged, it cannot be made out from seaward nor does it seem possible to identify it from the air. Appliances for loading torpedoes on warships are stored in a place situeted 100 meters south of the torpcdostation (141,A workshop for overhualing and adjusting practice torpedoes is located nearbe. Four large antiaircraft guns are located north of the torpedo station. A large army tent was put up close to this. battery (position doubtful). A strip along the seore, about 2.5 kilometers long, extending in a northerly-southerly direction and located near Redlowo (Adlernoest) dust south of Gdynia, is fencedin by a barbed wire fence. Three gun emplacements, with guns mounted in the rooks and camouflaged with nets, are situated about in the middle of this prohibited area. The battery consisting of 150-mm guns, mounted 5 to 10 meters apart, is iccated about 300 meters from the shore. A. tripod observation tower, with with with the battery, used for 'fire control during firing exercises, is located near these gim emplacements. Barracks installation buildings, shelters, radio masta and an underground ammunition store are located within the fenced aree. . Hadar, radio and signal stations: A radar station is fitted on the roof of one of the houses belonging to the cadet school of the Felish Navy. Four metal masts, about 4 or 5 meters high and 4 meters in diameter, are visible. A chair-shaped concrete foundation, alcut 1 meter higher than the surrounding eonorete wall which is 1.2 meters high, is fitted between the masts. An oval- shaped scanner, about 1.2 meters Mesh, is fitted on the foundation, Anotherscanner, a little smaller in size, is mounted in front of the concrete pedestal inside the base of the mastei The other installations of the radar equipment are mounted in the uppereost story of the building. The entire plant is guarded and operated by Soviet personnel. The radar station has a, range of over 50 sea miles. Radio stations (transmitters) existing in Gdynia include: 1. A recently erected extremely powerful transmitter in Witomi4 southwest of Gdynia; 2. A radio station with. 10 antenna masts, each 25 meters high, and two other masts, each 50 meters high in front of them installed in the naval quarters building (141) in Oxhoeft; 3. The main naval radio station eith 5 antenna masts fitted on the roof of the naval headquarters building (144). 4. A radio station in a forest clearing in Redlowo. In addition, jamming transmitters intended for interfering with broadeast emissions in Polish coming from western countries are in Oxhoeft and Witomina o. Military objects and quarters: The entire area belonging to the Oxhoeft naval base is surrounded by barbed-wire consisting of concrete pillars with concrete slabs laid between. The fence runs from the lumber harbor (harbor basin No VII) located at the foot of the hills between Oxhoeft and OburzeePand. ends on the beach near Cape Oxhoeft. This fence has two gates, one leading to the road running along the northern edge of the lumber harbor to the suburb of Oburze, while the eecond gate is on the side leading to 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/07/01 : CIA-RDP83-00418R000700150005-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/07/01 CIA-RDP83700418R000700150005-9 SNCRST 50X1 Oxhoeft. A third gate lead to the high naval command quarters. All gates are guarded byeeentrieq and the entire area ?protected by watehtowers. The naval base has its own railroad connection with Gdynia. Other fenced areas of unidentified determination ars located outside the naval base proper. The fenced-in fuel and ril depot (142) with its subterranean conteiners and subterranean pipelines conveying gasoline and oil to the Oxhoeft mole is located northeast of the lumber harbor (harbor basin No VIII). Entrance tunnels, strongly and solidly built, which lead far into the interior of the ground, are located in the vicinity on the was to Oxhoeft. Some of the exits of the-a:tunnels are situated north of the villeAte of Oxheeft. A large ammunition deeot is located 3 to 4 kilometers west of Okhoeft. The entire depot, which' was built by the Germans, is an underground dump now belonring to the Polish Navy. Important military and official buildings located in the Gdynia town districts which closely adjoins the harbor basins, inelude the 'olish naval cadet school (143) accommodated in the former German Fortress Commanders headquarters' building (143), the main naval headquarters (144), the central of .'ice of the secret state police (145) north of these headquerters, the hospital (146) and the central mail office (147) southwest of it. The building of the central merchant marine office (148), a dispensary and the office of the port medical officer (150) close to the Roman Catholic Church (149)0 and the building of the commercial, and maritime courts (152). A large transformer station (153) is weot of harbor basin No V. A locomotive repair hall (154 ) and a work hall of the Polish State Railroad (155) olosely adjoin the rail tracks. The two navigation schools PO= and PSM (156) are located south of the rail tracks 4tWM is an abbreviation for Panetwesse Centrum Wyszkolenia Morskiege which means State Center for:Nautical Edue6tion and PSM (Panstwowa Szkola , et Morska) means State Aeritime Sahnol).? Other buildings in the town district include naval offices and a naval printing office, located about 250 meters west of the yacht harbor i a Sailor& Home, 1 kilometer south of the yacht harbor,and the "Dalmor" corporation sitaated near the navigation schools. The locations riven are only approximate. d. Installations of the Air Force. Several airfields are located in the vicinity of Gdynia. The most important airfield is Babie Doly located 5 km west of Oxhoeft which is occupied by Polish Naval air units. The field has been enlarged by the construction of additional hangars and runways during the last few years. In addition to this main airfielde the following are in exiatence: Ramie (Rahme), for firing practices, 5 km northwest of Babie Doly; Puck (Putzig), for firing practices, 18 km north of Babie Daly; Rozewie (Rixhoeft), for firing practices, 10 km northwest of Puteig; Oliaa (Wceszcy) commercial airfield, 15 km south of Gdynia, Guard service- The entire harbor district of Gdynia is surrounded by a barbed-wire fence which has three entrance and exit gates in addition to the railroad throughfares. The first gate is near the custom house (94), the second near the harbor administration building (56), at the corner of Ohrzanowski Street, and the third gate le eear the shipyard. The entrances are guarded by the Harbor Police (SOPX which is responsible also for the guarding of the wareheuses and the storage sheds in ths harbor area, SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/07/01 : CIA-RDP83-00418R000700150005-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/07/01 CIA-RDP83:00418R000700150005-9 SaeRnT - 10 - 50X1 The harbor traffic and all ships lying in harbor are under the supervision of the VOP, the frontier guard, which also performs the inward and outward clearinc formalities of the vessels lying in harbor. The clearing- party generally consists of two officers and 12 to 30 enlisted men armed with eubmachine guna. Outgeing vessels are closely searched in particular for stowaway escapees. All cameras found aboard incoming vessels were sealed and foreign currency entered in a list. All crewsof non-Polish vessels got shore permits with the exception of crewaembers of German vessels. Only the neeters of German ships could go ashore. Ufective on 1 April 1955, the crewmembers of German vessels allegedly also were granted shore-permits. The crewmembers are rather closely guarded. Armed sentries are posted at the ships and the larger the vessels the larger the number of seetries. Two-man patrols with or without dogs patrol the harbor area, Sentries are posted also on top of the cranes. Telephone sockets enabling the guards to call the main guard station are distributed all over the harbor area. Watchtowers are spread all over the harbor area as mentioned under Nos 22, 51, 70, 78 and 105. Two further observations posts are located northwest of harbor basins Nos V and VII. The two mole heads at the harbor entrance are also guarded by observation posts and fitted with searchlights. Further searchlights are on the southern quay pier in harbor basin No III and near the watchtower in the vicinity of the French Quay (75). 7. Connection with the Interior of the 0caullsy: Odom a. Railroad The railroad connection system in the harbor area is very efficient and has been perfectly. reconditioned. Railroad connections exist with Danzig, Stettin, Putzig and Hela. In addition there is a special railroad line to Upper Silesia via Derend-Dromberg-Hohensalza-Konine Kattowitz without touching Danzig. b, Inland waterways. Non-existest. c. Roads. No information is available on the condition of the roads leading into the interior of Poland. d. Air traffic. Only moderate flying activity was observed over the harbor of Gdynia. 8. Turnover Business . ? _ . . ..,_ a, Turnovers After overcoming the effect of war d-mage, Gdynia has developed a remarkable activity as a commercial port. Main export goods are coal, lumber, oil, fish meal, sugar, aluminum cables, sheet iron and iron tubes,17117-ilixed cargo. Import goods are cotton, jute, peanuts, coconuts, soy beans, ores, scrapoitrate, wool, hides, hemp seed, maize, wheat, tungsten, molybdenum and pyrites. b. Statietios. In 1935 the total turnover listed amounted to 9,174,000 tons in 1946 it began with 5,797,000 tons, and in 1948 had reached 6,059,000 tons. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/07/01 : CIA-RDP83-00418R000700150005-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/07/01 : CIA-RDP83-00418R000700150005-9 SECR,Jr 50X1 Since 1 January 1949 the harbors of Gdynia and Danzig have operated undO joint administration, and the 1949 turnover figure for the two perts was 12,730,000 tons. Details of recent tureover figures are unavailable. Labor ceeeitions. $inc*.tne dissolution of all private firms, in January 1951, there has atelAteonly the newly formed shipbrekers firm of "Polfracht". Ail harbor elecring business is done by the "MAK" firm (Morska Agencia Elarowania) Work is done around tne clock, also on Sundays. As a rule, three men per hatch are detailed for the trimming and discharging operatious. The longshoremen are between 30 and 50 years old, and women also were reported. On the whole, the longshoremen are dissatisfied, underfed and complain about low wages and the high cost of living in the Polish Republic. The longshoremen are exchunged between Gdynia and Danzig and prolagandiets try to hire longshoremen in Central Poland seeing to it that the persons engaged are as young and reliable as possible. 90 aalyingt!acilities. 'Oil is available in sufficient quantities four above-ground oil tanks (113)are tetween the India Quay and the America Quay. The fuel dump of the Navy, located on the England Quay (33) consists of throe 500,000-liter tanks, No 1 tank containing gas oil, No 2 a mixture of gas oil and crude oil, and No 3 mazut for the destroyer q1LISKAWICA", A fuel dump is also in Oxhoeft (142). It is used as a reserve fuel dump consisting of seven metal tanks and a wooden barrack) Each tank hew a capacity of 20,000 liters. Their pumps are housed in a brick building on he opposite side of the road. There are also three subterranean tanks for gasoline, each of 40,000 liters oapaeity, which are connected by a pipeline system with pumps, and also a storage shed with filled oil drums. b, Bunkering coal is available in milimited quantities, 0. Water can be tapped from the numerous water-supply points fitted at the various berths of the ships. d-. Electric current: Current supply for all requirements of the harbor area is assurec by a large power station (157) whose high tension lines extend into the interior of the country. Other 5.42112.5411 The following is a list of Polish abbreviations occurring in this report and their meanire: CPA - Main distributor of mineral oil products VOP - Border Nerds 5ECReT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/07/01 : CIA-RDP83-00418R000700150005-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/07/01 : bIA-RDP83-00418R000700150005-9 50X1 50X1 LIECRET PAGIND - Polish state lumber import and export company PCWM - State Center for nautical truining PDW - Organization for wreck disposal PLO folish.Ocsaa Lines - Polish Merchant Marine PRO PSM - Polish salvage company - State navigation school Comment: Gdynia is of equal importance and significance for Poland both as a commercial port and a naval base; it is also of primary importance for the Soviets because of its advanced location in the Central Baltic Sea, The Soviet Navy actually and frequently used Gdynia as a naval base for the exercises he in those waters, especially during the recent period Similar to the situation prevailing during the period of occupation by Germany, the shipyard conditions, as they appear, would be of a certain importance only as far as ship repair and maintenance work are conoerned, No new ships have so far been built in-Gdynia Available from the CIA Nap Library in a map sketch of the port of Gdynia and ?Oksywici. For a legend to the sketch see annex belay. Comments: 1, Presumably Witomino. 2, Carnot be identified? Distribution of Attachments (1 sketch, I page): CCD Copy Noat Navy: Retention tar: Army: _ Copy No, 2: CIA Map Library: Retention SECRET 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/07/01 : CIA-RDP83-00418R000700150005-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/07/01: CIA-RDP83-00418R000700150005-9 lavnd to Gdynia Harbor. 1., Quays and harbor basins: A - Harbor basin No I B - England Quay C Fishing harbor D - Silesia Quay ? - Sweden Quay F - Danish Quay G - Holland Quay ? - Belgium QUAY - France Way K - L - M - N o - P - R- - Poland. S Poland Quay Botterdam Quay India Quay Norway Way American Quay Czech CalaY Romanian WAy Yugoslavia Way Oxhoeft naval base I - Signal station 2 - Rem mole 3 - Hook-shaped mole 4 - Aaval officers 3 School 5 - 3ava1 hospital 6 - Aaval Command headquarters 7 - Three new long-stretched 3 - Repairshop 9 - Ammunition dump 10 - Wooden barracks 11 - Storage hall of 12 - Foundry 13 - Steam crane 14 - Marine railway 15 - Oxhoeft Ferry 16 - unidentified through 20 Annex barracks installation installations of the Polish Navy the Polish Navy of the Polish Navy Harbor Basin No I: 21 - Yacht harbor 22 - W0P-guard room and watchtower 23 = Customs barracks and restaurant 24 - Fishery school 25 - Barracks installations 26 - Fish halls 27 - Nei sheds 26 - Fish-meal factory 29 - unidentified through 32 SaRa 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/07/01 : CIA-RDP83-00418R0007on1 snnn_oa Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/07/01 :.CIA-RDP83-00418R000700150005-9 SECRET einem Harbor Basin No 11: 33 - Fuel tank installation of the Polish Navy 34 - Storage sheds 35 - Fish-meal factory with refrigerating plants 36 - Workshop for fishing vessels 37 - Net-mending loft 38 - Canteen 59 - Conference hall 40 - Administration building of the Polish Salvage Company 41 - Office building of the Polish Merchant Marine 42 - Workshop for fishirv; vessels 43 - Fish cannery and curing plant 44 - Boiler House 45 - Main workshop 46 - Three-storage buildings for fish meal 47 - Fuel tank installations of the CPN 48 - Custom house office building and guard room 49 - Office building of the salvage company 50 - Six modern luffing cranes 51 - Watchtower 52 - unidentified through 55 5. Harbor Basin No III; 56 - Office building of Harbor Administration 57 - Eight luffing cranes 58 - Two shipping appliances 59 - Two coal-tipping plants 60 - New office buildings 61 - Two conveyor belts 62 - Warehouses of the P.L.O. 63 - Harbor fire service 64 - Harbor-police building 65 - Harbor Guard us guard room 66 - Customs office building 67 - Office building of harbor administration 68 - Office and workshops building of the harbor administration 70 - Watchtowers 69 - Seven cranes 71 - Semarke yard (sic) 72 - unidentified 73 - Outer Harbor and Harbor Throughfare: 74 - P.L.C. office building 75 - Pilot station 76 - Harbor Masterqs office building 77 - Four cranes 78 - Watchtower 79 - Pilot boats' berths 80 - unidentified through 82 70 Harbor Basin No IV: 83 - Harbor Health office building 84 -? Office building of chief of harbor guard Br. - Five warehousee SECRET 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/07/01 : CIA-RDP83-00418R000700150005-9 , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/07/01 : .CIA-RDP83-00418R000700150005-9 SECRET .45 Annex 86 - Cold storage house 87 - Harbor ambulance building 88 - Three packing houses 89 - Oee crane 90 - 14 crane 91 - Two steep-jib cranes 92 - Storage building 93 Shipbrokers office building 94 - Customs Office building 95 - Canteen - Three cranes c7 - Two steep-jib cranes 98 - Seven-story red brick building 99 - Brick storage building . Six-story concrete building 101 - Oil Mill "Union" 102 - Grain elevator building 103 - Storage shed 104 - Grain elevator 105 - Watchtower 106 - unidentified through 109 8. Harbor basin No V: 110 - Three-large storage building (Free zone) 111 - Two storage buildings 112 - Office building of salvage company 113 - Four oil tanks with connection pipe to India Qesy 114 - Eight 5-ton luffing cranes 115 Five to seven cranes 116 Four bridge cranes 117 - Three cranes 118 - Parking lot 119 - WOP wooden barracks 120 - Storage building 121 - Large storage shed (free zone) 122 - Four cranes 123 - unidentified through 127 9, garb?r basin flu VIII: 128 - Office building of the AGED lumber firm 129 - Concrete shelter 130 - unidentified through 132 133 - Marine rail:guy for fishing vessels 134 - Drydock for fishing vessels 135 - Mooring floats for fishing vessels 136 - unidentified through i39 SECRET 50)(1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/07/01 : CIA-RDP83-00418R000700150005-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/07/01 : CIA-RDP83-00418R000700150005-9 SECRET 10n Installations outside the Harbor Area: Annex 140 - Torpedo range 141 - Oxhoeft radio station 142- Awl and oil tank depots 143 - Polish naval cadet school 144 Naval main headquarters 145 - Secret State Police 146 Hospital 147 - Main Mail Office 148 - Central office building of the Merchant idarine 149 Roman Catholic Church 150 Dispensary and office buildinj of the port medical officer 151 - Railroad Station 152 - Maritime and Commercial court 153 - Transformer Station 154 - Locomotive repair hall 155 - Workshop hall of Polish State Railroads 156 - PCWM and PSM navigation schools 157 - Power Station 3JiLL:1 %IC ,?-02-0404 756.548 551 756.01 5 m 756.573 551 756.543 55m 756.54) 55m 756.544 55m 756.546 551 756,547 55m 743_43 55m 354 3, 55m 354.32 55m 753.66 55m 753.63 55m 753.7, 55m 451, 55m 756.576 55m 761,113 55m SECRET LLr.:s 12 7/55 (9 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/07/01 : CIA-RDP83-00418R000700150005-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/07/01 : CIA-RDP83-00418R000700150005-9 SECRET Annex SECRET - - #(//// 50X1 50X1 \114S kN, t \\\\\\000* 00009. 0000 LA 00 Ss. j ? vu Tri ,.\ \) V ., \ \ / A -, - \ \ ..--- ,, \ .,i _____ _ , \,....7--7-----\. ..\\ ...../- z? _ t -----s, \ -? \ / l. - VI Nes 1 iii ? ./ / 't ILIF I ION ? 1111.111101, NMI '470 00 J ? , -- -- - -_,,c--- . _1 -- '-`--;:i_____11 .. 0 ..1.0 --,,r__ c;?, .0 r ,..c...?7 d'--_____M ) II ; ol .......?...........-..........-41.-------4 -;-----11 yqe'r_vv - - I AV- ore _ -- /1/ -I T _ 0 - r . LE m 7/ ?rlf _____Ad_cj,a_zjestristra_e_nisa 1 1--11Gr \ 11 CZ= ? _ /SU W/ k; GDYNIA 1:100cm Letrow4.127,9 11441?44. 3000 fs. 017 r LJLJLJ/J/ / / tik SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/07/01 : CIA-RDP83-00418R000700150005-9 50X1