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Declassified in Part-Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/11: CIA-RDP79R01012A026000060009-0 ks. SEP' C01117M31_414,. trOgRaiDitTi FOR MR. tRairMY SMITE I-1111TE WAS Throush: ttakerse tuady $u tt Suuda Strait 12570 %ra accordance 'with your rciueat there te attached a hackground steziorord= on the Zund,a Strait in. Ladonesta. The winorandum points out that there is uncler iatortatir4,a1 law rtaht of imocent patitSne through the Runde Strait 1=atia2 it iS a strait used for international navigation between tvo parts of the high seas. The immoral/dm a1so indicates, bouswro that Inclortosie andouhtedly vould dispute the erk.iSt.C=C of such a tit sirt�CO it aloes not consider the waters within the Indonesian orchipelakya as .serie but inotoad alai= them ea internal voters. The United Stages does not recopise Indonesia's claim. It has beea our practice in recent years to inform Indonesia O1 ;:t IZe-7 to llav7 lava of the intended plasago A. WAral veEwels threush waters claimed by todonesia. tlo have done this not in the forla of a requeot er a a required notification bit rather as cour.tesy to a friendly natton. tooloc=e: t%-momr,.71.= dzted Szptevlber4 19C14. 7.71./FE:CFSa1ansiejs 9/4/64 Doom nt D. Retrien oS this Cootanant 1:;), CIA hos determi sd that IA has no .o; .to dectass 0 I tont:this infsmIc.,'iion of CIA "it3ru,t .that most rsinaht �c �zsifi,-xt at IS S C Authority: RR 1a-2 0 It contains nothing of CIA interest mut. 6� c( � ilq(bn4� LrmjaminZ.=7,;Ind Ecutivo $aorotally S --RC) - A true ppta, ;ijg,rie4. origina - Mr. Kearney (draft) Nr. Bundy (draft) rE/RA - Capt. Miller (draft) INR/RES/GE - Dr. 'dodgem (draft) L. Fr hat (draft) � . � Declassified in in Part-Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/11: CIA-RDP79R01012A026000060009-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/11: CIA-RDP79R01012A026000060009-0 T. - COMIDERrIAL $etetbr 44 4 The Sunda Strait Separates Java from Sumatra end connects the Java Sea with tho Wiau Ocean. At its narroweat point, the Strait Ls apprmlimately 13.6 nautical miles wide. There are a nuaer of small islands scattered throuelout the Strait. Civen 4 three-mile territorial sea for each of these iplanda and for Java and Ematrat the waters of the Strait are ell In4ones1en territorial waters at tho narrowest point. Straits Under Interna.ional Lao Intcrsational law tesozniaes a tight of innocent Eiasasse for unrships and merchant/atm throutth StrAit$ which -are used for inter,- national traffic between two parts of the high sees. This Ls ao even if the strait is wholly within the territorial waters of a sing/o atate. This rule vas recently codified inArticlo 16(4) of the Conova Convention:PA the Territorial Sea nO the Centiguous Zomet "Thereshall he no Pus:pension �of the innocent passage of foreign ships throuwh straits uhi Ch are used for international mviGatLan between one part of the high seas e,rd another part of the hizh seas or the territorial soo of a foreign Rata." The cep:vent:ten defines par.mEe fin "irtrocene '4-so long as it it not pre:p,:i4c1�7.1 to thopsnoo, t.,004 ord= or security of the coastal State." Thc Unl:zt-741 Ztal.ez, Untted lUnZara a2d the -.10,d_ot umix.410 fzoong ettaT,5, gc.rtiell to th-',1 r4,4VCrzt4Q-42 T5lich enters into force Se-ptcr 102 UL4, :11* sigr.e43 this Convention. tirn tzar;p=t 14.77,cationni lavgate apsrt fram tbe Cenvontiot. Vor example, iu 1949 the Internationel, Court of Justice, .,11-4;.car,n bet=er, the United gintdom oxid Alhevia involvitg 0.1e- C7..%rt:,4 ar:17,-11, hrve a rik,At in pcaeotive to send C:nir t470.2D thvp1;:t fog ir.termatiorai na-ciaatipa of tk.1.1 4Icza wiasut the pre:07.m= vajlprisation ofC;-,6-; wza.,;.;f4 274-.7ided p=z.:Izo is irxecent. 57,1 court held that willozlz 1:,t1so r,rocazi-t7d au international, cooventton, there is no ie3.7 a oaasta $ to prohrrIt zaLch pasnaGo. Indonesia has dram etmight 'easciines around the e.- �:,'.1rtdonekqina archipelago con=ting the outormost poi;cts on the low Almter mar% of the outer laallcla of the zrehipplezo. Under this , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/11: CIA-RDP79R01012A026000060009-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/11 CIA-RDP79R61012A026006060009-0 COVIDIATIAL � so-calle4 "archipelago theory",_ it considers. an "internal 'uatere all voters lying within those ;eSelices. There is TiO TiEht r pasaw,: by formiga VerimIs through Interna1. waters or 'throug,h strait leading to internal =ern under iaternetioaal Imv.taaesiA aiatula tuelve-mi/e territorial sea eztending souctrd from the line tillch it has &awn around the archlpelago. The United Staten &en tot recognise Indonesia' a archipelago thoory and therefore 4does not consider the vaters ulthia tho Iadoezaian archipe/ago aa internal waters., /noteed our position la that each of Indenasial a 'constituent islands has a three-mile territorial Ica ae41, that all oamr 4ntfor4s1and waters in the archipelaco ere part of the hi-apt seas. Thorn Is little support in international law land practice for tho archipelas,o theory. (Indonosie, the Philippines and E 4adar have rade .0.airas based on the arthipelne theory.) Whea the Netherlands had -Sovereignty over Indonesia, the Dutch clawed enly athree-L.411e territorial sea around each of the islands it the aroUpcle,sol the reoeindor of the varera being tonclAisred hit;h sea*. Unler Dutch 1410 end resulation, therefote, the ftada St=it uould have '6aca tra-d 44 a strait: evallectia3 two parts of the high eas threusr.h uhich the. ti r4ht of iwaecent pac-14,ase, � '71\-tIVi2 711.77e:�7"t"'';?1. ST1tVit Dcp,artmato an evoratTA of t7W) or three Urell,;(:4 :tfVzo:-;Ir a year tlizeo 1963 hs-ia transited the ""z f.oa t* AsP..r431.1.a. The Uavy C.cter2Int. ;:af.7. i'gsg.15-oZ thesa paipa c cctually vancnd etrouzh the Itut42 ll of those Inatt'aaes, the T.Taarr thi'vw,14,;=1:4 Djekarta, ireomed the Indo- Taor-dxn reray -41,1t v:.712Id tsim place. This vas eona not es a r.pifica,;:lon, or e requst, but -aa a courtesy Z:UZS VS.;:i4n1.1:5e* -Zzi.czkaly zun.tozt, Vr.:th th;,1 pessa-50 of the Coseord Voscdcon thmK--:,1 E.7.11.acea ,51=alt, AnLasador Jeves iaermed President P7,34744tms. c t such IT;wzAraro Yalsr--cc, Strait s':::ould1.-:e 6istl.acaished 44-.cri the Sunda Str,,t in recozam,7:a Z4lacc4 ea c,,� inzernstional arzit threurA t4lich there is e xlzht of inne=it pileaase. J�.� � � +..,--���-�.� . I , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/11: CIA-RDP79R01012A026000060009-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/11: CIA-RDP79R01012A026000060009-0 , co-0==AL 'United lanzdem. ITavy informs the Indonesian Governzont of warship paseage through the Ssmia Strait. apectivo With reapcot to merchantmen, the "Sailira Direct/one� for the Sunda Strait publiabed by the Unite4 Stateo Vaval OesnaaraPhle Office state onlr that vTeaceful navigation in the Indonesian territorial asa an4 internal water ie open to foreir,in water tarns vehiclea, $4bjeet; to goverment revlation." The Vavy estimates that an average of 10 to 20 merchant c'hipa it day traasit the Zunda Strait of which a =clearable muller p'xobably are British flag vessels. Ula are mot amire of any Indonesian interference vitt) the passago of ouch zerchantmen. lialjMe7i-311=deja � I 50X6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/04/11: CIA-RDP79R01012A026000060009-0